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Fatal Jealousy (Black Widow Book 1)

Page 12

by Christina OW

  “You wanna bet?”

  Carson grabbed Ellie, and Richard grabbed Kris, “All of you calm down!” Richard ordered, “Carson, take them to the conference room and question them.”

  Carson grabbed Kris’s arm and dragged them both away, “Audrey, bring the baby and come with the files, please!”

  Once Audrey was in the room he locked the door, “The two of you don’t want to pick a fight with Gwen.”

  Kris paced the room, “We could take her. Tear that red mane off her rat-sized head!”

  “What the hell is going on Dale?” Ellie demanded.

  Carson laid out the pictures of the victims, “You said you know George and Taylor?”

  “I dated George in high school and Taylor in college. I don’t know who the other two are.”

  Carson held her and kissed her lightly on her lips, “Calm down and breathe, I need you to have a clear head if we are to figure out what is going on.”

  She took a deep breath and nodded, “Ellsa could have dated the other two.”

  Audrey held up a picture, “So this isn’t you, speed dating?”

  Ellie looked at the picture and then she groaned, burying her face in Carson’s chest. He held on to her tighter, wishing there was a way he could make all of this disappear for her. Maybe being with him was a bad idea. She used to have a peaceful life before he met her.

  Kris grabbed the photo from Audrey, “I knew this speed dating thing was a bad idea! I told you not to go to this thing, Ellie!”

  She pulled away and yelled at Kris, “If you had followed that with ‘you might be implicated in a serial murder,' maybe I would have listened to you!”

  “Going out with Ellsa is always a bad idea,” she paused, her eyes popping in realisation, “Ellsa! She’s the one capable of this!”

  “You are reaching Kris,” Carson said.

  “All her ideas aren’t bad. She was behind my meeting Dale,” Ellie defended.

  Audrey arched her eyebrow at Carson, “When did you hookup with Ellsa?”

  Ellie chuckled uneasily, “Hookup? Really not the words to use considering the last time we saw her.”

  Carson shook his head, “I didn’t. She gave Ellie my name, but I’ve never met her before.”

  Audrey’s mind was running a mile a minute. She’s been in this line of work too long to dismiss anything to coincidence, “Do you think...?”

  Ellie spoke cutting her off, “Ellsa couldn’t be capable of doing this. For all, we know we are both been targeted. We both spent five minutes with both these guys.”

  Carson was beginning to feel a little hopeful, but he knew it wouldn’t get any better for Ellie. Accusing Ellsa is as good as accusing her, “What about Taylor and George? Did Ellsa date them too?”


  “Yes,” Kris corrected, “In high school, Mr. and Mrs. Jabari didn’t want them to go on dates alone so we’d always go on group dates. And whether Ellie wanted to or not, she had to go because Ellsa was going.”

  “Yeah, to date Ben.”

  “She dated Ben to make George jealous. What she didn’t count on, was you and George falling for each other.”

  Ellie dropped in the chair, her face in her hands, “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “You would have broken up with him so that Ellsa could have him. I was selfish on your behalf.”

  She raised her head, exposing her wet eyes, “And Taylor?”

  “He was the quarterback of the college team and she was the head cheerleader. You were the girl in overalls always covered in paint, what do you think?”

  Carson pulled up a chair and sat next to her. He took her hands and held them in his, “Ellie, this doesn’t mean Ellsa is the killer. All we know right now is that these murders all surround you.”

  “The red-headed bitch could be the killer. She’s got the means and the motive!”

  Carson glanced at her, “Kris, Gwen couldn’t have done this.”

  “Why, because she’s a cop?” Ellie stood up, pushed the stroller out, “I’m going home.”

  Kris stood up and went after her, “I’ll look after her Dale.”

  When the door closed, Carson banged his fist on the table and cursed, “Damn it!”

  “What’s with the cop thing?”

  “Her parents were killed by a cop and the department covered it up. That’s why she left me.”

  “Carson, I’m so sorry.”

  “Yeah,” he said, opening the door, “Let’s find this guy before I lose my wife again.”

