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STICK: MC ROMANCE NOVELLA (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 8)

Page 27

by Samantha Leal

  Chapter Six

  “So what is this all about? I’m standing here right smack in the middle of a friggin’ Victorian ballroom!”

  Standing right smack in the middle of a friggin’ Victorian ballroom, Jasmin stared with wide eyes at her ethereal surroundings. She beheld a room bordered on all sides by crystalline mirrors and topped by an ivory corniced ceiling that came further adorned with a full bank of decorative chandeliers—sleek brass luminaries that cast the entire room in an aura of courtly romance.

  Although clad in a resplendent, full-skirted satin gown that fell graceful to her feet—a dazzling effort of burgundy and gold that came complete with a lush floral print corset and bustled flowing skirt and a refined black lace trim—Jasmin felt a bit awkward and out of place in such upscale surroundings. Especially since she failed to come armed with her shield of a meal cart, demanding of everyone within earshot, ‘Would you like chutney with that?’

  “So what do we do here?” she asked Nathaniel, himself adorned in a suit of royal blue silk that molded and accentuated his firm muscled body; a sharp evening suit accented by knee high black leather boots and a slick white shirt underneath.

  She took in her breath as her attentive date swept her up in two muscled arms, sweeping her also onto the surface of a clean tiled dance floor.

  “We dance, Love,” he informed her on a whisper, continuing as he pulled her closer to him, “That’s what we do here.”

  Jasmin felt all tension fall immediately away from her as her lover swept her, in a graceful flourish, across the breadth of the polished floor; engaging her in a spirited reel that also managed to be highly intimate in spirit.

  Wrapping her arms around his broad muscled shoulders as her buxom breasts crushed his broad massive chest, Jasmin thrilled as their hips also joined between them to claim a flawless rhythm. Their dance proved one that kept time with the music of a lone violinist that played his classically influenced tunes in a far corner of the room.

  After learning more than her fair share of ballroom dance steps, earning praise as she did so from her ever attentive instructor, Jasmin turned the tables on an amused Nathaniel by teaching him some of her favorite moves, ripped straight from her own era.

  The entire ballroom looked on with keen amusement as the vivacious newcomer to their elite social scene—often known as the Ton—engaged her date in a number of curious, if highly energetic, dance moves that seemed to know little rhyme or reason in their performance. Her movements seemed to prompt some to wonder if the woman who performed them had been possessed by some form of demonic force—if not an out and out case of the dreaded St. Vitus Dance.

  Showing off some most curious moves that she identified under the equally curious names of Electric Slide, the Achy Breaky and Gangnam Style, she soon encouraged everyone in the room to form what she called a ‘dance line’, mimicking her outrageous and slightly uncoordinated steps as the poor wide eyed violinist struggled to play along.

  Nathaniel, for his part, claimed the head of the line as he launched his tall, muscular body wholeheartedly into the fun of the evening. He followed the lead of his enchanting date as they frolicked to the jaunty beat of what Jasmin so adorably referred to as ‘One mean fiddle’.

  He marveled as she persuaded a whole gaggle of prim and proper Victorian ladies to ‘raise the roof’; lifting their lace-gloved hands in the air like they just didn’t care.

  “Isn’t she just a delight?” he inquired of everyone who would listen, doing his best to master every one of his newly acquired dance steps.

  “You’re rockin’ it, babe!” Jasmin praised him at one point.

  Nathaniel grinned.

  “Good to know that I do indeed—um—rock,” he replied, shaking his fist in the air to an adorable effect.

  Finally towards the end of the evening, the couple settled once again into a romantic dance; their bodies moving closer together as he wrapped his strong arms tight around her waist and cradled her close.

  “I must say it, Jasmin. This night has been magical,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her closer still. “You’ve brought so much light and color into my life, and so much laughter. You truly are a gift to me, milady.”

  Jasmin smiled.

  “Well, you ain’t so bad yourself,” she praised him, hugging his hard-planed body to hers as she rested her head on his sculpted shoulder. “Seriously, Nathaniel, this night—along with every other moment we’ve spent together—has been absolutely magical. I really do feel like I’m living the dream, and have only you to thank.”

