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Little Red

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by Carl East

  Little Red

  Published by Carl East

  At Smashwords

  Copyright 2012 - Carl East

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  Little Red

  I’ve always hated being called Little Red. Ok, I’m small for my age, but it was only cute when I was ten years old. Now that I’m twenty-one and all grown up, I find it so annoying. Still, I shouldn’t complain. I’ve had a good life in the Enchanted Woods, even though as each year passes, I grow more restless, waiting for something exciting to happen in my life.

  A few days after my twenty-first birthday party, I’d received a parcel through the post. Wondering what it was and excited to see, I opened the box and discovered a carefully packed birthday cake and a short red dress tucked inside. My Grandmother Rose had sent the gift and enclosed a beautiful card with a note, apologizing for not being able to come to the celebration. In her message, she also let me know that there was a new short cut in the Enchanted Woods. I would save thirty minutes if I took the new route during my weekly visit to her.

  Now, I’ve always been a good girl. I followed all the rules, which included never going out late at night or straying from the path in the Enchanted Woods. Yet, this note from my grandmother seemed a bit odd. Carefully reading the card again, I decided that it was just my imagination, as I knew that she would never steer me wrong. Since I had planned on going to her cottage that day, I packed the usual goodies in my basket and decided to wear her gift, the dress that she had sent.

  I was surprised when I first took the dress out of the box at how short it was, but I was shocked when I finally put it on. The dress did fit me, but only just. The bodice was very tight and low cut, and my breasts were barely covered. Checking my reflection in the mirror, I saw that the hem came down to the top of my upper thighs, so I decided to wear my white stockings. Checking the mirror again, I saw that they just met the edge of the hem, and were a nice complement to the dress. Slipping on white panties and my black buckled shoes, I picked up my basket, threw on my red hooded cape for modesty sake and locked the front door, heading off to see my Grandma Rose.

  I reached the woods fifteen minutes later and sure enough, there was a brand new path, with a sign saying Enchanted Path. I knew that anything enchanted protected the traveler from evil magic, so I entered the woods believing that I was safe.

  I skipped along the path, remembering my previous uneasiness, and laughed at my unnecessary worry. Then, the light began to dim and the trail of the path faded away to be replaced by a dark, dense, forest. At first, I began to panic, thinking that I’d been tricked; but at the height of my fear I spotted a light shining through the trees in front of me and I began to head towards it. Fighting my way through the prickly thistles and the thickly tangled vines, I managed to break through to a clearing where I saw a large figure of what I thought was a man kneeling in the center.

  “Hello sir, could you help me?” I said.

  The figure slowly stood up to its full height and then turned to face me. The stranger wore a long gray cape that covered his body, and I couldn’t even see his face because of the enveloping hood that obscured it. I slowly walked towards him wondering who he was and what he was doing in the Enchanted Woods.

  “Do you know how long it took me to arrange that entire enchantment, my dear? All for the love of a woman who didn’t even know that I existed?” he said, as I drew nearer.

  “If you’re referring to me, I don’t know who you are, so how could I have known you existed,” I replied feeling more apprehensive.

  “Oh, how rude of me, I’m the Big Bad Werewolf of course,” he said and then removed his hood.

  I screamed and took a few steps back. He had the furry face of a dark-gray wolf, with pointed ears, a long snout and sharp white teeth. He strode towards me and as he did so, his billowing cape fell to the floor, revealing the rest of his wolf-like body. He walked upright, on strong hind legs, but as he drew nearer his body started to change. First, the fur began to disappear from his face and body. Then the bones of his face seemed to be moving inward, as his snout retreated to the shape of a regular nose. I watched as his sharp teeth shortened and his twitching ears moved from the top of his head to the side. The werewolf was reverting to how he looked as a man, and I could see the rough and weathered skin on the face of a middle-aged man after a few seconds. Frozen in place, I watched as his body began to change, the swishing, fluffy tail disappeared and his hind legs straightened. The paws transformed to hands and feet, and then finally a tall, naked man stood in front of me.