  Carson walked into the room to find Kris in a screaming match with Gwen. He pulled her back and away from Gwen, “Hey, I thought you guys left?”

  “She came back with me, as backup.”

  Carson looked at her. For a second, he thought it was Ellie until he looked her over and she spoke again.

  “I leave you two to live your life in peace, and six months later, this bitch wants to put her behind bars for being a murderer.”

  “Hello Ellsa. Long time no see.”

  She pulled her lips in a sarcastic smile, “I’d say I missed you, but I’d be lying.”

  Kris pulled Carson’s hand roughly off her, “Did you know they issued a warrant for her arrest? Two minutes out the door and some cop comes looking for her.”

  “What?” Carson roared, “Why the hell would you do that Richard?”

  “We found her blood in the last crime scene.”

  “How is that possible, her DNA isn’t even in the database?”

  “It is, but the charges were dropped. We were hoping Audrey could find that out.”

  “So you can cover up for your friend and pin it on Ellie?” Kris accused.

  Carson watched Audrey’s fingers run wildly over her keyboards, all the while wishing the charges weren’t associated with someone getting hurt, “What are you doing here Ellsa?”

  “Just call me the buffer. She might have her judgement clouded because she thinks you are all friends, but I don’t. My sister isn’t going to be a scapegoat.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She’s waiting for someone outside.”

  “I’ll go get her.”

  “No need,” Daniel announced, walking into the room with his arm around Ellie as she carried Stacey-Ann. He was dressed in a dark suit and was carrying an expensive leather briefcase. “My client is here on her own volition.”

  Carson stepped closer, “Client? Ellie what’s going on?”

  Daniel moved to block his way, a cynical smile on his face, “You can’t speak directly to my client.”

  “Get out of my way before I move you!”

  Ellie stepped into view from behind Daniel, “This is getting ridiculously out of control.”

  Ellsa hushed her, “Ellie let Daniel do his job.”

  “So does this mean I get to interrogate her?” Gwen asked sarcastically.

  “No. I’ll do it.” Richard spoke, giving Ellie, a calm smile.

  Daniel took Stacey-Ann from Ellie, “Actually none of you will. Right honey?” she giggled and clapped her hands, “Say no honey.” He tickled her, making her squeal and giggle louder.

  “It’s like an angel singing,” he said, tossing her up and making her giggle even more.

  “Her blood was found at the crime scene, we have to interrogate her,” Richard pushed.

  “What?” Ellie exclaimed. She rushed to Carson and all he could do was hold her.

  Daniel put a hand on her shoulder, “I know. And you still can’t question her.”

  “Why not?”

  He pulled a paper out of Stacey-Ann’s grasp. She had pulled it out of his inner jacket pocket. “This is a court order that mandates you to discharge Gwen Johansen from the case.”

  Richard took the letter from him, “Why?”

  “She’s biased and hates Ellie. My client married her ex-lover. I wouldn’t put it past her to manipulate the evidence against her.”

  “That’s a lie.”

  “The judge doesn’t seem to think so,
the evidence was too compelling,” Daniel rubbed in. “Sex tapes are entertaining, pictures, on the other hand, are just dull.”

  Ellie went rigid, disgusted by the revelation, and in reaction Carson held her tighter. This wasn’t what she envisioned her married life to be. She knew Dale was a man of the world, but she didn’t need evidence to remind her.

  Richard’s demeanour completely changed. He wasn’t calm anymore, he was pissed off. He had glared at Gwen and Carson before he turned back to Daniel, “How did you get a court order so fast and how did you find out about the evidence and the warrant? That information was only disclosed half an hour ago.”

  “I have friends in advantageous places Agent Beckett, you should get yourself some.”

  Richard gave him a tight harsh smile and then he turned to Ellie, “Answer just this one question, what were you arrested for?”

  “Don’t answer that!” Daniel demanded.

  “It’s okay Daniel. It was a bad prank. Some student hid for a week and we got accused of bleeding him dry and using his blood for a fashion show. Taylor...” she stopped, a pained look taking over her face, “He’s the one who found him and brought him to the cops.”

