Book Read Free

Building Forever

Page 10

by Cary Hart

  Colin speaks up this time. “Now that I have you three here, I have something to tell you.”

  Looking at each other we wonder what is going on. Daisy catches site of the treat bag. She looks at me, then at Lexi, who nods, and Daisy takes off for the treats.

  “Daisy, focus!” Colin barks, trying to get her attention.

  “Colin, I eat with my mouth, not with my ears…go on.”

  “Fine, I thought with as busy as you all have been lately, you would like it if you had the day off. Maybe a pampered day off?”

  “The spa? Today?” Daisy questions with her mouth full of scone.

  “Yep! You all have appointments in an hour. Pedicures, manicures, full body massages and who knows what else. Then tomorrow, before the event, hair and makeup.”

  Not being able to control myself, I run up to Colin and jump excitedly, wrapping my legs around his waist. He catches me, but not before he loses his footing and backs up into the wall.

  The clearing of a throat startles us all. “Palmer, I don’t know what type of ship you think I’m running here, but this is not how I operate.” Turning, Ferris stalks back to his office.

  I uncross my legs and slide down the front of Colin’s body. I feel guilty for being turned on by my friend, even more guilty my new boss witnessed that exchange. “Thanks, Colin! You always seem to know just what I need. Thank you.”

  “Anytime, Nat.”

  “Thaaaaaaaanks, Colin!” Daisy and Lexi sing in unison.


  This is exactly what I needed, pampering and friends. After ninety minutes of the most magical hands on the face of this earth we head toward the sitting room for a special lunch that was brought in.

  Daisy had been craving grilled cheese and since it is one of my favorites, Lexi talked to the spa manager to see if she could pull some strings and get us lunch this local gourmet food truck.

  Thirty minutes later we are relaxed, filling our tummies and chatting about anything and everything.

  “If I take one more bite of this gooey goodness, I’m not going to be able to fit into my dress tomorrow.” Daisy takes her final bite and licks the remaining cheese off her fingers.

  “OH NO! I totally forgot about a dress.” Panic starts to set in. Daisy was supposed to get me in touch with a personal shopper, but with meeting with my dad and that not turning out well, I got sidetracked and forgot.

  “I may have something for you,” Lexi says. “I can have Marco bring it up tomorrow when he comes.” She stays calm for my sake, but she has been planning her dress for a couple months. If the role was reversed she would cry in a corner, rocking back and forth.

  “No worries! Colin took care of it all. When we checked in the manager said our dresses will be delivered tomorrow before our hair and makeup.”

  “Really?” I’m confused. “Shouldn’t I have tried on my dress ahead of time to make sure it fit?”

  “Nah, this dress is perfect for you.” Daisy sounds confident and worry-free. If only I could live life like she does.

  “Speaking of Colin…what’s going on there?” Lexi grills me with Daisy listening in closely.

  “Absolutely nothing. We are just friends.”

  “Oh! Come on…friends don’t go all out like this,” Lexi argues.

  “Guys, I would love for it to be something more, but Colin still sees me as the friendly sidekick.”

  “I think you are under estimating his feelings for you,” Daisy gives her two cents.

  “Guys, I know he cares about me, but as a friend, nothing more.”

  “Nat, you can tell yourself that all you want, but friends don’t take friends in for the weekend—” Lexi declares, but I cut her off.

  “Please, you have taken me in numerous times,” I interrupt.

  “Friends don’t take friends in and cuddle in bed.”

  “Yeah, and friends don’t make out with friends at work.” Daisy winks and suddenly I regret ever telling her about what really happened that morning.

  “Friends don’t buy a really expensive spa day for a friend and her friends…well, unless he is a billionaire trying to seduce his young and innocent secretary.” Lexi stares Daisy down from across the table. “Isn’t that right, Daisy?”

  Daisy chokes on her food and takes a sip of water. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Lex and I give each other a knowing look. “Oh, nothing…” we say in unison, then laugh.

  “Whatever.” Daisy takes a bite of her double chocolate truffle cheesecake, leaving our conversation behind.