  “People call me BBW (Big Bad Werewolf) pleased to finally meet you,” he said holding out his hand for me to shake. I didn’t know what to say, as he was a very big man in more than one way.

  “My, what a big thing you have,” I said pointing between his legs.

  “Oh, you mean my cock, all the better to fuck you with,” he replied, with a sensual knowing grin.

  I desperately looked around, but I could see that the trees and brambles had mysteriously closed in even further, so there was no escape. By the time I looked back, he had moved in nearer to grip my arm and I knew there wasn’t a thing I could do about what was going to happen. The funny thing was, as he gripped me, I could see his manhood growing in front of me and for whatever reason it fascinated me. He really was a big man in that department and I couldn’t help wondering what it would feel like inside me.

  “I see you’re admiring my cock, my dear, so I think it is only fair that I admire your body as well,” he said.

  He then reached forward, released the ties on my cape, and barked in surprise. He was delighted at my attire. Holding me at arm’s length, he approvingly looked me up and down, licked his lips and gave a little howl of excitement. Placing his hands on the bodice of my dress, he shoved his fingers down over my breasts and tweaked the nipples sharply. Then promptly releasing them, he gave a mighty wrench of the fabric and ripped apart the bodice with his two hands. I tried to cover myself, but he grabbed my arms.

  “Did you like the dress I sent you? I know it’s a shame to destroy it like this, but it was only meant for covering you for a short time,” he said as he ogled the exposed flesh before his eyes.

  Of course, I should’ve known that Grandma Rose would never have sent me such a revealing dress, I thought, as the rest of the dress fell around my feet. I felt so exposed standing there in my little white panties, stockings and shoes.

  “All of my dreams were true, you do have an incredible body,” he said, as his eyes continuously traveled up and down my body.

  “Is there anything I can do to persuade you to let me go?”

  “Um, let me think. If you let me do whatever I want with you, I’ll let you go,” he reasonably replied.

  I had already lost hope of escaping when the woods closed in on us, and I realized that if I fought him, I would undoubtedly lose. So giving him what he wanted would be the sensible way out for me. I had to let him know my decision quickly, as it looked like he was ready to pounce.

  “Okay, if I give in to your desires, do you promise to let me go? I promise that I will make it worth your while,” I said, seeing an odd expression cross his face.

  “This is something I never expected, but if you do please me, I will let you go,” he answered.

  I nodded my head in agreement to his reply and when he released me, I moved back to step out of the dress at my feet.
Watching him closely, I saw his nose twitch at my scent and his dark eyes follow my every movement. Stretching my body, trying to relieve the tension of the moment, I turned around, and with my back towards him, slowly placed my fingers in the elastic of my panties and pulled them down. Allowing them to drop to my feet, I kicked them off to the side to lay with my tattered dress and abandoned red cape. Glancing over my shoulders to see his reaction, I saw his taunting grin and became angry at his mocking attitude. I decided to goad him, to see what he would do. Turning around, keeping my back towards him, I kicked my shoes off and spread my legs apart. Bending over from the waist, I began to roll down my white socks. I took my time, painstakingly moving from one leg to the other and then tossed them to the clothes pile, as I calmly stood upright.

  Suddenly, I heard him move up closer behind me, and turning, I saw him towering over me. Disturbed by his size, I knew that I didn’t want him on top of me, so, without a further word I jumped up and clung to his neck. He in turn gripped my butt cheeks and lifted me higher until I could feel his cock forcefully probing the inside of my thighs. Then I felt it pushing against the wall of my sweet, tender, pussy lips, and suddenly he was entering me. I was angry at having to go through this, but after a few moments, I had to admit, what he was doing to me felt incredible. He raised me higher and then dropped me down onto his massive cock.