  With these words, the impassioned woman erased all distance between them, searing his full sumptuous lips with a hot passionate kiss. They lingered for just a moment as their mouths merged and melded to convey the deepest passion, and Nathaniel ran his magical fingertips down the length of his lady’s spine.

  Jasmin moaned, frustrated, moments later, as her besotted dance partner broke their kiss; drawing slightly away from her with an apologetic smile as he whispered, “As much as I dearly would love to continue kissing you, love, I fear that the dictates of my antiquated society command us to stop.”

  Taking a quick cursory look around them, Jasmin bit her lip as she noted the exorbitant number of cold, condemning stares being shot in their direction.

  “Oh, that’s right,” she deadpanned, rolling her eyes heavenward. “I forgot that we’re currently standing in the era where a kiss on the hand can send the elders of the ton reaching for their smelling salts. Even Miss Austen, in her progressive works, never dared to write as much as a kiss between her heroes and heroines.”

  Nathaniel chuckled.

  “As the folks of your time would say, true this,” he agreed, adding as he pulled her body flush up against his, “So what do you say that I take you somewhere more private?” He paused here, promising in a sultry purr, “In that way, we could continue our dance alone, with no prying eyes to intrude upon our privacy—or, for that matter, on our passion.”

  Chapter Seven

  Soon, Jasmin found herself ensconced in yet another Victorian dream; this one taking the form of a deluxe private sitting room that adjoined the main ballroom.

  A lavishly decorated parlor distinguished by the presence of floral print, velvet upholstered furniture, plush lavender carpeting, and ivory corniced ceilings, the room also boasted a blazing fireplace in the corner; one that warmed and teased Jasmin as she sank, fully and finally, into her lover’s all-consuming embrace.

  Their lips collided in a passionate kiss as Nathaniel led her in the direction of an exquisite rose print settee that formed the room’s centerpiece. Offering her a seat on its cushiony edge, her companion continued to kiss her senseless as he kneaded and massaged her shoulders. He licked her lips and laved the roof of her mouth as he fell to his knees before her.

  Jasmin gasped outright as Nathaniel fell to her feet and freed them from her confining slippers; suckling her toes and licking her tired pads before surging daringly beneath the satiny fabrics of her soft, voluminous skirts.

  Jasmin thrilled as her ardent lover stripped away the pantaloons and petticoats that served to conceal her feverish body; his gleaming white teeth laying a firm grasp on the border of her white cotton panties and pulling them down the length of her long sturdy legs.

  Soon, he returned to the source of her ultimate feminine pleasure; licking open her feminine folds with a long wet tongue before gracing her with the ultimate intimate kiss.

  Sealing his full moist lips around her bulging clit, he kissed and suckled her as waves of ecstatic sensation soared upward to touch and luxuriate every fiber of her being.

  Bobbing his head up and down to intensify the feeling, Nathaniel continued to devour Jasmin’s throbbing nub as she moaned her incredible pleasure; his long wet tongue striking like lightning shards against the surface of her sensitive skin.

  Thrusting her full hips forward to intensify the sensation, Jasmin also relished the soft brush of his luxurious dark tendrils against
the surface of her buxom thighs.

  Finally, and with a long resounding lick, he sent her soaring across the bounds of an incredible clitoral orgasm, eliciting lustrous waves of erotic ecstasy that coursed upward to please and satiate her from head to toe.

  And still, she wanted more. Falling forward into Nathaniel’s arms with a low lusty growl, she collapsed with him in the plush softness of their own private trysting spot; their lips enjoining in another hot kiss as they immersed themselves in what seemed a binding embrace.

  Freeing his lady from the fabrics of her formal gown, along with the confining corset that lie underneath, Nathaniel massaged her shoulders and back as she repaid his favor in kind; slipping his silky jacket from the surface of his broad shoulders and unbuttoning the white satin shirt that lie beneath—revealing, finally, the broad muscled chest and chiseled ab muscles that had filled her dreams.

