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Protecting Emma

Page 38

by ML Michaels

  Soon the happy trio sat in a semi-circle in Claire’s modest but clean lined living room, nibbling away happily on their blueberry breakfast as they talked and laughed.

  “If folks didn’t know better,” Claire said at one point, “They’d think we were a family.”

  Shawn nodded.

  “I do know better,” he revealed, tone casual. “And we are a family.”

  Doubling over in a fit of shock, Claire let loose with a ragged cough as a solitary blueberry came flying from her mouth.

  “Do you need some water?” Shawn asked her, frowning as he and April looked on with concern.

  Claire shook his head.

  “All I need is for you, Shawn, to repeat what you just said,” she insisted.

  Shawn sighed.

  “Admit it, Claire,” he pressed her. “I left town three years ago. Your daughter is 2 ½. She has your beautiful eyes all right, but my hair and skin tone.” He paused here, leaning forward to look Claire directly in the eyes. “April is my daughter, Claire. And we both know it.”

  Claire looked at him a long moment, then nodded.

  “OK then, so April is yours. When I found out that I was pregnant, I didn’t want to ruin your dreams of making it big in Hollywood. So I sent you away without telling you,” she admitted, tone resigned. “Do you want to work out a custody and child support arrangement?”

  Shawn shook his head.

  “Nope,” he replied, adding as he took a casual bite of his coveted blueberry pancakes, “I want to arrange a family.” He paused here, pinning her with his usual trademark (and annoying) white toothed grin, “You’re bound to get mighty tired of these blueberry pancakes, Sweetheart. I plan to serve them to you every morning, for the duration of our lives.”


  It was one of the happiest nights of her life. And still Claire Vincent felt about as conspicuous and high profile as a potted plant.

  Although dressed this evening in her best party apparel, a long dress of pure red velvet that accentuated her generous curves, she still felt just a mite inconspicuous while seated alongside the true star of the evening.

  As a special guest at the wrap party for Romeo and Juliet, Shawn seemed to monopolize the adoring attentions of cast and crew members, all of whom demanded his autograph as well as his honest professional opinion of their performance in the play.

  It probably didn’t help, she mused, that he had rented a luxury limo for the evening and driven the car there himself—immediately drawing the attention of everyone in town. Then after signing his signature for what seemed like the umpteenth time and assuring everyone present that they themselves were destined for the big screen, he graced his date with a playful nudge and suggested that they take a ride.

  Soon finding herself once again in the passenger seat of his sleek ebony roadster, Claire heaved a long, frustrated sigh as she considered the events of the evening.

  “I might as well have not even appeared at my own wrap party, for all the attention I got—or lack thereof,” she mused with a dry smile, adding more seriously, “Is this how the rest of our lives is going to play out, Mr. Movie Star?”

  “No, Darling. This is how it’s going to play out.”

  Claire took in her breath as her impassioned lover swept her up in two muscled arms and covered her mouth with his, holding her body closer than close as he engaged her in a scorching kiss.

  “I could sense that you weren’t too happy in there,” he released on a hot whisper, his hands all the while roaming and caressing her lush curvaceous body, “And that, my love, is just why I brought you out here—to make you happy, and to demonstrate once again that in my arms is where you belong.”

  Soon the couple found themselves in the plush back seat of Shawn’s luxury rented auto, their kisses depending as they collapsed together in its sweet cushions of ivory velour.

  Letting loose with a lusty growl, Claire stripped off his sleek black pleather jacket and the white button down shirt that lie beneath; lowering her head to kiss and lick his chiseled pecs and washboard abs.

  She thrilled as her lover repaid her in kind, slipping off the fabrics of her velvety dress and burying his head in her chest, kissing and licking her sensitive breasts as he ran his hands down her sides.

  Throwing her body full and hard against his, an ardent Claire wrapped her arms around his bulging shoulders and threw her head back with a moan of contentment, reveling in his touch as he massaged her back and pulled her closer to him.

