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Protecting Emma

Page 49

by ML Michaels

  The two laughed at his comment, but Derrick's words echoed in Aidan's mind that night. As he laid awake in bed staring up at the ceiling, he wondered if he was really over Maya. Something about her now seemed radiant. Maybe it was because he hadn't seen her in so long. He rolled onto his side and sighed heavily. He began to nod off with thoughts of Maya ravaging his mind and his dreams.


  Days later, Aidan was in the auto shop with the kids working on his old race car, a small and fast blue and white racer that he had driven in the Daytona 500 several years back. The tires were flat, there were scrapes where he clashed with competitors, and it was dirty.

  The kids he mentored were already working on changing the tires while one of the mechanics was talking on the phone with a client who asked if he could repair his Chevrolet SS before his next race. He usually left the car in his crew's capable hands, but he was having a problem with an intermittent lag that no one could replicate or repair. He claimed he needed Aiden's expertise to get the car back in top shape.

  Just as Aiden was agreeing on the time and day his racing friend would bring the car to the shop, his mother suddenly appeared with a bright smile on her face. Aidan ended the call and wrote the appointment on the large white board that lined one wall of the shop.

  "What's the matter, mom?" He asked. "Why are you smiling like that?"

  "You have a visitor, Aidan!" she said with a giggle.

  Maya appeared behind her smiling shyly and waved her hand. "Sorry for bothering you, Aiden"

  "Maya!" Aidan walked in her direction. "What are you doing here?"

  "Well, you told me that you would be here with the kids today so I decided to come and visit you. Is that okay?"

  "It's perfectly fine. Do you wanna come over and meet the kids?"

  Maya nodded. "I'd love to!"

  "Hey everyone, come over here for a moment!" The kids stopped working on the and went over to Aidan and Maya. "This is a friend of mine. You can call her Ms. Maya."

  "Nice to meet you all," she said with a smile. "You look like you're having a lot of fun!"

  They all nodded. "Yeah, Mr. Michaels is an awesome teacher! And he was a really cool race car driver too!"

  "Is that right?" she asked.

  "Did you know the he won three times straight once?" one of the kids said.

  "Or that he managed to drive through a pile up of crashing cars!" another added excitedly.

  "Or that one time he won by just an inch!"

  Maya couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, he sounds really amazing!"

  "Alright, alright, that's enough!" Aidan cleared his throat. "Go ahead and finish up what you're working on. I'm going to talk with Ms. Maya for a minute, and then I'll be over to help you if you need it."

  The kids went away, and Maya smiled at Aidan. "Wow, they really like you."

  "Yeah, well, they're good kids." He smiled in their direction. "Some people just gave up on them, but they're the ones who missed out. It just takes the right type of person to bring the good out in other people, don't you think?"


  "So, what brings you here today, Maya?"

  "Nothing really." She shrugged her shoulders, blushing a bit. "I just kind of wanted to see you today is all."

  "O-Oh, really?"

  Maya nodded her head. Aidan felt his heart beat faster and swallowed.

  "Well, um, hey, we can hang out on Saturday if you want? There's a really amazing restaurant that just opened up not too long ago if you're interested."

  "I'm free on Saturday too," Maya said.

  "Great! It's a date! I'll pick you up around 7, okay?"

  "Okay! Well, I should probably go now so you can keep an eye on the kids," Maya said.

  "Oh, yeah alright. See you Saturday then."

  Maya smiled at him and waved goodbye to the boys before leaving. His mother poked her head back in a minute later with a knowing smile still on her face. Aidan raised his eyebrow at her confused about why she was grinning like that.

  "Mom, what's the matter with you?" he asked.

  "It's been some time since I've seen Maya around here," she said. "Could it be that you two have finally come to terms with your feelings for each another?"

  "What are you saying, mom? You sound just like Derrick..." Aidan shook his head at her. "Jeez, you say some of the craziest things. We're just going out to dinner. Maya and I are just friends..."

