Building Forever

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Building Forever Page 9

by Cary Hart

  “Un-freakin-believable. I knew it!”

  “Nattie Bug, you don’t understand. It was legit.”

  “Legit is not using a loan shark.”

  “You don’t understand,” he begs, desperation in his voice.

  “No! You don’t understand.” I knew this was going to happen. “All I ever wanted was my dad back. I begged you to stay, but you turned your back on us…ON ME! I loved you unconditionally, but you only loved us with conditions.”

  “I screwed up, but this is not what it seems,” he begs.

  “It’s exactly what it seems. You won’t be happy until you take everything.” Looking around I catch a waitress walking by, grabbing her notebook and pen. I write down the number of my lawyer. “I’m going to give you the land. I don’t want you to repay me. Instead, I want you to leave, for good. Turn your back and run.” Handing him the number, I go on. “This is the number for my lawyer, I’ll fill him in. If you have any questions, call him.”

  “Don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what Dad? I didn’t do this!” I point at him. “You did this! You left us, and came back only when you needed bailed out.”

  He just sits there, taking everything I give him. “Do you know what you even did to me? Well, let me tell you! I was six! SIX, DAD! All I wanted was piggyback rides and I love yous. Instead, I had to help Mom carry you from whichever bar you passed out at and listen to her cry afterward. We struggled to eat, while you were buying drink after drink. Whispered rumors spread throughout St. Helena, but to me it was like a bullhorn blasting daily in my ears. I believed them. I’m broken. You broke me.”

  Grabbing my purse, I turn to leave, weaving in and out of the crowd of waiting customers, almost breaking into a sprint to get as far away from him as possible. My chest tightens, making it hard to breath. Getting confused, I turn in circles, frantic to find the exit.

  When I’m about to just curl up in a ball and cry, Colin’s strong arms lift me up and crush me to his chest.

  “Shhhh, I’m here.”

  “Colin” I whisper. “Save me.”



  I carry her out of the building and to my car, setting her down in the passenger’s seat and checking her over.


  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

  “Nicky, get the fuck away from her right now.”

  “I just wanted to give her something.” He looks defeated.

  “Maybe you should have thought about that before you abandoned her time and time again.” I reply to her dad, but continue to look her in the eyes. Communicating how we do.

  “Please, Colin…just…here.” He steps in front of me and gets a little too close to Nat, placing the envelope in her hands. “It’s a letter from her mother. She wanted me to give this to her when I finally had my act together.” And just as quick as he was there, he was gone.

  “Sweetheart, what happened?”

  "Stealing my past wasn’t good enough, now he wants my future.”

  Chapter 13


  After the run-in with my dad, Colin refuses to let me leave his side. Taking me back to Gamms’ house, he insists I come back to the hotel with him. Gamms, taking his side, even packs my bag.

  Gamms isn’t really sure how to take the situation with my dad. She comforts me, but I can tell she’s hesitant to agree with me this time. I’m not mad at her, but it does make it a little easier to go stay with Colin.

  Spending time with him makes me see this Colin is the same one I grew up with. He never once makes a move or suggests anything sexual, leaving me alone while I veg out and watch Hallmark movies. He spends most of his time in his office working on a new project, but comes out in the evening to feed me and watch “The Originals.” He’s never seen it and I demand he catch up.

  Being around him feels good and natural; the only problem is, I want more. Craving his touch, I scoot closer on the couch and cuddle in, but the only response I get is an arm slung over my shoulders or a pat on the head when he gets up to get refills.

  This is not at all what I imagined. I wanted to come back here and feel the comfort that he has been giving me, but I thought maybe we would go a few rounds in the sack. Not the case.

  I’m beginning to think that even though we have had a few moments, I’m nothing more than a familiar face from home.

  Tonight is my last night here and my last chance to make something of this weekend. To get him to see me differently. To get him to touch me and crave to be touched by me.

