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Crash and Burn (Cyborg Sizzle #3)

Page 18

by Cynthia Sax

  “That is something, I guess.” She rubbed his arms.

  Yes, that was something.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Four planet rotations later, Safyre watched her cyborg pace back and forth in their sleeping chambers. It wasn’t exclusively their chambers. Space was limited on board the freighter. When they didn’t occupy the chambers, some of the Tau Ceti children made it their temporary home.

  A doll, crafted from scrap material and one of the J model warrior’s restraints, was set on a horizontal support. The children’s drawings covered the walls, adding color to the predominately gray palette.

  As she added color to Crash’s monochrome world.

  “You have to tell Rage,” she advised. “Before someone else does.”

  He stopped and gazed at her, torment in his beautiful black eyes. “This news is better conveyed face-to-face.”

  Perhaps. But it was safer conveyed at a distance. Crash had told her stories about his temperamental friend. “Conveying the news face-to-face isn’t possible.” They remained far from the battle station Rage called home. “Hail him.”

  Crash sat on the sleeping support beside her. They faced the viewscreen hanging on the wall. “Ship, hail Rage on the Freedom.”

  “Hailing Rage on the Freedom,” the ship’s system repeated.

  A brown-haired human female appeared on the viewscreen. She wasn’t conventionally pretty, her form sturdy and her features strong, but she had an appealing serenity, a softness, a sensuality to her.

  “Crash.” She smiled, her eyes shining with emotion. “We’ve missed you.”

  This female loved Crash. It was written all over her face and dripped from every word. Jealousy balled in Safyre’s gut.

  It was a foolish response. The being on the viewscreen must be Joan, his friend’s female. But Safyre’s emotions were admittedly not always rational.

  She clutched Crash’s arm, conveying her claim on him.

  The female’s gaze dropped and her smile widened. “I know why you’re contacting us. Rage, sir, Crash wishes to speak with us.”

  “Crash always wishes to speak with us. The cyborg chatters without ceasing.” A massive cyborg with primitive features, energy-infused blue eyes, and scary-looking scars, claimed the space beside the female.

  He carried an adorable cyborg child under one of his large arms. The boy’s eyes were the same startling blue as his father’s but his chubby cheeks hadn’t a single blemish, his skin the palest gray. He also had no model number tattooed below his right eye.

  He had been born free. The child babbled, his vocabulary already extensive, his smile infectious. He hadn’t been taught to conceal his emotions.

  Rage bounced the boy on his lap, handling him with the sureness of an experienced dad. This, Safyre understood from Crash, was their second child.

  “Fraggin’ hole.” Rage narrowed his eyes at them. “You’ve found your female.” The gruffness in his voice belied his harsh words. The cyborg was happy for Crash. “There will be no stopping Gap now. He’ll drag us all over the universe, tracking down females from the birthing class.”

  Oh fuck. Safyre clasped Crash’s hand.

  “No, he won’t.” Her cyborg lifted his chin. “He won’t be dragging us anywhere.”

  Rage froze in place.

  “Let me take our offspring, sir.” Joan didn’t wait for his agreement. She lifted the squirming child off his lap and cuddled him close to her chest.

  Crash swallowed hard. “Gap didn’t make it.”

  “What?” the big cyborg bellowed and Safyre winced, her ears aching. Joan moved out of the view, carrying the child.

  Crash tensed even more. “The Humanoid Alliance used Erinomean Green Fire in the tunnels. He--”

  “He didn’t die.” Rage’s fingers folded into fists. One swing of his arms and he’d kill a human. Safyre felt genuine concern for her cyborg, the bearer of the bad news. “He was a kid. Tell me he didn’t fraggin’ die.”

  Crash met his friend’s gaze directly, her warrior not shirking from battle. “He’s dead, Rage.”

  The big cyborg fell to his knees, tilted his head back and roared.

  Joan returned, child-less. She hesitated for a moment, gazing at him. Rage pounded the floor with his fists, his grief noisy and raw and gut wrenching to watch. She kneeled beside him, the picture of submission, acceptance, love.

