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The Veritas

Page 24

by Wendy Saunders

  ‘Hey,’ Jackson waded in between the two battling ghosts, grabbing them both by the scruff of the neck and yanking them off the floor effortlessly, seeing as they were as weightless and insubstantial as mist. For some reason, Jackson seemed to be the only one who could actually touch them and for that reason alone it fell to him to keep some of the livelier ones under control, ‘Ned… Buzz…’ he addressed them both with a resigned sigh, ‘what have I told you about fighting in the pub. You want to pound on each other through the afterlife do it on your own time.’

  ‘Aww come on Jackson,’ the ghost named Ned, wrinkled his nose, ‘we was only messin’ about.’

  ‘For the tenth time this week alone,’ he told them firmly, ‘if you don’t get it under control, I’m calling in Father O’Malley and having you both exorcised.’

  ‘You wouldn’t really do that would you?’ Buzz asked with a scowl.

  ‘Try me,’ Jackson warned, ‘now take it back to the Otherworld.’

  ‘Sorry,’ Ned muttered sullenly.

  ‘Sorry,’ Buzz agreed.

  Jackson let go of them and they both disappeared.

  ‘You the new sheriff in town then?’ an amused voice asked.

  Jackson looked down and his face broke into a wide grin.


  Dominic raised his hand and flipped him the finger, along with a smirk.

  ‘Haha,’ Jackson leaned down and grasped the shorter man in a bear hug, ‘what are you doing here?’

  ‘You didn’t think I was going to miss Jake and Roni’s wedding, did you? I’ve heard what went down at Olivia and Theo’s wedding and you forget I was here for the festival of magic.’

  Jackson winced.

  ‘Best not mention that, as it’s still a bit of a sore subject with our Roni.’

  Dominic laughed loudly.

  ‘Are you kidding, best damn festival I’ve ever been to. There’s no way I’m missing a party if it’s in Mercy; you know this wedding is going to be unforgettable.’

  ‘DOM!’ Jake laughed loudly as he headed over, ‘glad you could make it.’

  He grinned and clasped Jake’s hand shaking firmly. ‘Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.’

  Dominic Savage had not always been Mercy’s number one fan. When he’d arrived the previous summer it had been as a well-known travel blogger and reporter. Rather than putting Mercy on the map and helping increase their tourist trade, his intention had been to firmly debunk any supernatural claims and prove that Mercy was just a small nobody town looking to ride the coat tails of its neighbor Salem.

  How wrong he’d been.

  Unluckily or perhaps luckily, he’d arrived at the onset of a massive spirit infestation at the pub, during which the veil between the worlds had disappeared completely and the ghosts had tried to kidnap Jackson’s son Miller.

  Having witnessed and survived such a massive supernatural event, Dominic had found himself bonding tightly with the small tight knit group who knew the truth about Mercy. Since then he’d returned several times and found himself very good friends with Jackson and the others. So much so, that he was seriously considering relocating to Mercy on a permanent basis.

  ‘Mac’s just cracked open a bottle of the good stuff. You might want to get in before Tommy drinks it all.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Dom headed over to the table with Jackson to greet the others.

  ‘Hey,’ Jake climbed onto the bar stool next to Theo, ‘what’s up?’

  ‘Nothing,’ Theo shook his head, lifting his beer to his lips.

  ‘I call bullshit,’ he replied tapping his temple, ‘can read minds, remember?’

  ‘I forget about that sometimes,’ Theo studied his friend, his voice low and contemplative. ‘You’re so unobtrusive about it.’

  ‘I don’t like to invade people’s privacy,’ he shrugged. ‘You think it sounds like a cool superpower, right? WRONG, the reality of it sucks. It’s constant and painful headaches. It’s finding out things about people you really, really didn’t want to know. It’s annoying and most of the time, awkward as hell. I have to admit, it’s been a helluva lot easier since Cally taught me to control it. Most of the time I leave it in standby mode. The thing is Theo, you may not realize it but you’re practically shouting at me across the room. Now why don’t you tell me what’s going on, that you don’t want to tell Olivia about.’

  ‘It’s the visions,’ Theo replied with a frown.