  “Ladies, if you are finished with your lunch, we are ready for the waxing.” The spa receptionist comes in, tablet in hand, directing us to our next appointment.

  “Waxing?” The three of us look at each other and wonder what is going on. That wasn’t on the original agenda.

  “Girls, girls, girls…” Gamms appears and claps her hands. “No man wants to get carpet burn. Time to rip out the shag carpets and install bare floors…now chop chop! Time’s a-wasting.” She comes and starts pulling our chairs back, shooing us towards the back room.

  “Gamms, this isn’t necessary.”

  “Oh! You will thank me later.” She starts to tell us a story, but I quickly cut her off. “My heavens child, you kids need to learn that this is just the facts of life.” Then she starts to sing, “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life.”

  Finally stopping she pushes us into the room. The receptionist, looking apologetic, explains what we need to do to prepare, then leaves, pulling Gamms with her.

  “Girls, the point to the story, when the floor is bare, enjoy the air.”


  Chapter 16


  The plan is coming together and phases 1 and 2 are complete. The girls will head to the spa this afternoon, finishing up their two-day treatment with hair and makeup.

  Jack told me I needed to come up with a plan to win Natalie over, to show her I can be more than just a friend. The problem was I didn’t know what to do. I’m a fucking guy. We don’t do romance.

  Doing what I do best I built a plan and called Daisy to lay the groundwork. She suggested the spa, saying a girl feels as good as she looks. So, we went all “Hollywood” or whatever Daisy called it, and rolled out the red carpet for Nat.

  Last night, Daisy called me with an update. Nat was worried about her dress, but I had that covered. I met Kat, my personal shopper, to look at a few designs, but nothing was good enough. Since they were about the same size, I had her try on every designer dress I thought would work, but she wasn’t Nat. Nothing looked right.

  Remembering the night Nat picked me up for prom, I came up with an idea I knew would have her falling at my feet or, better yet, in my bed, but could I pull it off in four days? Hell yeah, I could!


  My phone chimes; I’m expecting Ferris, so we can finalize this evening.

  Hampton: I’m going to be running late. I’ll have to meet you there.

  Me: It’s Saturday, take the day off.

  Hampton: I called the limo service. They will pick you up at the hotel then head to the spa.

  Me: Perfect.

  Ferris is all business. Short and to the point and if your conversation doesn’t contribute to his agenda, he will ignore it and move on.


  Marcus: I have a last-minute business meeting. I’ll have to meet you there.

  Me: What is it with meetings today? It’s Saturday.

  Marcus: Hotels are 365 days a year, brah.

  Me: What about Lexi?

  Marcus: She is still riding with you. I’ll be there by the time you arrive.

  Me: Me and three beautiful ladies…you sure about that?

  Marcus: Touch her and I kill you.

  Me: No need to plot my death. I have a thing for redheads.

  Marcus: LOL! About time.

  Marcus: Listen, do me a solid and when you get there, have the limo c
ircle a few times. I got something up my sleeve.

  Me: No prob.

  Marcus: Thnx

  Well, looks like it’s just me and the girls. This should be interesting.



  “Girls, today has been amazing.” Lexi walks in looking gorgeous.

  “You look beautiful! Your makeup is flawless and the red lip is classic.” Daisy peeks around her makeup artist. “Scones?”

  “I brought some yesterday,” she replies.

  “They’re gone.” Daisy ducks behind the mirror to finish getting ready.

  “You ate them all?” Lexi looks amused.

  “They’re her favorite,” I pipe up, defending Daisy and her scone addiction.

  “I can’t help it. They’re good. Better than good.” She peeks around one more time. “It’s the combination of blueberries and lemon…I can’t get enough. They are like crack or something. Not that I’ve had crack. But if I eat another bite of anything today, I probably won’t fit in my dress,” she babbles.

  “Speaking of which…” I look around. “Where are they?”

  Just as I ask the question, three employees come in bearing three garment bags. After hanging them on the hooks in the individual changing rooms, which are the size of a small bedroom, they leave.

