Book Read Free

Building Forever

Page 7

by Cary Hart

  Walking up to the bar I see Daisy already at the door waiting for me.

  “It’s about time.” She holds open the door, ushering me in.

  “I got stuck at a light a couple blocks back,” I say, pointing back toward the road. “There was a little fender bender. The police were directing traffic.”

  “Oh no. I hope everyone is okay.” She shoots back a concerned look while guiding us through the bar. She seems to know where she is going.

  “Hey Daisy! Long time no see!” the bartender hollers.

  “Work!” she calls back, shrugging her shoulders.

  Taking a seat, I grab a menu and pass one to Daisy. As soon as we sit down, she’s back up. “I need to use the little girl’s room.” She grabs her purse “Brian, the bartender, makes the best Long Island Iced Teas. You want one? I’ll grab them on my way back.”


  “Cool, I’ll only be a second. They know what I like, so just order when you are ready.” She stalks off in a hurry to the bathroom.

  Looking over the menu, I decide to text Gamms to let her know where I’m at.

  Me: Hey! Grabbing drinks with Daisy from work. Don’t know when I’ll be home.

  Gamms: You won’t be.

  Me: What?

  Gamms: Did you wear your sexy lingerie

  Me: What?

  Gamms: Are you on the pill?

  Me: ??????

  Gamms: Do you have condoms?

  Me: GAMMS!!!!!!!

  Gamms: Cover his stump before he humps!


  Why do I even bother?

  Gamms: I know dear, I’m asking for later.

  Me: What’s later?

  “Have you decided on what you want or do you need a few minutes?” The waitress gives me a welcomed break from texting Gamms.

  “Well, everything sounds so good. Why don’t I make it easy and just get what Daisy is having?” I’m proud of myself for making a quick decision.

  “Are you sure?”


  “Perfect. I’ll go put the order in.” Flipping the notebook over, she walks back to the bar.

  I hope she doesn’t eat salad or something light? I need protein!

  Gamms: You know, when you get too drunk and Colin has to come pick you up because if you call me in the middle of the night, I may trip and fall and have to use that thing around my neck and that would be embarrassing.

  Gamms: You there?

  Gamms: Truth hurts!

  Gamms: My God, child…answer your poor Gamms.

  Me: Sometimes I wonder about your sanity.

  Gamms: When you make it home, the key will be around Cocksucker’s neck. May the force be with you, my child.

  What in the what? Did that just happen? I reread the texts to make sure the moment was real. It was.

  Daisy arrives with our drinks and sits back down.

  “Here you go! Drink it slowly, it’s stronger than it tastes.” Winking and pushing a mug toward me, she continues. “So, Nat, can I call you Nat?”

  “Sure, almost everyone does.”

  “What brings you to Santa Barbara? I feel like there is a story there that you are dying to tell.”

  “Well, you are wrong there. I’m totally embarrassed and never want to tell.”

  “I’m sorry.” She peeks over at me as she takes a drink. “I didn’t mean to stick my nose someplace it doesn’t belong.”

  “It’s fine. If I didn’t want to talk about it, I wouldn’t.”

  “Oh look! Here comes our food.” Daisy practically jumps out of her seat to grab her plate.

  “Two loaded Jumbo Jack’s Inside Out Burgers, with truffle fries and a side of ranch.” The waitress hands a plate over to Daisy and sets mine down in front of me. “Is there anything else I can get you ladies?”

  “Maybe a couple more of these?” Daisy picks up her mug, signaling for refills.

  “Sure thing. Be right back.”

  “This is your usual?” I question while popping a fry in my mouth.

  “Heck yeah! I found this joint a couple months before I started at Hampton Enterprises.” She takes a huge bite, rolling her eyes in the back of her head, showing her satisfaction for the juicy burger. “Now I hit this place twice a week.”