  Their hips and thighs interlocked between them as they collapsed together in a frenzy of passion; their lips again collided as their tongues and fingers entangled at once.

  With a long smooth flourish, his long hard cock penetrated the depths of her soaking wet pussy, and even as their hips slammed against each other and his long wet tongue laved the roof of her mouth, his ever gentle fingers tickled her rounded stomach before coaxing open her feminine folds.

  His fingers and shaft moved in tandem as they advanced in a slow and smooth motion, working together to drive her insane as he worked and kneaded her sensitive clit.

  Merging as a single radiant unit in the light of the moon overhead, the couple dissolved in a binding embrace as two became one, their passion driving them over the edge as they careened together again into the realm of a delicious mutual orgasm.

  “This was just as good as the first time,” Claire commented, waggling her eyebrows for comic effect as she sank exhausted in her lover’s arms.

  Shawn nodded.

  “And considering that we have the rest of our lives to practice,” he told her, “We can only get better from here.”



  Through Hayden’s Eyes: A BBW Military Bodyguard Romance

  By: Bess Hart

  It’s not surprising to see lots of people walking around the streets, going back and forth into different stores and carrying loads of packages and shopping bags. They’re traipsing through Rodeo Drive for a reason —shopping. It is, however, very peculiar to see a woman standing very still in front of a glass window of a clothing store.

  The woman stared at her reflection solemnly, surveying each and every part of her body with a critical eye. She was not happy at what she was seeing and she sighed. A soft clap on her back made her jump.

  “Jesse, what are you doing over here?” the other woman asked.

  “Nothing, Camille, I was just…” Jesse glanced back at her reflection hopelessly. Camille stood beside her and looked at Jesse’s reflection, shaking her head.

  “You’re not beating yourself up again about your weight now, are you?” Camille asked.

  Jesse Madison sighed once more. She didn’t like what she was seeing at all. She knew she wasn’t pitiful looking. She had strawberry blonde hair, honey-colored eyes and pink lips. Her face wasn’t the problem; it was everything else.

  She always wore loose and baggy shirts so her midsection wasn’t noticeable. Carrying 30 or 40 extra pounds, most of which went straight to her butt, thighs, and upper arms, sent what little self-esteem she had down the drain.

  “I really want to look good for the company outing, but I can’t very well wear a bathing suit looking like this,” Jesse raised her arms at her sides to emphasize her point, but Camille was having none of it.

  “Jesse, nothing is wrong with you. You’re beautiful. This obsessive nit-picking about your body is getting out of hand.”

  “Maybe I shouldn’t go,” Jesse said.

  “Oh no, you’re not going to be doing that again,” Camille said firmly, placing both of her hands on top of Jesse’s shoulders, making Jesse face her. “You and I will be going to Sarasota County in sexy swimsuits and knock the boxers off of those hot guys in the company that we don’t get a chance to flirt with at work. And by the end of that week, we’ll head home with the biggest smiles on our faces,” Camille said with a knowing wink.

  “That might happen to you, but that’s a long shot for me. I’ve never even…” Jesse
blushed at her near reminder of still being a virgin. She and Camille had been friends since college, but it was nonetheless embarrassing that she’d had zero sexual experience in her 28 years of existence. Camille was a total head turner, with fiery red hair, green eyes and fair skin, and a body toned from years of playing volleyball. She’d have no problem finding a man to keep her company.

  Camille grinned at her.

  “Well, it’s about time to lose your v-card, girl. Now come on. We have 20 minutes left for break, and I am dying for a caramel macchiato. Your treat.” Camille looked at Jesse pointedly before walking to the nearest coffee shop. Jesse rolled her eyes but followed obediently.

  “Just you wait, Jesse. You are going to meet someone who will love you just the way you are. He’s going to make you wonder why you’ve been stressing out about your weight. Believe me, I’m kind of psychic that way,” Camille continued.

  Jesse didn’t bother saying anything, but thought about her friend’s words. A big part of her thought that was an impossible feat, but a very small part leaped in excitement, hoping that her friend spoke the truth.

