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Fierce Salon Episode 3: A New Adult Smexy Serial

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by Aspen Drake

  And what the fuck is that about anyway? Why do I feel like a rod has been shoved up my ass whenever she’s around? She hasn’t done anything to make me distrust or dislike her. Quite the opposite. She’s actually been sweet and considerate for the most part.

  And those eyes. I’ve never seen such turquoise eyes before. They match the Fierce logo in an almost amusing way. Like I designed it to intentionally coordinate with her. But if I was trying to match anything, it would be those full breasts that she pressed against my face a few days ago. Just the memory makes my dick turn to steel.

  I absently pull on it twice while I picture her in that teal dress that made her eyes glow. Before Audrina started insulting her, she’d been so happy. She was excited as she moved from piece to piece with the grace of a ballerina. Occasionally, she’d point at something and the snug fabric would ride up to the crease of her thighs, almost exposing her ass before she’d tug it back in place.

  If I had my way, I would have bent her over one of the upholstered chairs, letting her dress pull over that round ass on full display for every man in the room to know who owned her. Thinking about spreading her legs and catching a drop of her arousal on my finger makes me pump even harder into my hand. I turn my back so I’m facing the jets, letting the blast of hot water coat my erection the way Amy’s wetness would. I’d hook my arm under her knee and pull her leg up so she was ready to receive me.

  It wouldn’t take more than a few seconds for me to drop my pants and coat my length in her juices, lubing up to enter her in one strong thrust. As soon as I was fully seated in her, I’d slide one hand up her flat belly to her breasts so I could finally feel them without any barriers. My other hand would slip between her folds to the nub that would be begging for relief.

  My hand is working in tandem with the water as I fuck myself with the current. My movements aren’t nearly as fast or hard as I’d take Amy, pounding into her as she begged for more. As soon as I felt the first shudder of her body, I’d press her clit while pinching the nipple I’d be rolling in my other hand.

  Just imaging the way her body would clench around me and quiver under my eager attention has me blowing hard into the foamy water. Spent over a fantasy that would never materialize.

  What the fuck was that? Amazing. And the best orgasm I’ve had alone since I learned how to do it.

  But it’s wrong. I can’t be thinking about one of my employees like she’s a fuck buddy. It would never work.

  I get out and turn on the pool filter. Walking straight to the shower, I’m annoyed to find my dick still hard. What does it want from me?

  I know what it wants but it can’t have her. Amy is off limits to me and my dick.

  Chapter Three


  After writing a generous check to the charity benefiting from the exhibit, Mason asks me if I want to take a walk. My shoes are too high to go very far so we slip into a drug store at the corner and he buys me a pair of flip-flops.

  “I needed this.” The air is cool but after Nate’s little princess friend put me in my place, my blood was boiling and I didn’t want to stay in the gallery. Besides, I’m not exactly a connoisseur of the arts. I loved looking at it but considering I’m crashing on Gabi’s sofa bed, I don’t really have any business browsing anything except for rent listings. “I couldn’t breathe in there.”

  “Yeah.” Mason takes off his suit coat and slips it over my shoulders before he pulls me against his side. “It was too stuffy in there for me too. Next time, we’ll go someplace fun. You like dancing?”

  “Next time?” I give him a side glance and smile. Mason is a great guy but I’m not sure there’s any real chemistry between us. “What makes you think there will be a next time?”

  We’re at the entrance of a park and turn onto the walking trail when Mason stops me. Twisting me slightly, he pulls me against his chest. “Well, I’m hoping there will be. I want to take you out and see that beautiful smile of yours again.”

  He leans in and places a soft kiss at the edge of my eye. “And not see any tears in those sparkling blue eyes.”

  I could listen to his soft words all night. They are like a warm blanket that I could curl into. But they aren’t making my belly clench or my head spin the way a certain steely eyed ex-model does. But that ex-model is so far out of my league it’s embarrassing.

  Mason is the perfect gentleman so when his palm cups my neck, I close my eyes and tilt up, offering myself to the sweet man that actually wants me.

