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Fatal Jealousy (Black Widow Book 1)

Page 17

by Christina OW

  A burst of laughter escaped her lips before she bit her lips shut, “I should apologize for that.”

  “You should, but you don’t have to. She likes the extra inch her mouth can open.”

  “Dale, that’s not funny,” she chuckled out. “She saved you, I need to learn how to be nicer to her.”

  “The doctors saved me. I still got shot in the back, twice!”

  Carson wished he hadn’t said that. The light in her face quickly disappeared. She had a very pained look, tears dancing in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

  She shook her head, catching the tears before they fell, “It’s fine. We should go back up.”

  She went to move past him, but he got in her way, “Not yet. I don’t understand why you are mad at me!”

  “I’m not mad at you.”

  “Then why are you treating me like your unwanted roommate instead of your husband?”

  She side stepped, but he blocked her again, “Dale let’s just go back up.”

  “No! Your sister shot me and yet it’s me you hate!”

  “My sister kidnapped Stacey-Ann shot you and you almost died. Jamey almost died, I almost died and Ellsa...” she yelled. “My sister was on a mission to kill everyone I cared about in this world, and you think I hate you?” She cried, “I’m in pain Dale, and my family is suffering for it, and I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to fix it.”

  Carson wrapped her up in his arms. That was the first time he’d seen her cry in months, “It’s going to be okay.”

  “No, it’s not. Not for those families who lost their sons because of me.”

  “It’s not your fault, your sister suffered a psychotic break. We are just lucky you’ve managed to stay sane after everything you’ve been through.”

  She cuddled herself tighter against his chest, “I’m still alive.”

  “But you wish you were dead, don’t you?”

  She looked up at him, “If it meant saving all of them and you, yes I do. I wish she’d taken it out on me instead.”

  “Leaving Stacey-Ann and me, and Third never being born that’s what you’d prefer?”

  She hid her face in his chest, “No.”

  Carson tilted her head up gently, “And you feel guilty that you came out of it only maimed, unlike the rest?”

  “Yes. Will it ever end?”

  “Only if you are willing to let it. And that means, trying to put everything behind you.”

  “I’m going to need help.”

  “We’ll find you help. You know I love you, don’t you?”

  She nodded her lips parting in a sweet smile, “Yeah, I kinda like you too. By the way, Kris hates that nickname.”

  “He’s my son, I’ll call him whatever I like.” He said, swaying with her.

  “You haven’t kissed me in a long time.”

  Carson leaned down, “You haven’t let me kiss you in a long time.”

  She inched up, getting close enough to whisper on his lips, “I’m letting you now.”

  Carson didn’t wait for a second invitation or for her to change her mind. He took her lips, possessing them as his once more. He’d missed how tender they were and how sweet they tasted. They were so delicate compared to his, and it echoed what a fragile rose she was. Her heart was gentle, too gentle for this harsh world. And as much as he loved it, it scared him. He’d have to be more vigilant in protecting it from breaking into tiny pieces again, right after he put it back together again.

  Ellie broke the kiss with a smile. She could feel some of her spirit flow back into her. She was going to be her old self again, no matter what it took, “Audrey called about a surprise. What is it?”

  Carson brushed his lips against hers, “We should go up and find out.”

  Ellie pulled away with a laugh. She took his hands and pulled him forward, “Yeah we should, before you get any ideas.”

  Carson didn’t move. It was like a little girl pushing a boulder over a bump. He wanted to go up but... With one tug she went flying into his arms and pinned against his chest, “Too late, the idea is already there.”

  She stared into his captivating eyes, her breath caught in her chest as she felt their burning desire. She felt like she was going to faint if he kept teasing her with his lips. It was two and a half years ago all over again.

  He picked her up and placed her on one of the counters. Then he pulled her to him until they were pressed flush against each other chest to hip. Ellie wrapped her legs around his waist when she felt his hand sneak up under her sweater.

