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Control: Power Series #3

Page 14

by Victoria Woods

  I pressed kisses to the center of her back, tasting her sweat. Guiding her hands over her head and placing them on the glass, I growled, “Keep these here and don’t move them, or else.”

  “Or else what?” She turned her head to the side to look for me, testing my patience.

  “Or else I’ll slap this pretty ass of yours,” I said, popping the flesh with a quick smack to give her a preview of what would come. She squealed with excitement.

  I quickly freed my throbbing member from the constraints of my pants and boxers, leaving it all bunched up at my ankles. Ripping my shirt off over my head, I gifted myself the feeling of her skin against mine.

  I stroked my shaft as I took in the sexy figure in front of me. Seeing her at all angles was the most erotic thing I had ever been privileged to witness. “Do you know how gorgeous you are?”

  “As beautiful as you?” I caught her eyeing the sharp V that led to my cock as she licked her lips.

  I needed in, now. I pulled on her hips to angle her ass out some more. The way she was against the mirror made her tits press against the glass, and her head turned to the side so she could no longer see me. I moved behind her, shoving her thong down. My hands positioned her ass, so it was rubbing against me, making her rise on her toes to reach the right height.

  Smooth ass cheeks cradled my dripping length. She moved against me, allowing me to hump her from behind. God, this woman was driving me crazy.

  One hand moved around her front, grazing the sprinkling of dark blonde hair on the way down. My other hand pumped my dick, prepping him for what he had been craving after far too long. “Keep your ass sticking out so I can feed your pussy, baby.”

  “Wait…condom,” she managed.

  “No. I’m fucking clean. No condoms, ever,” I grated out.

  “I know, but…I can’t...if there…are others,” she panted as my fingers worked the quick circles on her clit that I knew she loved, especially since her hips were rocking with pleasure.

  “No. One. Else,” I grunted out. She gasped as I slipped a finger inside, testing her readiness for me. Soaking wet.

  “Fuck me, then. Fuck me now, Jai!” she cried.

  My hand guided my rigidity into her, stuffing myself into her sex. She felt even tighter than the first time I had her, most likely from the angle. The warmth and slickness were unlike anything I had ever experienced. There was no way I was going to be able to cover this up ever again. She’d ruined that for me for the rest of my life.

  She screamed as I pushed in all the way to the hilt. I wouldn’t last long if she kept responding this way.

  I moved in and out of her, feeling her walls relax with each stroke. Picking up my pace, I pounded into her canal as I continued my assault on her clit. Her hips moved in tandem as my own hips ground into her, meeting each other halfway.

  “I’m there, baby girl. I need you there, too. Are you with me?”

  “Oui, mon cher.” Yes, my dear.

  My dick threatened to burst. It was the first time she had ever used a term of endearment with me. She moved her head to face forward, studying my expression in the mirror as if sensing the storm of emotions take hold of me and waiting for me to speak my approval. Instead, I moved. I pounded her stronger and faster, her ass slapping against me. The echo of our sounds surrounded us like a cocoon where it was just her and me, in this moment.

  She screamed her release as her pussy gripped me. I couldn’t hold on any longer. I let myself go, spiraling out of control as I let her intoxicate me yet again. I filled her with my cum before collapsing against her slick back, my senses slowly returning to baseline.

  Kissing her shoulder, I pulled myself out of her and stepped back with my pants still bunched around my ankles to admire my work. Seeing her spent and pressed against the mirror with her ass out and cum seeping out was an image I wanted engrained into my brain. “Fucking beautiful,” I growled.

  She craned her neck back to look at me, an exhausted smile on her lips.

  I reached for the towel she had used earlier and cleaned us up before throwing it away in the trash bin and pulling up my pants.

  Guiding her to me, I held her body against mine, feeling her heartbeat against my chest. “Do you want to come home with me tonight?”

  She nodded against me and I thanked God for her answer.