  Mason’s lips barely brush against mine. They’re soft and tentative. Just like him. I open my eyes and find him staring down at me. With the reassurance that I’m okay, he comes at me again with a little more pressure. When he connects with my mouth, I’m able to respond. He holds against me for a moment in a chaste kiss before his libido kicks in and he goes for it.

  Mason’s mouth closes over mine before I feel his soft tongue trace my lower lip. Letting go of everything from the past week, I open up and allow Mason to enter me.

  His kiss isn’t aggressive or dominating. The sweep of his tongue over mine is gentle and comforting. It’s easy to forget about everything painful when I’m with Mason. I can just relax and have fun. Kissing him is fun. I don’t feel the passion or lust that I’ve felt with other men but I do feel cherished and for now, that’s what I need.

  We spend another minute softy kissing before he pulls back with a shy look on his face. “Sorry about that.” He adjusts the jacket on my shoulders and nudges me to start walking again. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since I first saw you in that dress and I guess I just couldn’t wait any longer.”

  I rest my head on his shoulder. “Don’t apologize. It was nice.”

  “Nice?” He squeezes my hip. “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

  I’m not sure either. Nice is really the best word I can use to describe Mason. He’s nice in every way. “Don’t analyze it too much. I’m not. I’m just going with it.”

  He nods as we continue on the dimly lit trail.


  When Mason drops me off, I debate whether to invite him in. I’m really tired and it just doesn’t seem okay to have him over without letting Gabi know first so I resist the urge.

  At the door, I turn to him instead of opening it up. I can see a flicker of disappointment in his eyes but he doesn’t let it linger.

  “I had a really great time tonight, Amy.” His hands are locked behind my back. “I’d like to take you out again.”

  “I’d like that too.” I stand on my tiptoes and give him a hug then a quick kiss on his lips. “Thank you for tonight.”

  He nods and releases me from his embrace.

  “I’ll see you on Monday?” he asks as I open the door.

  “We’re closed so maybe Tuesday.”

  “Okay. Good night, Amy.”

  “Good night, Mason.”


  By the time Tuesday rolls around, I’ve already forgotten about the encounter at the gallery with Nate’s girlfriend. I’ve got a bit of a sinus headache from a sudden drop in the temperature but I’m in a generally good mood when I enter the salon at nine twenty-five.

  Olivia is already working on a client. The guy in her chair is very handsome and by the way he’s staring at Olivia, she may have a new flame on her hands. His eyes are trained on her mouth as she hums quietly. I’ve always found that endearing about Olivia but this guy seems downright smitten. I give her a wink as I pass by. “Morning, Liv.”

  “Good morning, sunshine.” She brushes some hair off her client’s neck. “You seem chipper today. Did you get lucky this weekend?”

  I blanch and look pointedly at her client. “Olivia! Don’t be so crude.”

  She laughs at my prudence. “Oh, please. Greg can handle your stories of wild abandon over the weekend. Right, Greg?”

  He just laughs at my horrified expression. “I sure can. In fact, I encourage them.”

  Okay, I need to loosen up. I haven’t always
been such a prude. “Yeah, well, I’m sorry to disappoint you both but there aren’t any wild tales to share. There’s barely a mild story in there.”

  I hear a grunt from behind me and look in the mirror to see Nate wiping his shears at his chair.

  I walk to my station and ignore the incomprehensible man behind me. I can feel his gaze on my back but I refuse to look at him. He showed his true colors on Saturday by allowing that woman to treat me like something she stepped in. If that’s how he keeps his employees in line, that’s fine with me. I can play that game too.

  Paige hands me a print off of the calendar. “You have a full day today, Amy.” She drops a water bottle on my counter then steps away. “I hope you’re ready for it.”

  I wasn’t. My first client was a bitchy old woman that couldn’t be pleased so I was thirty minutes behind from the start and things didn’t let up until after three. I was dead on my feet and flopped into my chair when Nate approached me. “You should go grab lunch. I’ll take your next client.”