  With a dreamy smile, she ducked her head to kiss and lick his sculpted pecs, also nipping the surface of those belov’d washboard abs as he ran two adoring hands through the lengths of her luxurious dark hair.

  Finally, he swept her rubenesque body in his arms and covered her form with his, lowering his head to kiss and lick her buxom breasts as her nipples arched to erect points between his full moist lips.

  Stroking the strands of his silky black hair as she thrust her body against his, Jasmin delighted as her agile lover wiggled free of his sculpting trousers; freeing, as he did, a long stiff shaft that seemed to salute her arrival.

  Nathaniel continued to coddle and caress her as, once again, he seized her lips in a timeless kiss; his full moist mouth massaging hers as his nurturing hands reflected their movements.

  Nathaniel gyrated playful against her hips, his long hard rod kissing her feminine cleft as their tongues and fingers entwined as one.

  “My lady,” he growled soft and sweet against her mouth, his hard-planed body undulating wildly against hers as he added, “Do allow me to make you my princess.”

  With these words, their bodies rolled together to bask in the light of the fire that blazed hot in the hearth before them; its radiant flames illuminating their naked, joined bodies as their arms and legs entangled tighter.

  Wrapping her arms around her lover’s muscled shoulders and her legs around his trim waist, Jasmin pressed herself against him as she whispered in his ear, “I want you inside of me. Now, Nathaniel.”

  More than eager to heed his lady’s command, he fully and finally joined them as one; surging the length of his hard stiff shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their joined hips found an immediate rhythm as he probed and penetrated her; surging forth to her very core as he continued to cradle her in two loving arms.

  Soon, his full soft lips touched and canvassed her mouth, her neck, her flushed cheeks; his hands all the while molding and caressing her breasts—along with the rounded stomach that other men mocked.

  “You make me feel beautiful,” she released on a sigh, wriggling contentedly in his arms as she pulled him closer to her.

  “You are beautiful,” he hissed out, adding as he clutched her to him, “Let me show you just how beautiful you are.”

  Parting her fleshy thighs before him to invite him deeper inward, Jasmin impaled herself on his long hard shaft as passion overcame them; the flames of the fire before them heating their bodies still further as they writhed shamelessly in one another’s arms.

  Finally, and with a long last stroke, he drove forth to her very core; his engorged shaft slithering and reverberating within her as it made a hard and final advance.

  The couple cried out as their beings exploded in the raw heat of an incredible mutual orgasm; this divine sensation binding them together as two became one.

  Chapter Eight

  Moments later, the couple relaxed easy in one another’s arms; resting in the divine softness of the carpet beneath them as they shared and enjoyed the vision of a crackling fire.

  “Wowsa,” Jasmin gasped out, blowing a stray tendril of hair from her cheek as she considered the events of that evening.

  Nathaniel frowned.

  “So sorry, my darling, but I am not overly familiar with that particular term,” he admitted, wrinkling his eyebrows with a shrug. “What does it mean, exactly?”

  Jasmin laughed.

  “It just means you did a really, really good job, Dude,” she assured him, laying a playful slap across his bronzed muscled chest as she added and emphasized, “A REALLY good job.”

  Nathaniel chuckled, pulling her to him in an affirming hug as he pressed two warm, sweet lips against her flushed cheeks.

  “I am most pleased to hear that, Love,” he affirmed, continuing through gritted teeth, “I was a bit concerned, seeing as how it’s been ages since I enjoyed the company of a lady.”

  Jasmin shook her head.

  “Well, it’s been ages since I got laid—that is, since I enjoyed the company of a gentleman,” she revealed, adding through gritted teeth, “And come to think of it, the last gentleman whose company I enjoyed took the form of a stocky ol’ grease monkey named Clyde.” She frowned at the recollection. “Wow, no wonder I crossed all boundaries of time and place to find a new life. All things considered, my old one kinda wreaked.”

  Nathaniel guffawed outright.

