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Emperor's Consort [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

Page 16

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  “Yes, you’re a mother,” the stranger said, making Onyerre wonder if she’d spoken out loud. “But you’re also a woman. Aren’t you tired of being humiliated by Eanera Myrthylar? Even now, she’s by King Selbrian’s side, where you belong. He’s kissing her, holding her. And her child is back in Rose Noire. It’s only a matter of time until Sareltae becomes heir, in spite of his marriage to the draechen.”

  Having her worst fears pointed out like that shook Onyerre. She had suspected that Eanera would take advantage of her absence, and her children had confirmed it. She might not have been inclined to trust this stranger, but the truth behind his words couldn’t be denied.

  “Who are you?” she asked. “How did you get here, and what do you want?”

  He stepped closer to her, and a chill coursed over Onyerre’s spine. She moved back, eyeing him warily. Oddly enough, he was cloaked in a dark garb that hid every inch of him, but the clothing itself seemed odd. The material almost appeared to be alive, moving and twisting around the stranger as if it was a part of him.

  “I’m a friend,” the man said, “or rather the enemy of your enemy. I can help you.”

  “I don’t want your help,” Onyerre said with a frown. “Do you deem me a simpleton? As much as I loathe Eanera, I won’t make another mistake like I did with Selbrian.”

  “Ah, yes, your unfortunate exile. Well, you won’t have to worry about that this time around. The two of us will just make a little deal, and then, you can be the Ivenian queen you’ve always wanted. You won’t have to worry about the Myrthylar anymore.”

  It was tempting, so very tempting, but Onyerre still shook her head. Vague claims of friendliness meant nothing and only put her on alarm. She slowly started to back off, heading toward the door once again. Her senses clearly told her that she was in danger, and this man wasn’t someone to be crossed.

  The stranger sighed when he saw her retreat. “This is regrettable, but it seems I have no other way. Why do people always try to run when they realize there’s nowhere to run to?”

  Too late did Onyerre understand that the man was completely correct. He dropped his cloak, and the sight that met her eyes drove icy terror through Onyerre. She screamed, or at least she tried to. She couldn’t hear herself, or anything else any longer. Darkness engulfed her, and she fell into the hold of the creature she couldn’t hope to contain, not even through the most powerful shields. She knew then that it wasn’t fae magic that could have kept him out. Her own hatred for Eanera had practically opened the doors of her heart to this monster, making her an easy target.

  A few hours later, when her husband arrived, Onyerre greeted him with a warm smile. “My king,” she said, “you do me a great honor by visiting.”

  Selbrian didn’t smile back. “It’s not a visit, Onyerre. You’re coming back with me to Rose Noire.”

  Her children surrounded her, releasing various exclamations of excitement. Onyerre petted their hair as she thanked Selbrian. Inside, though, she was screaming. No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t get control over her own body. She feared now that this was a punishment from Jenarra for her treatment of Eanera and Sareltae. As things stood, she’d just have to watch while this creature pretended to be her around her children and potentially destroyed her family. It was her worst nightmare come true, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Her only hope now lay with the people she had scorned and the husband who’d disappointed her time and time again. Sweet Jenarra, they were all doomed.

  They traveled to Rose Noire without anyone noticing there was something wrong with her. For the most part, she remained quiet, only speaking when she absolutely had to. Or at least, that was the policy the creature inhabiting her body had adopted. Onyerre herself desperately wanted to communicate with her children, but she had no hope of doing so.

  At one point, Charlize reached for her hand and squeezed it, and Onyerre found herself snapping out of her trance. “I’m so glad you’ve come back to us, Mother,” her daughter said with a smile.

  Onyerre cleared her throat, ready to reveal what was going on. And then, Darian piped up, “Now you can finally take back the place deserve.”

  Selbrian scowled at Darian. “Son, mind your tongue.”

  Darian shut up, but the exchange had already stirred the darkness inside Eanera once more. This time, the creature didn’t push her. Instead, he whispered, “You see how he treats your children? As long as Eanera and Sareltae exist, your sons and daughter will always take second place. I can rid you of them.”