  Safyre’s eyes burned with tears.

  She had her own cyborg to comfort. Crash shook against her. She drew him into her body, pushing his face against her breasts. Her warrior clung to her, tremors rocking his big form.

  Joan met her gaze, mouthed the word, ‘later’ and ended the transmission.

  “Rage has Joan, their offspring, you.” Safyre petted Crash’s soft black hair, holding him. “He’ll be okay.”

  Crash said nothing.

  He needed her and she needed him. They were no longer alone. They had each other. “You’ll be okay too. No matter what happens, you will always have me.”

  “I know how he thinks, my female.” Crash’s voice was muffled by her chest. “Rage is questioning why I allowed Gap to go into the tunnels. Tunnels have only two exits. He’s told us that numerous times.”

  “He doesn’t know the entire situation.” She tilted her head, thinking about that truth. “Send him the footage you shared with me. All of it.” Rage needed to know that Nymphia was Gap’s female, that she had been in danger.

  Crash lifted his head, his black eyes reflecting his torment.

  Safyre’s heart ached for him. “He should know everything.”

  “He should.” He moved to the viewscreen, placed his palms on it. “Rage can review the footage and make a judgment. I’ll accept whatever he decides.”

  Her cyborg’s tone told her he expected that judgment to be harsh. “I’ll accept it if he sees reason.” She frowned. “If he doesn’t, we’ll exchange some heated words.”

  Crash turned and gazed at her. “Rage isn’t a being you should confront.”

  “I’m not a being he should confront.” Safyre crossed her arms under her breasts. “I was willing to die for my friend. You’re my male.” He was the other half of her. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  Some of the sadness in his expression dissipated. He returned to the sleeping support and lowered his body, lying on his back. “Come here, my reckless female.” He pulled her to him.

  She stroked his flight suit-covered abdomen, relishing how his muscles rippled under her palm, and they waited, connected yet lost in their own thoughts.

  Safyre didn’t care about Rage’s verdict for her own sake. Their ship was docked in the freighter. She was content to fly away with Crash and never return.

  But he needed the friendship of his cyborg brethren. They were his family. It would hurt him to sever that link.

  She’d fight for his place in their group, wouldn’t allow his friend to expel him in a temporary fit of grief. Her fingers splayed over his stomach. She’d protect him.

  Safyre closed her eyes.

  She must have fallen asleep because one moment, she was lying flat and the next moment, she was sitting, Crash’s arms wrapped around her.

  Rage was seated also, his fists clenched. Joan kneeled by his side, looking intriguingly disheveled, her lips glistening with a substance Safyre would rather not identify.

  Rage didn’t appear calm but he wasn’t as hostile as he previously was. “Tunnels are death traps.”

  “I know.” Crash nodded. He’d predicted his friend would say that.

  The two males stared at each other through the viewscreens. Although the C Model’s gaze was intimidating, Crash didn’t back down. He held his own.

  “I would have done the same,” Rage muttered.

  Crash’s eyebrows lowered. “You would have rushed into the tunnels to save Nymphia?”

  “I would have done that also.” Rage’s blue eyes flashed. “She was his female. Gap had to protect her.” He shook his head. “Your proces
sors must have been functioning this time. You didn’t stun him like you stunned me.”

  Crash stunned the big cyborg in the past? Safyre stared at her male, impressed as all fuck.

  “I thought he was in no danger.” Crash’s lips twisted.

  “We’re cyborgs. We’re always in danger.” Rage’s gaze slid to Safyre. “Humans are cruel, illogical beings.”

  What the fuck was he talking about? She glared at him. His female was human.

  Crash must have sensed her rising temper. He tightened his hold on her. “Not all humans are that way. Our females are exceptions.”

  “Those exceptions are few.”

  An awkward silence stretched. Joan nudged Rage.

  The cyborg glanced at his female and his gaze softened. Safyre envied the love they had, the emotion evident in their interaction, their touches.

  Rage’s gaze returned to Crash “Your fighting skills have improved.”

  “You would have cleared the entrance quicker,” her warrior countered.