  “Well, before you came along, milady, my own life was passing miserable,” he assured her, raising her hand to his warm soft lips for a most gentlemanly kiss, “Oh the days passed pleasantly and productively enough, as I was able to throw myself into my work.” He paused here, adding with a grave tone and a faraway look, “The nights, however, were quite another matter. I bided my time between weeping and mourning for she who I had lost, and dreaming of the many times we had shared together—awakening the next morn to an empty bed and an empty life.”

  He took in his breath as his lover swept him up in two loving arms; holding his body closer than close as she whispered low and sweet in his ear, “You aren’t alone anymore, baby. I’m here now. Together, we can dream new dreams—then we can make them all come true.”

  Within an hour, the couple found themselves safe and sound in the sanctity of Nathaniel’s manor house; with Jasmin’s doting host delivering her to the distinguished drawing room that formed a beautiful, highly-elegant centerpiece to his upscale manse.

  Jasmin nodded affirmingly as Nathaniel excused himself to the kitchen, where he promised to prepare some steaming hot cocoa that would bring an ideal finishing touch to their dream of an evening.

  Finally alone as she perched herself on the edge of a settee of lavender velvet, she seized the opportunity to take a good look around his stylish salon. This room, she found, was distinguished by the presence of stained glass windows and lamps, lavender cushioned cherry wood furniture with matching plush carpeting, and an expansive ceiling mural that depicted angels in flight across the vast expanse of a gem blue sky.

  Her admiring eyes followed the cornice bound lines of this illustrious mural, her gaze finally descending down the side of a shiny silver brocade wall to admire yet another work of art; one that portrayed yet another angelic subject.

  Jasmin gaped outright at a large, brass framed oil painting that depicted the image of a golden goddess; a tall, slender woman with flowing golden hair and a chiseled flawless face.

  The model came dressed in a striking ivory ensemble that well befit her celestial image. This fine example of Victorian fashion came complete with a contoured jacket of satin and lace, as well as a bustled cream-hued, lace-lined overskirt with a crisp cotton ruffled underskirt attached.

  “She’s annoyingly skinny and impossibly beautiful,” she mused, biting her lip as she froze stock still on the edge of the settee. “That has to be her.”

  Jasmin suddenly realized that she was staring into the wide dark eyes of the mistress of this house; a woman whose beauty and grace made her feel skeptical of her own status as a newly minted Victorian princess.

  “Oh, who am I kidding?” she re
leased on a sigh, shaking her head from side to side. “I am nothing but a pretender to her throne. I might as well forget about this high falutin’ fantasy and try to find my way back to the real world.”

  “Oh, come now, Darling. However can I persuade you to stay right here? Where you belong?”

  Her head snapped forward as she found that she was not alone; and, even more noticeably, that the man before her just happened to be completely and delightfully naked.

  Another celestial image now bathed her vision. This one came defined by the presence of a bulging muscled chest, washboard abs, a trim waist and long legs, and—of course—a long hard shaft that saluted her in grand fashion.

  “Um,” she sputtered out, all the while never tearing her rebellious gaze from the vision of his chiseled perfection. “So I take it that the cocoa pot didn’t come to boil?” She winced as she realized that she’d just said the cheesiest, most cloying thing possible.

  She took in her breath as he met these cheesy words with a sexy, downright wolfish smile.

  “I’d far rather bring you to boil instead,” he whispered, adding as he flexed his ever hard muscle for her pleasure, “I want you to have your way with me, Jasmin. Take me now.”

  An enraptured Jasmin nodded her consent, gasping outright as her lover swept her off her feet and carried her up the winding staircase that would take them to her bedroom.

  Soon, Jasmin found herself lost in the silken softness of an ivory comforter; reveling in the feeling as an attentive lover slowly stripped away her confining ball gown and the ultra-tight foundation garments that lie beneath it.

  Nathaniel made it a point to kiss and compliment every part of her naked body, finally covering her bare form with his own masculine hardness.

  Once again consuming her in his strong but loving embrace, he claimed her lips in an intense kiss as his worshipful hands wandered everywhere over her body. He coddled and caressed her breasts and her rounded stomach before settling his hand between her legs—rubbing and kneading her throbbing clit as she gasped and moaned her approval.


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