  Onyerre knew it wasn’t a good idea to make a deal with the devil, but the promise was too tempting. “Very well,” she replied. “I will be your host, for as long as you need.”

  Her reward came when their helicopter landed in Rose Noire. As she got out of the aircraft, she found Sareltae and Eanera waiting for them on the air field.

  “Welcome home,” Eanera said with a neutral smile.

  Onyerre took one look at Eanera and extended her hand. “Thank you.”

  A heartbeat later, Eanera took her up on her peace offer. The hand shake lasted maybe a few seconds, Eanera quickly freeing herself from Onyerre’s grip. However, it was more than enough.

  As Selbrian took Onyerre’s arm, ready to guide her inside, Eanera collapsed on the air field. In that moment, Onyerre knew that she’d made the right choice. She would likely never be rid of this creature, but she didn’t care anymore. She appreciated what it had done to Eanera far too much.

  * * * *

  That evening

  Sari knelt next to his mother’s bed, holding her cool hand and watching her familiar, beloved face. He’d known she had overextended her strength, but he hadn’t expected her to suddenly fall sick.

  “It’s okay, Sari,” she said softly. “I’ll be fine. You’ll see. You…” She paused, her voice trailing off. “You need to rest,” she finally continued. “This isn’t good for your baby.”

  “My baby needs his grandmother,” Sari replied. “We’ll stay here, by your side, until you’re better.”

  Eanera didn’t question him. Instead, she just offered him a small smile. “You’re safe here. Just…be careful with others.”

  It wasn’t the first time she’d cautioned Sari against mysterious threats. Knowing what he did now, Sari could only guess that she was right in being concerned. Even so, he couldn’t understand what could have pushed her into such a state. The other priestesses were just as confused. She’d been weakened by strong visions before, but she’d been recovering and her condition had never been quite like this.

  She drifted off into slumber with Sari quietly watching over her. He didn’t know how long he waited like that. Finally, a knock sounded out the door, startling him from his trance.

  “Yes?” Sari called out.

  The door opened and a priestess walked in, followed by Onyerre. Anger flared through Sari. He didn’t have any patience for his stepmother right now.

  “How is she?” Onyerre asked.

  “The same, Your Majesty,” Sari answered with cold politeness. “Thank you for your interest.”

  Even if it irked him to see her now, he knew better than to start a hostile conversation with her when someone else was present. Fortunately, the priestess soon took her leave and Sari could drop all pretenses. “Have you come here to gloat?” he inquired.

  “Of course not,” Onyerre replied. “This is hardly the time for me to twist the knife. Our people are in a difficult situation. We have to stick together.”

  Sari snorted. “What is it that you want, Queen Onyerre?”

  Onyerre gritted her teeth, obviously irritated with him. “I don’t need you to like me, Sareltae. As you know, I don’t like you, and I never will. I merely want a temporary truce. In the end, Selbrian has too many things to worry about to focus on us.”

  Sari didn’t believe a word she was saying. He’d have actually been suspicious of her intentions, except she hadn’t actually tried to show concern toward his mother.

Still, he didn’t know what he’d have replied if the door hadn’t opened again. Much to his glee, Karein walked inside, heading straight toward him.

  He passed Onyerre by without looking at her and came directly to Sari’s side. Without a word, he embraced Sari and pressed their mouths together.

  Sari melted into his mate’s embrace, taking comfort in Karein’s strength. He’d known about Karein’s concern for him and their child, and he didn’t blame his mate in the slightest for it. He himself didn’t know how to handle the knowledge that a nightmarish version of Karein was out to get them.

  When Karein kissed him, though, he felt safe. It was so very strange. The Temple of Jenarra was the one place where he didn’t think the Ancient Horror would dare to attack them, and yet, it no longer seemed like the sanctuary it had once been.

  It might have had something to do with his mother collapsing, or her ominous premonitions, but either way, up until this point, he’d unconsciously been afraid. But Karein’s taste soothed him. Sari surrendered to it, to Karein’s mastery of him. His mate swept his tongue through Sari’s mouth, holding him close, ravishing him.