  Chapter XVII


  “Target is nearing the zone. I repeat. Target is nearing the zone,” Dimitri’s voice broke through the static on Zayn’s laptop speakers. As a reinforcement we recently hired for the mission, he came highly recommended by my allies. His father was KGB, but he had somehow evaded recruitment and found work independently, on his own terms. A “freelance hitman,” if you will, pledging no allegiance to any one organization in particular. He could easily betray me and snitch my plans to the Bratva and the whole operation would be ruined. But I knew he wouldn’t. He gained nothing from ratting me out. If anything, it would harm his reputation as one of the world’s most lethal snipers.

  “Copy,” Zayn confirmed into his mouthpiece.

  My home office had turned into operation headquarters, laptops strewn about my desk with cords haphazardly connected to various satellite devices, files overflowing with documents, and multiple empty glasses of the scotch I had been drinking since six o’clock this morning.

  Mikhail had finally contacted our team before the sun rose. He had been missing since the attempt on my life. According to him, Leonid had been less forthcoming with his plans than usual, causing Mikhail to suspect that he knew of his involvement with me. He thought it best to not reach out, to redirect any of his boss’s suspicions—until this morning.

  Fortunately, I had been alone at the time because Claire had stayed home to develop new lesson plans for the next few weeks. We had been spending nearly every night fused together in a cloud of lust and need. She had even begun bringing clothes to my place to change into in the morning before heading to class. The routine was something that made my chest tight when I daydreamed about it in her absence.

  Thank God she wasn’t here for the shit that was about to go down, though. I’d have had a hell of a time trying to explain it all to her before jumping out of bed to strategize my attack.

  I got the call from Zayn relaying Mikhail’s knowledge that Leonid had stores of weapons and money unknown to his Bratva members in warehouses all over Lebanon.

  I had originally suspected that his reason for waiting years to enact his revenge for the deal his father made with us was that he was building up his supply of arms, but I hadn’t been able to find any evidence of it. I had hacked into satellite systems in Asia and Europe to search for any evidence of stores and infiltrated all underground banking systems in the region to search for any questionable accounts but had come up with nothing.

  I hadn’t thought to check the Middle East. The Bratva didn’t have ties there. Well, I guess not until now. And technically, it wasn’t the Bratva—just Leonid.

  I quickly contacted my accountant, Connor, asking him to consult with his connections in Lebanon to verify the information. Fifteen false accounts with the Bank of Lebanon! All containing ridiculous sums of money. The leaders of the underworld bartered with large playing chips, but the amount that Leonid had managed to “save” was astonishing.

  Zayn performed a thorough sweep of the country and found warehouses of artillery and bombs, some prepared to be smuggled into Russia. Leonid must have been building this collection for the past five years, at least, for it to be so vast. He had most likely made deals with other countries in exchange for his number one export, humans. Trafficking would get you far in our world, but it would never be an option for me. I might have been a bad man but selling women and children for gain wasn’t my thing. It was low and the cowardly way to make money…preying on innocent lives. But not too low for Leonid. The bastard wasn’t a man. He didn’t
deserve to be a part of the underworld network. His time was fucking up.

  “Hold until close range.” I wanted a sure shot. Zayn relayed the message to Dimitri, who confirmed reception.

  I sat glued to my monitor, staring at the colorless satellite image that streamed in live time as we waited for Leonid to move within range. I rubbed my sweaty palms against the denim that covered my thighs.

  Leonid’s short figure appeared in the camera. His face wasn’t in frame since it was an overhead shot, but it was surely him with the familiar short, buzzed haircut and stocky body. I no longer had access to the tracking software that Amelia had developed to locate Tarun years ago because it was privately owned by Sethi Tech. Amelia was clear that she wanted it used for good instead of my business, and I had no choice but to respect her wishes, even though it would have been helpful at a time like this. I had to do this the old-fashioned way this time.