  “It would have made no difference.” Rage shrugged. “His female was scared. Gap thought there was no danger. He wouldn’t have forced her to leave the tunnel. And he wouldn’t have accepted your help. He would have wanted to impress his female, rescuing her himself.”

  “He always wanted to impress others.” Emotion choked Crash’s voice.

  Rage grunted.

  Safyre rubbed Crash’s arms. Joan gazed up at Rage, the two of them communicating without words. Is that what Crash wanted—a female kneeling before him, submissive and soft?

  She wasn’t that female.

  Rage shifted. “Are we done chattering?”

  Chattering? Safyre wrinkled her nose.

  “Yes.” Crash sighed. “I’ll end the transmission. You won’t be bothered with my chattering again.”

  Rage snorted. “I’ll be bothered with your chattering for the rest of my lifespan, my friend.”

  “My friend,” Crash repeated.

  “My female will wish to speak to your female,” the cyborg continued. “My eldest offspring, Choice, has been bothering me about some system foolishness. Vector fills my transmission lines with cyborg liberation plans, plans he should be transmitting to you. Vapor, that blasted K model cyborg, is asking me about orphaned offspring. I can’t process why. All this chattering makes me want to kill some being.”

  Crash’s lips lifted. “You want me to communicate with you again?”

  “I want to fight and to breed,” Rage grumbled. “You can do the fraggin’ communicating.”

  “I will.” Her cyborg smiled.

  “Only you would be happy about that.” Rage rolled his eyes. “Don’t get yourself killed.” He paused. “You’re needed.” He ended the transmission.

  “You’re loved.” Safyre said the words she suspected the male never would. “He loves you.”

  “As much as you do?” Crash pulled her backward and rolled on top of her.

  She forced a frown, enjoying his restored arrogance. “Are you trying to trick me into admitting I love you?”

  His grin widened. “No trying. I’ve accomplished it.” He brushed his lips over hers, teasing her with his light touch. “You love me.”

  “I might love you but I’ll never submit to you.” Safyre pushed against his chest. “I’m not like your friend’s female.” She bucked upward. “I won’t kneel at your feet and look at you with adoration.”

  Crash wouldn’t be dislodged. “Did I ask you to submit?” He unfastened her flight suit and yanked it over her shoulders. “Did I ask you to kneel?”

  “No.” She lifted her ass, allowing him to remove her clothing completely, rendering her unabashedly naked. “But--”

  “But nothing.” He unwound the straps she’d wrapped around her forearms. “I’m strong enough to subdue you.” Crash snapped the leather, the sound echoing in the chamber. “Spread your legs, female.”

  “Make me.” She flung that challenge at him. “If you think you can subdue me.”

  “I know I can subdue you.” He grabbed her right ankle. She kicked. “I’ll make you behave.” He dragged her toward the edge of the sleeping support.

  Safyre struggled as he tied her ankle to the metal frame. “I’ll never behave.” She didn’t truly want to be free. The restraint excited her, tightening her nipples.

  “You will.” Crash caught her left foot, his reflexes cyborg fast. “I’m not giving you a choice.” He attached that ankle to the sleeping support also.

  Her legs were braced wide apart. She wiggled, was unable to close them.

  “Pretty.” Her cyborg stepped back and perused his handiwork, looking damn smug. She was opened completely to him. He could see the moisture on her pussy folds, her empty, needy entrance, the freckles on her inner thighs.

  She couldn’t move. It was frustrating…and extremely arousing.

  “Are you going to stand there all planet rotation?” Safyre huffed. “Or are you going to fuck me?”

  “I won’t breed with you, not now.” Crash skimmed his fingertips over her shins, knees, thighs. She trembled with wanting, with anticipation. “I plan to taste you.” He leaned over and licked her from ass to clit.

  She cried out, her hips lifting off the sleeping support, the pleasure exquisite, his nanocybotics fizzing, popping, caressing places a human male could never access.

  No one loved her like her cyborg.

  “You taste delicious, my female.” He smacked his lips. “Like passion and love and forever.”

