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Western Romance: In Too Deep (Naked Bluff, Texas Book 2)

Page 5

by Anita Philmar

  Hank shuffled on his large feet and his heels scraped the floor. He juggled his hat between his hands. His antsy movement reflected his uncertainty at having to relay the message that the town’s teacher wouldn’t be at work today. “Yes, well, if nothing else, maybe the school can close for a day or two?”

  He set his hat back on his head. “Guess I best be heading out, then. Hope you get to feeling better really soon, Mrs. Pepperman.”

  Logan smiled at the man, offering him some encouragement, and shifted out of the doorway.

  “Sadie, I talked to my parents this morning and told them about your foot. They think you should pack a bag and stay at our house for the next few days.” Kirk stood in front of Sadie and offered his hand to help her stand.

  “That’s very kind of them, but I’m doing fine here. Logan is taking care of the animals, so I only have a few chores to do in the cabin.” She held her hands together primly in her lap and silently refused his offer of help.

  “No, I’m not leaving you alone here with him.” Kirk glared at Logan before he dropped to his knees at Sadie’s feet. “Last night while you were lying in bed, you invited both of us to make love to you.”

  Sadie blushed and leaned back as if to escape Kirk’s unwelcome touch. “I was drunk and not thinking clearly. Today, I feel much better.”

  “You know all you have to do is say yes and I’d marry you. I’ll take care of you and this place. We’ll make love every night.” Kirk tugged on her hands and kissed each one.

  Logan stepped forward, fighting the urge to grab the man by the back of the neck and drag him from the cabin. Even though Logan had slept with Sadie, did he have the right to interfere? Still, he had warned her that he had no intention of sharing her with anyone.

  Sadie shook her head. “Kirk, we’ve talked about this. I’ve told you time and again, I don’t have those kinds of feelings for you.”

  “You could, if you’d just let me show you how good we could be together.” Kirk lifted one hand and cupped it around her breast.

  “Kirk,” Sadie screamed and struggled to break away from his torturous grope.

  Anger flashed through Logan like a bolt of lightning. He clasped a hand over Kirk’s shoulder. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Get out! Sadie belongs to me.” Kirk roared and rocked on his heels. Rising quickly, he shoved off Logan’s hand and swung his fist in a wide arch.

  Logan dodged the right hook and used Kirk’s momentum to force him down against the table behind Sadie. Leaning over him, Logan hissed, “Wrong. I told you last night, you have no idea how to treat a lady.”

  “Get off me.” Kirk pressed his hands on the table top and squirmed under Logan’s hold.

  Sadie shifted along the bench away from the ruckus. “Kirk, stop acting like a fool.”

  The young man quit struggling and stared at Sadie. “Me? You’re the one who let him fuck you last night, didn’t you?”

  The crude words built a vicious fire in Logan. No one should talk to a woman in such a way. Grabbing the back of the man’s collar, Logan lifted Kirk to his feet and shoved him toward the door. “Get out and don’t come back.”

  Kirk stumbled forward and gripped the edge of the doorframe. He turned and glared. “Hope he’s worth what it’s going to cost you, Sadie. Pa may have been willing to help you when he thought you’d be marrying me. Now, you’re all on your own.”

  “Leave, Kirk,” Sadie yelled. “And never return.”

  With a curt nod, Kirk turned and threw over his shoulder. “Fine by me! Let’s see how long it takes before you have to sell this place and beg me to take you back.”

  He stepped onto the porch, his footsteps echoing on the wooden planks.

  Wanting to make sure the man left, Logan followed and watched as Kirk untied and mounted his horse. The man urged his horse forward and rode along the trail, leading away from the cabin.

  Anger still bubbled through Logan’s blood. He fought the urge to go after Kirk and take a few more swipes at the man. Instead, he waited for the dust on the path to settle, giving him time to gain control of his temper. He needed a plan, one to keep Sadie happy and on her farm.

  Chapter Seven

  Sadie stared at Logan in the doorway and tightened her hands into fists. What now?