  Now it was his mother's turn to raise her eyebrow at him. "Just friends, hmm? You may believe that, but that's not what I see. A mother sometimes knows what her children feel even before they're they do."

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means, there's still something between you two. That feeling may have been gone for a while, but now that you two have come together again, it's sparked up and is stronger than it was before."

  "Mom, you watch too many soap operas on TV," Aidan said to her, rolling his eyes.

  "Doubt me if you wish, Aidan, but I know I'm right." She smiled at him. "A mother's intuition is always right. Just wait and see."

  Aidan watched his mother head back into the house, wondering if maybe his mother was right.

  "Hey, Mr. Michaels, where do you want me to put this old tire?" one of the kids shouted over to him.

  He shifted his thoughts and focused on the kids as he went over to them. "I'm coming, don't put it anywhere just yet. And I have some great news. We're getting a new car to work on."

  The kids cheered with excitement, and Aidan smiled, helping them work on their current project.


  When Saturday rolled around, Maya spent most of the morning and afternoon fretting over what to wear. She was technically going on a date with Aidan, and it had been a really long time since she had gone on a date. Her mother knocked on her open door as Maya was leaning into her closet and muttering to herself.

  "Maya, what's the matter, sweetie?" she asked, coming into the room.

  "I kind of nervous," she responded with a sigh. "I'm going out with Aidan later today."

  "Why are you anxious about that? Shouldn't you be excited?"

  "Well, I am excited but…but I'm nervous too because...because I think I'm starting to fall in love with him again..."

  "I see," her mother looked confused. "Or I guess I don't see. Why is that a problem?"

  "Because we've gotten to a point where we're really good friends now. He's so sweet and nice and I…I haven't exactly told him I'm carrying Raymond's baby yet..."

  "You think he's going to reject you because of that?" her mother sat on the edge of her bed. "This is a tough situation, honey, but it will give you a chance to see what kind of a man Aidan is. It's true that he might walk away. Many men would. But then you'll know he's not the right man for you anyway."

  "I don't know what I'll do if he can't accept that I'm pregnant," Maya said.

  "Do you think Aidan Michaels is that type of man?" her mother asked gently. "He may just be so happy that you're back in his life again that he'll understand the pain you've been going through. If you two decide you want to be together again, he may feel honored to raise your child as his own."

  Maya sighed and shook her head. "Now that we're talking about it, I do have faith in Aiden, but I'll just have to wait and see, won't I?"

  "You worry too much," her mother told her before leaning over and kissing her on her forehead. "You two will be just fine. Now let's hurry and pick something out for you. Seven o'clock will be here before you know it."

  Across down, Aidan was struggling with his emotions and his wardrobe as well. Clothes covered his floor and bed as he paced nervously. Like Maya, he was anxious about their date and wondered where it was all leading.

  "What if I do something stupid and screw everything up?" he asked himself, running his hands through his already tousled hair. "We're in such a good place right now. If I mess something up and things get awkward between us, I don't know what I'll do!"

  Aidan took in a deep breath then let it o
ut, staring at himself in the full-length mirror his mother had installed on his closet door. The clothes he was wearing were disheveled, and his hair looked as though he had just woken up. He hadn't shaved that morning so there was some stubble poking out along his jawline, and there was some motor oil on the side of his pants. He looked almost homeless.

  Staring at his reflection for a minute, he thought of Maya. She had been a ray of light in his life in high school. Everything seemed better, more fun, more possible, with Maya by his side. He'd lost that light when they parted ways, and if he were honest with himself, he had never really gotten over Maya. Despite a full and successful life, he had always felt as though something was missing. Now, he knew what it was. It was Maya.

  He remembered when they reconnected, and she asked him if he had a girlfriend. The truth was that while he'd had dates and one-night stands, he hadn't loved anyone since Maya. Now that she was back in town, his feelings for her seemed to have grown even stronger. And God help him, he was thrilled with even a slim chance to get that light and love back into his life.

