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Second Chance

Page 14

by Sydney Canyon


  Darien wrapped her arms around Courtney, lifting her off the ground in a tight embrace that felt better than the uniform ever had. She was reluctant to let her go, but she set Courtney back on her feet anyway.

  “I didn’t know how to tell you,” Courtney said softly. “I kept thinking about you and how much I wanted you here. Then, I looked up and there you were, just the way Beverly would’ve wanted to see you. She admired and honored you so much. You were a hero to her.”

  “She had no idea, but she was my hero. It’s because of her that I had the mental strength and courage to go back to being a Marine. She helped me see past the PTSD and the war, to the loyalty, honor, respect, and brotherhood that were the reasons I became a Marine in the first place.”

  Courtney stepped back, looking her up and down as she shook her head.

  “What?” Darien asked.

  “You look so different.” She smiled. “This definitely looks better on you than jeans and work boots, although that looked pretty good too!”

  Darien laughed.

  “So, it’s official then, you’re back in the service?” Courtney said as she watched the people starting to make their way up to the house.

  “I’ve signed all of the papers, the only thing left is to be sworn in.”

  “When is that?”

  Darien smiled. “Right now.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “It’s okay. They moved it to Monday so that I could be here.”

  “Are you able to stay for a day or two?”

  “No. My parents are flying in tomorrow, so I need to catch a return flight this afternoon.”

  Courtney nodded, lacing their fingers together as they walked along the property.

  “What are you going to do now? With the farm, I mean,” Darien questioned.

  Courtney sighed. “I don’t know. All of this,” she waved her arms out. “Belongs to Jason now. I own Janice’s portion, but he has the majority because I’m sure Beverly left him her portion.”

  Darien stopped walking and pulled Courtney into her arms.

  “Come home with me,” she said without thinking, which was something she never did.


  “I’m serious. Janice and Beverly are gone. There’s nothing holding you here anymore. You said it yourself—this farm is Jason’s. Live the next act of your life with me, in California.”

  Courtney shook her head. “I’d still be alone. You deploy all over the world, and no matter what the government says, we’re still at war. I couldn’t bare losing you, too.”

  “You won’t lose me.” Darien sighed. “I can’t get deployed. I’m not part of infantry anymore because of my vision. I’m going to be a combat instructor at the School of Infantry on the same base where I was stationed.”

  Courtney blew out a heavy breath.

  “I promise not to leave you,” Darien murmured as she bent her head, kissing her softly.

  Courtney closed her eyes and leaned into her, deepening the kiss, before pulling away.

  She shook her head. “You can’t promise me that. Everything I love leaves me,” she cried. Wiping the tears from her face, she continued, “It’s better for me to say goodbye now, than to start a life with you. I’m sorry.”

  “Then, I won’t go back. I’ll stay here with you. I did the farm thing once. I can do it again. Hell, we could get our own farm, if that’s what you want,” Darien had no idea what she was saying. All she knew was she was madly in love for the first time in her life and it hurt too much to be away from Courtney.

  “You’d do that? For me?”

  “I’d do anything for you,” Darien relied.

  “Look at you. You’re not a farmer.” Courtney smiled. “You’re a Staff Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. That’s not only what you are, it’s who you are.”

  Darien nodded, knowing she was right.

  “You know, not long before she passed, Beverly told me to live my life. I’m not exactly sure what that is anymore, but you…you know exactly what your life is, Darien. Go live it. This is your second chance.”

  Darien hugged her and kissed her lips softly. “It’s your second chance too,” she said softly, looking into her eyes one last time before walking away.

  Courtney knew she was right. That’s what Beverly had meant all along, but she was scared to start over. She went back to the house and up to her room, where she ignored the funeral guests and cried herself to sleep.


  Darien stood at attention in front of Capt. Yarborough, her parents, Val, and a few other Marines, whom she’d chosen to witness her being sworn in. She raised her right hand and began the oath.

  “I, Darien Kathryn Hollister, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

  “Welcome back to the Marines, Staff Sergeant Hollister,” he said proudly as he saluted her.

  Darien returned the salute, then smiled and turned to her family with tears in her eyes. She cocked her head to the side when she noticed someone standing in the back of the room behind her parents.

  She heard a loud “Ohh rah!” from a couple of men whom she served in the war with and had asked to be witnesses. She turned and smiled at them as they picked her up onto their shoulders in celebration of her reenlistment.

  “Okay, okay. Put me down,” she laughed.

  Capt. Yarborough shook his head and smiled. “Go be with your family,” he said. “Report to your knew MOS at 0800 tomorrow.”

  “Yes, sir,” she popped to attention with the other enlisted Marines in the room as he walked out.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Val squealed, hugging her.

  Darien moved from her cousin to her parents and that’s when she saw Courtney standing a few feet away, smiling brightly at her.

  “Oh, my God! What are you doing here?” Darien ran over, picking her up off the ground in a loving embrace that caused the room to go silent. She quickly set her down and grinned sheepishly.

  “I let you walk away from me twice, Darien Hollister, and I’m never doing that again.” Courtney put her hand on Darien’s cheek. “I love you and can’t imagine my life without you in it.” She smiled. “I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that you and Beverly were both right. That farm isn’t my life anymore, you are.”

  Darien shook her head and smiled. “I love you too—more than I’ve ever thought I could love someone,” she replied, kissing her softly.

  The other Marines hooted and hollered, causing them to both laugh.

  “Mom, Dad, and Val, this is the love of my life, Courtney Hoffman,” Darien said, stepping back to let them all get acquainted.

  As Darien stood there in her dress blue uniform with her fellow Marines, she felt whole again. But, looking at her family that now included Courtney, she felt complete. She squeezed her eyes closed, remembering for a brief second what the darkness had felt like, before opening her eyes and silently thanking the powers-that-be for her second chance.

  About the Author

  Sydney enjoys reading everything from magazines to historical books and boasts about her massive collection of paperbacks and hardbacks in her personal library. She's also a huge fan of multiple TV shows, which she says take up too much of her time. She enjoys writing novellas and is the author of the bestselling novellas: One Night and Shadow's Eyes. Second Chance is her first full length novel.

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