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Lust & Trust: She thought he was worth the risk... Her friends didn't.

Page 17

by Amanda Cain

"Lobster, huh? Sure, kiddo."

  I sat at our table, looking over the menu, and found myself reminiscing about the night Emma ate crab legs during our first and only friends-without-benefits dinner. Melissa looked across the table at me.

  "I knew it, it worked!" She smiled the kind of smile that lifted your heart in the way only your child could.

  "What worked?"

  "You and Emma. You're back together!" she said joyfully, jumping in her seat. "And I assume that means you got Pooka back for me?"

  "Honey, are you saying you set that up? Did you leave Pooka behind intentionally?"

  "Don't be mad, Daddy, but I wanted you and her to talk when you weren't so upset with me for flying to Denver on my own. And you're happy again, I can tell! Which means you and Emma are back together!" She grinned, still bouncing in her seat.

  "Melissa, sweetheart, what did I tell you about worrying about grown-up problems?” I admonished her, unable to hide my smile at the thought of her purposely leaving her beloved panda at Em's.

  "Oh crap, Pooka! I'm sorry, but I left Pooka at Emma's. I forgot to bring him back with me."

  "Daddy!" Melissa pouted, looking adorable. "Well, I guess Emma will have to bring him here, and we can hang out. Could she? I would love to get to know her, and I promise I won't say anything to Mom!"

  I thought about how much I would like that too. I hated the idea of being away from her for an entire week. Could it work? But then I brought myself back to reality. How many times had Melissa kept some secret from Lindsey for me … such as her trip to Denver? No, the things Lindsey and I expected from our young daughter were not fair. Would she ever experience a normal life?

  The waiter brought the food we'd ordered.

  "That lobster looks pretty good. You let me know if you need any help with it."

  "No chance, Dad, I got this." She smiled.

  "Do you keep secrets for your mom that you don't tell me?"

  She pointed her chin down toward her plate and played with her food, avoiding answering me.

  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you." Lately, I had the feeling Lindsey was hiding something.

  "So, a few more weeks until summer vacation ends. Are you getting excited about going back to school?"

  "Dad…" she shook her head "…is any kid ever happy when summer vacation ends?"

  "No, I guess not. It has been a while since your dad's been in school."

  * * *

  Later that evening after Melissa went to bed, I Skyped Emma. I told her about Melissa and Pooka. Apparently, Em already knew. We both admitted we were grateful for my daughter's little stunt.

  "Before I hang up, take your clothes off for me."

  "You are such a pervert."

  "Do it."

  She looked somewhat nervous. Her eyes always got a little bigger when she was nervous.

  "Unbutton your shirt and take your bra off."

  Dancing enticingly, she undid one tantalizing button at a time. Unhooking her bra, she let it slide off her shoulders to the floor, exposing her C-cup breasts. Her nipples were impeccable. I loved her tits, beautiful pink vanilla wafer-sized nipples. I couldn't contain myself. My plan backfired on me. Now I wanted her more and the thought of having to wait a week was agonizing.

  "If you use our battery-operated friend that hangs out in your nightstand, be sure to be thinking of me."

  "Every time," she said, biting her bottom lip, both of us knowing she would be paying our vibrating friend a visit. She closed her laptop, effectively ending our conversation and her striptease.

  She hadn't taken all of her clothes off, but the show I got was enough. I wasn't sure pleasing myself was going to cut it, but I made a quick trip to the bathroom to finish what my phone call had started.

  On Thursday, Lindsey called. "I will need you to keep Melissa this weekend, and she has a piano lesson on Saturday so you will need to take her," she barked.

  "Lindsey, I can't. I need to be at a meeting in Denver." My disappointment came through in the harshness of my voice.

  She got quiet. When it came to Melissa, I never said no.

  I didn't want to arouse her suspicion, so I took a step back. "Just an issue with one of the companies, nothing I can't rearrange. I would love to stay here with her. Are you going out of town?"

  "Yes, there is an auction in Iowa that I had forgotten about until now."

  Lindsey had planned on opening a small antique shop, an idea I supported. Maybe it would give her something constructive to do.