  “Well, it looks fantastic.” I take a huge bite myself and almost fall out of my seat from the goodness. This burger was cooked to perfection. Not only are these burgers cook in butter and layered with pepper jack cheese, but the inside is oozing with a cream cheese-jalapeño blend. I can see why she frequents here as often as she does.

  “Since you said you would let me know, I’m going to go for it again.” Daisy pops a fry in her mouth, pausing while the waitress brings us round two. “I’m going to put my money on a broken heart.”

  “Well, something like that, but I’m not really sure I have a broken heart.” I think back to when I caught them together, filling in Daisy on what happened.

  After making my way to the nearest Starbucks and fetching a skinny vanilla soy latte with a dash of cinnamon for Elizabeth Blackwood, the president of Blackwood Marketing and Developing Firm, I round the corner to the conference room to see the windows fogged up.

  “That’s weird,” I whisper.

  I ignore all the warning bells that are sounding in my head and slowly turn the knob, afraid of what I might see. The door quietly creeps open. Words? There are no words.

  “This can’t be happening.” I’m not sure if that was just a thought or I said it out loud.

  There, in front of me, is my fiancé “wall banging” the president of our newest account. His hands are under her ass with his face buried in her bottle blonde hair. Her hands are thrown over his broad shoulders snaking their way up the back of his neck and into his hair. Now, tugging at the roots. He is pounding her into the wall with each thrust.

  This is happening! This is real!

  “What the FUCK!” I scream, throwing Elizabeth’s, special order down at their feet. Well, at Evan’s feet. He is still holding her ass up.

  “Nat…it’s not—” He tries to speak but I interrupt.

  “Oh! No you don’t! Don’t give me the ‘it’s not what it looks like’ speech.” I barrel towards him, not sure what I’m going to do next. “I’m pretty sure you are buried balls deep in Lizzy over there securing our account. Right Lizzy?”

  “Natalie, this is none of your concern. Evan and I have been dating for over eight months now. The account is locked in for you. You will get a little bonus for a job well-done.” Elizabeth interrupts my train of thought.

  “Eight months? Eight months! I have been dating Evan for eight years and engaged for five. I don’t know what he has been telling you, but the little bonus you think I was going to get was supposed to be a partnership. This was my account! I came up with the design and the plans,” I say, exasperated. “What am I doing?”

  After a minute I ask, “Did you even love me Evan?” He remains silent. “I guess when you said we needed to nail this account you meant it literally.” I laugh, almost sounding hysterical. “Were you just using me this whole time?” Still no answer, but now they are getting dressed.

  That’s it. I’m done. I’m gone. I’m out of here. Eight years wasted.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I did care about him and he did hurt me, but it’s really about the job. I was somebody, but no one knew it.”

  “Damn, Nat…he took advantage of you and made a name for himself.”

  “Yep, I heard he made partner.”

  “Well, I’m sure he will come begging for your forgiveness.” She seems so sure of herself.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “He is at the top and he has no one to hold him up there. It’s going to be a long fall, one that I’m sure he won’t be able to recover from, unless he has your help.”

  “Well, he isn’t getting it.”

  “Good…hey your drink is almost gone. I’ll get us another?” She is already s
ignaling the waitress over.

  “So, tell me about Daisy Daniels.” Scooting my plate over, I lean in closer, placing my chin in my hands.

  “There really isn’t that much to tell.” She leans back in her chair and gets ready for the short story. “I grew up in San Diego with parents and older sister, Lilly, but spent summers here, with my grandparents in their cottage on the beach. I worked small jobs during the evening to spend my days on the beach. I didn’t go to college, which was a huge disappointment to my dad and sister. My mom didn’t care, but wanted me to find something I loved.”

  “So, did you? Because, you don’t seem like you love working for Ferris.”

  “Well, not exactly.” She leans in, looking defeated. “I guess you can say my time clock ran out and I had to grow up. My sister went to college with Ferris, and pulled some strings to get me this job.”

  “What does your mom think about that?”

  “She just wants me to be happy, but honestly… I don’t know what happy is anymore.” She twists and turns in her seat, probably feeling uncomfortable telling her story. “So how about your parents?”