  ‘You still having trouble controlling them?’

  He nodded. ‘It’s not just that though, it’s like they’re changing. I don’t know, they’re stronger, more painful and recently…’


  ‘I can see writing,’ Theo admitted.

  ‘Writing?’ Jake frowned in confusion.

  ‘Yeah,’ he nodded again, ‘it just appears in front of my eyes, kind of moving about. It doesn’t matter what I’m looking at, it just sort of projects the words onto it.’

  ‘Well, what does it say?’

  ‘That’s just it,’ Theo shrugged helplessly, ‘I have no idea. The language, it’s kind of familiar, a bit like the ancient language Olivia inscribed on our knives, but it’s not exactly the same.’

  ‘I don’t know what to tell you man, but this sounds like exactly the sort of thing you should be telling your wife.’

  ‘I know,’ Theo sighed.

  ‘Then why won’t you?’ Jake shook his head, not understanding. ‘I thought you two were solid.’

  ‘We are,’ he replied, ‘it’s just that since my visions have been getting stronger, Hades seems to think it’s something to do with the connection between us.’

  ‘What, that her power as a Guardian is somehow turbocharging your visions?’ Jake asked.

  ‘I guess. The thing is Olivia already feels bad enough about that. She thinks it’s her fault when the visions come on so strong they give me head splitting migraines. I just don’t want her to think whatever’s happening to me is her fault.’

  ‘Theo you have to talk to her,’ Jake told him seriously.

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Don’t give me that,’ Jake shook his head, ‘I mean first thing tomorrow. You know that with the lives we lead and the shit we inevitably end up getting caught up in, that we just can’t afford to keep secrets, not like this and not from your wife.’

  ‘I know,’ Theo breathed heavily, ‘you’re right. I’ll tell her.’

  ‘First thing tomorrow?’

  ‘First thing tomorrow,’ he agreed.

  ‘Good,’ Jake slid off his seat and dragged Theo with him, ‘because tonight, we’re getting soul destroyingly drunk my friend.’

  ‘I think Mac’s already half way there.’

  Jake grinned. ‘Somebody, pour me a drink’ he bellowed as they approached their group of friends, ‘BECAUSE I’M GETTING MARRIED!!!’

  A roar of cheers and lifted glasses went up throughout the whole pub. They were so busy drinking and clapping Jake on the back in solidarity, they didn’t notice the new bartender slipping away from the bar and out the back door into the cool night air.

  Darren slipped around the corner where he knew he couldn’t be overheard by anyone, living or dead and pulled his phone from his pocket.

  Punching in the number he waited for it to answer. As he held the phone to his ear, his sleeve fell back revealing a small ankh with a coiled serpent tattooed into his wrist.

  ‘It’s me,’ he spoke quietly, ‘it’s true. Beckett is not only having visions, he’s seeing the ancient language. Tell Faraday he’s the one we’ve been waiting for.’


  ‘I don’t know about this Olivia,’ Scarlett frowned.

  Olivia glanced up from turning the page of her son’s favorite picture book.

  ‘About what?’ She absently brushed aside Logan’s hand as he made a grab for one of the rollers in her hair.

  ‘There are a lot of people here,’ she stared out of the window.

  Down by the lake a huge marquee was being erecte
d, complete with temporary dance floor and dozens and dozens of fairy lights. A short distance away was a pretty arbor decorated with flowers, an aisle and neat rows of elegant white chairs with matching white and silver bows.

  ‘Well it is a wedding,’ Olivia replied, ‘of course there’s going to be a lot of people.’

  ‘But I don’t know them,’ she frowned again, ‘and in case it’s escaped your notice, I’m supposed to be hiding out here.’

  ‘Firstly,’ Olivia shifted Logan on her lap and brushed his hand away when he went for her rollers again, ‘they’re all residents of Mercy, more or less. You’re in no danger from them and secondly, we’re still inside the protective wards. No angels or Sentinels can cross without me knowing plus we’ve got the Gata, the Chimera and a Hydra. You’re perfectly safe here Scarlett. Nothing supernatural is getting in.’

  The door to her bedroom suddenly opened and Roni rushed through, wearing a robe, and her hair in rollers identical to Olivia’s.