  Once they were seated and Camille drank half of her coffee, Jesse’s thoughts strayed to her apartment. She had put an ad up a few days ago about renting out the extra room, and her new roommate was arriving later this evening.

  “So what’s your new roommate’s name? Are you sure she’ll be okay?” Camille asked.

  “Well, I’ve never talked to her in person, but her sister seemed nice. The roommate’s name is Hayden Masterson.”

  “What does she do for a living?”

  “She’s a marine, I think. But she’ll be coming home after being an honorably discharged.”

  “Ooh. Well, nice to know you’ll have extra protection,” Camille mused.

  “Cam, you worry too much. I told you, my place is fine.”

  “You live in Beverly Hills’ version of the Bronx,”

  “The safe part,” Jesse said convincingly.

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Camille deadpanned.

  Jesse blinked. “I am 100 percent sure nothing is going to happen to me there. 100 percent.”


  Jesse wasn’t so sure about her safely anymore.

  She was walking back home from work, and she passed by three suspicious looking men that were talking at the side of the road. Normally, it wouldn’t be a problem, but two of them leered at her, and the other one even smacked his lips while staring, like she was a piece of meat. She paid them no mind and walked faster to her building. She felt their eyes still following her and she hurriedly unlocked the door and entered the building. She looked back and seeing no sign of the three men, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  The building was quite old and didn’t have a doorman, so the only consolation Jesse got was that people could not get inside the building unless they had a key or were buzzed in by a tenant.

  Jesse made her way to the third floor and into her apartment. She had cleaned the place a few days ago and made sure that she didn’t leave any of her things in the spare room. She looked at the clock, saw that it was 5 pm and wondered what time her new roommate would be arriving. Hayden’s sister had said she would be picking her up at the airport and dropping her off there, so Jesse didn’t worry that she would get lost. She decided to cook a simple dinner to welcome her.

  After whipping up one of her favorite dishes, chicken parmesan, she set it aside to cool and lied down on the couch to read a book. Within minutes, she was asleep.


  Jesse woke up to the sound of scuffling and when she opened her eyes, she was face to face with one of the suspicious looking men she had passed earlier on the street. She opened her mouth to speak but the man covered it with his palm. She tried to get up but found that her hands were bound together behind her back.

  “Don’t make a sound,” he hissed at her.

  Jesse’s eyes widened in fright. How did they get into her apartment? She then heard noises coming from her room, and she realized that they must have entered through the fire escape by her window. The window she hadn’t locked because she felt so safe.

  “We’ve seen you coming and going here, missy,” the man told her, letting his hand creep slowly over her legs as he kept his other hand on her mouth. “I’ve been thinking of what it would feel like to get a taste of you. You’d like that, too, wouldn’t you?”

  Jesse shook her head, tears starting to pool in her eyes. The other two men appeared in her peripheral vision and saw that they were carrying backpacks. One of them was shoving her jewelry box inside his bag.

  Jesse tried again to wriggle free to no avail.

  “We got some good stuff in her room, Chuck. Let’s get on out of here!” one of them called out to the man holding Jesse down.

  “Shut up, Rod. No one’s gonna see us here. This fat bitch lives all alone. We can have some fun with her for a while,” the man called Chuck sneered.

  Jesse cried out in protest. She couldn’t believe this was happening. She closed her eyes and prayed for someone, anyone, to come and help her.

  The three men began to crowd around her. Jesse had started to shake in fright, but this only made them more excited. All of them were so preoccupied with their wicked thoughts that they didn’t hear the door click open.

  Jesse was shaking so badly she also didn’t notice the man who had just entered. All she knew was that one moment the thug named Rod was about to touch her face. The next moment, he was flying through the air. She heard a heavy thump as Rod hit the wall on the far side of the room.

