The Pope's Last Crusade
Page 26
199 A relative, perhaps his father “POPE PIUS IMPROVING; ‘Seems Another Man,’ Says Dr. Petacci,” NYT August 12, 1911, 1.
199 Various stories said Mussolini . . . See Jasper Ridley, Mussolini: A Biography (New York: St. Martin’s, 1998), 289.
200 Decades later . . . Massimo Petacci’s son
201 The Vatican categorically said Nichols, “Support for Theory.”
201 It did “concede that Cardinal Tisserant . . .” Hofmann, “Cardinal’s Notes.”
201 “Especially because of . . .”
202 “He said he would have liked . . .” Interview with Guido Calabresi, September 29, 2011.
202 “Nothing was inspiring the fear . . .” Tisserant letter to Mr. Bishop, February 27, 1939, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Bimu C410, Michigan University Library Papers, 1837–1957 Box 46, 1936-41, Cardinal Tisserant.
202 Speculation about their disagreement . . . Paul Hofmann, “Strains Between Pope and Late Cardinal Reported,” NYT, July 2, 1972.
203 Pius’s death “was a great loss . . .” Tisserant letter to Mr. Bishop, February 27, 1939, Bentley Historical Library.
Chapter Thirteen: The New Regime
205 “You shall know fairly soon . . .” Gallagher, Vatican Secret Diplomacy, 83.
205 At around 6:00 P.M. Camille M. Cianfarra, “Vatican Door Shut on 62 Cardinals as Conclave Opens to Elect Pope,” NYT, March 2, 1939, 1.
207 A Pacelli supporter said afterward Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican, op. cit. 46.
207 “I wish to be called Pius XII . . .” “Pius XII Was Calm During the Voting,” NYT, March 4, 1939, 3.
207 “Suddenly he missed his footing” Ibid.
207 Ambassador William Phillips Phillips diaries, HLHC, 3018–3020.
209 “It was a delicious morning . . .” Caroline Drayton Phillips, diary, 47-48. SLRH, 21.5.
210 “After His Holiness had taken his seat,” Phillips, Ventures in Diplomacy, 253.
210 An unseen choir Ibid.
210 “We invite all to the peace . . .” “Pope’s First Message,” New York Herald Tribune, March 4, 1939.
211 Ambassador Phillips expressed . . . “the fact that . . .” Phillips, unpublished diary, HLHC, 3020.
211 his election was “not only in harmony . . .” Dorothy Thompson, “On the Record: Pius XII—The Former Diplomat,” Washington Post, March 6, 1939, 9.
211 “The cardinals have marked . . .” News roundup in Journal de Geneve, March 4, 1939, 10,
211 “Hitler was not a true Nazi . . .” Gallagher, Vatican Secret Diplomacy, 88, and cf. 246.
211 “he knows Cardinal Pacelli very well . . .” Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican, 57.
212 Pope Pius XII . . . now did nothing to criticize Ferdinand Kuhn Jr., “Invasion No Shock to British Leaders,” NYT, March 15, 1939, 1.
212 “Vatican policy changed overnight . . .” Chadwick, Britain and the Vatican, 57.
212 Ciano told the French ambassador Ibid., 47.
213 “I encouraged him along these lines . . .” Ciano, Diary, 204.
213 Everyone expected the pope “A New Approach,” editorial, NYT, May 10, 1939.
214 “the new Pope is ‘political’ . . .” John LaFarge, “Pius XII As Christ’s Vicar Is Not a Political Pope, America, March 18, 1939, 556–557.
214 The church creates “an unswerving devotion . . .” Ibid.
215 “If you wish, you may now profit . . .” Maher letter to LaFarge, Easter Monday 1939, Stanton Papers, BLBC.
215 “Slim chance of that,” Gundlach letter to LaFarge, Stanton Papers, BLBC.
215 “We are hoping . . .” Ibid.
216 “I have insistently asked the Holy Father . . .” Peter Godman, Hitler and the Vatican (New York: Free Press, 2004), 163.
217 Hurley took his first open step Gallagher, Vatican Secret Diplomacy, 99; and The (London) Times, July 5, 1939, 3.
217 The Times of London reported The (London) Times, July 5, 1939.
219 He did not criticize Bishop Hurley address, Columbia Broadcasting System, July 6, 1942, ACDSA.
221 “He had read my book . . .” LaFarge, Manner Is Ordinary, 273.
222 “A priest’s life,” he wrote John LaFarge, An American Amen: A Statement of Hope (New York, Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1958), ix.
222 Ledóchowski had died at the age Father Lavalle letter to Father Nota, July 30, 1973; Passelecq Suchecky, Hidden Encyclical, 15.
223 “I asked him . . .” Undated note to Stanton, Stanton Papers, BLBC.
223 LaFarge said yes Ibid.
223 “I made a mistake . . .” Undated note, Walter Abbott, Stanton Papers, BLBC.
223 “He told us the whole story . . .” Ibid.
223 President John F. Kennedy invited LaFarge Western Union telegram, June 12, 1963, Lafarge Papers, GUL, 1-10.
223 He was too frail to walk Laura Sessions Stepp, “King’s Words Still Resound as Thousands March Today,” Washington Post, August 27, 1988, 1.
224 Interviewed by a New York Times reporter . . . “March on Washington,” NYT, August 25, 1963.
224 “After all, the mechanism . . .” Hecht, Unordinary Man, the description of LaFarge’s death, 251–253.