  “And how do you explain your blood at the crime scene?”

  “Agent Beckett!”

  Ellie’s face creased in despair, “I don’t know! I don’t have any cuts. I’m not bleeding from anywhere!” Then her face went blank as she stood there frozen in realisation.

  “What is it Ellie?” Richard prodded when he saw her blank stare.

  “Hmm,” she said as she blinked back to reality, “I’m a little taken aback by everything.”

  Richard gave her a tight smile, “Thank you. You can go now.”

  Ellie turned to look up at Carson, tears in her eyes, “Dale...”

  He kissed her forehead then kissed her lips. He deepened it when her hold on him grew desperately tighter. Reluctantly he broke the kiss, “Don’t worry, everything is going to be all right.”

  She nodded, giving him a final kiss.

  “Why am I being punished for Carson’s wife being a serial killer? For all we know her sister could have helped,” Gwen prodded.

  Ellsa took several steps to her, “Helped with what?”

  Gwen’s lips rose in a smile, “Kill the boyfriends you’ve shared. It was only a matter of time before you killed Carson. For all, we know the plans are set, but catching you two ruined them.” Her smile widened when she saw how irate the twins had gotten, “Or are they postponed? Ellsa still hasn’t had her share of him, since Carson hates her too much to screw her.”

  Ellsa took a step towards her, “Shut up!”

  Gwen laughed, “Knowing Carson, he’s probably screwed both of you. Ellie must be the better twin in bed, they all seem to want her more! You could always ask for another opinion, I’m sure Daniel would love to have a go.”

  Ellsa’s hand flew up, backhanding Gwen across the face. When Gwen recovered and tried to punch Ellsa, Ellie pulled her back and caught Gwen’s fist, sending her down on the floor with a hard right across the jaw.

  “Finally!” Kris cheered, jumping up.

  Carson pulled them both back, placing Ellie squarely behind him. After a few seconds on the floor, Gwen jumped up, her eyes blazing for blood.

  With a loud hoot, Kris said, “There, now your lips match your hair!”

  Ellsa gave a wicked laugh as she walked away, “Our dad wanted a son and Ellie was it. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

  After a few failed attempts to get past Carson to Ellie she marched over to Richard, “I want to press charges!”

  Ellie went to move forward, but Daniel held her back, “Speak to my lawyer!”

  “Will both of you just calm down!” Richard yelled.

  “Yeah, Sting Ray, Stacey-Ann can’t see her mom go all gangster,” Daniel joked. He knew Ellie would jump to Ellsa’s defence. It was routine, Ellsa would start the fights and Ellie would have to finish. But the red head deserved it.

  Ellie moved to Carson’s side and tugged at his arm so that he could bend a few inches for her to reach his ear, “I need to talk to you. I’ll wait for you at home,” she whispered.

  He nodded and gave her a kiss, his eyes on Gwen the entire time, just waiting for her to make a move against Ellie.

  She took Stacey-Ann from Daniel and left, Kris in tow.

  “Agents, we’ll be in touch,” Daniel announced, but before he could go far, Carson stopped him.

  “Daniel, did you by any chance, before I came into the picture, happen to date my wife?” He stressed on wife.

  “We went on one date? Why?”

  “Be careful. The last two guys spent five minutes with her and they are dead. Whoever is killing them, is taking out everyone she dated.”

  Daniel’s face creased for a moment and then he nodded, “I’ll put you on speed dial just in case. By the way, Ellsa has someone watching Ellie just in case too.” With that, he bowed out leaving the team alone to deal with the complicated case.

  Gwen grabbed the mandate from Richard, “This can’t be possible. They can’t force me out of the case.”

  “They can’t, but I can. You are sitting this out due to your personal relationship. You too Carson.”

  Carson cursed under his breath, “Can I at least watch from the sidelines?”


  Daniel came back, his face flushed with anger. Kris was behind him, gasping for breath, “We have a problem,” he announced.

  “What’s wrong? Is something wrong with Ellie?” Carson asked, completely worried.

  “Ellsa took her, and the baby. She said she doesn’t trust you to protect the last of her family,” Kris gasped out.

