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Protecting Emma

Page 75

by ML Michaels

  “I’m…a vampire,” Asher finally said. Eliza blinked once, twice, then three times for good measure before she reacted.



  Asher pinched the bridge of his nose as he struggled to concentrate in class. He didn’t get much sleep last night because Eliza forced him to explain everything. Surprisingly, she took their history very well, even going so far as to tell him she’s dreamt about him for as long as she could remember.

  After that, she proceeded to throw a holy cross at him and tried to stab him with a chopstick.

  “I just wanted to know if you these things would kill you,” Eliza had told him when he yelled at her to knock it off.

  The bell rang and startled Asher out of his thoughts. He sighed as he realized that he didn’t learn a thing in today’s class and hoped there wasn’t an assignment due tomorrow.

  He entered the cafeteria and to his amazement, saw Eliza waving frantically at him from one of the tables where one of their bandmates was also sitting. He nodded at her before grabbing a tray and filling it up with sandwiches and a drink and then paying at the counter.

  As he neared the table, he noticed that the only available seat left was next to Eliza so he sat there, and she immediately shoved a bottle of water at him.

  “Drink this,” she offered, and Asher raised an eyebrow.

  What’s in it?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Nothing,” she said quickly. “Just for when you get thirsty.”

  Asher had an inkling of what she might be up to so he grabbed the bottle and took a swig. He gave it back to Eliza, who pouted upon seeing him completely unscathed.

  “This needs ice,” he shook the bottle, and Denver snickered. Asher looked at Denver questioningly, but he just shook his head. Asher shrugged and started eating.

  Eliza took a plastic Tupperware from her bag and pushed it to Asher eagerly.

  “Garlic bread?” Eliza took one and made a motion to feed him. Asher shook his head, amused.

  “Stop trying to kill me, Liz.”

  Eliza put on a hand on her chest, aghast. “Me? How could I--,”

  “You’re about as subtle as a grenade. I know you just made me drink holy water.” Asher took a piece of garlic bread and bit into it, chewing loudly. Eliza huffed as the rest of the guys broke into raucous laughter.

  “I gotta say, Eliza. We were curious about the myths, but we’d never have tested all of them on Asher just to know if they were legit!” Toby cried, wiping a tear from his eye, still chuckling.

  Eliza blushed. “I wasn’t going to kill him. I was just curious. As soon as he looked like he was keeling over, I’d let him drink my blood so he could recover!” She said it all simply. The boys’ faces turned serious at her statement. Asher was furious.

  “And how exactly are you going to do that?” Asher asked, pinning Eliza with a glare. Eliza blanched.

  “Well, I…I wasn’t sure if I’d turn into a vampire at just one bite or something so…I thought I could just cut myself and put my blood in a cup,” she replied meekly. Asher blinked at her ingenuity, unable to say a word.

  “What? Like a beverage?” Carter asked, surprised.

  “Well, there’s no instruction manual that says that wouldn't work!” Eliza cried. Asher snapped out of his trance and laughed loudly, making everyone in the cafeteria look at him strangely.

  Carter’s cell phone rang, and he excused himself before answering. Asher and the others continued to tease Eliza mercilessly as Carter talked to the person on the phone then quickly ended the call.

  “Guys! I just scored us another gig!” Carter announced, and Denver and Toby whooped.

  “Where is it gonna be this time Carter?” Asher asked.

  “Only at “Valkyrie,” also known as the biggest nightclub in the city,” Carter answered smugly.

  “Oh, dude! That place is amazing!” Denver shouted.

  “I think daddy and Mr. Lagrand bring their clients there from time to time. I’ll ask him for directions.” Eliza said.

  Asher froze. Lagrand?

  “Liz, what’s Lagrand’s first name?” Asher asked. The hair on his neck stood up as he waited for her answer.

  “Hmm…I think it was…Sigil? No, that’s not…Sigrid! That’s it! Sigrid Lagrand!” Eliza exclaimed. Asher’s eyes widened.

