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BOX SET: Shifter 4-Pack Vol 2 (Wolf Shifter, Dragon Shifter, Mafia, Billionaire, BBW, Alpha) (Werewolf Weredragon Paranormal Fantasy Romance Collection)

Page 89

by Candace Ayers

  Finally, he could stand it no longer. He pushed the head of his cock against her maidenhead. She opened her eyes. He paused to let her gather her courage. She nodded, and he pushed inside her.

  She twitched once then laid still. She could feel the length of his cock opening her inner channel. She grinned up at him. "We're not using any birth control. We might be starting our family right now."

  "Good. I plan to make you my wife as soon as possible." He withdrew and plunged back in. Within seconds, they moved together as if they were old lovers.

  They kept it simple. As they moved together and her body became accustomed to the new guest in her home, he moved deeper and deeper until his cock filled her completely. She floated along on the arousal Jim caused. It felt peaceful and warm.

  When she felt a tingling warmth in her belly, she knew something was happening. Suddenly she arched her back. Her arms and legs twitched and flailed and a feeling of ecstasy flowed through her body. Her eyes lifted up inside her head and a deep moan escaped her lips. Jim watched her, marveling at the most beautiful sight he had ever seen.

  As she gradually came back to earth and her breathing returned to normal, she looked into the eyes of her new lover. His cock was still hard inside her.

  Jim looked like someone was twisting his little finger with a wrench. She touched his cheek. "Go ahead, cum in me."

  His voice was strangled by the effort not to fill her with his semen. "Are you sure? You could get pregnant right now."

  "I'm sure. A baby would be a blessing."

  Jim’s pace changed from slow penetration to vigorous charge inside her. He thrust hard enough to make her breasts bounce.He stopped when he was completely inside her and made small movements His eyes were locked on hers and he concentrated on the feelings her channel gave his cock.

  He groaned. Julie felt his cock harden and straighten then pulse as he pumped semen inside her. Her mouth dropped open. "Jim, I can feel you cum inside me."

  He didn't answer. He was busy delivering several million sperm to their new home.

  When he finished, he slumped down on her. He whispered, "Am I too heavy?"

  "No. You're perfect."

  Etienne and Veronique watched from the side of the sofa. Veronique tilted her head to the side and rested it on Etienne's shoulder.

  Etienne kissed the top of her head. "You have done very well with this one, mi amor."

  Veronique nodded. "I know."

  "I'm going do a little more,” said Etienne. “They are starting the life of a little girl. I will suggest they call her 'Veronique'"

  "Thank you. my sweet."


  Life will sometimes deal vengeance on the very evil. It happened perfectly to BB and Inez.

  BB called his contact with the Mexican brothels as soon as Julie was handcuffed to the bed. The contact, Eduardo, enjoyed the news. Virgin blondes are like uncut drugs in his world. Eduardo loved the plan and drove immediately to BB and the valuable blonde.

  When BB came back to the ruined clubhouse, Eduardo was waiting for him in a lowered Cadillac.

  Eduardo departed from the usual Mexican physique. He topped six feet four in height and 240 pounds in weight. He met BB in the middle of the road. “Where’s the blonde?”

  “I haven’t got her. She escaped.”

  “This is bad, bro. I already called my people in Guadalajara. They’re expecting a blonde next week.”

  “I can get them a blonde. Not a virgin, but a few days of sex and drugs will make her compliant and ready to whore.”

  “That will do. The money will be less, but they won’t be angry.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Inez was dreaming about men and knives and blood when she felt a sting in her arm. She woke up with wild fear in her eyes. She tried to scramble across the bed but another brutal man stopped her. She said, “What...” and fell back on her pillow. She stared at the ceiling and tried to breathe.

  Eduardo tore the sheet down from her body. Inez liked to sleep in the nude. Eduardo brought a man and a woman with him. The man was stupid, brutal muscle from Sinaloa. The woman made Inez look like a nun. She wore all leather.

  Inez mumbled, “Wha... What are you... doing?”

  BB leaned over her. “I’m afraid what’s her name, the other bitch got away. Eduardo needs a blonde for his people in Mexico. Since she's not here, you’re nominated.”