  “Ask and you shall receive.” Daisy walks over to each bag and slowly unzips them.

  Lexi brought her own dress, but had it steamed and sent to the spa so we could get ready together. Her dress was perfect and everything Lexi is. Beautiful, classy and elegant. Removing the gown, Daisy and I help her step into the bold red, silk, trumpet-style dress, complete with small train. The back dips nearly all the way to her tailbone, perfectly balancing the high-cut neckline that drapes off her shoulders.

  “Wow!” Daisy and I say in unison, standing behind her, looking in the mirror until Lexi breaks us from our moment.

  “Who’s next?” Lexi claps.

  “ME!” Daisy bounces to the next room and we follow.

  Slowly Lexi removes Daisy’s long, gauzy, snowy-white gown with empire's breathtaking.

  “Guys it looks smaller than when I last tried it on. What if it doesn’t fit?” She worries her bottom lip.

  “It’ll fit,” I reassure her.

  “I don’t know…she did eat a dozen scones in less than two days,” Lexi jokes.

  Daisy glares as she puts on the dress. She slides her arms through the tiny capped sleeves, made entirely of lace, which barely cover her sun-kissed shoulders. We fasten the clasp and step back.

  Smoothing out her billowing skirt and adjusting the wide gold belt, Daisy turns around to see herself in the mirror. She's positively glowing; the fitted, scalloped, lace bodice barely contains her ample cleavage. With her golden curls piled atop her head, a few escaping to frame her face, and understated makeup in smoky golds, she looks like a Greek goddess or an angel. The metal belt gives the delicate dress a modern flair.

  “You, my friend, are sexy as hell!” Lexi states. “Every man is going to be looking at those things.” She points to Daisy’s breasts.

  “I didn’t even know you had those?” I join in.

  “It’s the dress.” Daisy nods and adjusts herself. “Miracle Bra inserts.”

  “If that is the case, you should be their spokesperson because every woman there is going to be jealous of what you have and every man is going to be looking at you wishing they had you.” I can’t help but be a little envious...but I've grown to love Daisy and I'm happy for her. "You could give those girls at New York fashion week a run for their money," I insist. Lexi nods in agreement.

  “Ok, Nat, your turn!” Daisy squeaks. I turn toward my dressing room.

  Nervous, I just stand there. “Guys, I can’t. I’m's just that...what if it’s ugly? What if it doesn’t fit?”

  “What if you don’t get your ass in there and try it on?” Lexi interrupt. Daisy smirks in agreement.

  “Geesh, okay, okay."

  “Girl you are going to look beautiful in whatever lies within that bag…so, open it,” Daisy says, standing still waiting for me, patiently, to open the bag and see the contents.

  I pull the hanger out and let the bag fall to the floor. It’s amazing! And breathtaking, and all I can do is sigh.

  The gown is a sea of emerald green chiffon, and all I can do is stare. My heart is beating so fast, not because this dress is the most exquisite I've ever seen, but because Colin picked it out. He remembered.

  "It's a grown-up version of my prom dress," I say, mainly to myself. "How?" It was such short notice, I can't believe it, four days.

  "Come on Cinderella, you don't wanna be late for the ball," Daisy orders, breaking my trance, and I slip into the gown.

  Emerald green lace, inlaid with tiny beads and crystals, tightly hugs my torso. The sweetheart neckline plunges dangerously low in the front, but has wide straps that cover my shoulders creating a vintage yet sexy vibe.

  Looking in the mirror, I’m in shock. My eyes travel the length of the gown and I'm speechless. The decadent fabric pools around my feet in soft pleats. Daisy and Lex are fussing over my dress, turning me in a circle. They take out their cell phones snap pictures, but I don’t move. Then I turn and see the back, which is more modest but made up entirely of lace and beads.

  I’m beautiful! Tears prick my eyes. Which reminds me, I don't wanna smudge my fresh makeup.