  "Sure, no problem. When did you want me to bring her home?"

  "Tuesday morning," she said, hanging up without so much as a thank you.

  "Shit, shit, shit!" I slammed the phone on the coffee table, forgetting Melissa was close by in the kitchen. She came running into the room.

  "What is it, Daddy, what's wrong?"

  "Nothing, sweetheart. Your mom wants me to stay here until Tuesday while she goes to an auction. I love our time together, sweetie. I was just upset that your mom didn't give me any notice and I'll need to rearrange some things. No biggie, though." I hugged Melissa and kissed her cheek.

  "Were you aware of your mom's plans to go to Iowa?"

  "No, I mean, yes. She may have said something about it, but I forgot."

  It was obvious Melissa was covering for her mom. I had this nagging feeling something was going on with Lindsey. Maybe I should give hiring a private detective some serious thought.

  "Dad, you don't need to change any plans! Emma can come here! Mom will be out of town, and I would love to get to know her! Please, please," she urged.

  "Melissa, I can't very well invite her to stay here with us."

  My daughter shook her head. "Dad, you're not a monk. I know how to use Google. Besides, she makes you happy. She's right for you, and I'm glad that you are together, and she can bring Pooka!"

  I was a little shocked at the words my daughter had thrown at me, but she was right. I tried not to think about it, but I had little doubt she had read some less than flattering things written about me online.

  "Maybe. Let me see what Em thinks." I reluctantly gave in, partially for my daughter but more because I wanted to see Em.

  When I Skyped Emma she was as excited as my daughter about the idea.

  "Really? I can come to Chicago and hang out with you and Melissa? That would be great!"

  "I'll make reservations and send the ticket to your email. There is a flight that departs at 5:00 PM. Do you think you would be able to leave work a little early on Friday? We can go straight to dinner from the airport."

  "Yes, yes! Now let me hang up so I can start packing!"


  "Yes, Mr. Smith?"

  "I love you."

  Em cleared her throat and motioned for me to turn around. Melissa was standing behind me, grinning. I turned back around to look at Em. "I love you too, Mr. Smith." She closed her computer, disconnecting us.

  "Why does Emma call you Mr. Smith?" Melissa asked.

  "That is a long story and one for when you are older. Now off to bed with you."

  On Friday, as Melissa and I were getting ready to head to the airport, she had a small overnight bag with her.

  "Honey, what is that for?"

  "Oh, didn't I tell you? Stacy called me this morning and asked if I could stay the night. Can you come and get us for piano lessons in the morning? Then maybe Stacy could come over for a little while, and we could all hang out and go swimming?"

  "Young lady, I understand you are trying to give Em and me time to ourselves but …"

  My daughter leaned over and kissed my cheek. "You're welcome, Dad." She was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

  We arrived at O'Hare a few minutes before Em's flight was due to land. I waited anxiously as I watched the people departing her plane come up the ramp. Finally, I saw Em heading our way. Melissa saw her first and went running to hug her. Watching the two of them together was amazing. A few months ago, I would never have believed I could feel so fulfille
d and happy.

  We ate dinner at a steakhouse. Em and Melissa bonded like they had known each other for years. They chatted about boys and clothes and how much they both liked hiking. As we left, Melissa took Em's hand as they walked to the car. Seeing them together, hand in hand, I knew there was no turning back for me.

  Chapter 29


  "I'm afraid my daughter conspired with Stacy, her best friend, to stay at her house tonight. We need to swing by Stacy's and drop Melissa off before going to my apartment." Moistening his lips, Ryan's eyes gave away his own intentions for the night.

  Melissa piped up from the back seat of the car. "I thought maybe you and Dad should spend some time without me."

  I turned around and winked at her.

  "Well, thank you, but you know I want to spend as much time with you as I can too."

  "It's okay, Em. We'll still have lots of time together.”

  It suddenly dawned on me Jenna was Stacy's mom. We were on our way to Jenna's house to drop off Melissa. I was silent and played with my necklace the rest of the drive.