  Sigrid Lagrand. There was no way that there was another person with that distinctive name. He was probably the very same monster Asher had taken so long to find. Sigrid Lagrand was the name of the man who had haunted him all his undead life. He was the vampire who killed Lizbeth. The vampire who ruined their lives. The vampire who doomed him for eternity.

  And at long last, the time had come. Finally, Asher’s chance to kill the vampire who turned him had finally arrived. And to think that the person who lead Asher to him was Eliza, the girl who was in a similar predicament. She was doomed to live over and over again only to die in much the same way.

  “Eliza, is there any chance your dad will be coming to the Valkyrie with Mr. Lagrand?” Asher asked urgently.

  “I can ask daddy later, but what do you need with Mr. Lagrand?” Eliza asked, tilting her head. Asher looked down at the ground, contemplating whether it would be safe to tell her.

  ‘Well, she knows about everything else…’ Asher thought but quickly shook his head. Eliza was impulsive. He was sure that if he told her he was going to kill his creator, she would jump at a chance to help him, or do something else that would endanger her safety. He’d just have to tell her once the deed was done.

  “I’ll tell you later, but for now, you have to trust me.” Asher pleaded, and Eliza nodded slowly.

  “When are we playing?” Asher looked at Carter, addressing his question to him. Carter smirked.

  “Tomorrow night.”

  Asher nodded. He had a day to prepare. He couldn’t wait.


  It was the night of their gig at the Valkyrie, and Asher had told the boys about his plan. They were worried about him but understood that this was what he needed to do. As for Eliza, the group members agreed not to tell her anything for now.

  Asher stretched his neck from side to side in an effort to release the tension he felt. He kept glancing at the entrance and the stairs to the VIP Lounge, anticipating the arrival of Eliza’s father and Lagrand. He picked up his guitar and tuned it for the third time since he had gotten there.

  Eliza appeared at his side, looking at him with a worried expression. He had asked her to make sure that her father and Mr. Lagrand would be coming tonight. She had called her father, telling her about their gig, and he said that they would be going there to celebrate as they had closed another deal. Eliza relayed the information to Asher, and he nodded mutely.

  “Asher,” Eliza whispered, and Asher turned his head to the side, waiting for her to continue. “Whatever you’re planning to do, be careful.”

  Asher didn’t know how to respond to that, and he was grateful the DJ interrupted them, announcing their band, which was their cue to start playing. The group was on edge they started their set, Asher trying his best to focus on playing and not the entrance.

  After their third song, Eliza pointed to the doors. They watched as Eliza’s father, his associates and Sigrid Lagrand entered the club.

  Asher’s eyes widened. There was no mistaking him, even from a distance. Lagrand was wearing a business suit and tie, and horned-rimmed glasses that Asher knew he didn't need. But his stance and the way he looked like he was stalking his prey when he walked were still the same. Asher’s jaw ticked.

  Toby had asked Asher to finish their whole set first before doing his plan, and Asher had agreed. Eliza had said that her father and Lagrand usually stayed until well into the morning, so there was plenty of time.

  At the middle of their set, however, Eliza’s father decided to point them out to Lagrand, and Asher watched as first recognition and then amusement registered in Lagrand’s eyes. Asher continued to play his guitar but glared daggers at Lagr
and, eliciting laughter from the latter.

  By the time they finished their set, Asher and Lagrand’s stare down still hadn’t broken. Asher removed the strap of his guitar from his shoulder and placed it on the floor. He nodded towards Denver, and Denver walked away to a hidden corner of the club, climbed on the table and placed his lighter below the sprinkler, which turned all of them on.

  The people panicked and ran out of the club. Eliza’s father looked like he was trying to convince Lagrand to get out, but Lagrand shook his head and told him he’d catch up. Toby and Carter ran out of the club after making sure that no one else had stayed inside. Denver pulled at Eliza’s hand to get her to safety, but she shook him off. She watched as Asher climbed the stairs to the VIP Lounge, fist raised at Lagrand, who was standing at the center of the floor calmly.