  ‘Roni?’ Olivia smiled in amusement as her friend slammed the door and leaned back against it breathing heavily. ‘What’s wrong?’

  Her eyes widened as her name was called loudly from the hallway.

  ‘Tell her I’m not here, and you haven’t seen me, and you don’t know when I’ll be back,’ she darted into the bathroom and shut the door.

  Moments later there was a soft polite knock as the door opened again.

  ‘Mrs Mason,’ Olivia greeted Roni’s mother with an easy smile, ‘can I help you with anything?’

  ‘Olivia dear,’ Roni’s mother replied in exasperation, ‘have you seen Veronica?’

  ‘Afraid not,’ Olivia glanced down at her watch, ‘she’s not due to start getting ready for another half hour or so. Did you need her for something?’

  ‘I just thought we could have a talk, you know, woman to woman. She is about to be married after all and I thought this is the perfect opportunity to offer some advice on the bonds of matrimony. After all her father and I have been married for over thirty-eight years now. I feel I have a somewhat good perspective of what makes a marriage last.’

  ‘Well that sounds very thoughtful,’ Olivia bit back a smile. ‘If I see her, I’ll send her your way.’

  ‘Thank you dear. I must go and speak with the event’s coordinator; they are doing the table centerpieces all wrong. I told them three white flowers to five pink. Honestly, you’d think they’d didn’t know how to count. This never would’ve happened if they’d just got married in Boston as I suggested.’

  ‘Well I won’t keep you then,’ Olivia replied pleasantly.

  Cynthia Mason nodded and closed the door quietly behind her, her footsteps receding down the hall.

  ‘It’s safe to come out Roni,’ Olivia laughed.

  ‘Do you see?’ Roni stuck her head out. ‘Do you see what I have to put up with?’

  ‘Come on,’ Olivia patted the bed next to her, ‘you can come and hide in here with me and Scarlett. Let the guys deal with your parents.’

  ‘My dad’s not the problem,’ she flopped on the bed, wincing when one of the rollers dug into the back of her skull. He swiped a bottle and found a little spot down by the jetty to hide. I think he also sweet talked the caterers into packing him up a little doggie bag of treats. He’s not moving any time soon.’

  ‘Your dad’s a sweetheart,’ Olivia turned the page for Logan.

  ‘He’s never been the problem, even my brothers are playing nice,’ Roni propped herself up on her elbows and sighed. ‘Mom is trying to micro manage everything, right down to my eyelashes. It’s prom night all over again but the extended disco version. I told Jake we should have just run away and gotten married.’

  ‘That wouldn’t have made you happy,’ Olivia soothed her. ‘This is what you wanted, the sun, the lake and all your friends.’

  ‘True,’ Roni conceded.

  ‘Stop worrying,’ Olivia reached over and patted her leg in solidarity. ‘If it comes down to it, I’ll use a sleep charm on her. I’m sure I could come up with something.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Roni sulked. ‘Mac’s already offered to arrest her and lock her up at least until after the service.’

  ‘That’s sweet,’ Olivia replied.

  ‘I thought so,’ Roni agreed.

  ‘Anyway, you need to help me convince Scarlett to join us for the wedding, instead of hiding out up here.’

  ‘You’re not coming to the wedding?’ Roni looked up sharply.

  ‘It’s not… I’d just… I’d be in the way; I don’t know anyone.’

  ‘You know plenty of us,’ Roni disagreed, ‘besides I need you. Seriously, you and the others are part of a complex formation of bridesmaids and female guests who make up a human shield to protect me from my mother and the wedding from hell. Without you it’ll mess up my numbers.’

  Scarlett’s mouth twitched slightly.

  ‘I’m sure you’ll survive.’

  ‘I think I know what the problem is here,’ Olivia climbed off the bed and dropped Logan on Roni.

  ‘Hey handsome boy,’ she cooed as he reached out and grabbed one of her rollers.

  Olivia stepped over her daughter who was playing happily on the floor surrounded by piles of stuffed bears and dolls. Smiling at Theia, she stroked her hair gently as she moved past to join Scarlett.