  I soon found myself gripping his neck in order to help him to pick me up. Within seconds, I was wetter than I’d ever been in my life and he didn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon. The more he fucked me the bigger his chest muscles seemed to get, and at one point, I feared he was going to change into a werewolf. Fortunately, he didn’t change, but he wasn’t going to be satisfied with that one position. In fact, after a few minutes in that position, he picked me up and turned me around. He took me to the nearest tree and told me to hang onto the limb. He then continued to pound away at my womanhood from behind, as if I was a rag doll.

  I should’ve been in tears but I’d never experienced anything like this before, and when I suddenly began to cum, I didn’t realize that I could ever cum so completely. When I stopped coming, he placed me onto the ground and spun me around, and suddenly his seed was hitting my face, neck and breasts. How can anyone cum so much, I thought as I reached out to grab it in order to direct the seed away from me. I naively thought that that would be the end of it, but no sooner had he stopped coming than he picked me up and started all over again. By the time he was sated, I lay on the ground feeling exhausted. After a few minutes, I managed to get myself composed and stood up.

  “Will you keep your promise and let me go?” I said.

  He turned and pointed, and I saw a path appearing in the woods. I hoped it was in the direction of my grandmother’s house and for a moment, I really thought he was going to keep his word.

  “I will let you go. In fact, I will give you a good head start, before I come and get you again,” he replied.

  “You promised…” I started to say.

  “Yes, I promised that I would let you go, but I didn’t promise I wouldn’t capture you again,” he said mockingly.

  I didn’t argue I just started to run. I ran as hard and as fast as I could and then, as if by magic, I saw my grandmother’s house. Crying out in gasping breaths, I thought that I might actually make it, but then I heard the heavy footfalls of the werewolf as it pounded the ground behind me. It was clearly going to catch up with me long before I reached the house. I managed to get within fifty feet when I felt the werewolf’s breath on my neck. Then suddenly I heard an agonizing scream and felt a heavy weight pushing me to the forest floor.

  I lay there petrified; and moved to crawl away from the dead weight on my legs. I felt no movement behind me, but I simply didn’t want to look back for fear of what I might see. I crawled free of the weight pinning me to the ground and then felt something warm slip around me. Then I heard a familiar voice.

  I slowly looked about and saw a green jacket lying across my body. When I looked up, I saw it was Grant, the Woodsman. I stood up gathering the coat around me and looked back to find my attacker lying on the floor, headless.

  “Oh Grant, you saved me,” I said flinging myself into his arms.

  “I’ll always be there for you Red, you know that,” he replied.

  Tenderly gathering me in his arms, he led me down the path to my grandmother’s house. We knocked on the door, but seeing she wasn’t home, I directed him to the hidden key she kept in the birdhouse on the nearby tree. Ushering me inside, we moved to the bathroom where he proceeded to fill the claw-footed tub with soothing warm water. Sprinkling in some scented mineral salts, he helped me into the tub and then left as I soaked my tired body. As I sat there immersed in the fragrance, I began to wash away the werewolf’s fluids from my body and suddenly overwhelmed, began to cry silently.

  With heaving shudders, I recalled the first time I met Grant at my grandmother’s house and how I fell in love with him at first sight. He was everything that I had ever wanted in a man, and now I wondered if he would ever forget that the werewolf had taken me. I wondered if I’d ever forget that I had physically responded in some part to the werewolf’s attentions. Gathering my strength, I opened the drain and decided to let my worries flow away with the dirty water. Standing to grab a towel, I could hear the muffled sounds of pots and dishes rattling around in the kitchen through the closed bathroom door.

  Grabbing the robe that grandma had left hanging on the back of the door; I slipped it on and moved to stand before the mirrored sink to comb the tangles from my wet hair. Looking through the nearby cabinet, I found a jar of healing cream and began to apply it to the cuts and scrapes I received from my mad dash through the woods. I wondered if she had a magic potion to heal my bruised heart.