  Her foot throbbed. She struggled to push the pain aside and concentrate on the problem at hand.

  Although, she’d wanted to be rid of everyone in the Pepperman’s family, they had provided the means for getting her crops in the ground. She owed them something, didn’t she?

  But if they didn’t help her harvest the cotton, she’d have to find another way to bring it in from the fields and get it to market. She lowered her head and stared at her hands. They’d also not appreciate her turning to Logan. He was a stranger, an interloper, as far as they were concerned.

  “You know he’s going to tell everyone in town we’re sleeping together.” Sadie’s gaze shot up and locked onto Logan. “If I were wise I’d ask you to leave now.”

  He walked to her and sat on the bench next her. “No, what we should do is get you off that foot and back in bed.”

  “Logan, I don’t think you understand. I have cotton to bring in from the fields in a couple of weeks. I’m counting on that money for supplies through the winter. I was also hoping to buy a few head of cattle.” Suddenly realizing what Kirk’s threat meant to her future, Sadie fought back her tears. What should she do?

  Logan drew her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Now, sweetheart, it’s not as bad as it seems. I’m sure we can find people to hire to help us.”

  She blinked and shoved the possibility of losing her home to the back of her mind. “Us? What are you talking about? As soon as Carolyn and your friend show up you’ll be leaving.”

  “Didn’t you hear what Hank said?” Logan stood with her in his arms and strolled toward the bedroom. “Our friends are married. Zack isn’t leaving, and neither am I.”

  “That can’t be true. Carolyn doesn’t even know the man, any more than I know you,” Sadie argued. Not allowing herself to count on anyone else to solve her problems, she’d learned to handle every issue regarding the homestead, and now...

  She had no reason to believe Logan would stay. And if Carolyn was married, wouldn’t she be leaving too?

  Damn, she never should have slept with the man. Tears fell on her cheeks. The misery of having to grovel at Mr. and Mrs. Pepperman’s feet had her burying her face in the crook of Logan’s shoulder. “I don’t want to lose my home.”

  Logan sank onto the bed with her in his arms. “That’s not going to happen. If need be, Zack and I will pick the crop. I’m sure we can also find other people who are willing to make a little extra cash.”

  “Mr. Pepperman knows everyone. He’ll tell everyone not to work for me—that I’m a whor...” Sadie pictured her ex-father-in-law standing outside church. With his bald head shining in the bright sun, his square jaw moving up and down. He enjoyed hearing the latest gossip and always took time to speak to everyone in the congregation. If he told them to avoid her, would they?

  “Now, now, let’s get you out of this dress so you can relax.” Kirk fingered the buttons and worked each one through its mooring.

  She squirmed, fighting the urge to voice her doubts. If she didn’t stand strong, she’d lose everything she ever wanted...her home, a chance to have a prosperous future. Did she have the strength to continue to handle every problem alone? Or should she risk trusting her fate to Logan?

  “I’ve tried to be resilient and not lean on others by handling my affairs the best way I could. I’m just so tired.” She rested her head on his shoulder and drew in his unique masculine scent.

  “Look, you didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and with the pain from your ankle you’re not thinking clearly.” He lifted her in his arms and turned to lay her on the bed. “After we get you out of your clothes, you can rest, while I make you breakfast.”

“You don’t understand. Richard’s family is going to make my life hell. They didn’t want him to marry me and hated that he left me this land.” She shook her head, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. She wondered for the millionth time why Richard had abandoned her time after time to travel throughout the country. Why had he never suggested she accompany him?

  “That’s why Kirk wants to claim me as his bride. He’s hoping to make his dad proud by finally securing this property.”

  Sadie knotted her hands into the fabric of her skirt and tugged it over her head. She kept her gaze on the floor, refusing to look at the man beside her. Logan probably thought of her as nothing but an overemotional girl.

  He drew her dress from her hold and arranged the discard item over the footboard of the bed. “Kirk doesn’t want only your land. He wants...”

