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Protecting Emma

Page 72

by ML Michaels

  He purred sensual against her lips as she reached forward to run an admiring hand through the strands of his silky gold hair, sighing as he cupped her flushed cheeks and allowed his agile fingers to roam her warm skin.

  The moment was fleeting.

  “Um, would you to like to refresh your magnum? You two look like you might need to cool off, just a little bit.”

  Breaking their kiss, Callie sat back sharp in her seat as she regarded a tall slender waitress with magenta tinted hair and matching lipstick both of which seemed most fitting accents for a dress made of recycled tin foil.

  “Um, no thank you Omni Prescient,” she replied, reading the name printed with care on the waitress’ nametag. “I was just about to go.”

  Aidan chuckled.

  “Thanks anyway Omni, but I too am about to head home for the evening,” he told the young lady, who groaned openly in response.

  “Dude, are you sure you want to go?” she queried, magenta eyebrows arched as she added, “Whenever you walk out those doors, roughly three quarters of our female clientele follows you.”

  Aidan nodded.

  “I’m well aware of that,” he assented, adding with a visible cringe, “It is for that very reason that I now keep a good pair of running shoes in the back, and my car is now equipped with a reliable alarm system.”

  Omni chuckled.

  “Sorry about that,” she apologized, adding as she pointed an unnaturally long magenta fingernail in his direction, “That won’t stop you from coming back here tomorrow night, will it?”

  Aidan shook his head.

  “I will return, Omni, but not tomorrow,” he told her, adding with a meaningful look in the direction of a quiet Callie, “I have a lesson to teach.”

  Moments later Aidan insisted on walking Callie outside to her car leading her by the hand into a realm of deep darkness broken only by a glow of crystalline stars that lead their way to her green compact.

  Turning at her car door, Callie admired the way that Aidan’s golden hair and bronzed skin glowed in this same light; his eyes like fine gems as they stared into her own.

  “So do you really want to start our dance lessons tomorrow?” she asked him, struggling to keep a casual tone as she fumbled in her purse for her car keys. “Or were you just trying to let the ever hopeful Ms. Omni Prescient down nice and easy?”

  Aidan laughed.

  “No, I would like to see you again as soon as possible,” he assured her, adding with a shrug, “And if some dance lessons happen to transpire at any point during our next visit, well that will be fine as well.”

  Callie ducked her head.

  “I don’t know, Aidan,” she released on a sigh, adding as she shook her head from side to side. “As much as I like you, this is all moving so quickly. We barely know each other, and we were dirty dancing and making out like a couple of teen-agers in that club. As the leader of a high profile nonprofit agency in this community, I have to be careful about how I conduct myself in public.”

  Her companion surged inward, searing her lips with a hot wet kiss before pulling back to stare deep into her eyes.

  “You’re also a woman—and a lovely, passionate woman at that,” he released on a whisper, adding as he reached forward to stroke her messy dark hair with a strong but tender hand, “As committed as you are to taking care of your clients, as fortunate as they are to have you, you need to take care of yourself as well—to make sure that you seek some pleasure in life,” he paused here, adding in a sultry whisper, “Perhaps I can help you with that mission, on both counts.”

  Completely out of character, Callie found herself smiling and nodding her assent to his plan as she turned for her car.

  “Well who am I to try to resist you? You, my friend, could sell a Vogue subscription to a nudist,” she quipped, adding as his answering laughter subsided, “So when and where do you want to meet for our first lesson? I could come in early tomorrow morning before my work day begins, or perhaps at lunchtime—around noon usually, though I can be pretty flexible….”

  “The lesson will take place tomorrow night, at a studio that I keep at the corner of Fourth and Main streets downtown,” Aidan interrupted her, adding with a smooth mysterious smile, “Hope you don’t mind the late hour, darling. I always do my best work at night.”


  His words echoed through Callie’s mind the next evening, as she once again departed her all familiar job at the shelter to immerse herself in the mystery and excitement of a hot, moon-kissed Florida night, this time heading downtown to the address of Aidan’s dance studio.