  The other two men scrambled to get their bearings, but the stranger, who had appeared seemingly out of thin air in answer to her prayers, was much faster. He smashed his fist into the jaw of the guy closest to him and the goon crashed on Jesse’s coffee table, knocked out cold. The leader, Chuck, pulled a switch knife from his pocket and even beckoned the stranger to come at him. The man’s glare intensified, and Jesse could only gawk in surprise at the stranger’s dead calm demeanor, and Chuck’s apparent stupidity.

  “Come on, you son of a bitch,” Chuck cajoled, the wicked smile on his face disappearing as he saw the man’s confident smirk. He moved so quickly that Chuck had no time to prepare. The man grabbed Chuck’s knife hand and used his other hand to push Chuck into the wall. He squeezed Chuck’s hand so hard that he squealed in pain still holding on to the knife. The stranger then banged Chuck’s knife hand against the wall several times until Chuck dropped the weapon. He punched Chuck in the gut, and the latter groaned, sliding down to the floor in pain. The stranger looked for something he could use to tie the men up when Jesse noticed that Rod had regained his footing and was going after the knife Chuck dropped.

  “Watch out!” Jesse cried.

  The man turned, saw Rod raise his knife, and he raised his hand to defend himself from the blow when Rod suddenly collapsed. The man looked up to see Jesse standing up, holding a broken vase above her head.

  No one spoke for a few moments, both breathing heavily as the stranger swept his gaze over the scene, making sure the thugs were out cold. Then he spoke, his velvety voice surprising Jesse.

  “What a warm welcome,” he said sarcastically.

  He looked up at Jesse and offered a hand.

  “The name’s Hayden, by the way.” he introduced himself.

  Jesse’s eye twitched.

  “What?” she squeaked.


  The police were in for quite a shock when they arrived at Jesse’s apartment only to find the assailants already tied up together with an extension cord at the corner of the apartment while the residents of the house were sitting calmly at the small dinner table drinking coffee. They were even more shocked when the offenders didn’t look much for wear and Hayden and Jesse didn’t have a scratch on them.

  Each gave their statements and account of what happened and watched as the cops took the troublemakers away. Then both went back to their cups and stared at each other quietly.

  Jesse, having already gotten over her initial shock of being attacked, was now dealing with the shock she felt about the person who had just saved her life. The roommate she was expecting did not fit his description at all. She was expecting a woman, for one thing.

  As she surveyed her savior’s muscular physique and 5 o’ clock shadow, the only thought running through her mind was no, this was not who she was expected at all.

  She stared at his face. He had close-cropped black hair. The typical military haircut that suited his chiseled jaw and cleft chin. His eyes were silvery grey and framed with long eyelashes, a sharp nose and perfect pink lips that Jesse felt an aching feeling to touch. Suddenly, she realized Hayden knew exactly what she was doing, his raised eyebrow and a half-smirk confirming her suspicion.

  She blushed crimson, making Hayden’s smirk turn into a full grin.

  “Had enough?” Hayden teased. Jesse’s mouth dropped open.

  “I-I’m sorry but, I was expecting…” Jesse stuttered. How could she tell him she was expecting a girl to room with her? “…someone else,” she finished lamely.

  Hayden looked even more amused.

  “Didn’t my sister tell you I was coming today?” he asked.

  “She did. But…I thought you were,” Jesse scrambled to find the right words.

  Hayden’s eyebrows scrunched together as he waited for her to answer.

  Jesse sighed, giving up on coming up with a more plausible explanation.

  “I thought I was rooming with a girl,” she admitted.

  Hayden blinked, and then started laughing heartily at her.

  Jesse scowled in annoyance.

  “I seriously don’t think it’s that funny,” Jesse chided.

  “Actually, yeah, it kind of is,” Hayden retorted, wiping a stray tear from his eye.

  “You’re sister didn’t exactly tell me I should be expecting a guy as a roommate!” Jesse explained. “She just kept referring to you as Hayden.”

  “Well, that is my name,” he said.

  “It’s a genderless name,” Jesse defended. “Hayden can go both ways,”


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