  Next to him was his cousin, Igor. The idiot looked around before lifting his head for a quick moment. That gave me all the verification that I needed to know it was him. Igor was always right by his Pakhan’s side, doting on him like some sort of lowly servant, rather than as his Bratva brother.

  The abandoned building that they were approaching was probably a receiving station for his arms from Lebanon. I wasn’t sure if there were more Bratva men inside handling the shipments since Mikhail seemed to think that none of the other Brothers knew about Leonid’s hoarding. If they ever found out about his little scheme to keep money from the rest of them, they would have his head.

  “Target in range. I repeat. Target in range,” Dimitri’s steady voice crackled through the line. He had done this many of times before, so he had enough practice keeping his nerves in check. I, however, was ready to crack. My heart stopped as I watched Leonid moved within the red circle on the monitor. I waited to execute my command. I wanted him dead center in that target.

  Zayn covered his mouthpiece to keep from distracting Dimitri on the other end. “Jai? What are you waiting for? Give the order!”

  I raised my hand to quiet him. “I want him dead center.”

  “He’ll leave if you wait any longer. Do it now!” The panic in his voice unnerved me because it was exactly how I felt inside.

  The back of my neck was coated in sweat, causing the collar of my shirt to rub uncomfortably against my skin. I pulled on the fabric to ease the feeling of claustrophobia I felt.

  “Now is the time, boys,” Dimitri said impatiently.

  Staring at my screen, I prayed that he moved more to the right so the shot would be dead on. I had faith in Dimitri’s skills, but this was on my order. I needed this asshole dead, and I would be the one calling the shot.

  I gripped the edge of my desk as he halted off-center of the target. Was he going to leave? This couldn’t be happening!

  Zayn gasped quietly, his thoughts most likely mirroring mine. I’d have to explain to my brother across from me how I had managed to fuck this up in a minute. My gut churned, causing bile to rise up my throat.

  Suddenly, by the grace of God, the Devil, or whatever forces were watching over me right now, Leonid moved to the right and was perfectly centered. My heart lurched in my chest.

  “NOW!” I shouted to Zayn.

  “Fire. I repeat. Fire!” he ordered clearly into his mouthpiece.

  The figure dropped to the ground immediately. Dimitri’s shot was precise and killed Leonid on contact.

  I stood up in my seat, watching as Igor ran into the warehouse, probably to get help. Leonid’s body lay lifeless on the ground, dark gray liquid streaming out of his chest on the monitor.

  “Fuck,” Zayn whispered.

  I banged my hands on my desk. “We did it!”

  Exhaling the breath that I had been holding in for what felt like hours, I felt my shoulders relax. The burden I had borne was over.

  “Jesus.” Zayn’s lips formed a smile. He was in disbelief, just like I was.

  I collapsed into my chair, letting relief take hold of my body.

  My laptop binged with an email. All the calm I felt once again disappeared and my body stiffened. I read the single-lined message as dread crept over my skin.

  Nice try, motherfucker. –L

  Chapter XVIII


  I entered the security code to the penthouse and let myself in. All the lights were off, except for the one hanging over the entryway. Jai must have dismissed his staff for the evening, especially since it was late.

  I had gotten to know most of his staff since I had been spending more time here. The maids welcomed me warmly whenever I arrived and the chef always made sure to prod me for any special requests for dinner—though I barely had any time to eat when I came over, since most of my time was spent in bed, legs wrapped around their boss.

  No one seemed to judge me for coming in the evening and leaving early in the morning, though it could seem scandalous to some. The only person who would raise her eyebrow at me was his catty maid, though I hadn’t seen her at all lately. I made a mental note to pursue my curiosity about her whereabouts later. Maybe I’d casually ask another maid when I got the chance.

  “Jai?” I called out. I shuffled through the empty main areas, feeling my way to the second-floor hallway that led to his room. His place was always in pristine condition, with nothing ever out of place, but I was still paranoid I’d stub my toe on the corner of a piece of furniture since I still hadn’t committed every detail of this new environment to memory.