  "I can't mess this up." He straightened himself and thought of the inspirational messages he tried to give his kids. First and foremost, he told them, they had to believe in themselves. It was time for him to do the same thing. "I won't mess this up!

  He scrambled around and found a clean blue shirt and black pants and laid them on the bed. He jumped in the shower and scrubbed himself clean, then shaved his face and combed his hair.

  He got dressed and checked the time: 6:35 p.m. "Gotta go," he said with new found confidence as he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. "Wouldn't want to be late."

  It was exactly 7 p.m. on the dot when the doorbell rang. Maya's heart pounded in her chest, and she scrambled about her room making sure she looked just right. Her father opened the door and greeted Aidan who looked assured in his casual outfit.

  Aiden looked at Maya's father and smiled remembering how nervous he had been picking her up in high school.

  "Hello sir, is Maya ready?" he asked.

  Her father chuckled. "Even though you two are grown up, you act like this is the first time you went out together! She's acting the same way!"

  "Now dear, leave the boy alone." Maya's mother smiled at Aidan. "Well, hello Aidan. You look very handsome. How long has it been, I wonder?"

  Aidan chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "A long time, I'd say."

  "Would you like to come in for a minute? You must be tired."

  "No, that's okay. I-"

  "I'm coming! I'm coming."

  Maya came down the steps wearing a black dress with a gray cardigan and black pumps. She held a small silver black clutch, and her hair was tied back into a loose and wavy ponytail with curls at the end. She hadn't put much makeup on, just some mascara, blush and shiny lip gloss. Aidan's heart nearly stopped. He thought she was even more beautiful than she had been in high school. His voice caught in his throat as he tried to speak.

  "You look...fantastic..."

  Really?" Maya smiled at him. "Thanks. You look rather handsome as well."

  Aidan laughed nervously. "Ready to go?"

  "Yep! Bye mom, bye dad! I'll see you later!"

  "Have fun sweetie!"

  Aidan headed to the new restaurant. It was a 20-minute drive, but the time flew by. He had made their reservation earlier that week and a table had just opened up. Aiden held out a chair for Maya, and she smiled thinking that Raymond had never treated her this way. Once they were seated, a friendly waitress introduced herself as Kari and handed them menus.

  "Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked politely.

  "Two glasses of white wine, please." Aidan said, looking at Maya, "Is that okay with you?"

  Maya unconsciously rubbed her belly. "I think I'll pass, but you should have whatever you want to drink," she said with a big smile. "I'll have some iced tea."

  "Make that two," Aiden said, reaching over and touching her hand.

  "Take your time ordering," Kari said. "I'll be back with your drinks in a jiffy!"

  The waitress walked off. Maya felt strangely comfortable and content. The atmosphere in the restaurant was gentle and warm, and the music was mellow yet upbeat, and the wait staff was friendly and attentive. The other customers looked equally relaxed.

  Maya felt a small smile capture her lips. Aidan noticed it and smiled back, his hands folded underneath of his chin.

  "What's that smile for, Mi?" He asked.

  "Oh! It's nothing. I was just thinking this is really nice. I'm glad we're spending this time together."

  Aidan laughed lightly. "Me too."

  Kari came back with two tall glasses of iced tea and took their orders. Maya went with the glazed ham with mixed vegetables, white rice and a piece of sweet bread. Aidan ordered the curly pasta with Italian sauce, oregano and shredded white cheese with garlic bread as a side. They took a bite out of their foods and made the same sound of satisfaction.

  "This is really delicious," Maya gasped. "The ham is really tender and juicy and this glaze tastes so sweet."

  "Yeah, the food in this place is really something else. I only came here once with my parents, but it was a wonderful night, just like tonight."

  Aidan gave Maya a charming smile, and she smiled back, taking a drink of her iced tea. "Can we get dessert too? They look really yummy."

  "Sure. As long as you have room for it."

  After finishing their main meals and downing two glasses of iced tea, they decided to share a dessert. They choose a sundae with a warm brownie, creamy vanilla ice cream, warm chocolate syrup, fluffy whipped cream and two plump red cherries on top. It was big enough for two people to eat. They chuckled as they ate the sundae, a reminder of their favorite treat from their high school days.