  Inez felt cold fear enter her heart. She became almost alert enough to make sense. “No. I hate men. Don’t make me do this.” The heroin took over again and stopped her from talking or struggling. Her eyes jerked back and forth.

  Eduardo motioned to the woman who took off her clothes. He grabbed Inez by the jaw and turned her toward him. “You hate men. That’s alright. I brought a woman just in case.”

  “No. I hate women just as much.”

  “Damn. Well, babe, I tried.”

  Inez murmured, “What are you going to do to me?”

  “It won’t hurt. You won’t have a brain left when we're done, but it won’t hurt. We’re going to keep you high on smack for three days. We’ll give you more sex, both men and women, than you’ve ever had before. The drugs and the sex will erode your mind enough that you won’t mind the long lines of men who will fuck you for money.”

  The woman crawled up on the bed between Inez’ knees and buried her face between Inez legs. Inez looked like a spider had crawled into her feminine opening. She pushed the woman’s head, weakly, trying to make her tongue leave her alone. It didn’t work.

  She didn’t stop trying for another hour and another shot of heroin. After that, she was cooperative for the next three days. She wasn't in pain. Her body wasn't damaged, but she didn't know her name. She couldn't count to ten, even using her fingers.

  She caught a sexually transmitted disease sometime in the next six months and died alone and unloved in an alley in the worst section of Guadalajara.

  BB thought he’d done all right with the sale of Inez. He’d made six thousand dollars and had a ready market for more blondes.

  For three days, he drove around town close to the high schools, looking for a blonde teenager in a vulnerable situation. He spotted the perfect girl on the third day. She had natural blonde hair and a good body. He followed her until she walked down a deserted street then shot her with a stun gun.

  He picked her up and dropped her in the back of his rented van. She didn't scream after he plucked out the little darts that carried the electricity. She looked at him with a small smile on her face. She said, in a completely normal voice, "You're fucked."

  BB shoved her skirt up to her waist and ripped off her panties. She didn't flinch or squirm. He shoved his hand between her legs. "Don't panic, bitch. I'm just checking for a cherry."

  "I don't have one."

  "Damn. Well, I can still get a couple of grand for you. You are blonde. That's good enough." He didn't tie her up. She didn't seem to need it. He drove off while she sat on the floor of the van in the back. She examined her ruined panties and grunted. She said, "Do you know how much these cost?"

  "No. I don’t give a fuck either."

  A very large SUV came up beside BB's van and forced it off the road. Three men, who looked fiercely nasty to BB, surrounded his van and pointed pistols at him.

  One of them said, "Out." He got out, and they forced him to his knees. The same man said, "Hands behind the head, sport." BB complied. The last time he'd been to church, he'd just started beating kids up for their offering money. He tried to remember a prayer. His mind went blank.

  A fourth man, older and fatter than the other three, got out of the back seat and walked around in front of BB. He had a pistol as well. He pointed it at BB's forehead and flicked the safety off.

  The blonde ran to the big man's side. "Don't kill him, daddy. He put his hands on my little kitty. He has to suffer more than that."

  The big man thought for a few seconds and boomed out with laughter. He took out his cell phone and dialed three nu
mbers. "Hello, operator. I'd like to report a kidnapping." He paused. "No, I apprehended the kidnapper. Send the cops to take him away."

  He grinned at his three thugs and his blonde daughter. "Why should we deal with this garbage when the system will do it for us." He bent over until his face was inches away from BB's. "You put your hand on my little girl's private place. I could cut your balls off, but that's not enough. You're going to prison. I like prison. I've been there a few times, made some good friends. I'll get word to them to make your stay an interesting one."

  He watched BB face turn white. "By the way, my daughter's phone has a tracking feature. We always know where she is." He turned to his daughter. "We got a few minutes to burn until the cops come. Anything you want to do to this guy?"

  The little blonde girl took two steps, planted her left foot next to BB's right knee and swung her right foot up between BB's knees and into his groin.

  The big man said, "Good job, precious. Good weight shift and balance. Those karate lessons help, don't they?"

  "Yes, daddy. They do."

