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Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8)

Page 11

by Caryn Moya Block


  As Remi drove to the resort, Brenda stared out the window at the snow on the trees. He and Luc were talking about the man who had fallen yesterday while skiing, breaking his leg. Evidently the man hadn’t dealt well with the injury and had been a real handful. They pulled into their reserved parking spot and climbed out of the SUV, making their way to the ski patrol building. Remi and Brenda waved at Luc as he headed to the restaurant.

  Pulling his keys from his pocket, Remi unlocked the building and ushered Brenda inside. “You look better, more rested. I guess you decided to give Granger a try…”

  “Shut up, Remi. It isn’t any of your business.” Brenda smiled to ease her words and went over to start the coffeepot while Remi started the woodstove.

  Remi shrugged and smiled. “Maybe not. I also heard Asena has chosen you as her handmaiden. That is a great honor. So why are you here? You don’t need to work at the resort. Asena must have a mission she wants you to accomplish.”

  Brenda touched the amulet that lay beneath her clothes. “She didn’t make that very clear. I was too freaked out about Granger slipping away. I’m not really sure what Asena wants me to do.”

  “I wouldn’t worry too much. When Asena wants you to do something, you’ll know. Now, what about the ski patrol.”

  “I want the job, Remi, at least until Asena comes up with something she wants me to do. Please don’t fire me.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” Remi said. The outside door opened letting the frigid air inside. Brenda shivered as she turned to see Mathis. He stood a head taller than Remi and made the room suddenly feel way too small.

  “I need the ski patrol to check the top of the mountain for anything suspicious. There’s a lot of snow at the top and a well-placed blast could start an avalanche. You’re looking for a container of some sort that could hold explosives and doesn’t belong there. I don’t think you’ll find anything, but if you do, you should call me immediately,” Mathis said.

  Remi shook his head. “The rest of the crew won’t be in for another half hour. Can it wait? I’m not sending Brenda alone.”

  “If you’re worried about the handmaiden’s safety, what is she doing here? Get her off the mountain until Ouelette is caught,” Mathis said, looking first at Brenda and then Remi.

  “Hey, I’m here because I want to be,” Brenda said, stepping up to the big lycan. He smelled different than the other lycans. Though she caught the lycan scent, it was overlaid with something that smelled like a snow storm.

  “I can’t check the whole mountain by myself. I’ll take the east side, if you take the west,” Mathis suggested.

  Brenda knew the chances of the west side being rigged were small compared to the east side with the resort below. Mathis protected her even though he asked her to step into danger. She nodded her head. “All right. Give me a minute to get my equipment and I’ll meet you at the chairlift.”

  “Brenda, no…” Remi grabbed her shoulder. “Granger wouldn’t like you doing this. Something could happen to you.”

  “Granger won’t know. There isn’t anyone else.” Brenda kissed Remi on the cheek and headed into the back for her skis and poles. She quickly changed into her ski patrol uniform and grabbed up all her equipment.


  Granger sat in his studio working on a sketch when he suddenly felt uneasy. He immediately reached for Brenda’s mind, she seemed calm, if determined. She walked to the chairlift, but checking the ski trails was part of her job. He shrugged and went back to his work. He hadn’t realized how much he missed being in his studio letting the creative juices flow.

  The sun reflected off the snow, filled the room with light. Granger rubbed at his jaw before correcting a line he didn’t like. He had cleaned the kitchen and showered before unlocking the door to his “lair” as Jared called it. Granger sighed, feeling content for the first time since coming home from Europe. Life was as it should be. He continued to draw.

  When his phone rang, Granger sighed and put down his pencil. He would normally ignore it, but felt compelled to answer. When he saw it was Remi, he couldn’t pick it up fast enough.

  “Remi, what’s happened? Is Brenda all right?”

  “She’s on the mountain with Mathis. They’re looking for bombs that might set off an avalanche.”

  “I’m on my way. Why did you let her do something so foolish?”

  “You try telling her no.”