  Climbing into bed, he reaches across me for the remote, his bare chest mere inches from my face. I wonder what he would do if I just stuck out my tongue to take a taste? How pathetic. He doesn’t want you.

  Instead I opted for the playful nip pinch.

  “Ouch!” His hand flies up to rub the area I just tweaked.

  “What?” playing dumb.

  “You are going to pay for that.” He attacks me, tickling me everywhere.

  I squirm all over the bed, feet and arms going everywhere. His hands work from my belly, to under my arms, back down to my inner thighs just to come back up to my ribs.

  “STOP! You’re going to make me pee.” I’m cry-laughing now. “Please, stop. Colin stop. I’m begging you.”

  His hands stop, he is still. Making eye contact, he smiles and leans down to kiss my forehead. Pulling back he slowly brings his hand up, his eyes leaving mine and now following their path. He moves down the bed to where he is eye level with my breasts. He looks up at me and I’m embarrassed and hot all at the same time. He lowers his mouth, I close my eyes, waiting…and he kisses the spot between my breasts.

  I get excited, thinking this is it. He finally feels the same. He wants me as much as I want him, but instead he hovers over me while his hand slowly grazes my hardened nipple. Then the unthinkable happens. He stops, pulls my shirt back down and rolls over to his side of the bed.

  “Night Nat. Get some rest, we have a busy week.”

  “Night Colin.” Rolling over, I close my eyes, willing sleep to come.


  Hearing the sheets rustle, I turn to see Colin hit the buttons for the drapes.

  “Time to get up sleepyhead.” He stretches, then shifts his package before he drags his feet to the bathroom.

  Pulling the covers over my head, I fight with the idea that it’s Monday. I don’t want to go anywhere today. I don’t want to work and I don’t want to deal with any drama.

  “Hey!” He peeks his head out from around the door, steam escaping. “Get up before we are late. It’s Monday! Make it your bitch!” He smiles and retreats.

  He’s right, it’s Monday and I’m going to tackle it, but first coffee.


  I stare at my daily calendar as I sip the latte Daisy grabbed me this morning, still apologizing for getting me drunk. I should really thank her, since those drinks led me to Colin's bed...but I think I'll let her sweat it a little while longer.

  Wow, it’s already Thursday! The week passed in a blur and everything is going so smoothly, I keep holding my breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  Daisy seems to be on her best behavior...and Ferris isn't completely annoyed with her. She even hinted at the possibility of them attending the ball together.

  “Strictly as boss and employee,” she told me.

  Apparently, Lillian, Daisy’s sister and his usual event companion, was out of town scouting locations for Ferris.

  I decided against bringing a date, even though Ferris offered me another ticket. My social game sucks and honestly, I was hoping Colin would ask me. But given this past week, I think I’m stuck in the friend zone.

  Things have been so easy with us, like old times, maybe even better. We didn't drag up all the ghosts, yet. Just taking it one day at a time.

  With the job wrapping up, proving to be a huge success for both of us, Colin will head back to Tanner Construction in St. Helena and I’l
l move on to Hampton Enterprises’ latest conquest.

  Thinking back over the past few weeks, and all the trials and tribulations, I realize I made it. It was tough and there were moments I wanted to quit, but I fought my way through and won the battle.

  By the time I was halfway done with my part of the Oakwood Project, I realized that Colin and I did make a pretty great team after all.

  Everything is changing for me and looking right in this world, but that's what scares me — my world was never right. Things don’t go smoothly for Natalie Russo.

  Chapter 14


  After dropping Nat off at work, I decide to hit the gym. Changing into my workout gear, I head out to get a little cardio in before I meet up with a buddy of mine to lift weights.

  Fifteen minutes into my run, a familiar face and sexy-as-hell body comes into view.

  “Hey there, stranger!” Tatiana hands me a towel and holds out a water. “Drink?”

  “Hey, T! I got a water right here. Thanks.” I nod my appreciation.