  “Jai?” I called out again as I neared his bedroom door. The lack of response was unusual. He had always dropped whatever he was doing to greet me before.

  I checked the time on my phone. It was nearly nine o’clock. Late. Yet not so late that he would be asleep already. And he was expecting me.

  I couldn’t make it yesterday. My lesson plans were suffering since I had been distracted lately, so I’d needed some time to myself to prepare my next few classes. He had texted me last night, though, making me promise that I would come tonight.

  I took longer than expected getting over here. I had stopped home to shower and grab some clothes for the morning. Jai now provided me with a driver so I didn’t have to take the subway in the evenings. He was beyond paranoid about my safety, especially at my building. To avoid fighting with him every day, I had caved and started using the car he sent.

  Overprotective son of a…Although, now that I thought of it, he hadn’t reached out to me all day. I would normally have received four texts and a phone call by now, but I had no notifications. Panic set in. Is he okay?

  I ran into his bedroom, only to find his bed fully made and unwrinkled, as if the maid had just changed the linens.

  “Jai! Where are you?” I cried. My footsteps sounded like a scuffle of chaos as I tried every door in the hall. Every room turned up empty.

  I bolted down the stairs to the main floor of the penthouse, where his office was. The door was open, and I could see a light on inside, but no sound came from within.

  I inched slowly toward the doorframe, bracing myself for what I might find. What if someone had intruded into his place? He was probably a target for burglars, judging from his collection of high-quality possessions. What if they were holding him hostage inside the office? Or worse. I had lost my mother to a home robbery, and I couldn’t take losing the man that I cared about to the same fate.

  Filling my lungs quickly with one last inhale, I held my breath and entered.

  Relief flooded my veins and stale air rushed out of my nose. “Jai. What are you doing hiding in here?”

  He sat back on the sofa, one hand around a half-filled tumbler that rested on his thigh and the other pulling the cigar in his mouth away. Rings of smoke left his lips as he tilted his head back, eyes never leaving me.

  “I was worried about you. Didn’t you hear me calling out for you?” I took a st
ep closer to him, but something kept me from going to him and crawling into his lap like my heart desired.

  He continued puffing on his cigar, ignoring my questions.

  Successfully irritated, I dropped my bag to the floor with a thud and anchored my hands on my hips, waiting for his response. “Are you even listening to me?”

  His eyes showed a new side of him I had never seen before. The Jai I had fallen for was warm with a side of playful cockiness. I didn’t know this Jai—the one whose gaze was sharp like a spear.

  Menacing. That was the best way to describe what I saw before me.

  “Strip.” He had issued that order to me many times in the past, but tonight his tone was harsh, all smoothness removed.

  “Mon cher, you’re scaring me. What happened?” I pled.

  He leaned forward and put out his cigar in the ashtray on the table in front of him. Bringing his glass up to his lips, he took a long sip. I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed the amber liquid down like it was water. Depositing his now empty glass next to the ashtray, he redirected his attention to me. “You don’t take orders easily, do you?”

  I stared at him, completely baffled by his behavior. Why was he doing this? He never treated me like I was beneath him, like some random woman he was using for sex. I imagined he had treated strippers better than he was treating me right now.

  “I said, STRIP!” he barked so loudly that I stumbled back a few steps to distance myself from him.

  “Don’t talk to me that way,” I shouted back. His past whores might have considered this to be “dirty talk,” but I wasn’t going to let him get away with that shit with me.

  Something sinister gleamed in his eyes as he cocked his head to the side, studying me.

  Before I could register what was happening, he charged me. Rough hands grabbed my arms, pulling me into him. His mouth moved in to force itself on my lips.

  I pulled my neck back to avoid his assault. “Get off of me, asshole.” I pushed against him, trying desperately to get him to loosen his grip, not caring if I reinjured his ribs again.


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