  “Oh, thanks.” I stand quickly and try to look more alert than I feel. “But you don’t have to do that. I can handle it.”

  His gaze is almost concerned for a moment before he hardens up and scoffs. “No, you can’t. I’ll ask Paige not to book you so tight for now. You’re still getting used to how things work here so don’t worry about it.”

  I’m not sure if he’s genuinely being nice or if he’s annoyed at my lack of stamina so I just stand there like an idiot. After a few seconds of me looking lost, he gives me a hint of a smile. “Relax, Amy. You’re doing fine. Just go get something to eat before your four thirty gets here.”

  I nod and shuffle to the break room. My back is killing me because I made the rookie mistake of choosing form over function. I love the nude kitten heels that I’m wearing but they aren’t designed for six hours of standing. Without no one around to judge me, I slip off my shoes and rub the balls of my feet. Just having them off makes the rest of my body relax. I didn’t realize how stiff I was standing once my feet started to hurt.

  I can’t keep them off too long because I know my feet will swell and I won’t be able to get back into them so I only allow five minutes of freedom to each foot before I slip the torture devices back on and head out the back door. I’m not in the mood for a heavy meal so I head straight to the smoothie shop across the street for a mango smoothie and a cheese plate.

  With my plate and drink, I find an unoccupied chair in the corner and sink into it. There’s a magazine rack tucked between the chair and the wall so I pull out the first issue I touch. It’s a five year old copy of Billboard Magazine with Lady Gaga on the cover. Too lazy to look for something newer, I mindlessly flip through the pages.

  When I come across an ad for Nautica, I almost choke on my smoothie. It’s a photo of Nate walking up a beach in a pair of wet board shorts. A beautiful blonde woman in a bikini that wouldn’t be legal in most countries is holding his arm. They are a perfect match. I can’t help but recall thinking Audrina was perfect for him too…before she opened her vile mouth.

  “Feeling better?”

  When I hear that deep voice rumble beside me, I startle and slam the magazine closed. I can only pray he didn’t see me studying his tanned muscles and gorgeous smile. He must think I’m not only white trash but delusional white trash for lusting after him in such an obvious way.

  “Yes, much.” I drop the magazine on the table in front of me and stand. “I should be getting back.”

  “Nonsense.” He places his hand on my shoulder and lightly shoves until I’m seated again. “You have another hour before you have to be back. Enjoy it.”

  I check my phone, surprised that it’s only three thirty. “Okay. Thanks.”

  Nate tilts his cup toward me then gives me a small smile as he turns to leave.

  I take a deep breath and exhale slowly before I stand up and stretch. If I keep sitting, I’m going to pass out. As much as my feet protest, I need to move around for a while. I pretend it’s not intentional when I turn left instead of right, avoiding Creamy’s Bakery.

  I’m just not in the mood to deal with the super sweet Mason. I know I’m being selfish by agreeing to go out again when I’m not sexually attracted to him. But, I guess Gabi was right when she said I couldn’t be alone. It’s barely been a week and I’m already lonely without a boyfriend.

  But that’s not fair to Mason and he’s a great guy. When he calls me to set up another date, I’m going to be honest and tell him I just want to be friends. I hope he’ll understand and agree because I really do like him.

  After twenty minutes of window shopping, I decide to head back to the salon. Even if I just hang out in the waiting area, it’ll be better to be around people than to be sulking by myself.

  The salon is buzzing when I get back. The afternoons often get booked by high schoolers so the noise level is higher than usual. Keeping my head down, I walk straight through, hoping not to disturb anyone on my way to the back. Frankie is always good company and great for gossip.

  As usual, when he’s not with a client, he’s folding towels. I step in beside him and grab a stack to help. “Hey, Frankie. How was your weekend?”

  “Goooooodddd.” He drags out the word then hip checks me. “But not as good as yours.”

  “What?” I stop mid fold and look to him. “What are you talking about?”

  “A little redheaded bird told me you went out with her brother…and it was hot.”