  I knew the question would come up and hearing Daisy talk about her mom brought back so many memories. If we are going to do this, I need another tea.

  “Waitress! We need another round!”

  “That bad, huh?”

  “Yes and no. My mom was amazing.”


  “Yes, she passed away two years ago from cancer.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. I miss her so much.” I pause, thinking about my mom, then continue. “My dad on the other hand is alive and well…or so I hear.”

  “I’m not following.”

  “Let me tell you a story…my dad came from a very wealthy Italian family, my mom was from the other side of the tracks. They fell in love and got married. They created a home in St. Helena where he helped run his father’s winery, The Rising Son Vineyard. The workers started to have card games nightly, where they drank. Before you knew it he was drinking and gambling, getting himself into trouble.”

  “I’m guessing this doesn’t end well?”

  “Nope, not at all.” I take another deep breath and continue. “He got into huge debt, sold some of the land out from underneath Gramps and basically lost the family business over time. Rumors went around, about him cheating on my mom.”

  “I hate gossip. Don’t they see it hurts the people involved, especially the children?” She says it more as a statement than a question.

  “It did hurt. There were these three mean girls who picked on me. Their parents weren’t any better. Some said I was adopted or my mom cheated on my dad, but I’m the spitting image of my Gamms.” I pause, taking another sip.


  “My god, YES!”

  “So, how did you and Colin become friends?”

  “Colin…he was my best friend, my hero. He was always around when I needed a friend. One night I was wandering around the vineyard and noticed a small shed on top of this hill. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to check it out, but by the time I reached the top, I forgot all about the shed. Instead, Colin was up there drawing. He looked at me, but didn’t say a word. After a few minutes passed, he patted the ground next to him. Since that moment, we met almost every day at some point, between sunrise and sunset.”

  “I’m confused. Colin said you stole his future. What did he mean by that?” she asked the question and I had the answer, but I didn’t want to tell her. A part of me was jealous that she even knew.

  “The million dollar question…” I take another sip. “Colin and I shared a moment, I thought we could be more, he asked me to prom, mean girls struck again, and I escaped…the only way I could, by applying for a scholarship.”

  “His scholarship,” Daisy whispers in disbelief.

  “Well, yes, considering I knew he was trying for it and it wasn’t even my major. We had plans, and I flew solo and left everyone behind.” Including a piece of myself.

  “Wow!” She looks through me, like she gets it. “So, I guess the question is now, is this your end or beginning?”

  “I’m not following?”

  “Is this the end to your past or the beginning to your future?”

  She caught me off guard. Is this really what I want? This wasn’t where I saw myself in ten years. “Good question Dr. Phil, I’m not sure.”

  “Dr. Phil? Seriously, can’t I be an Oprah or even Ellen? Ellen dances and has fun and Oprah has money.” She laughs.

  “You can be anyone you want, but right now I want to be the girl who is on her way to the ladies room.” Getting up, I stumble, catching myself on the back of my chair.

  “You OK?”

  “Wow! I guess I’m a little tipsy.” I begin to walk but sway a little, sitting back down.

  “I would say a little more than that.” She comes around the table and offers her arm. “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom.”

  “Oh my gosh! I’m a drunk!”

  “You’re not a drunk.”

  “I’m a drunk like my dad.” I have no clue why I’m saying this stuff. I must be plastered. “How many have I had?” I hold my hand in front of my face and try to count using my fingers, but it’s useless.

  “Five, I think.” Daisy opens the door to the restroom and helps me in.

  “Why aren’t you drunk? You’ve had just as many.” I look at her with a scolding look, but I’m pretty sure I’m just squinting my eyes trying to give it my best and failing miserably.

  “I had sweet tea.” She shrugs.

  “What? Daisy, I’m big mad at you right now. Not little mad like, I’ll forget by the time I’m done washing my hands, but BIG MAD, huge,” I say as I lift up my skirt and begin to squat. Losing my balance, sending a bunch of ceramic toilet lids clattering for the whole bar to hear.

