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The Phoenix Crisis

Page 39

by Richard L. Sanders

  “We’re going to wait for the King to address the Empire,” said Calvin into the headset. “Depending how things go… he might need our military support.”

  “I understand,” said Raidan. “But be careful, Calvin. And don’t wait too long. If you’re still here when the inbound fleets arrive… you won’t be leaving.”

  “I know,” said Calvin. Almost afraid to even consider it. As he imagined the Black Swan being ruptured and torn by fire from all sides, he thought of the Nighthawk and his friends. And worried for them. “Raidan,” he said abruptly, “where is the Nighthawk?” When the Harbinger had dropped out of alteredspace Calvin had been excited and hopeful that he would also see the Nighthawk. But now he hoped it was anywhere but here. Kalila wouldn’t leave the system, and Calvin wouldn’t leave Kalila, and he knew that for as long as he remained, the Nighthawk and his friends wouldn’t leave him either.

  “Summers Presley decided to take the ship to go after the isotome weapons that are still at large,” said Raidan.

  Calvin felt an inward sigh of relief. No matter what happened to him here, his friends were still out there. Alive and safe.

  “I’ll give you support for as long as I can,” said Raidan. “But once those fleets are close, I’ll have to jump. And I strongly suggest you do the same. I’m sending you coordinates. Hopefully… I’ll see you there.”

  “Coordinates received,” said Calvin, seeing them appear on his computer display. He removed the headset and stood up, looking at Rafael, Captain Adiger, and Princess Kalila in turn. Rafael looked back at Calvin. He seemed anxious, but also willing to march into the jaws of hell with Calvin if that was what duty required. As for Captain Adiger, his bony, stone-like face was hard for Calvin to read. But he, no doubt, would do whatever Kalila told him to. And, as for her, as Calvin drank in her rich brown eyes—eyes that were resolute—he saw that she meant what she said. She wouldn’t abandon Capital System, not for any reason, not while her father’s fate remained unclear.

  So here we remain, he thought. Mere leaves in the whirlwind. Waiting. Calvin did not know what the king would say or do. But no matter the outcome, Calvin was certain there would be war. He could feel it in his bones. And all because I failed, he realized. I didn’t capture the Phoenix Ring leaders and expose the conspiracy. I was too slow and too late. And now the whole galaxy would run red with blood.

  Chapter 37

  Blackmoth stood in the middle of a vacant street, staring up. Watching the fireworks light the night sky.

  It was the fires of chaos and destruction, as angels of death swept from the void and stole the souls of the living. Gunships and fighters tore up the heavens. And beyond them, in the great black ocean, too distant to be seen, starships crippled one another.

  The time of reckoning had begun. A glorious moment that had been foretold to him in visions. It was the will of the One True God—everything was. Nothing could ever happen that wasn’t. And though His ways were often mysterious to Blackmoth, he never ceased to marvel at their elegance and beauty.

  The wheels were in motion. But there was more for Blackmoth to do. Indeed, the One True God demanded more from him than ever before. And Blackmoth was ever the willing servant. A weapon. A tool. Whatever the One True God demanded.

  His mobile vibrated with an incoming call. He answered it. It was his other false master. This false master congratulated him on the success of his work. Promising him riches and rewards for doing what was necessary. These promises meant nothing to Blackmoth.

  One false master is no safer than another when the Day of God cometh.

  (End of Book 3)

  The story continues in The Phoenix War

  Dear Reader, thank you for reading The Phoenix Crisis, I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Please know that your support is greatly appreciated and I hope to bring you several new titles in the coming years. Including book four of The Phoenix Conspiracy Series: The Phoenix War.

  If you have time, please leave a review in the Kindle store, I would greatly appreciate it (even if it is not a positive review). I benefit from your honest feedback and am continually trying to improve and give you a better reading experience.

  The Phoenix Conspiracy is now available as an audiobook through Audible and on iTunes. Matthew Ebel did a tremendous job bringing the characters to life. Please support us.

  Also be sure to check out Secrets of Silverwind now available. I believe you’ll enjoy its twisted journey.

  More information about me and my work can be found on my personal webpage, on Twitter (@RichLSanders), and on The Phoenix Conspiracy facebook page. I may also be reached at


  This book is dedicated to my older brother Rob. Though in many ways we’re as different as the sun and the moon, I can think of no finer example of integrity and have always admired your stubborn instance to always be yourself. You are probably the most genuine person I know.

  I would also like to thank the many others who continue to help me every step of the way. In particular my beta readers, especially Ruth and Brandon who (as ever) chose to give this book, and me, copious amounts of their precious free time. I thank them for holding nothing back, and for always being eager with suggestions on how to improve. Even if it means the manuscript never feels quite finished. Thanks also to Matt and Carver for being among the first readers to finish reading the novel and who both provided excellent feedback.

  Lastly I want to thank everyone who sent me e-mails, wrote reviews, and any kind of effort to support and encourage me. It is a true pleasure writing stories for an audience like you.




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