  She frowned confused as she found something resembling an old Victorian mansion; an elegant, classically designed home featuring an exterior of pure ivory cream topped by a turreted scarlet hued roof and enclosed in an arty collection of broad balconies, sprawling front porches and elegant latticework fences.

  “They even have a gosh darn turret on top of the building,” she mused, squinting as she regarded the overall opulence of the building before her; one that bore a closer resemblance to a classic home or museum than a typical dance studio. “I’m lucky to have the satellite dish that nets me the Oxygen Network, Showtime Anytime and the occasional rerun of I Love Lucy.”

  Following Aidan’s directive to mount a side stairway that would take her to his studio area, she soon found herself outside a scarlet hued door marked Fantasy Dance.

  “Sounds like him all right,” she grinned in spite of herself as she swung open the door to reveal a room that seemed like something out of a dream.

  The epitome of classic ballroom elegance, the room boasted an ebullient gold leaf ceiling graced by the presence of a crystalline chandelier; a glorious room topper that tapered down to reveal walls of gold brocade inlaid with sparkling windows—crystalline portals that claimed grand ivory columns as dividers and that tapered down to reveal a floor boasting soft wool carpeting imbued with a vibrant starburst pattern.

  Slipping off her shoes and stepping with particular care onto this whisper soft surface, an enraptured Callie also felt as though she stepped through the door to another, more elegant time.

  “Suddenly I feel just a tad underdressed in a blue jean dress and an old faded Xena Warrior Princess T-shirt,” she bit her lip, touching her chest with a self-conscious hand as she faced her own fully made form in the reflection of a central mirror. “What am I doing here?”

  “I want you here, my beautiful lady.”

  The sound of a familiar, if still mysterious voice jolted her gaze to a corner mirror, where she beheld the vision of a white duke.

  Tall and statuesque in an ivory V-necked shirt that offered an appealing flash of his hard muscled chest, Aidan strolled with graceful steps into the ballroom and bowed low before her, showing off as he did some tight, form-fitting ebony pants and knee high leather boots.

  “Good evening, my lady,” he greeted her with a courtly flourish, taking her hand in his and raising it to his full soft lips for a most gentlemanly kiss.

  “Well hello there,” Callie returned, keeping hold of his hand as her eyes took a leisurely walk down the length of her flawless form. “You look amazing, like you stepped off the cover of a romance novel. Is this how you usually dress to give dance lessons?” she paused here, adding in a reflective tone, “Now granted, I haven’t attempted anything resembling a dance lesson since pre-K tap class, and I vaguely recall the teacher wearing a nightmarish ensemble that in some way involved an ill-fitting plum leotard and rainbow patterned leg warmers….”

  She fell silent as her words were met with some soft melodic laughter, courtesy of the gentleman who now opened his arms to her.

  “Well all things considered, I don’t think I’d much enjoy slipping on a pair of good ol’ trusty leg warmers and staging a gender bending version of Flashdance,” he revealed, adding as he waggled his feathered eyebrows in a gesture of playful flirtation, “Au contraire, I think I’d far rather remake Dirty Dancing instead—with you as my leading lady.”<
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  Apparently liking this concept, Callie launched herself with an uncharacteristic giggle into his arms and lost herself in all things Aidan. She savored the clench of his strong embrace and the feel of his hard chiseled chest against hers, and basked in the hint of his citrus-tinged scent and the light brush of his silky gold hair against her neck.

  Leaving her for just a moment to approach a nearby gold brocade wall and flick a subtle switch embedded therein, Aidan set into motion a rhythmic jazz tune that established the tone for a most romantic dance.

  “I love everything about this studio,” Callie praised him, twirling with glee at the center of the floor before landing in the arms of her waiting teacher. “The décor, the music and especially the instructor,” she gave him a narrow-eyed, meaningful look before adding, “Only do you think that we should be turning the music up so loud? Won’t the other tenants in this building object?”