  “Are you okay to do this?” She raged against his lips, tugging on his sweater.

  He smiled at her gasp once his hands came into contact with what they were hunting for, “Are you kidding? It’s been way too long since I had you.”

  “Guys, you have a home with a huge master bedroom and a king size bed for that. Come up!” Audrey’s voice boomed on the intercom.

  Carson stopped his petting, laughing. They would have been there all night if Audrey hadn’t rudely interrupted. He pulled his hands away and helped her down to her feet.

  “How many people heard that?” Ellie asked, finally taking a breath.

  “Anyone in the shooting range but since it’s just us, no one.” Carson put her under his arm and walked out of the room. He stopped when he got to the gun room. A dozen guys were there whistling and hooting. “Are you practicing for baby number three already?” One of them shouted.

  “Oh God,” Ellie moaned, hiding her face in his side.

  “Hey, we didn’t know we had an audience, you perverts!” Carson scolded jokingly, quickly rushing them out of there.

  Once they got into the elevator Ellie pulled her face out of hiding, “I’m going to kill Audrey!”

  He turned her to face him, “How about we take advantage of the minute it will take us to get to my floor.”

  She pushed his hands away laughing, “No! I’m not getting caught again.”

  He caught her, pulling her in for a kiss, “Okay, we can christen my new office, all night.”

  “Maybe,” the elevator stopped, “But right now you need to behave yourself, Senior Agent Carson.” She walked out, leaving him behind.

  He watched her, his eyes on her ass, “I hate it when you leave, but I love watching you walk away,” he caught up and slapped her ass, making her jump with a squeal.

  “Dale!” She laughed, “We are not in high school!”

  He picked her up and spun her around, “I’ve never left high school.” He had stolen a few kisses before she managed to escape him.

  “I was beginning to enjoy the lack of PDA,” Gwen grumbled.

  “Why don’t you just find a boyfriend?” Kris said, giving Jamey to Kevin, “I see things are back to normal.”

  Ellie smiled, “I’m getting there.”

  “Well, you are about to get even happier once you see the Christmas present I got you.”

  Carson groaned, “Oh no, not another stripper.”

  “Well, he can be convinced...”

  “Not even if you paid me,” Daniel said, stepping into view, “Hi Ellie.”

  “Daniel!” She ran to him, “I’m so happy to see you!”

  Daniel hugged her, “I can see that. How are you doing?”

  She pulled away feeling embarrassed. Her hand lingered hesitantly over his chest before she buried it in her pocket, “I should be asking you that. I’m so sorry...”

  Daniel put a finger over his lips, quietening her, “It wasn’t your fault. You were a victim too. And from what I heard, you got it worse than I did.”

  “Let’s stop talking about that,” Kris jumped in before the conversation killed Ellie’s happy mood. “And, by the way, I would have paid you,” she directed to Daniel.

  “Oh, you would just love to see me naked!” Daniel teased. He pulled Ellie’s hand and placed it over his heart, just to prove that it was still beating hard. Then he held her tight a minute longer before
he released her to Carson.

  “You would have made one of us very happy.” She said, signaling in Gwen’s direction with her head.

  “Stop that Kris!” Gwen warned.

  “Okay, how about we get back on schedule,” Audrey said as she walked to the couple. “How’s your back?” She asked Carson.

  “What’s wrong with your back? Does it still hurt?” Ellie asked uneasily.

  “There is nothing wrong with it.” He said taking Stacey-Ann from Audrey. When he saw the anxious look still on Ellie’s face, he bent down and kissed her, “I promise, I’m fine.”

  She nodded with a tight smile.

  “You should take Jamey,” Audrey instructed.

  “That is if you can get him away from Kevin. Is he holding up flash cards?” Kris asked, with a laugh.

  Jamey was in his chair staring at Kevin with a peculiar look on his face. Kevin sounded like he was giving a lecture.