  When we arrived at Stacy's house, Ryan looked at me. "Yes, she is who you think she is, but don't worry. I'll be in and out in a jiff … unless you would like to come?"

  The woman in me needed to see her. I guess to stake my territory or compare myself to her. I wasn't sure which.

  "Sure, I'll come in." Getting out of the car, I shut the door harder than intended.

  Melissa grabbed my hand and ran me toward the house.

  "I can't wait for you to meet Stacy!" She was so excited. Meeting Stacy was one thing; I wasn't quite so excited about meeting Stacy's mom.

  I looked back at Ryan, who smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Jenna greeted us at the door.

  "Come in, come in. Ryan, happy to see you again." She locked eyes with me, her smile unwavering.

  I started feeling insecure and thought about retreating back to wait in the car. She was a little older than me but very attractive.

  "Hi, Ms. Jenna," Melissa said. "This is my dad's girlfriend, Emma," she declared proudly. Ryan twitched, and I realized that my meeting Jenna was not the best idea. What if it got back to Lindsey?

  "Nice to meet you." She shook my hand, and her eyes swept over me. Turning toward Melissa, she motioned upstairs. "Stacy is in her room. I'm sure her headphones are on, and she probably doesn't know you are here."

  I was uncomfortable around Jenna and relieved when Melissa grabbed my hand. "Come on, Em. Come meet Stacy." Melissa pulled me the rest of the way up the stairs, leaving Jenna and Ryan alone downstairs.

  The jury was still out on my feelings for her mom, but I liked Stacy right away. The bond between Melissa and Stacy reminded me of Char and I when we were kids.

  Back in the car, Ryan reached for my hand. "I swear, you have nothing to worry about."

  "Shh, let's not ruin tonight. I believe you." Though the insecure part of me wished I could keep him from ever seeing her again.

  "I love you," he whispered.

  "And I love hearing you tell me you love me." I laughed.

  Ryan's apartment was much bigger than my house. Much like his home in Colorado, it was missing any of the frilly touches of a woman. He gave me a quick tour of the apartment, ending in the kitchen. "I'm torn between tearing off your clothes and spending the night talking. I missed you so much!"

  "Really?" I bent over the countertop in front of him exposing my cleavage. "You're torn?"

  "No, not really," he said, allowing a cocky half-smile to spread across his face. He pulled his signature move and tossed me over his shoulder as he took me back to his room. I felt like a teenager, excited that I was in Chicago, in his apartment, and about to make love to him in his room.

  He had my clothes off within seconds. Leaning over me, kissing my neck, he worked his way down to my nipples. Circling my right nipple, he surprised me by biting down lightly. I wasn't into pain, but that tiny bit was erotic, sending pleasure directly between my legs. His erection, pushed against the material of his boxers, teasing my abdomen. He moved to my left nipple and licked around the edges, pulling his boxers off with his other hand. He held my arms together above my head as he thrust his tongue into my mouth, exploring every inch. God, I had missed him. My body arched to join his, and my legs spread to allow him access.

  "You're so wet," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. "I love that you're so wet." My body moved of its own volition in perfect rhythm with his, seeking him, devouring him, needing him inside me.

  A few hours later, exhausted and ready for a break, we crawled out of bed in search of refreshments. I opened his freezer and spotted the ice cream. "Want some?" I held the carton up in the air.

  Ryan nodded and disappeared as I dished out some Rocky Road.

  He came into the kitchen. "Grab the ice cream and follow me."

  He led me back to his oversized bathroom, where he had filled his spa-sized tub with bubbles. He dimmed the lights, and we sunk into the tub. The jets pounded against our skin, soothing and relaxing us. We soaked in the tub for over an hour talking and laughing. It was midnight by the time we got ready to settle into bed.

  "Em, this is going to seem strange, given the amount of time we've known each other, but there is something I want to give you." Ryan sat down next to me on the edge of the bed and reached into his nightstand. I half expected him to pull out a vibrator, but instead, he held an exquisite ring. I gasped. The six-carat diamond pear-shaped ring set in a delicate platinum band with smaller diamonds circling it. I had never given an engagement ring much thought in the past, but if I had, this would have been what I dreamed about. It was perfect.