225 “I can’t escape the feeling . . .” Ibid.
225 “Let us cherish . . .” Ibid., 254, and cf. 278.
226 “The encyclical, had it been published . . .” Castelli, “Unpublished Encyclical,” 1.
226 An official, the Reverend Burkhart Schneider Passelecq and Suchecky, Hidden Encyclical, 5, and cf. 13, 279.
229 “For a long time I waited . . .” Thomas Merton and Patrick Hart, The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton (New York: New Directions Publishing, 1985), 266.
229 Pius XII once hinted Tad Szulc, Pope John Paul II (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995), 109.
230 The archbishop of Krakow Ibid., 107.
230 Pacelli “was by neutral temperament . . .” Ibid., 109.
231 After Kristallnacht, Hitler felt “he could go . . .” Conor Cruise O’Brien, “Could Pius XI Have Averted the Holocaust?” The (London) Times, February 10, 1989, Custom Newspapers, Web., April 12, 2011.
231 One strong piece of evidence Frank J. Coppa, “Pope Pius XI’s Crusade for Human Rights and His Hidden ‘Encyclical,’ Humanis Generis Unitas, Against Racism and anti-Semitism,” World Religion Watch, February 19, 2011,
232 “Only a boldly . . .” Ibid.
323 “Considering that Hitler had only begun . . .” Castelli, “Unpublished Encyclical.”
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Abbott, Father Walter, 222–23, 227
Action Populaire, 81
Adams, Henry, 88, 89
Adrian VI (pope), 205
America magazine
Etudes as French equivalent of, 90
Hitler visit to Rome and, 15
Jesuit community residence at, 2–3, 224
Jesuit founding of, 11
Kristallnacht condemnation in, 152
LaFarge 1938 European trip and, 8, 11, 45–46, 131, 141
LaFarge death and, 225
LaFarge first assigned to, 11
LaFarge as foreign correspondent for, 3–4, 11
LaFarge pseudonym for, 97
LaFarge as resident at, 2–3, 224
LaFarge support for human rights and, 221
LaFarge writing style for, 94
Ledóchowski-LaFarge discussion about, 79–80
Ledóchowski views about, 79–80
reaction to Pius XI death in, 194
America magazine: LaFarge articles in
about Franco, 106
about Munich Agreement, 131–32
about 1938 European tour, 161–62
about Pacelli election/coronation, 213
about race, 161–62
American Jewish Committee, 222
America’s Town Meeting on the Air (radio broadcast): LaFarge on, 162–63
Andreotti, Giulio, 174
Angriff newspaper, 44, 148, 161, 193
anti-Fascists, 156. See also specific person
Catholic Church moral responsibility concerning, 51
Catholic Church as promoting, 93
of Coughlin, 153–54
divisions within Catholic Church about, 47
Eucharistic Congress (1938) and, 47
Jews-Communism relationship and, 78
Mussolini and, 101, 102, 103, 109, 135–36
Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 211
Pius XI–LaFarge audience about, 221
Pius XI–LaFarge encyclical and, 59–62, 75, 91, 9
2–93, 99, 113, 135–36, 138, 171, 172, 214, 225–26
Pius XI views about, 31–32, 51, 86, 91, 101, 109–10, 194, 199, 212, 221
racism in U.S. compared with, 51, 59–62
rise in European, 8
types of, 92–93
See also race/racism; specific person or nation
appeasement, 103, 118, 130, 141, 166, 168, 217. See also Chamberlain, Neville; Munich Agreement
Aradi, Zsoldt, 180, 181
Catholics in, 13, 33, 105
Jews in, 9, 46, 47, 151
Nazi invasion/occupation of, 4, 8, 9, 12–13, 35, 47, 75, 100, 143, 151
occupation of northern Italy by, 30
Bacht, Heinrich, 94, 100, 111
Barde, Father, 96
Barry, Patrick (archbishop), 218
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste, 10
Benedict XV (pope), 30, 31
Benedict XVI (pope), 230, 231
Beneš, Edvard, 42–43, 44, 45, 125–26, 130
Birmingham, Alabama: civil rights movement in, 2
Pius XI 1937 speech about harassment of German Catholics to, 26–27
Pius XI 1939 speech to, 174–75, 176–77, 178, 188–92, 196, 201, 230–31
blacks, 2, 10–11, 34, 48. See also race/racism
Boetto, Pietro (cardinal), 211
Borgongini-Duca, Francesco, 173
Botticelli, Sandro, 204
Breslin, Thomas, 226
Brown v. Board of Education, 11
Brüning, Heinrich, 211
Budapest, Hungary: Eucharistic Congress (1938) in, 45–49, 50, 147
Cabrini, Mother, 147, 149
Caccia-Dominioni, Camillo, 182, 183
Calabresi, Guido, 202
Calabresi, Massimo, 156–57, 201–2
Camus, Albert, 229
age limitation on voting by, 203
Pacelli election/coronation as pope and, 195–203, 204–7, 210
Pius XI annual Christmas greeting to, 160–61
See also College of Cardinals; specific cardinal
Carrel, Alexis, 158–59
Castel Gandolfo
history of, 62
Jews at, 229
Lateran Accords and, 62–63
renovation of, 63
Vatican Observatory at, 64