  Aidan smiled.

  Well as it happens my dear, the only other ‘tenant’ we need concern ourselves with is the sweet older lady I hire to clean my house,” he assured her, adding with a casual shrug, “And she only visits once a week and during the day—when I’m sleeping.”

  Callie froze.

  “So basically, you’re saying that this McMansion here is your home?” she asked him, adding with arched eyebrows, “Wow. There must be a whole lot of folks in this community willin’ to drop change to learn the ball change.”

  Aidan chuckled.

  “Not to boast sweetheart, but I come from money,” he revealed, adding as he made a broad graceful gesture to his ethereal surroundings, “It’s too bad I don’t have anyone to share this all with, but certain elements of my lifestyle are—well, problematic, to say the least. Ah, but enough about that. Let’s dance!”

  After spending a few moments interlocked in a tight, affectionate embrace, immersing themselves in a warm cocoon as they twirled easy across the floor, Aidan got down to business shifting Callie’s pliant body gently in his arms as he readied his partner for a serious ballroom dance.

  Through both the supple movements of his own powerful body and some gently spoken vocal instruction, Aidan taught her some basic steps, twirls and even lifts, at one point thrilling her by sweeping her most literally off of her feet and high above his head.

  “Well when you promised me a virtual remake of Dirty Dancing, you weren’t lyin’!” Callie gasped out, thrilling at the feeling of sublime flight as her graceful lover twirled her in the air.

  Within moments, she’d returned to her feet, though still feeling as though she was walking on air as her adoring dance partner leaned forward to grace her lips with a whisper soft kiss.

  “Nobody puts Callie in a corner,” Aidan told her, accenting his words with a devastating smile as he pulled her closer to him. “Especially not when she completely and totally aces her first dance lesson.”

  Callie’s heart melted. What was going on here? She was usually reserved and cautious with men. But she couldn’t seem to help herself. She found herself smiling.

  “Thanks Aidan, but I full and well know that you deserve most of the credit for the discovery and development of my talents on the dance floor,” she admitted, adding as she inclined her head in his direction, “Any chance you’d like to dance with me on stage at the fund-raiser?”

  Her heart warmed as she saw Aidan’s perfect face erupt in a flattered, almost boyish smile.

  “I—I would be honored, Callie,” he told her, adding in a more flirtatious tone, “Are you sure, however, that you as the show director wouldn’t like to audition me for this extra special role?”

  Callie crossed her eyes.

  “You have the natural dance talent of Fred Astaire. I have the natural dance talent of Fred Flintstone,” she pointed out. “And I’m supposed to audition you?”

  She took in her breath as, in an impulsive move, he stripped off his shirt and tossed it recklessly to the floor beneath them, revealing as he did some flawless pecs and hard, chiseled washboard abs.

  “Well this is one dance star who is more than willing to sleep with his director,” he purred, flexing his body for approval as he held out his hand to her, “Care to see some of my other moves, Callie?”

  Leading her to a plush velvety lavender settee that formed a far corner of the ballroom, Aidan dropped to his knees before a smiling Callie and took her tired feet in his agile hands, massaging her pads as he suckled her toes and savored her contented sighs.

  Licking his way up the length of her legs and stealing beneath the skirt of her soft denim dress, an ardent Aidan massaged her full hips before venturing farther still, surging upward to grasp the border of her white cotton panties and dragging them down her legs—depositing them in a cloudy heap beside her feet before returning to the source of her ultimate pleasure.

  Callie gasped with delight as her lover licked open her folds and graced her with the intimate kiss, his full moist lips touching and suckling the skin of her sensitive clit.

  Bobbing his golden head up and down to intensify the sensation, Aidan leaned his head inward as he continued to kiss and lick her tender skin, sending a rain of electrifying erotic sparks surging upward to sear and arouse every part of her body.

  Pitching her head backward and thrusting her hips forward to intensify the feeling, an ecstatic Callie reached downward to run her fingers through the luxurious lengths of his silken blond hair.