  Granger disconnected and started to strip. He’d get there faster in wolf form. Opening a cupboard in his studio, he pulled out a ski patrol dog vest. Jared had them made in case someone had to patrol the slopes in wolf form. He slipped it on and called the change. White lights coalesced around him. Fur sprung from his skin and flowed down his body. Bones cracked and shifted. It was over in a moment. He was wolf.

  He ran out the wolf door of his studio heading for the north gate. He stretched his body, reaching for every inch of distance he could manage. Brenda wouldn’t appreciate his interference, but there was no way he was leaving her alone. Being Asena’s handmaiden didn’t mean you couldn’t be killed. Mathis would answer for putting Brenda in danger.

  The guard at the north gate scrambled outside when he saw Granger flat out running, the orange vest around his back. The man opened the gate as Granger arrived and flashed through, snow flying in his wake.

  Granger didn’t pause, pulling on his preternatural strength, he rushed up the mountain, his paws barely skimming over the snowy surface. He pulled on the mating bond, following the golden cord of light. From the angle, Brenda was on the second length of the chairlift. He reached for her mind with his telepathy.

  “Brenda, wait for me at the top of the lift. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  “Granger, what are you doing?”

  “You may insist on doing dangerous things. But, I am not sitting at home while you do them.”


  Brenda stepped off the lift and moved to the side of the trail. Mathis followed her, his face showing his confusion.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Granger is on his way. He’s not too happy.” Brenda grimaced. She knew he had a point but she didn’t need a babysitter.

  “Granger has always been protective of those he loves. I’m getting started. We have an hour or so before the trails open. I hope I’m wrong, but we need to check anyway.”

  A flicker of movement caught her attention coming from the pack side of the mountain. Brenda squinted her eyes trying to make out the object. Whatever it was, it came right at her. Mathis waved and Brenda watched the huge man make his way to the eastern trails. For someone so large, Mathis moved gracefully down the path.

  A sudden plume of snow shot out at her, covering her front from head to toe. She brushed off her goggles to see Granger in his wolf form, a big wolfy grin on his face.

  “You did that on purpose,” Brenda accused, brushing the snow from her body. A small part of her wanted to laugh at his antics. She didn’t dare encourage him.

  Granger stood looking at her, wagging his tail. Brenda felt his amusement through the mating bond, but refused to pull the link tight.

  “Come on. Let’s get this done and then you can go home.” Brenda headed down the trail. Granger right beside her. She rested her hand on his furry neck. “Where did you get the ski patrol dog vest?”

  “It’s a wolf vest,” came tumbling into her thoughts.

  “Of course it is. Where did you get it?” Brenda asked, as they climbed toward the summit.

  “Jared had several made up. He gave one to me.”

  “Well, since you’re here. Let’s use that wonderful nose of yours. Do you smell anything?”

  Brenda waited as Granger tested the air. He sniffed along the path and then came back to her.

  “There are so many different smells I don’t recognize,” Granger sent telepathically. “I don’t smell Ouelette. Unfortunately, he probably hired someone else to plant the bombs. We’ll have to keep looking.”
/>   Brenda nodded and headed up the trail that ran along the summit, looking for anything unusual. She tried to stay focused, but the breathtaking view of the valley distracted her. The sun lit up the snow like a beacon, making it sparkle. The scene of trees and snow against the vivid blue sky would have won a photo contest. She kept forcing her gaze back to the base of the snow near the top of the mountain.

  Granger ran here and there, wagging his tail as he sniffed near the tree line. Then he’d come back and rub against her before heading off again. Brenda couldn’t help but smile at him, especially when Granger came up to her with snow on his nose. She laughed and brushed it off, glad that he was with her. When Granger was around, even looking for bombs was fun.

  Brenda stopped, when Granger suddenly froze, a deep growl rumbling in his chest. He sniffed the ground and then backed up.

  “What is it?” Brenda asked. Could it really be a bomb?

  “Call Remi. Have him close the trails on this side of the mountain. Then call Mathis. I think we found his bomb.” Granger walked behind a tree and disappeared.