  “My poor baby!” Ellie lamented.

  “Kevin, Third is too young to understand you,” Carson chuckled.

  “Jamey,” Kris stressed, looking at Carson, “Is going to be a very fun and smart boy. Isn’t he Kevin?”

  Kevin brought the baby to Ellie, “If we have anything to say about it, yes.”

  “Both my kids are never going to date. One is going to be a geek, and the other is going to have protective detail. This is your fault Dale,” she whispered as they walked to the table Audrey ushered them too.

  “Kris is his godmother. He’ll be in strip clubs before he gets his driving licence, but Stacey-Ann is definitely never going to date.”

  “And I’ll help make sure of that,” Daniel echoed, behind them.

  “Yes, she will, and now back to the subject.” Audrey stressed, coming to a stop in front of a huge cake.

  “Oh my...” Ellie cooed.

  Audrey smiled proudly, “I figured we should celebrate Stacey-Ann’s birthday. We never got a chance to do that. And, of course, celebrate the birth and the christening of James Dale Carson, like we should have.”

  “Thank you,” Ellie choked out.

  “Yeah, we really appreciate this,” Carson echoed.

  “Christmas and birthday on the same day! I’ve always dreamed of this,” Kris announced.

  “Yeah, it’s for the babies, not you, nitwit,” Gwen shot out.

  “And the man of the hour has arrived!” Seth announced, walking in. Kris leaped on him and kissed him, tongue and all.

  “Please let me shoot them. All I need is one shot and I’ll take them both out. Think of it as a Christmas present... from you to me...” Gwen begged Richard, and he responded by topping off her glass.

  Carson looked around the room. Everyone was there. Richard with his son, even his elusive wife came. Carson never thought he’d see her again. Paloma with her two girls, baby boy, and husband. Doran with his wife, and, of course, Seth. He was glad to have his partner Gwen back, even after the months of friction between them. And of course, the very helpful and extremely odd godparents.

  But most importantly, his wife and kids. To think there was a chance he would have never had this day. The thought of it made him cringe.

  Ellie turned to look at him, “We’ll be fine. We’ll be better than fine.”

  “I know. And I promise no more nightmares from this day on. That’s my Christmas gift to you.”

  “You loving me and the kids is enough.” She caressed Stacey-Ann’s cheek and then kissed Jamey’s chubby cheek, “All four of us being happy and healthy is enough. I don’t need anything or anyone else.”


  The doctor turned to the loud rap on his door. He pulled his desk drawer open, exposing a syringe and a gun. He looked at the gun; that was one thing he never thought he’d need when he began his psychiatry course. But he needed it, being the psychiatrist to the criminally insane.

  “Come in,” He announced.

  The door pushed open and the patient lingered, “Am I disturbing you?” She asked innocently.

  He shifted his hand on his lap, closer to the drawer. She was probably the worst patient he had in the mental institution, “Of course not, come in. How may I help you?”

  “It’s Christmas and I was hoping to call my sister. It’s the first one we’ve spent apart.”

  “I’m sorry Ellsa, but you know you can’t do that. Mr. Carson doesn’t want you to contact his family ever again.”

  She took a few steps in, “I know that, and I’m really sorry for what I did, but she’s all I have. He can’t keep me from my sister.”

  “I’m sorry but the answer is still no.”

  Ellsa moved the sharpened tip paint brush down her sweater and into her palm, keeping it hidden in her hand.

  She wasn’t going to let anyone keep her sister away from her.

  She was going to be with her again, no matter what she had to do.

  “How about I try to convince you,” she said innocently, stepping into the room. “It’s just a phone call.”

  He shook his head, “It’s a condition set by the court if you are to spend your sentence here, and not the maximum penitentiary. There is nothing you can do or say to change that.”

  “Oh, I think I can come up with a few things.” She pushed the door with her heel and it shut behind her. And then she placed her fingers on the lock, turning it slowly.