  Dark smoky eyes, with a hint of plum. Soot lashes and a dusting of bronzer across my cheekbones and chest. My wild, red mane is in soft waves and pinned to the side, like an old Hollywood movie star. Moving closer to the mirror I reach out and touch my reflection, examining the person staring back at me. She is the girl I always wanted to be. My freshly glossed, plum lips smile back at me.

  I am her!

  Chapter 17


  The limo pulls up to the spa and parks. I grab the box, stick it in my jacket pocket, and get out. I had texted the receptionist on the way, to let her know my arrival time and to walk the ladies out.

  I lean back on the limo, crossing my legs, and take out my phone to check a few emails while I wait…

  And wait…

  And wait.

  The door finally opens and I find myself holding my breath. Lexi and Daisy come out first, but Natalie isn’t anywhere to be seen. I take a couple steps and greet the girls, trying to interact, but my mind is on her.

  Where is she?

  The driver opens the door and the girls get in.

  “Where’s Natalie?” I stick my head in to talk to the girls.

  “She’s on her way,” Lexi speaks up first.

  “Little girl’s room.” Daisy nods.

  I hear Nat before I see her. Turning, I see her thanking the doorman for opening the door.

  I’m blown away. This dress turned out amazing. I wonder if she noticed?

  She walks to the limo with a confidence I have never seen before, and I’m frozen in place. As she gets closer her confidence begins to fade, and I realize I still haven’t moved. I’m the reason for that look.

  Rushing to stand in front of her, I grab her hand in both of mine. “You are absolutely breathtaking.”

  “I’m sure you say that to all the girls.” She turns her head, refusing to meet my eyes.

  “Natalie, look at me.” She does. “You didn’t take my breath, you stole it.” Bringing her hands up, I turn her wrists up and lay a kiss on the inside. One at a time.

  “Colin,” she whispers.

  I smile. I’m having an effect on her. I just hope it’s the same one she has on me.

  Moving behind her, I guide Natalie to the limo by placing my hand on her lower back.

  “Colin, thank you for going out of your way. The past couple of days have been amazing and were a welcomed distraction.”

  “You deserved it, you’ve been kicking ass at work. I just thought between working long hours and the stuff at home, you could use a little girl time.”
r />   “Well, you thought right.”

  “Ma’am.” The driver nods for her to get in.

  “Just a second.” I hold up my finger and reach inside my pocket.

  Nat watches, curious.

  “I got you a little something for tonight.” I pull out the black velvet box, opening it like the guy did in “Pretty Woman.”

  “If you want to win the girl, give her Richard Gere!” Daisy suggests.

  “Richard who?”

  “You know, ‘Pretty Woman’ when they are on their way to the opera, he sees her standing there, pulls out a box with a necklace, she goes to touch it and he slams it shut. She laughs, he laughs and they live together for all eternity…” she starts to explain, but I quickly shut her down.

  “Guys don’t watch ‘Pretty Woman.’”

  “Well, they should.”

  “Is this for me?” She seems surprised, which kills me. She should know what it feels like to feel loved.

  Loved? Where the fuck did that come from?

  “Yep! It’s perfect. Just like this dress, just like you.”

  I pull out the emerald tennis bracelet. If this isn’t like “Pretty Woman” I don’t know what is. “Let’s see how this looks.”

  Holding out her wrist, she watches me clasp it. Touching it with her other hand she turns it, admiring the design. “Thank you, Colin. It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome.” I smile, ushering her into the waiting limo, keeping hold of her hand. I then nod to the driver, signaling we're finally ready. He tips his hat and closes the door.

  "You ladies ready to go?” I tease.

  "Yes, Colin!" They laugh. I'm only vaguely aware of the replies, I'm too focused on the gorgeous redhead sitting next to me holding my hand. She gives it a little squeeze, and we're off.



  The limo ride to the theater was hilarious. Lexi is into everything, playing with the screen, the sunroof and getting into the liquor supply. I get a feeling Marco is going to have his hands full with her tonight.

  She is a little upset Marco wasn’t with Colin when they arrived, but she understands he is trying to make a name for himself outside of wine country.


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