  The kiss didn’t take long, and Karein pulled away far sooner than Sari would have liked. Nevertheless, a part of him was thankful for it, because if Karein hadn’t done so, Sari was liable to pounce Karein where he stood, and that wouldn’t have been smart given their location. His libido was all over the place, and it didn’t help that he and Karein had been briefly separated.

  As they broke apart, Sari noted that Onyerre had left sometime during the kiss. His mother was still unconscious, which naturally made Sari feel guilty for losing his composure even for a second. Now was not the time to act lustful.

  “It’s all right,” Karein murmured. “I don’t think your mother would mind. She understands you.”

  Wasn’t that the truth? Karein sat on the edge of the bed and Sari leaned into his mate’s embrace. Together, they watched Eanera, with Karein petting Sari’s hair, brushing soft kisses over his temple.

  It was a strangely intimate moment, even if they weren’t actually doing anything sexual. Just the fact that Karein was helping Sari carry the burden of fearing for his mother meant the world to him.

  “I wonder why my father decided to allow you entrance to the temple,” he finally said.

  “I imagine because he knew I’d want to be with you, and you’d never leave your mother’s side,” Karein answered.

  He was right, but for some reason, his words unsettled Sari. After a few moments, he realized why that was. If his mother didn’t recover soon, the Temple of Jenarra would be left without a High Priestess. The only one who had the abilities necessary to replace Eanera, even on a temporary basis, was Sari himself. Him being male wouldn’t be a problem if they were all faced with the lack of leadership. What would that mean for Sari’s marriage, for his baby? What would it imply? Sweet Jenarra, Sari didn’t know. He hoped he’d never have to find out.

  As if sensing his concern, Eanera opened her eyes again. Her gaze fixed on Karein and her voice sounded stronger when she spoke, “Oh, Your Highness. Welcome. I’m glad you’re here again. Sari has missed you a lot.”

  “Thank you,” Karein replied, passing a hand through Sari’s hair. Normally, the gesture would have been arousing—Karein had quite a fetish with Sari’s locks—but now it just provided comfort.“And I missed him, too. Very much.”

  “As always, Rose Noire is honored at your presence,” Eanera said with a smile. “On a more personal level, I’m very happy to see you so mindful of Sari’s needs.”

  “I assure you, you’ll never have to worry about that,” Karein answered.

  Sari watched this exchange in silence. He knew he should be glad his mother seemingly felt better. However, he couldn’t bring himself to be truly relieved. Somehow, Sari had a feeling this nightmare wasn’t over, not by a long shot. No, this was only just beginning.

  Chapter Nine

  A few weeks later

  Hareem waited behind the large tree, watching the approaching wolf pack. He stayed downwind so that the shifters wouldn’t scent him, itching to approach. Instead of following his first instinct, he remained in the shadows, knowing that he most likely wouldn’t be welcome.

  In fact, he was fairly certain the werewolves would try to attack him, bite first and ask questions later, as it were. Taryn already had enough problems here without Hareem showing up to make things worse.

  Unfortunately, when it came to Taryn, Hareem truly had no control. He had fully intended to stay away from his mate and give Taryn some space. He’d managed to do that since their previous separation, but after the vampire attack, it had become increasingly difficult for him to withstand the distance.

  He realized he was going against Taryn’s wishes by doing so, but he couldn’t help himself. At the very least, he could see Taryn from here and know they were physically closer.

  Their connection glowed with Taryn’s mental presence. “Wait for me,” the werewolf whispered. “I’ll be there soon. We need to talk anyway.”

  The words might have sounded ominous, but there was actually a sweet promise in them, one that made Hareem’s dragon release a possessive roar. Hareem held onto the tree trunk to keep himself from bursting forward and going ahead to find his mate. Ironically, it seemed even harder to keep control of his need now, when he was so close to Taryn, yet unable to touch him.

  The wolf pack stopped a good distance away from his position, something which Hareem had, of course, anticipated. He and his mate had never stopped using their bond since the vampire attack, so Hareem knew where the werewolves were at any given time. For that reason—and with a little help from the time zone difference—he’d managed to sneak in a little visit here without too many people knowing about it. Naturally, it had taken some effort, but if he got to touch his mate again, to kiss the sweet lips he’d missed so much, it would be more than worth it.