  “Wait. Shouldn’t we call the police?” Brenda asked, reaching for the radio on her belt.

  “They’d never make it in time. Tell Mathis to evacuate the Martins. If this snow was to become an avalanche their house will be in its path.”

  Brenda quickly relayed the information. With her lycan hearing she caught the loud speakers around the resort alerting all that the trails were closed until further notice. Voices were shooting over the airwaves on her radio as Mathis gave instructions to his men.

  Brenda didn’t know what to do. Where was Granger? She went around the tree to the base of the summit. Granger knelt in the snow in his human form, the only thing covering his naked body, the orange dog vest. He slowly lifted the top off a black box.

  “Are you out of your mind? You’re going to freeze like that.” Brenda took off her skis and leaned them and her poles against the tree.

  “Get out of here, Brenda, as fast as you can,” Granger growled.

  “Don’t be stupid. I’m not leaving you.” Brenda moved up next to him to sneak a peek at the bomb. It looked fairly fundamental. A timer connected to six sticks of dynamite sat in the small plastic box.

  Granger glared at her and then went back to the box. He looked inside and blanched.

  “This thing is on a timer. We have five minutes. If I can get it over the summit the only damage will be to the pack’s property. There’s nothing on that side except a few trees.” Granger lifted the box and headed for the summit. He reached up searching for a handhold. Snow slid down on top of him. He shivered and brushed it off his bare skin. He tried again with the same result. “Brenda, please, get away from here. I don’t want you hurt.” Granger’s amber eyes pleaded with her.

  “I’m not leaving you. I think you’re going to have to throw it over the top. You’ll never make the climb in time. How good is your arm?”

  “My arm? I don’t know. Sports was never my thing.”

  “Give it to me. Sports is my thing. I’m sure I can make it.” Brenda reached for the box.

  Granger scowled but handed it to her. It was lighter than she expected. She took two steps forward and flung the box with all her lycan strength.

  The bomb flew into the air and over the summit. Granger grabbed her around the waist and ran. The ground shook. A crack appeared in the snow near the top of the summit. Brenda watched as it slowly slipped down toward the other side of the mountain. She grabbed Granger around the neck and held him tight.

  He stopped, looking back over his shoulder at the summit, then he lowered Brenda to her feet. She smiled up at him.

  “We did it!” Brenda exclaimed, triumph racing through her body.

  “You did it.”

  “No. We did it together. You know, we make a pretty good team.”

  Granger swooped down, taking her mouth in a kiss. Brenda tangled her fingers in his hair pulling him close. Their tongues rubbed against each other, each trying to take control, before they finally pulled back and finished the kiss.

  “I’ll be lucky if I don’t turn gray,” Granger complained.

  “You’ll look so distinguished with gray hair.” Brenda teased him.

  A sudden cough, let them know they were no longer alone on the trail. Mathis walked up. He looked them over before nodding. “I found a bomb on the eastern summit and was able to disarm it. When I heard the rumble coming from here, I feared the worst. I’m glad you’re both all right.”

  Granger moved before Brenda knew what he was doing. He punched Mathis in the face. The big man went down. Granger stood over Mathis, his body vibrating with anger. “Don’t you ever put my mate in danger again.”

  Brenda rushed over and put a hand on Granger’s chest. “Granger, it was my decision to help look for the bomb. It was my choice. Do you understand me?”

  Granger looked from Brenda to Mathis lying in the snow. “I could have lost you, Brenda. You know that would destroy me.”

  “I could have lost you too, Granger. But, I actually enjoyed our bomb hunt this morning. You, being with me, made it fun. I guess I’m kind of an adrenalin junky. Now stop picking on Mathis and help him up. I need to check the trails before we can open.”

  Granger reached out a hand to Mathis. Mathis took it pulling himself up. “You might want to shift, Granger. You’re looking a little blue. I’m sorry about asking Brenda to help. I would deck someone who put my mate in danger. I hope you’ll accept my apology.”