  “Nope, you love me and are stuck with me now. The only person you are going to be mad at is yourself, when you wake up with one hell of a hangover.”

  “I’m not that drunk.” I start to unravel the toilet paper to finish my business and show her that I’m fine, but the stupid thing keeps breaking. “UGH! Whomever invented cheap toilet paper must die.” I do a little shake and pull myself together, heading to the sink.

  “Nat, did you have fun tonight?”

  “Yes, and thank you for getting me out of the house, but I have a more serious issue at hand right now than dealing with this.” I wave between the two of us. “I need a ride home and once I get there I have an angry cock that I have to chase to get the key to the house.”

  “Well, then…let’s get you a ride.”

  Chapter 10


  The walk from the bathroom back to the bar feels equivalent to the green mile. Concentrating on my feet while walking isn’t an easy task. Right, left, right, left…you can do it. Just a few more steps. Right, left, OUCH!

  “Watch where you are going!”

  I quickly look up, lose my footing and start to fall back, only to fall forward and crash into a wall.

  Except, I’m pretty sure the wall I’m clutching is in the human form. A comfy human wearing the softest, black T-shirt. Instead of apologizing, I decide I’m comfortable just where I am.

  “Damn it, Daisy! How much did she have to drink?” A familiar voice is loud and in my ear, but I choose to ignore it. Nothing good has come from that voice as of late. I’m happy right where I am, against this human wall.

  “Four or five…Long Island iced teas.”

  “They were soooooo good! Weren’t they Daisy?” I turn in the human’s arms to face my new friend. “Oh wait! You wouldn’t know because you didn’t drink any…I’m still big mad! MIG BAD!” I’m mad but give a slight chuckle. That was funny.

  “Oh hell!” That voice is back again.

  “Colin, I was drinking sweet tea and I lost count of how many she had. I forgot she was still drinking the real stuff.” Daisy pleads. OH SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! COLI

  “Colin?” I turn around into the wall again, but look up this time and catching him looking down at me with those eyes. I can’t help myself. It’s been so long and he has turned into perfection. Bringing my hands up to his face, I cup both of his cheeks. “You really are beautiful.”

  “Sweetheart, I believe that should be my line.” A small smirk crosses his lips as he reaches up and removes my hands from his face, but keeps them firmly in his grip. “Let’s get you home. Daisy, see you Monday.”

  “Yeah, what he said.” I turn and jab my thumb behind me. Apparently, too forcefully.

  “Ouch...that’s my neck.”


  “Bye! And Colin…be nice!” She turns around and heads back to the bar. Maybe to talk to Brian. He seems to know her pretty well. I wonder how well.

  “We’ll see…” he hollers back while dragging me out of the bar and into the well-lit city night. A black car pulls up and Colin leads us in its direction.

  “Where’s your car?” Putting on the breaks, I jerk my hand back.

  “It’s at the hotel. I wasn’t sure what shape you would be in so I called for car service,” he says, like it’s no big deal. “Now, let’s go.”

  “What if I don’t want to go?” I whine, probably trying his patience. I know I should get in the car, but a part of me is upset that he is seeing me like this. So out of control, guard down.

  “There is no other option. You’re drunk and you aren’t driving.” He opens the door, then stalks towards me.

  I open my mouth to say something, but I can’t. I just watch him get closer and closer until he stops right in front of me. “Get in the car, now!”

  “NO!” I puff out and take my stance, crossing my arms over my chest. This draws his eyes away momentarily away from my face and down to the black lace camisole that is now showing more cleavage than is appropriate for the work day.

  “Have it your way.” He bends down and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder and walks back to the car.

  “Put me down!” I yelp. But if I'm being honest, him going all alpha on me after he noticed my goods are making me want to defy him more. Right now, I’ll take whatever attention Colin wants to throw my way. Even if it’s of the negative nature.


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