  Lagrand dodged the punch and moved backwards, a sneer still on his face.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t my son. We meet again. How long has it been?” He asked, his tone making it seem like they were having a normal conversation. Asher moved, and his punch connected. Lagrand immediately reciprocated with a left hook. Asher blocked it with his other hand as he spun and kicked Lagrand in the stomach. Lagrand doubled over, and Asher pulled a dagger from the inside of his jacket and raised it to stab Lagrand in the heart but he froze. Asher’s eyes widened and tried to move his body to kill Lagrand, but he couldn’t budge.

  Lagrand let out a sinister laugh, his eyes darkening as he watched Asher struggle.

  “Did you honestly believe you could kill me, boy?” Lagrand asked, moving closer to Asher until they were only a few feet apart. He touched the tip of Asher’s dagger with his finger, pricking it until a drop of his blood dropped.

  “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” in a blink of an eye, Lagrand took the knife from Asher and stabbed him in his stomach, Asher’s mouth falling open in surprise. Lagrand placed his mouth on Asher’s ear and whispered, “A vampire cannot kill his creator.” He stabbed Asher again, twisting the knife until Asher cried out and then collapsed on the ground.

  “Asher!” Eliza cried, and Lagrand looked at her in surprise as she ran up the stairs and dropped beside Asher. She pushed Asher up until his body was leaning on hers. She used her other hand to cover his wounds and try to stop the bleeding.

  “Impossible,” Lagrand said. He pulled Eliza to her feet and squished her cheeks together with one hand. Eliza grabbed his hand and tried to get him to let go, but he raised her up so her feet wouldn’t touch the floor.

  “There’s no mistaking it. You were that girl I had burned to death in front of him.” Lagrand chuckled menacingly as Eliza continued to struggle against him. Asher crawled towards them, coughing up blood, and Lagrand laughed louder at the sight.

  “Struggling then, and still struggling now. When will you two ever learn?” Lagrand asked. Eliza glared at him.

  “Shut up, you asshole.” Eliza raised a fork and stabbed his hand, making him howl in pain and drop her. Lagrand’s eyes flared and moved to hit her but stopped as he heard police sirens coming from outside. He growled at the both of them before jumping out of the window.

  Eliza went back to Asher who was still bleeding profusely. She wrenched his arm around her shoulders and hoisted him to stand up.

  “Asher, what do we do? The cops can’t see you like this,” Eliza whispered to him frantically. She strained her ears as Asher mumbled.

  “…mp,” Asher said.

  “What?” Eliza asked.

  “J…,” Asher tried again, and Eliza gulped. She helped Asher walk up to the window where Lagrand had disappeared. She peeked out, seeing a garbage bin below that could break their fall.

  “Asher, I’m going to push you out, okay? One, two—,” Eliza squealed as Asher trapped her in his arms and threw himself out the window, cradling Eliza to safety. His back hit the garbage bags and Eliza quickly gathered him up. She took out her phone and dialed Toby’s number.

  “E, what’s going on in there? The cops are—,” Toby answered.

  “Toby, come quick! Asher is bleeding! We have to get him somewhere safe!” Eliza interrupted. She heard Toby order Denver to get his car and she told him where they were. She then ripped the sleeve of her sweatshirt and used it to put pressure on Asher’s stomach. The car arrived and the boys loaded Asher into the back seat.

  Denver sped up to Asher’s apartment, which was the closest place they could take him. Carter reached into Asher’s pocket to retrieve the keys and opened the door to let them in.

  Toby and Denver carried Asher to his room. Carter told Eliza that he was going to the drugstore to buy some bandages and ran back to the car. Asher groaned as his bandmates placed him carefully on his bed. Denver removed the cloth, and his eyes widened when he saw the blood still gushing.

  “He’s not healing! Why is he not healing?!” Denver cried frantically.

  “I don’t know, man! What do we do?” Toby answered, pushing his fingers through his hair in panic.

  Eliza’s eyes jerked left and right as she thought of what to do. Thinking it was worth a shot, she pushed Denver and Toby out of the room.

  “I’ll deal with him! The both of you get out!” the boys protested but she closed the door on them and locked it. She turned back towards Asher and roused him awake. He groaned and opened his eyes, his face splitting into a grimace and Eliza took her shirt off.