  Fire burned from Logan’s gaze. She shivered at the intensity of his anger. His jaw set, his mouth forming a straight line, she read the fury in the tension in his features. “He wants to use your body to satisfy his lust.”

  Logan stalked back to her and his probing glare nailed her to the bed, unable to move. “I won’t let him touch you or take away your land. You have my promise on that.”

  Her mouth fell open and she stared. Was he jealous? Or did he find Kirk revolting like she did? “I, uh...”

  Words backed up in her throat. Her own husband had teased her with comments of his brother wanting her. She’d been repulsed by the idea, even though Richard had considered the prospect a joke.

  “Do you want to take off your camisole and bloomers?” Logan toyed with the tie at her waist. “It’s still a little cool inside, but once I light the stove you may get too warm.”

  She brushed away her tears and caught his hand. Misery settled over her, drowning her with despair. If she didn’t have help, she’d lose her home. Still, was she willing to trust someone else to handle her farm?

  After all Logan was a stranger, a drifter who was only waiting for his friend’s return.

  “I’m not sure I should ask you to get involved with my problems. You don’t live here and will be heading out when your friend and Carolyn come back.”

  Logan leaned forward and dropped a light kiss on her forehead. “I’m not discussing this with you at the moment. Once you’ve had a chance to rest, we’ll figure out what to do. Just know that I’m not leaving until we find a way to get your crops to market.”


  He laid a finger over her lips. “Shhh, close your eyes and rest.”

  Everything in her wanted to argue and hash out a solution until the problem no longer existed. Strangely, her body followed his orders and her muscles relaxed. Her eyelids grew heavy and she blinked...once, twice. Each time she caught a glimpse of the handsome man standing over her, guarding her from the world outside. Her worries eased and she sighed. A soft stroke caressed her cheek and she drifted. Her mind, so long on overload, shut down, and she fell asleep.

  Hours later, Sadie stirred. The alluring scent of coffee filtered through from the kitchen, rousing her lethargic body and tugged her from slumber. She blinked open her eyes and looked around.


  Not hearing movement in the house, she sat and shifted so she could see into the empty kitchen. “Logan, where are you?”

  Again, she received no reply. Where could he be?

  Sliding to the end of the bed, she slipped her dress back over her head and stood on her one good foot. By using the walls to steady herself, she managed to hop and shuffled her way to the front door. Once outside, she stared at the corral where Logan had released the horses the day before. Only two animals stood inside the pen.

  Shocked that he’d taken off and left her alone, she sank into one of the rockers. Where did he go? And, most of all, was he coming back?

  Her mind raced. It had been a mistake becoming attached to a man who couldn’t stay in one place very long. Richard had started traveling within weeks of their marriage. Selling supplies to people, he spent months on the road, only to return for a few days before heading out again. He’d claimed to buy her this place so she would have a place of her own, roots. Unfortunately, he’d still counted on his parents to assist her in running the place.

  Well, that’s no longer an option.

  She’d labored to please them and fought off Kirk’s advances for the last two years. Now, she had to take a stand on her own. Yes, she’d preferred to have a man beside her, one to be her partner and lover. Logan might be...she forced away the tempting thought of leaning on him, and drew in a deep breath.

  Straightening her shoulders, she stiffened her resolve to not let anyone take her home from her. Yes, Logan might have left, but he was right, too. All she had to do was hire a few people to help bring in her crop. People were always looking for a little extra money. She’d simply have to settle up with her workers after she took her cotton to market.

  Carolyn should be home in a few days. The teacher knew everyone in town, and could help determine who might be willing to help in the fields.

  Her stomach growled, and hungry pains remind her she’d skipped breakfast. She rocked to her feet, and her ankle rebelled at the contact with the porch. Ignoring the pain, she hobbled back inside and decided she’d rest again after she had a bite to eat.

  Chapter Eight

  Logan rode along the fence line, staring out across the land. Sadie was right. They’d need help bringing in the crop. Or maybe she’d be better off selling the cotton in the field for less and let someone else worry about picking it and getting it to market.