  “Apology accepted. I can’t seem to keep her out of trouble. I may have to chain myself to her side.”

  Brenda laughed. “And you think that’s going to stop me?”

  “No, but I’d feel better if I’m with you when trouble happens.” Granger called the change. Brenda blinked and found a large gray wolf by her side.

  “You know, Brenda is right about you two making a great team. You’d be a big asset to the Beta’s council. The Sable Guard is always looking for new recruits,” Mathis said.

  “Sable Guard, what’s that?” Brenda asked.

  “It’s a peacekeeping force that belongs to the Beta’s council.”

  “That sounds interesting…”

  “Brenda…” was heard in their minds, followed by Granger’s suffering sigh.

  Brenda smiled up at Mathis. “We’ll think about it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Later that afternoon Brenda entered the Ski Patrol shack after a full day of work. She catalogued in her head, the bomb threat, the kid with the broken leg, the woman with the sprained wrist, the intermediate skier who thought he would try the black diamond run and panicked. It had been a good day. She was glad to put her skis away and go home. If she was lucky, she and Granger would have a quiet evening, and she could finally relax. She might even convince him to give her a back massage that might lead to something more intimate.

  A storm was forecasted for tonight, so she might get to sleep in a little before checking out the ski runs in the morning. She locked her equipment and picked up her backpack with its emergency supplies inside before going out front to see Remi.

  “Hey, there you are,” Remi said from his chair at the radio console. “I wondered when you would arrive. You should have come in earlier. There’s no reason to work like a dog, or wolf in this case.” Remi winked and handed her a cup of coffee.

  “I have to admit, I’m tired. People were crazy out there today.”

  “I warned you. Once the tourists hit the slopes, work around here triples. Wait until next month when the college kids are on Christmas vacation. You think it’s bad now, add a bunch of twenty year olds trying to outdo each other.”

  “Heaven help us. Do you bring in help for the Christmas season?”

  “Oh, sure,” Remi said. “A few of the young wolves help out while they’re home on holiday. Our young adults are more disciplined than their human counterparts. They have to be, to go to college, and keep their wolf contained. I’m not sure how much actual be
nefit we get. Parker likes to give the kids a job during their break. So, we’ll have a few extra hands.” Remi looked out the window and frowned. “Looks like the wind is picking up. We should be getting a good snowfall tonight. Guess we better get going.”

  Luc ran through the door. The wind caught the wood and slammed it against the building. “Dad, there’s a little girl missing from the resort. Mr. Martin should be calling you any minute.”

  The phone rang and Brenda jumped. Remi picked it up, but with lycan hearing it was easy to hear the conversation taking place. Luc had been wrong, it wasn’t Parker Martin on the phone, but Mathis.

  “The little girl was playing in the snow with friends. She disappeared from the area. Her mother went looking for her and is also missing. The woman’s husband finally thought to inform us after the wind started to pick up. Security has searched the building inside and out, with no sign. The little girl is five years old and wearing a light pink snow suit. Her name is Mary. Her mother’s name is Sarah, last seen wearing jeans and a sweater. I need the ski patrol to give us a hand.”

  “Of course. We’ll be right down. I’ll radio the few remaining men on duty and we’ll meet you outside the resort,” Remi quickly replied.

  He turned and looked at Brenda. “You can go home if you like. I’ll call Granger to come get you.”

  “No way, I’m not leaving. Give me a radio, I’m going to help find that little girl.”

  “The weather is turning. Some of us will have to shift into our wolf coat to search. Granger wouldn’t like you putting yourself into danger again so soon.”

  “Well, Granger will have to get over it. This is my job and I’m doing it,” Brenda said.

  “I thought that’s what you’d say,” Granger said, coming in the door, followed by Jared and a few more pack members. “Mathis called Jared before he called Remi. The weather is getting bad. You’ll need to shift to keep warm. Here give me the radio and backpack. I’ll carry them. I even brought you the ski patrol wolf vest. That way you’ll be visible in the snow.”


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