  BB lasted just a month at the state prison before he lost his temper in front of the wrong man. The guards found him the next morning. He was very broken, very bloody and very dead.




  Kaitlyn is a small town girl with dreams of making it in Hollywood. But, it seems her voluptuous body and soft curves don't mesh with the bleach-blonde, plastic-boobed, stick-figure girls at auditions.

  Brett is one of the hottest producers in the movie industry. Everything he touches turns to gold. According to gossip rags, he’s also become a mysterious and enigmatic recluse.

  But, as successful as he is as a man, as a dragon Brett has failed to do what every dragon must do lest they go insane- find his treasure. Now, he is losing control of his dragon nightly and it’s only a matter of time before he must be “put down.” When Kaitlyn, arrives as a caretaker, Brett’s instantly drawn to her full body and luscious curves, but he knows it's not safe to get close to her.

  Kaitlyn soon learns that her employer’s chiseled jawline, dark hair and bedroom eyes that draw a girl in like a magnet don't make up for his mood swings and outlandish behavior. She's not sure what the wants from her, but when she sees whips, chains and shackles, she knows that it can't be good.

  Can Kaitlyn help Brett find his treasure and save his life, or have they already crossed the point of no return?

  Chapter 1

  I was dreaming. I knew it was a dream because I was on stage, holding the Oscar I'd just won close to me as I smiled graciously for the cameras snapping pictures. One of the camera men threw a flower towards me, and I grabbed for it, but missed. It hit my arm and stung me. "Ow," I complained. Then another flower was flying towards me, pelting my arm. "Hey!" I shouted. Suddenly, I was bombarded with flowers. They hit my skin and scraped me with their thorns.

  I opened my eyes.

  Colin sat in the chair opposite me, a mint in his hand. He threw it at me and missed, picked another one out of his bowl, and this time struck me square in the shoulder.

  "Hey! What are you doing?" I hissed.

  "Throwing mints at you," he said, aiming for my eye. I ducked.

  "Yeah I get that, but why?"

  "It's entertaining. I can't go out for entertainment since I had to cover your rent this month, so this way, you're making it up to me."

  A mint hit my head, made a soft thud, and bounced off, landing on the floor. "Colin, I'm sorry." A ducked away as another mint hit me square in the jaw. "Stop it! I'm looking for somewhere else to go. Believe me, ow! I don't want to be here anymore than you want me here."

  He scowled at me then grabbed the bag of candies off the coffee table and refilled his bowl. "I find that hard to believe Kaitlyn."

  It had been two weeks since our breakup, and I wasn't any closer to finding a place now than I had been the night he'd dumped me.

  "You could try harder I think. You haven't had a job since we got here. No wonder you're so fat. You're just lazy." A fresh round of mints flew through the air at me. Apparently Colin wasn't going to stop till I was black and blue. "It's not so hard to be an actor," he said. A mint hit my eyeball and fell into my lap. I rubbed at my eyes, which were starting to sting with tears from the peppermint. "How many jobs have I gotten since we landed here?" he asked.

  "I don’t know. A lot." It hurt to admit how much better he was doing than me.

  "That's right." This time he popped a mint into his mouth and sucked on it. "You have as many auditions as I do, I'll give you that, but you're never gonna get anything when you're so fat. Get to the gym. That'll help a little at least. You can't do much about that nose though. I can put you in touch with a good plastic surgeon if you ever decide to take the chance." He stopped talking and squinted his eyes at me, scrunching his lips together. He looked like a toad. "God you're pathetic. What did I ever see in you?"

  I was wondering that myself. Colin had never seemed to care for me very much. Ever since our first date back home in Bliss, Idaho, he'd treated me like garbage. But when the population of your town never rose above 1,000, you didn't have a lot of choices. Besides, at least he'd shared the same dreams as me: move to Los Angeles and become an actor. I figured that no matter what happened, at least we'd always have that in common.

  The joke was on me.

  Of course, moving to L.A. had worked for him. He'd gotten cast in some plays and bit parts in a few TV shows. He even had an agent. A real agent, not one who worked out of the trunk of his car, like mine. Who would've thought six months ago we'd end up like this? Me on the couch, penniless, Colin's star on the rise.