  "Ryan, what about Lindsey. I thought you couldn't?"

  "I can't … not yet. But it's important to me for you to know that I want to marry you, and I need to know that you want to marry me. You mean everything to me." Ryan's gaze had not left my eyes, which were starting to tear up. He slipped the ring on my finger without waiting for my answer.

  "I love you. Yes, yes of course!" I was a little stunned, even as the words spilled out of me. I was willing to commit to Ryan and couldn't be happier about it! So maybe my commitment issues were only because I hadn't met the right guy.

  "What about Melissa? Have you told her?"

  "She helped me choose the ring."

  "Well then, you both have exquisite taste! Because it is beautiful!"

  "We do have exceptional taste. We chose you."

  It was a fairy-tale ending to an already perfect day.

  Early the next morning, Jenna called to say she would drop the girls off at their piano lessons and then we could pick them up afterward. I hated that she had Ryan's number but did my best to act like a grown-up.

  We arrived a little early and sat outside the classroom, listening while Melissa rehearsed. "She is talented. How long has she been playing?"

  "Less than a year." His face exploded into a big smile.

  When their session ended, Melissa barged out of the door and looked at my hand. When she saw the ring, she started jumping up and down hugging me.

  "You said yes! See, Stacy, I told you she would say yes!"

  Melissa's enthusiasm was contagious, and we all shared one big group hug; even Stacy joined in.

  Back at the apartment, everyone got ready to go to the pool. This time I chose a modest one-piece suit with only a hint of suggestiveness to it. Ryan and I lay on lounge chairs under an umbrella, holding hands and sipping iced tea, each of us submerged in our own books while the girls played and swam.

  I sensed her presence before I noticed the looming shadow standing over me. The hairs on the back of my neck started to rise, and a strange sensation of dread swept over my entire body, making me shiver even in the hot sun. In front of me stood an angry, beautiful, tall woman with long brown hair.

  Ryan was napping next to me, still holding my hand—which happened to have a gorgeous engagement ring on it.

  "Can I help you?" I asked.

  Ryan started to wake up. Still groggy, he looked at me sleepy eyed and adorable, and then he finally became cognizant of the woman hovering above us.

  "Lindsey, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Iowa?"

  "And I assumed you were watching my daughter, not entertaining this whore!" she said, looking down at my left hand. The unforgiving shrill of her angry voice grated across my brain.

  Too shocked to speak, I glimpsed over at Melissa and Stacy, who were watching us. I shook my head "no" at her, hoping she would not walk over to us.

  "You can't talk like that," Ryan began.

  My shock was wearing off and the anger set in.

  "Stop! This is not the place. Both of you need to go upstairs. I will be along in a minute." I said firmly.

  "The hell I will," Lindsey countered. "Who do you think you are?"

  I cut her off. "Lindsey, please go inside. You don't want to embarrass your daughter out here with our issues."

  She turned her attention to Melissa, who sat at the edge of the pool, pale and frightened.

  "Fine!" Lindsey said as she stormed off.

  I focused on Ryan narrowing my eyes. "You too," I stated in a voice exuding more confidence than I was feeling.

  "Are you coming?"

  "In a minute. I want to check on Melissa."

  "Fuck, Em, I'm sorry about this. I knew it was a bad idea. I don't know …"

  "Just go talk to her, Ryan. Would you prefer if I stayed down here?"

  "No, she already knows now. We might as well face it together."

  "Go on. I'll be up in a minute."

  After they both left, I called Melissa over.

  "I think it is best if you and Stacy got a bite to eat and stayed under the awning for a little while."

  The building housed a small restaurant for drinks and sandwiches. "Charge some lunch to your dad's apartment. We'll be back down in a little while. Promise me you will stay at the table and eat lunch until we return."

  Looking scared and alarmed, Melissa glanced at Stacy, and they both nodded.

  "You've got my number in your phone. Call me if you need anything."

  Standing outside Ryan's apartment door, I heard them screaming at each other. How much fun was this going to be? I thought sarcastically as I turned the doorknob to let myself in.


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