  “What has you so worked up?” She licks her bottom lip, pulling it in for a quick bite.

  “Just an issue at work.” I don’t necessarily lie. Nat works with me and is definitely is the issue.

  “Wanna leave and finish this workout somewhere private? I know a great way to give you a release.”

  I want to say yes. I want to leave and work out this tension that has me wound so tight since she came full speed into my life, but I surprise myself. “Nah, not today.”


  “Seriously!” I confirm.

  “Whatever. Your loss.” She storms away, I’m sure tracking down her next victim.

  Confused as to what has just transpired, I send a text to my buddy, letting him know I’ll catch him next time. Right now, I need some advice from a friend.

  Me: You busy?

  Jack: Nope, just looking at color swatches and fabrics with Abby.

  Me: What’s she got on you dude?

  Jack: You just wait…pussy whipped is everything and more.

  Me: Speaking of which, can you talk?

  Jack: Sure, just give me a few minutes to wrap this up.

  Me: Sounds good.

  Ready to get out of here, I head to the locker room, grab my stuff and go. I don’t even bother with a shower. That can wait. I need some major advice and this dude is the only one I can go to about it.

  Jack has been my best friend since I can remember. We have been through everything together. When I wasn’t with Nat, I was tearing up the town with him.

  Almost to the car, I unlock the door, hit the button for the trunk and throw in my bag. Getting ready to hop in, I hear my cell phone go off in my pocket. Digging it out, I lean up against my car and see the bastard has finally decided to call me.

  As I answer, I see the few minutes turned into fifteen. “What took so fucking long?”

  “Do you really want me to answer that?”

  “Hell no!” Abby and Jack finally got their happy ending, with no help from me of course. I was a total douche and gave Jack all kinds of hell for chasing her skirt.

  “So, to what do I owe this honor?”

  “Can’t I just check in?” He knows me better than this. I’m a man of no words. The only one I ever talked to about my feelings was Nat. When she left, I shut down emotionally. I hardened my heart and put up walls. No one was going to hurt me again.

  “Sure, man, but what’s going on? I can tell something is bothering you.”

  “Shit!” I run my hand through my hair and turn to the side and watch the cars drive by.

  “That bad?”

  “Dude…Natalie Russo is back and she is working for Hampton Enterprises.”

  “No shit?”

  “Yep and to make matters worse, Ferris brought her in to sign off on my work. Something about the legal team wanting someone with a master’s and since I never finished school…”

  “Damn, that had to sting.” He pauses. “But you do realize, degree or not, you are the driving force behind Tanner Construction. If it weren’t for you, there wouldn’t be a business and we sure as hell wouldn’t have been successful.”

  “Thanks, man, but even with all that craziness, that’s not the problem.”

  “Well spit it out.”

  “I miss her…there I said it.”


  “And…I want more.”

  “More as in, you want to be friends and frolic in the park holding hands, or more as in you want to play hide the sausage?” Laughing, he covers the phone and says something. Abby must have walked in.

  Shaking my head and laughing with him, I reply, “More as in a relationship.”

  “Excuse me? I thought you said relationship, and the Colin Palmer I know doesn’t do relationships.”

  “Fuck off!”

  “I’m kidding, but what changed?”

  I think about this for a moment and wonder to myself what did change. “Nothing changed and that is what changed everything.” Not sure I’m understanding myself I question him. “How did you know Abby was the one? After all those years, what changed for you?”

  “Dude, you answered your own damn question. Like you said, nothing changed, but when I knew, everything changed. I always knew it was going to be Abby, but back then, it wasn’t time. When I came back, I pursued her…hard. It was a dick move since she was technically married, but I wanted her and I wasn’t going to stop till I got her and now that I have her…I’m never letting go.”

  Tapping my hands on the top of the car, I absorb everything he is telling me. I know what I have to do. “Thanks man, I needed this.”