  Would she go for such an idea?

  If she did, were there workers in the area who’d be interested?

  If she’d permit him to, he’d handle the negotiations or hire people to pick her crop. If she decided to go that route, then she’d need help, but she feared trusting anyone. Especially him, because she didn’t believe he’d stick around any longer than necessary. Unfortunately, she refused to see how much he cared for her and wanted to help.

  Turning his horse back toward the cabin, he fought to come up with a solution. Images of her lying beneath him drifted through his thoughts...the touch of her soft skin against his, her sweet scent like honeysuckle blossoms. He longed to wrap her in his arms and had to struggle to leave her alone earlier so she’d have time to rest.

  Still, he fidgeted with the hunger that just thinking about her invoked. He pictured her lying across her bed in the moonlight...her legs wide, the soft petals of her pussy pink and swollen. He longed for her sweet cream on his lips, the taste of sweet ambrosia in his mouth as he licked her slit and sucked on her clit.

  He groaned and adjusted himself to ease the pain in his groin, recalling how he’d sampled every inch of her heated flesh. He’d feasted on her, his tongue darting in and out of her cunt, the tip finding each pleasurable spot until she squirmed, working to get closer. Her soft moans turned to pleas for more. Her hands gripped his head and she screamed for release.

  Still, he hadn’t allowed her to come. Instead, he had milked her hot channel with his fingers, thrusting deep, causing the walls of her pussy to quiver. Wild with passion, she’d bucked her hips, demanding he give her more.

  How could a man not want to claim such a woman?

  He understood why Kirk wanted to marry her. Hell, if that’s what it took to fuck her again, he’d—

  His mind froze and he tugged his horse to a stop.

  What was he thinking?

  Shocked by the thought, he shook his head in confusion. He was on his way, those plans had changed when Zack jumped into the river. Now, according to the red-haired kid, his friend was married.

  Staring ahead, Logan noticed the wagon sitting in front of the porch.

  Damn, now what?


  “Sadie, we’re not playing this game anymore. You need to get married and settle down.” Mr. Pepperman paused and pointed a finger at her. “Richard, bless his soul, fell in love with you on sigh
t, but he didn’t have the staying power of a gnat. He bought you this farm and left you for us to take care of.”

  He tugged off his hat, set it on the table, and raked his hands through his hair. “I love you like a daughter, but you’re driving Kirk crazy. The boy won’t even look at another girl because he’s lovesick over you. You have to put him out of his misery or marry somebody else.”

  Sadie dropped her gaze to the table. What could she say? That she didn’t want to marry anyone? Was that exactly true? Her feelings for Logan might grow if given the chance. He had helped her chores and appeared willing to handle the work required around the farm. Yet, how could she propose the idea to him?

  “I don’t see why I can’t run the farm by myself.” She offered as an alternative to his plans.

  “You’re a young woman. And though I plan to go through with our deal for you to receive a percentage of the crop after I sell it, you need a man to help you take care of this place.” Mr. Pepperman set his fists on his hips. “Kirk has tried for two years to convince you to marry him. You’ve turned him down flat.”

  “I don’t care about him in that way. He’s more like a brother than a lover.” Sadie fought not to mention how his touch repulsed her.

  “Exactly. But now that you have another man working and staying here, Kirk is all riled up and determined to cause trouble.” Her father-in-law frowned.

  A plank on the front porch squeaked, announcing the arrival of someone else. Sadie turned.

  In the doorway, Logan stood with a blue bandana around his neck and his hat slightly cocked. With his legs set shoulder-length apart and his hands by his sides, his gaze locked on Mr. Pepperman, he resembled a gunslinger ready to do battle.

  “I’ll marry her, sir. Then you won’t have to worry about her anymore.”

  Sadie rose from the bench beside the table and winced when her sore ankle touched the floor. Her voice was tight with her protest. “You will not. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of...”


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