  Another mint sailed passed my ear. "Stop that," I said. "If you're so bored why don't you go fuck one of those plastic floozies you've gotten so fond of since we moved here?"

  He paused, his expression flickered a fraction of an inch before resuming its normal cast of disgust when looking at me. "You knew about that, huh?" he asked.

  "Of course I did." He had started cheating on me our first week here.

  "Why didn't you ever say anything?"

  My bottom lip trembled. I held it back. No way was I gonna let him see me cry. "I thought it would pass."

  He laughed. "You're pathetic. Anyways, I gotta date. So here." He handed me the bowl of mints. "Go ahead and fatten yourself up some more why don't you? It'll probably make your mom happy."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well the fatter you get, the sooner you'll run back home with your tail between your legs. Your mom never wanted you to leave in the first place. She thinks you're a loser." He got up and winked at me before going into what used to be our bedroom. I heard the shower start and knew it was safe to let the tears fall. I popped a mint in my mouth and pulled the newspaper towards me.

  The want ads were a joke. Waitress jobs I'd already applied for—the competition here was fierce. Hotel clerk positions that wouldn't give you a chance unless you were a model. And things that I would never consider in a million years, no matter how bad things got, like escorting. Everyone knew that escort was code for prostitute. I'd never stoop to something like that, no matter what.

  I scanned the last page quickly, just to see if there was anything I might've missed. One ad caught my eye. CARETAKER: LIVE IN POSITION. No other qualifications were listed, and no other details.

  "Hmm... caretaker of what?" I mumbled to myself. It was probably a trick. I'd learned one thing living in this town the last six months—people spoke in veiled euphemisms. "Athletic" meant flat chested. "Writer" meant out of work. I assumed "Caretaker" meant sex slave, or something to that effect. I tossed the paper aside and pulled out my phone. Soon I wouldn't even have this anymore. I had enough room on my credit card for one more month of service, and then I was finished. Colin was right. I'd have to go back home with my tail between my legs.

  The doorbell rang and Colin yelled, "Can you get it?"

  I pushed myself up
and opened the door to find a beautiful blonde with fake boobs and lips pumped full of something synthetic.

  "Hi," she breathed. "I'm Leah." She was clearly trying to sound like Marilyn Monroe. I thought Marilyn would turn over in her grave is she saw this girl. Fake hair, fake lashes, fake everything. Her dress accentuated nothing but the over plasticized nature of her body.

  I might be big, but at least my body was real. And real men liked real curves. They liked women whose breasts didn't feel like rubber and whose walk had a little oomph to it when she moved. At least some men did. Other men, like Colin, liked plastic Leah.

  "Hey babe," Colin came into the room dressed in a towel and pushed me aside. He grabbed hold of her, pulled her to him, and licked her face like she was a lollipop. She giggled. My stomach churned. I brushed my bronzed hair over my eyes, trying to hide the disgusting sight before me.

  "Come on," he said, pulling her into the bedroom. I watched in shock as he closed the door behind them.

  "He's not..." I muttered to myself. No, even Colin wouldn't do that. There are some lines you just don't cross. When your recent ex-girlfriend is still living with you and sitting outside your door, you don't bang the milkmaid.

  But I had overestimated Colin again. I heard the squeak of our—his—mattress begin to pulse in a certain rhythm I knew only too well. Colin rarely varied anything in bed. I searched frantically for my headphones, but it was too late. Leah started screaming his name and moaning like she was making a porno. I assumed she'd had a lot of practice.

  I grabbed the paper I'd been looking at and flipped back to the caretaker ad. I dialed the number as the squeaking began to make my ears bleed. I don't care what it is. Anything is better than this.

  Chapter 2

  I made my way into the Hollywood Hills. There was a great lookout spot not too far down the road. You could see all of Los Angeles and its surrounding cities. The house I was looking for must've been way at the top. I bet the view of the Hollywood sign was amazing. I crept along and turned onto a side road, then another side road, until finally I couldn't see anything except trees and the road right in front of me. I was just starting to think I'd gotten the address wrong when the trees cleared and a magnificent house stood before me.


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