  ‘Come here,’ she grasped her arm gently and tugged her over to the mirror.

  Turning Scarlett so that she was staring at her reflection, Olivia stood behind her. ‘Just relax and trust me.’

  Scarlett watched curiously as Olivia brushed her hands in front of Scarlett’s face, then back up and over her forehead and stroked her hair back from her face. Scarlett blinked a couple of times, but her reflection had transformed and now a complete stranger stared back at her.

  She reached up and touched her face; her eyes were dark brown now, instead of stormy gray. Her skin was still fair, but her nose was a slightly different shape and her eyes a little further apart. Her glorious rich red curly hair was now plain brown, hanging straight and falling just below her shoulders.

  ‘It’s a glamour,’ Olivia told her, ‘a harmless spell to change your appearance. I used to do it all the time when I was in college. I was forever turning my hair blue.’

  Scarlett turned away from the mirror to stare at Olivia.

  ‘It was a phase,’ she shrugged.

  Scarlett swiveled back to the mirror to check out her reflection once more in fascination.

  ‘It will last up to twelve hours unless you want to shake it off earlier, this way no one will recognize you. We’ll just tell everyone you’re a distant cousin on my dad’s side.’

  ‘No one will recognize me,’ Scarlett murmured as she reached up and touched her cheek again.

  ‘One day Scarlett,’ Olivia spoke quietly behind her, ‘for one day you get to put everything aside and pretend to be someone else. Take a breather, have a little fun. The world won’t come to an end, it’ll still be just as broken tomorrow, but if it’s one thing I’ve learned doing what I do, it’s that you have to stop once in a while and enjoy these moments when they arise. Roni and Jake are getting married; we need to stop and celebrate even if it’s just for a moment, before we go back to saving the world.’

  Olivia was right, for just one day she could put aside everything and not think about it. The pregnancy, Sam, her brother, the damn prophecy, all of it. She had to admit the thought was appealing.

  She drew in a deep breath and turned to Roni.

  ‘Okay,’ she agreed, ‘I’m going to do you a favor.’ She glanced at Olivia, ‘you help Roni get ready and I’ll keep her mother busy.’

  ‘I can’t ask you to do that,’ Roni frowned. ‘You’ll be psychologically scarred for life.’

  This time, Scarlett’s mouth curved into a small amused smile.

  ‘Trust me, I’ve spent the last two thousand years in the company of humans. I’ve learned a trick or two.’

  ‘I don’t know whether I should get you to sign a disc
laimer or not.’

  ‘I’ve faced an army of five thousand screaming Turks; I think I’ve got this.’ Scarlett smiled as she exited the room.

  An hour later and she would have gladly taken the army of screaming Turks over the company of Cynthia Mason. Several times Scarlett had to stop herself from sneaking off to join Mr Mason in his hideaway under the jetty, to get drunk and as far away from his wife as possible. She hadn’t met him yet, but she was curious to see how the hell he’d managed to stay married to the woman for over three decades. The man deserved a medal, perhaps a knighthood.

  Still, she’d promised Roni, so she gritted her teeth and smiled pleasantly as they passed rows of guests arriving and heading toward the huge arch of flowers, to take their seats.

  ‘Tammy,’ a deep familiar voice rumbled beside her.

  She closed her eyes momentarily to compose herself before looking up, shielding her eyes from the bright glare of the sun behind him.


  He almost smiled. She was the only one that called him by his first name, everyone else had grown accustomed to simply calling him Mac.

  ‘You look good.’

  And she did, he decided. Despite the scars he knew she carried and the weight of everything that had happened to her, she was still a beautiful woman.

  ‘You do too,’ she replied with a small smile. ‘Then again you always did look good in a suit.’

  ‘Do you want to take a walk down by the lake?’

  Tammy looked out from her seat at the back. More than half the seats were still empty with guests drifting in every now and then.

  ‘We still have time,’ he told her.

  She looked up at him again, and her heart gave a helpless knock against her ribs. She should say no, the service would be starting before long and no good could come of them dredging up the past. They’d parted ways after all, Mac had moved out and it was over between them. The problem was, it didn’t feel over. The truth was she missed him more than she cared to admit.


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