  It seemed to take forever, but finally, the pack settled in, having found their camp spot for the night. After a little while, Hareem spotted a small black wolf slowly approaching his position. His heart started to race impossibly fast, but he stayed where he was, just in case someone was watching.

  His patience paid off when his mate finally leapt in front of him. His form rippled, and in the place of the wolf, Taryn’s human shape stood. He was completely naked, and Hareem almost forgot to breathe at the sight. His pretty pink nipples had pebbled in the increasingly cool night air. His green-gold eyes shone with need, recognition, and affection. The swell of his belly reminded Hareem of the life they had conceived together, making him even more possessive. And the hard cock between Taryn’s legs practically begged for Hareem’s touch.

  “Hello, Hareem,” Taryn whispered.

  “Overlords, I want you,” Hareem said in reply.

  Hareem didn’t know which one of them reached for each other first. The next thing he knew, he was crushing his mouth against Taryn’s, biting down on Taryn’s lower lip, greedily exploring every beautiful inch of his mate he could reach.

  Fortunately, since he’d flown here, he was naked, too, so Taryn could do a little exploring of his own. The werewolf’s hands trailed over Hareem’s body, awakening every nerve ending, taunting Hareem’s dragon. With a growl, Hareem lowered his mate to the ground and covered Taryn’s body with his own.

  Many things might have changed since their first meeting, but certain ones remained the same. Taryn still fit against him just right. His scent still drove Hareem wild with lust, and when Taryn parted his lips to grant him entrance, he still tasted like the ambrosia of the gods. If anything, the desire between them had grown more potent, amplified by their bond.

  Taryn writhed under him, rubbing his dick against Hareem, his nails turning into claws as they clutched Hareem’s shoulders. Dizzy with lust, Hareem embraced the onslaught of sensation. He thrust his tongue into Taryn’s mouth, trying to show his mate the full extent of the desire that had been piling up inside him.
r />   It was so good, better than Hareem even remembered. When he’d been in Draechenburg, Hareem had almost managed to convince himself that kissing Taryn couldn’t possibly have felt as amazing as he remembered. After all, how fantastic could a kiss get? And yet, impossibly, tasting Taryn now pointed out that he’d gotten things all wrong. Any memory he might have had paled in comparison to experiencing Taryn in the present. In fact, Hareem didn’t want to breathe anymore as long as it meant he could go on kissing Taryn for all time.

  And yet, it wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. Hareem tore his mouth away from Taryn’s and started to lick down the young werewolf’s neck. Overlords, even Taryn’s collarbone was sexy. He swirled his tongue in the hollow of his throat, reacquainting himself with all of Taryn’s sensitive spots. The werewolf didn’t disappoint. He arched his back, releasing a sound that seemed like a cross between a growl and a moan. It ended up being a breathy “Hareem…” about ten syllables longer than it should have been.

  Taryn didn’t have to say anything else, because Hareem was already following his cues and progressing down his body. He couldn’t help but stop over the tender buds of Taryn’s nipples. The tiny bits of flesh were practically begging for attention, and Hareem just had to give it.

  As he took one of the nubs in his mouth, Taryn’s hands tangled through his hair. The young werewolf was practically thrashing under Hareem now, his dick nudging Hareem insistently demanding to be let in on the action. But Hareem didn’t want to rush. Even if they hadn’t made love for so long, or perhaps more so because of it, he needed to make this moment last.

  He swirled his tongue around the sensitive bud, biting down on occasion then returning to a gentler suction. When he was satisfied with his ministrations on the right one, he directed his attention to the left.

  Of course, throughout it all, Hareem had to be careful so as not to squash his lover under his bulk. Taryn’s pregnancy might not mean that they couldn’t have sex, but it certainly made Hareem leash his passions a little. He had to hold himself up using one of his hands, and that limited his reach, but that small inconvenience didn’t really matter, not when Hareem’s dragon practically purred in possessive satisfaction just at coming into contact with Taryn’s swollen stomach.


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