  I soon heard a light tapping on the door and knew I couldn’t stay in the bathroom forever. Warily stepping out of the room, I watched as Grant lightly walked away and saw that he had been busy. The kitchen table was set and from the smells filling the room, it appeared that a kettle of hot chicken soup and a pot of tea were ready. He smiled as he pulled out a chair for me and I gratefully sank down to rest my sore feet.

  We sat and enjoyed the meal he had prepared, and I was surprised at how comfortable I felt with him. We discussed the weather and grandma’s note tacked to the kitchen board saying she was spending the weekend with her sister. Nothing was said about what I had experienced, at least not until we moved to the sofa in front of the wood fireplace.

  I watched as Grant prepared and started the fire, and after it had caught in a timely manner, he came to the sofa and sat beside me. Gently reaching for my hand, we sat there in silence for a few moments before he asked me if I wanted to talk about what had happened. As I turned my face to look into his eyes, I felt the first teardrops spill down my cheeks.

  Gathering me close, he began to tell me of our first meeting and how even then he knew that I was the one. Using his fingertips to wipe the tears from my face, he hugged me closer and began to tell me of all the things he liked about me. As I listened to his heartfelt confession of longing, I knew that this man would never judge me for something that I had no control over. His tender kiss on my hair and warm embrace told me more than mere words ever could, and I knew then that we would always be together. Regardless of what had happened with the werewolf, I knew that he still loved me, would always love me, and my heart swelled with emotion.

  Raising my head to look into his eyes, I watched as his face lowered to mine. Soft kisses fell on my eyebrows, my temples, and then tracked over my nose. His hands gently cradled my head as he maneuvered my face to place kisses everywhere. Only when he had covered every inch of available skin did his lips finally descend to kiss mine. Softly our lips met, parted, and then met again. My arms rose to his shoulders where my fingers played with his long wavy hair, losing them in the thickness, as my nails played with the skin of his scalp.

  Tenderly he led me into the sweet seduction, paying tribut
e to the soft skin that his questing fingers found upon parting the ends of the robe I was wearing. Smooth, gliding, hands moved over my skin and I had to shut my eyes in wonder at the feelings he was arousing in me, as he touched my bare shoulders and moved his fingers to pull the robe down and off my arms.

  Sitting together in the firelight, feeling the warmth of the flames touch my bare skin, I felt my body being lowered to the blue hooked rug under our feet. Pillows arrived below my head before it touched the ground and the robe parted further to bare the lower contours of my young body to Grant’s gaze. His lips, which had just kissed the curves of my face, now moved lower and anointed my neck and collarbone. He tasted the pale skin of my breasts and paid particular homage to the pink-tipped ends. Suckling the hardened tip gently while plucking its jealous twin he moved back and forth, satisfying each in turn until I lay there helpless in the pleasure of his touch.

  My body had a mind of its own as it moved to get closer to this source of wonder and delight. Never had I imagined these feelings between us being assuaged, but my body burned for its ultimate completion. I moaned in protest when he removed my questing fingers from his clothes. His murmurs of reassurance quieted my pleas, as his lips moved to the undersides of my rounded breasts to the gentle slope of my abdomen. He teased the dip of my bellybutton before he moved even lower and touched in wonder the bare skin of my womanhood.

  Feeling his touch on the silken skin set me aflame as one fingertip traced the seam of my lower lips. Delicately it played with the slit, moving over and below, sliding upward and then back down, never breaching its folds. His lips slid lower, sliding over the bare skin of my mound, delighting in finding it hairless to his tongue as he painted its surface repeatedly while laying a layer of kisses on top.

  Just then, when I thought I would go mad, I felt the first dip of his finger into the seam. It slipped into the wetness gathering there and slowly, cautiously, made its way up and down. Wetting his finger with each passing movement, its coated thickness spread the lower lips further until it grazed the small opening at the bottom. Swirling the tip in the wetness around it, he withdrew it slightly and moved upward.


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