  He liked her flavor. She glowed. “Drain me dry, warrior.” She tilted her pussy upward, offering herself to him, to this decadent torture. “I’m all yours.”

  “You are.” He nibbled on her folds, peeling them apart, lavishing every bit of her, his tongue rough and wet. “You’re mine.”

  Safyre squirmed, balling her fingers into fists, then releasing them, balling her fingers, releasing them, matching her tempo to his. She had a cyborg between her legs, Crash’s head bent, his black hair absorbing the light.

  This male adored her for who she was, embracing her fiery temper, her need to be bound, her constant urge to push back, to challenge him. She would never obey Crash blindly, would never submit without a struggle, but she’d protect him, fight for him, love him with all of the passion in her soul.

  He threw his arm over her stomach, strapping her to the sleeping support, and laved her sensitive flesh with his tongue, circling her clit, prodding her pussy hole. She rocked against his mouth, unable to move far.

  He had her, her big warrior, his grip on her body comforting and arousing her. It communicated his caring, that he’d never let her go, never allow her to escape him.

  Safyre strained, testing his strength, savoring the weight of him. The fabric of his flight suit pulled tight over his shoulders, accentuating his muscles. He flicked her clit and she quivered, veering closer and closer to the sweet edge of release.

  “My Crash,” she murmured, lost in desire.

  His gaze lifted, meeting hers. “My Safyre, my female.” He nuzzled against her.

  She threaded her fingers through his hair, holding him to her, as he ate her out, teasing her with his lips and with his tongue, his nanocybotics bubbling over her. Her chest tightened, a band of emotion encircling her, constricting, constricting.

  He delved deeper into her, sliding his flesh along her inner walls, pressing his lips around her entrance. It was good but not enough.

  “More.” Her voice was husky. “Give me more, Crash.”

  He fluttered his tongue and she whimpered, pleasure rippling along her spine. Her body undulated, riding the waves. She was so close. She curved her fingers around his metal-reinforced skull, relishing the hardness under her palms.

  Crash swept his tongue over her clit, exposing that tiny bundle of nerves, ratcheting her need even higher. She couldn’t bear it, her yearning fierce.

  His gaze locked with hers, his eyes as black and endless as the vortex of wanting inside her. Crash fixed his li
ps around her clit and her eyes widened. He wouldn’t, would he? She couldn’t stand it if—

  He sucked hard and she screamed, arching her back, her world exploding. She dug her fingernails into his skin, not allowing him to retreat as she humped his face, smacking her pussy lips against him again and again.

  Crash licked and slurped, pulling on her, the pressure accentuating her bliss. She gave as much as she had, the tremors rising, falling, rising, falling, the peaks and dips growing more and more shallow until they leveled out.

  Safyre sagged against the sleeping support, her limbs lifeless, her body sated. As he pushed into her, searching for every drop, she mumbled nonsense, petting his hair, caressing his neck, her brain fried.

  “I love you, my female.” He lifted his head. His gray cheeks were speckled with her pussy juices. His lips were wet.

  “I love you, my male.” She patted the empty space on the sleeping support beside her.

  Crash tumbled into the spot and tucked his body under hers, hooking his arms around her waist. She rested her head on his shoulder, savoring his distinctive scent, his heat.

  Moments passed. She shifted her hips. Her legs remained spread. “When do you plan to release me?”

  Her cyborg kissed her neck. “Never.”

  He never planned to let her go. Safyre smiled.


  Crash leaned against a wall and watched the chaos before him. Twenty-three planet rotations had passed since they left Tau Ceti and the offspring had adjusted well to life on a freighter. One of the cyborg holding chambers had been converted into a play area.

  It was a clothing optional space. There hadn’t been flight suits for every being. Cyborgs weren’t given body armor until their growth was completed. Those newly manufactured males ran around the chamber completely naked. The Tau Cetian offspring had one set of garments each, but many of them, seeing their cyborg counterparts, sought to discard their clothing.

  A half-clothed female ran past Crash, giggling. Death followed her, the offspring’s ass covering in his hands, his expression slightly less grim than usual.


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