  “What…what are you…?” Asher tried to ask. Eliza pulled him up and leaned his back against the wall. She swept her hair to one side of her shoulder, then turning her back to him.

  “Take my blood,” she ordered. Asher turned his head away.


  “Take it, damn it!” but Asher shook his head adamantly.

  “I won’t do that to you,”

  Eliza turned towards him again and slapped him angrily. Asher glared at her.

  “You’re dying, and you need to drink so take my blood already!” She screamed. Asher’s eyes darkened and his hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer. He opened his mouth, and Eliza saw his fangs elongate before he bit her neck and started to suck. She winced at his bite and then gasped as she felt an odd sort of pleasure. Eliza moaned, and Asher's eyes darkened. One of his hands went down her back, and he brushed the tips of his fingers languidly against her skin. Eliza shuddered then went limp as Asher continued to draw blood from her. She shakily raised her hand towards his stomach and could tell that his wounds were nearly healed.

  Asher took his lips away from her neck and licked at the small trickle of blood escaping from the mark and then the mark itself. He watched as the mark healed and the blemish disappeared; then he kissed her neck softly. He pushed Eliza down on the bed and on her back, his arm supporting himself on top of her. They stared at each other, Asher’s teal eyes darkening as he gazed into Eliza’s haze-filled violet orbs before he lowered his head and kissed her. Eliza moaned and Asher slid his tongue inside her mouth to caress hers. She could taste her blood in his mouth but instead of feeling disgusted, she greedily kissed him back. Her hands went up to his head and she tangled her fingers in his hair, while Asher continued to ravish her mouth.

  Asher’s hand crept its way to her the underside of her bra and was about to push it up when loud bangs erupted from the door, making them jump away from each other.

  “Guys! I’ve got bandages and dressings and all that medical shit, so let me in!” Carter cried.

  Eliza panicked and looked around the room for her shirt as Asher gathered his senses. He stood up and grabbed the handle, waiting for Eliza to fix herself up before opening the door. The three men stood outside and stared at his chest, which, apart from the dried blood, looked completely normal. Carter dropped the medical supplies he was cradling on his chest and groaned.

  “I spent $50 for nothing?! Goddamn it.” Carter kicked the wall and walked away, muttering to himself. Denver and Toby peeked into the room and saw Eliza fixing her hair. Eliza blushed at their stare and stuttered.

; “N-nothing happened!”

  Denver and Toby turned to look at each other sagely.

  Nope. Obviously, something did.


  After reassuring the guys that he was fine and promising to tell them everything that happened tomorrow, Asher sent them all home declaring that he was exhausted. He didn’t bother persuading Eliza to do the same, because he knew she wouldn’t leave. And after what happened between them earlier, he wasn’t sure he wanted her to go. He sat on the sofa across from Eliza, waiting for her to start asking questions.

  Eliza fidgeted in her seat as she her mind replayed their kisses over and over. She shook her head in an attempt to rid her of her fantasies and lifted her eyes towards Asher, biting her lip in embarrassment.

  “How are you?” she asked softly, and Asher tilted his head.

  “Fantastic,” he replied. He was expecting her to ask something else first, so he continued to wait for her next question. After a few more moments of silence, he decided to ask her a question of his own.

  “How did you know that I needed blood?”

  Eliza shrugged. “Lucky guess?” she answered uncertainly, and Asher raised his eyebrows. She waved her hands to her sides in frustration. “Well, I hadn’t seen you go out with a girl during our gigs the past few days and other than classes, you’re always with us, so I guessed you were reaching your…limit.”

  Asher nodded at her explanation.

  “So…will I become a vampire now?” Eliza asked timidly, and Asher shook his head, chuckling.

  “No. it’ll take more than that for me to convert you.” Asher replied.

  Another bout of silence settled between them as they each contemplated their situation. Eliza’s brow furrowed as she thought back to what had happened at the nightclub.

  “Lagrand said that he remembered me,” She didn’t specify that what he had actually said was that he had burned her to death. “Did I know him from the past life?” she asked. Asher winced.


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