  Until the final soft click.

  Featured Poem

  Hoar’s (Forgotten Realms) Dungeons & Dragons. First Edition 1977-1988

  Lookout for the next book in the Black Widows Series, Fatal Obsession!

  About the Author

  I’m the last of my mom’s three girls and I’m also a twin (she is an author too). It’s a lot of fun playing tricks on people with my twin sister. We did so a lot when we were younger, but not so much now. We were raised by my mother and we owe her so much and try to make her proud every single day.

  I would rather curl up on the couch with a book than go out which also means I’m not into the night life. My pajamas are my best friend, because they are so comfortable and I only dress up when I go out, if there is a good chance I’ll meet a hot guy!

  Connect with me either on my website


  Facebook page- Christina OW

  5 Prince Publishing is proud to present Crisis of Identity by Denise Moncrief. Please enjoy this excerpt. You can find this book and many more on the 5 Prince Publishing site at

  Crisis of Identity


  Denise Moncrief

  Chapter One

  The room had already filled five times with sea-soaked bodies. The dead lay head-to-foot, column-by-column, row-by-row, ten by twenty. Victim 973 had scrawled her Social Security number down her left arm just as she’d been instructed. I noted the number on my log and moved on, trying hard not to think about the person, concentrating only on the morbid job some pushy cop forced on me.

  Across the high school gymnasium, a man worked the other end of the column. As his stealthy glances trailed me around the gym, the acid in my overwrought stomach churned every time our eyes met.

  “Want to take a break?” His sudden question reverberated throughout the cavernous space.

  I curled one tendril of hair around my left ear. “Sure.”

  I followed him into the locker room, grabbing a foam cup and filling it with tepid coffee. The man did the same from another urn. The burnt brew left traces of bitterness in my mouth. I rubbed my teeth over my tongue in a vain attempt to remove the acrid leftovers.

  My mind turned off for a few precious moments as I ignored the makeshift morgue on the other side of the wall. The man’s strong, masculine bass invaded my mental hideaway. “They’re starting to smell ripe.” He gulped down another ounce of artificial stimulant, staring at me over the rim of his cup.

  My insides flipped. “It’s been four days.”

  He nodded. “Most of these don’t have

  “Makes it harder to identify them.”

  He leaned against a locker. “This group must have thought they were invincible.”

  “Doesn’t everyone?” I tossed my cup into the overflowing trash. “Think they’re invincible, I mean."

  “Certain death. How do you interpret that? I think it means, ‘I stay. I die.’ Must not have sunk in until it was too late.” His sarcastic attitude unsettled me, made me want to defend the dead.

  “They’ve been warned before and nothing happened.” When the locals ordered an evacuation two years before, it proved to be a false alarm. The residents of the Texas Gulf coast weren’t so easy to convince this time. It seemed no one learned a lesson from Hurricane Katrina. “And…we’re not dead.” Our eyes locked.

  Someone’s presence warmed my back. The site supervisor stood over my shoulder and repeated his prerecorded rant for the millionth time. “Mandatory is mandatory. The dead ignored the warning to their own peril. If they wanted to stay put, the least they could do is write their soc number on their arms...just like they were told to do. How many times did the news people make that announcement? Write your number on your arm if you plan to stay. How hard is that?”

  I shifted away from him. I didn’t dare write my number on my arm.

  “Suppose the two of you take a few. You look wasted, and these guys…” He waved his hand toward the gym. “Aren’t going anywhere.”


  I dropped onto the cot at the far end of the locker room, struggling to remove the stained smock the state so generously provided. Forget about sleep; it wouldn’t come. I had too many memories that begged to become nightmares. I closed my eyes anyway.

  The springs in the cot next to mine creaked. “I’m Jake.” Why had it taken him so long to introduce himself?

  I released an internal sigh. “Tess.” I told the truth, because I had to say something and I was out of lies.


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