  Carson lunged at Daniel and grabbed his collar, “You let her!”

  Daniel pushed him back, “We had no idea what she was planning. Ellie and Stacey-Ann went with her in her car. And then she texted Kris telling her they are leaving town.”

  “She’ll be fine Dale. They left with her bodyguard. She’ll bring them back when all of this is sorted out.”

  “Kris, why did you let her go? Do you have any idea how this looks?”

  “Like a family that isn’t willing to be the victims of a badge and a gun again. Just solve the case.” Kris grabbed Daniel’s arm and dragged him out.

  “What is she talking about?” Doran asked.

  Carson just punched the board and stomped to his office.

  Audrey went after him, “I’ll fill you guys in later.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Audrey turned on the light to Carson’s office. Since Ellie and their daughter had left with Ellsa, they hadn’t heard from them. The only person they had seen was Ellsa, and she apparently had no idea where they were. She too was the one who reported them missing, which everyone thought was incredulous. As far as they knew, she was playing with them, but her tears and panic were very convincing.

  They convinced Carson that something bad had happened to his family, but they didn’t take his suspicion away from her. She was up to something, he just knew it.

  Ellsa said she took a cab and gave Ellie, the car. When Carson asked about the text, she admitted to it, but Ellie never got to the agreed meeting point. The last time she saw Ellie was at the entrance of the building before they both left, separately. No one could dispute it because the building’s surveillance backed her story. Kris was too busy yelling on her phone to notice them both leave.

  Carson spent months wondering if the killer took his family or if Ellsa had lied to him. But Ellie wouldn’t voluntarily disappear and leave him behind. She loved him and they were a family. She would find a way to let him know where they were, and if they were okay. She did trust him. But was she able to do so?

  Ellsa was always around Carson with the excuse of helping him find Ellie. To make things worse, the murderer hadn’t moved on to victim number five. Richard and Doran didn’t think it was a coincidence that Ellie and the killer had disappeared at the same time. T
hey were more convinced with each passing day that Ellie was the suspect and her plans were disrupted when they called her out. They too didn’t believe Ellsa. Gwen’s fuss was becoming more believable.

  Carson was however determined to prove them wrong. They moved on to other cases, but he stuck with it for three months, alienating everyone on his team except Audrey.

  She placed a hand on his back and stirred him awake, “Carson, someone is here to see you.”


  Her heart dropped, “No, Ellsa.”

  Ellsa stepped around Audrey to stand next to Carson, “Hi. I came to see how you are doing?”

  Carson lifted his head for a moment to glare at her then put it backdown, “What do you want?”

  She put her hands on his back and began to lustfully explore his back muscles, “I told you Ellie didn’t love you as much as I do. Maybe Gwen was right. Maybe she was the...”

  Carson shot off his chair pushing her off him, “My wife is not a murderer, and if you hadn’t taken her away from me, I could have already proven that!”

  Ellsa took a safe step away, “This was the last place I saw her! It’s not my fault she decided to run away.”

  Carson stalked to her, murder in his eyes, “get out of my office Ellsa!”

  “But Dale...”

  “Get out!” He bellowed, drawing the attention of everyone outside his office.

  Ellsa’s attitude quickly changed from day to night, “You know what? I’m glad Ellie is dead and never coming back!”

  “She loved me, and she will come back to me!”

  Ellsa laughed, “Loved? You’ve finally accepted that she’s dead. She’s dead and yet you are the one who’s rotting. Call me when you decide to visit the land of the living again,” she announced as she left.

  Carson sunk back in his seat, plopping his head on the table.

  Audrey pulled him up and placed a plate of pizza in front of him, “I was beginning to think you were falling for her lies.”

  Carson pushed the plate away, “I was hoping she’d slip and say something. Like where they were, not that she’s dead.”

  “You too think she did something to them, don’t you?”

  Carson nodded and for the first time he broke down crying, his pain-stricken heart too fragile to stay strong any longer. “What if they are really dead Audrey? Ellsa was the one who was with them last, what if she killed them?”


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