  As much as I want to be mad, I have to laugh. “Well, whatever she heard is wrong. Hot is definitely not a word I’d use to describe my date.”

  Frankie’s face falls and his lip pokes out. “Seriously? Oh, honey, I’m sorry. He’s delicious. I hoped you might at least get a good bang out of him.”

  I shake my head. “Uh, no.” I glance around to make sure we’re alone. “He’s a little too…gentle for that kind of thing.”

  “Oh, you like it rough? Like BDSM?” He’s nodding his head as he folds. “Yeah, I read Fifty Shades. I get it.”

  “Shush!” I smack his arm. “I don’t mean whips and butt plugs. I just mean…I don’t know. He’s a really sweet guy and I might see him again but mostly as friends.”

  “Right this way, Elizabeth.” Nate is guiding a lovely woman with dark skin to the chair. “Frankie will take care of you.”

  “Lizzie!” Frankie drops the towel he’s holding and lunges at the woman. “You look fab, as always. Let’s get you settled right here so you can tell me all about Belize.”

  I follow Nate out and walk to my chair, tidying up for my next client. I’m straightening up my cabinet when I feel that familiar presence behind me. “Amy, can I speak to you for a moment?”

  My body tenses as I slowly turn around. “Sure.”

  Nate starts walking to his office. I haven’t been in there before and I’m wondering what this could be about. As soon as I’m in, he closes the door behind me. “Please, have a seat.”

  I sit at one of the two chairs opposite his desk and fold my hands into my lap. When Nate leans against the edge of his desk instead of sitting behind it, my body is on full alert. I can’t stop my eyes from wandering down his entire length. The image from the beach ad fills my mind and instead of seeing him dressed in jeans and a Fierce V-neck, he’s wearing a pair of wet board shorts with drops of water glistening in the sun.

  By the time my eyes reach his face, I notice he’s wearing the sexy smirk I’ve only seen a few times. Once again, he caught me ogling him. I turn away, pretending to be inspecting the bookshelf behind his desk. “What’s up?”

  He exhales slowly then places both hands on the desk beside his hips, leaning slightly toward me. “I want to apologize for the way Audrina behaved on Saturday.”

  My head jerks in his direction. “Oh.”

  “She’s a pretentious bitch that I was forced to entertain and I had no idea she was such a snob. It was completely unacceptable.”

  “Oh, well, thanks.” I can feel my cheeks burn
ing. “She wasn’t completely wrong, though. I was out of my element there. I just really liked the art.”

  Nate nods as his eyes dart to my mouth. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

  “I was.” I can’t stop the smile that creeps up as I think about the picture of the two young men. “I only wish I could have made a bigger donation.”

  “Well, I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry for her attitude and I hope you were able to salvage the rest of the night.”

  I think back to the walk with Mason and his kiss. “Yeah.” My hands are fidgeting in my lap. “It was nice.”

  Nate doesn’t even try to hold back his smug grin. He knows what ‘nice’ means. “I see. Well, I’m glad to hear that.”

  Chapter Four


  I’m lost in my head, humming the latest Ed Sheeran song when the beautiful Google millionaire in my chair interrupts my thoughts.

  “Why won’t you just say yes?” Greg has been hounding me for a date since he started coming in months ago. “Is it my cowlick? I knew I should have let that guy in Brazil cut it out. They have a special procedure for that, ya know. If it weren’t for the risk of unintended lobotomy, I would have totally gone for it.”

  “Shut up.” I smack him lightly on the shoulder. Greg is such a dork. He’ll say anything for a laugh. Or a smile. I never laugh as much as when he’s in my chair. So why do I always say no when he asks me out? “That’s bullshit and you know it.”

  “No, I’m serious. I was walking down an alley and some guy offered to ‘take care of it’ for me. He had a scalpel and everything. Only 200 Real. Talk about a bargain. You can’t get head surgery around here for eighty bucks!”

  “If you keep moving, I might be giving you head surgery for free.” I brace his head with both of my palms and center him in the chair. “Besides, I like the cowlick so you should just leave it alone.”


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