  Finally, and with a long last lick he sent her hurdling across the bounds of an incredible clitoral orgasm, one that made her tremble in her seat as she screamed her pleasure.

  “And here I was faulting you for playing loud music,” she quipped, her heart still pounding as she fell forward to sink deep into her lover’s arms. “I do believe I just broke the sound barrier.”

  Aidan laughed.

  “Indeed you did, my love,” he whispered in her ear, gathering her to him as he added on a growl, “Let’s try for a repeat performance.”

  Bowing his head to her neck, the ardent lover nipped her neck as he slipped the fabric of her denim dress slowly down her arms, baring her voluptuous body to him as he continued to suckle her sensitive skin.

  Once again Callie noticed the sharpness of Aidan’s teeth as they grazed her neck, soon lowering his sumptuous mouth to her bare breasts to kiss and lick her nipples.

  All coherent thought fled her mind moments later, as the ever graceful Aidan slithered his way out of his tight black pants, freeing as he did the long hard shaft that rose to greet her with a noble salute.

  Their arms and legs entangled between them as the couple returned to the dance floor, this time engaging in an erotic tango that aroused and energized them.

  Seizing her lips in a passionate kiss, Aiden massaged her mouth with his as his sturdy hands ran like warm water down her back, working in tandem with his lips to treat his lover to the ultimate sensual massage.

  The enjoined pair rolled free and wild across the floor beneath them as she lost herself in his sensual embrace, her eager hands stroking and exploring his hard massive chest and sculpted abs—finally lowering her fingertips to grasp and stroke the length of his hard rod.

  Growling outright beneath the effects of this sensual massage, Aidan lapped at her mouth with a long wet tongue as their bodies writhed together all the while continuing to stroke her back as their enjoined lips resounded with a smack high in the air above them.

  The friction of their joined bodies turned to fire moments later, when a desirous Callie wrapped her arms around her lover’s muscled shoulders to draw him closer still, parting her fleshy thighs before her as she invited him inward.

  “I want you inside of me,” she gasped, throwing herself deeper into his strong arms as their hips and thighs locked between them. “Now. Please.”

  Eager to act on his lover’s command, the dancer next engaged his lady in the ultimate sensual tango, surging his long hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their hips claimed an immediate rhyt
hm as their dance became more intimate, their bodies moving together in feverish accord as he tossed his lush pennant of pure golden hair full in her face—whipping its soft lengths back and forth across her heaving breasts as he continued to probe and penetrate her.

  Yet even as his trim hips gyrated against hers in what seemed a playful tease, he continued to cradle and coddle her, swinging and swaying her body as two became one.

  “I don’t believe that you come close to realizing how beautiful you are,” he released on a whisper, clutching her body to his as he added, “Let me show you.”

  With these words, he threw himself deep into her arms as her breasts crushed his hard massive chest at the same time thrusting himself deeper within her as their kisses grew hot and feverish.

  Finally, and with a long last stroke his cock surged forth to kiss her core sending them both hurdling across the bounds of an incredible shared climax.

  Their beings reverberated with waves of intense sensation as they collapsed together on the floor beneath them clinging to one another as both seemed to share the idea that this dance would not be their last.


  Once again Callie Armstrong felt out of her element, and she just happened to love every moment of it, thank you very much.

  Aside from consenting to appear as a star dancer in the shelter’s annual fund-raising event, Aidan had offered the use of his ballroom for the staging of the dance. And for their closing number, he and Callie had opted to dress in Victorian clothing and perform a classic reel.

  Now standing poised in the entryway of the ballroom, Callie looked down with admiring eyes at a gown she’d purchased at a nearby boutique, a lush full-skirted ivory cotton frock graced with an ebullient pink floral print across the surface of its luxurious cream hued overskirt and wide sleeves trimmed with white lace. A lovely floral bow topped and defined the dress’ tailored bodice, completing its fine contoured look.


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