  “Anytime! You good?”


  “Call me later in the week to fill me in on the completion timeline. I’m ready to have you back.”

  “Will do.” I hang up, climb in my car and drive off. I know what I need to do and it’s going to be fucking epic.

  Chapter 15


  It’s Friday and today has been a great day. I woke up early, had breakfast with Gamms and now I’m making my morning run to the coffee shop to grab the office favorites. I get decaf for Daisy — apparently she has been getting headaches and the doctor told her to stay away from the stuff.

  As I'm walking in, I spot Colin at the counter. Bypassing the order line, I head to the pickup counter to say hello.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Shit!” He jumps, spilling the coffee in his hand, but again managing not to get anything on himself. The barista isn’t so lucky.

  “Oh…ohhhh! I’m so sorry.” I apologize to Colin, but look at the barista trying to clean herself up. “Miss, I’m sorry. Let me help you.”

  “It’s fine. I got it.” She throws down the towel and finishes making Colin his drinks.

  “Well, Ms. Russo, what is it with you and hot coffee? Seems like you can get it everywhere but your mouth.” He hands me the half empty cup. “By the way, that one was yours.”

  “I’m such an idiot. I was just trying to be cute by coming to say hi.”

  “Trust me…this was adorable as hell.” Colin turns me around and guides me out the door.

  “But what about the coffee?”

  “Got ’em. Now, let’s get to work, we don’t want to be late for Friday.”

  I can’t stop smiling. He friend-zoned me this week, but having him back, if even as just a friend, is better than nothing. Nothing is incomplete.

  As we make our way to the parking lot he spots Betsy with her top down. “So, this is how you are rollin’ today?”

  “Yep! How can you not on a day like today?” I put the coffee in middle console, looking back at him. “You wanna ride?”

  “Thought you would never ask.” He walks over to the other side, running his hand along the hood as he goes. “Been a long time, girl.”

  “Get in, the coffee is going to get cold.”

  Colin climbs in and buckles h
is seatbelt. “Well, let’s go. Show us what Betsy can do.” He smiles as he puts on his shades. “To the office!”

  A few minutes later we arrive. As I walk in, I expect to see Daisy perched at her desk, but she’s nowhere in sight.

  “That’s weird,” I mutter, then call out, “Hey, Colin…where is Daisy?”

  “She had to run some errands for me this morning. She should be here any minute.” He puts the coffee down and turns when he sees Daisy walking in carrying a garment bag. “Speak of the devil.”

  “Oh, hey Colin, I didn’t know you could see yourself in the mirror from there?”

  Bite me! He mouths. Those two are really like brother and sister. I don’t know how I missed it in the beginning.

  “Did you get the package picked up and delivered to the location?” he grills Daisy.

  “Yep, mission accomplished.”

  “Guys, I hate to interrupt, but I have a lot to get done before quitting time.” I grab my coffee from Daisy’s desk and head back to my office. As I pass Ferris’ office, I notice he is absent. This gives me a great idea, so I holler behind me. “Daisy…lunch? My treat.”

  “Sounds great.”

  Entering my office with coffee in hand, I head for my desk, ready to fire up the computer and check my emails. Instead, I see a ginormous wildflower arrangement.

  It’s huge. Like, I can’t even see my chair for the flowers. Nearing the desk, I take the vase to -move it out of the way, but when I do, I’m startled by who is sitting in my chair.

  “OHMYGOD!” I yell so fast that I’m sure a normal human ear wouldn’t be able to understand me, but given that it’s Lexi sitting there…

  “IMISSEDYOUSOMUCH!” She comes barreling towards me, dropping a bag of treats on the table and grabs me in a bear hug.

  As we swaying back and forth, still hugging and filling each other in as quickly as we can, Colin and Daisy walk in with smiles on their faces. They must have known.

  “Did you guys know?” I stand with my hands on my hips looking between the three of them.


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