  Finally, they were full to the brim and ready to explode.

  Maya had insisted they split the check evenly, but Aidan wouldn't hear of it. She let the matter drop thinking again how kind and thoughtful Aiden had always been.

  As they left the restaurant, Maya sighed with happiness. The sky had become dark with some light from a beautiful half moon and the festive lights that lined the town streets.

  As Aiden drove back towards Maya's house, the two of them laughed and chatted as if they had no cares in the world. Aidan brought the car to a stop in front of the familiar house and parked it. He climbed out then helped Maya out, walking her up to the porch. She squeezed his hand tightly.

  "I had a really nice time tonight, Aidan," Maya said with a smile.

  "Yeah, me too." Aidan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling Maya close. "I should probably say good night then..."

  She giggled, leaning against his body, her lips inches away from his. "Do you have to?"

  That depends...Do you want me to?"

  Maya didn't answer with words. She leaned forward and gently pressed her lips against Aidan's, wrapping her arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around her slender waist and held her close, kissing her back. Their bodies rubbed against each other, and he deepened the kiss, sucking on her tongue and biting her lower lip. She groaned against his lips, her body trembling with excitement as his knee pressed between her legs.

  "Maya..." Aidan's voice whispered in her ear, deep and husky.

  Her breath hitched, feeling his hands roaming her body. "Aidan..."

  His eyes caught her gaze and he could see the flickering flame of lust burning inside of them. He brushed the hair back from her face and leaned down, kissing and nibbling her neck. She let out a soft moan, holding onto his tightly as if he was her lifeline.

  "A-Aidan, wait… We can't do this right now..."

  Aidan leaned back a bit, his eyes filled with puzzlement. "Maya..."


  The shout startled them both, and they turned their heads towards the angry man who had called out her name.


  Maya's eyes widened in fear when she saw her ex-husband, Raymond, climbing out of his car and sto
rming over to them. She and Aidan jumped away from each other, both tense and embarrassed. Aiden looked confused and concerned.

  Maya took a step back as Raymond got closer, rage distorting his face.

  "W-What are you doing here, Raymond?" she stuttered, cautious and on guard. "We're divorced so leave me alone!"

  "You think I was going to let you leave when you're carrying our baby? And why the hell wouldn't you tell me?" Raymond snapped at her.

  It was as if Raymond had punched Maya right in the gut. Her heart dropped deep into her stomach as she placed her hands protectively over her tiny bump. She took another step back, her legs shaking as fear washed over her in waves. Aidan stared at her with eyes as wide as saucers.

  "Maya... You're...pregnant?" he asked in disbelief. "Why...why didn't you tell me?"

  Raymond shot a cold glare at him. "Why would she need to tell you? Who the fuck are you anyway?"

  Aidan frowned at her. "A friend of hers. Someone who actually cares about her. Which is more than I can say for you."

  "You saying I don't care about my wife, bastard?" Raymond barked, fully facing Aidan now.

  Aidan narrowed his eyes at the muscular man, stepping closer. "From what I can see, no you don't. If you did, she wouldn't have divorced you, now would she?"

  "Aidan, stop it, please," Maya said, trying to act as though she was in charge of this disastrous situation and her now disastrous life. "What do you care if I'm pregnant, Raymond? We're not together anymore so you shouldn't be concerned about me..."

  "Dammit, Maya! I do care. You’re my wife!" Raymond looked at her seriously. "If we're going to be a family then...then I'll try hard to be a great father! I will be a great father — and a great husband."

  Aidan looked at Raymond with steely eyes. 'People like him never change,’ he thought. He prayed Maya knew that she deserved better than this.


  "I promise you, Maya, I'll be a better man! I want us to be a family. Let me be a father to my child. Please!"

  Maya looked from one man to the other, confused. She had to make a choice and she wasn't ready to decide yet. She shook her head and turned away from the two men.


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