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Page 12

by Trevion Burns

  “What is with you and power, Celia? You could occupy all of Southern France with the power trip you’re on.”

  “Stop trying to change the subject. Go back to that room right now--but don’t sleep with him. Just go back… you have to go back.”

  Shaun covered her forehead with her hand. “I can’t go back. You didn’t see him. He was in this weird place. This place in between pissed off at me, and totally adoring me at the same time.”

  “Why do you sound weird? Where are you?”

  “I’m not weird. That’s mean.”

  “Are you drunk?” Celia asked.

  Shaun decided not to answer. “You’re wrong, anyway. I even… I tried to kiss him and…” Shaun had to take a moment. Reliving what had just happened in that hotel room was hurtful. “And he wouldn’t kiss me,” she whispered. “I bet you Billy Joel never wrote a song about that.”

  Celia was silent for a long time. Finally, she spoke softly. “He’s in love with you.”

  “Huh?” Shaun’s head was beginning to pound. “What about anything I just told you indicates that he’s in love with me? Are you even listening to what I’m saying? I’m telling you that I tried to kiss him and he wouldn’t kiss me.”

  “I heard you perfectly. He wants to smash, that’s obvious. But he didn’t. The only thing in the world that would drive a man to turn down sex with a woman is if he’s in love with her.”

  “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. And stop saying he’s in love with me. It’s not true.” Shaun was done letting Celia fill her mind with fantasies that didn’t exist.

  “No, he totally is. And you know what? You care way too much, and so does he for that matter. You need to call it. You need to shut this down before you get your feelings hurt.”

  “I’m not going to get my feelings hurt.”

  “Your feelings are already hurt, boo. But they’re going to be torn to pieces if you delude yourself into thinking that anything REAL can ever happen between you and Adam. It never will. This has all gone so far off track that there’s no correcting it at this point. Clearly you’ve lost sight of what your original goal was here. Do you really think you could write and publish that article on him at this point? You can’t even be in a room alone with him without crumbling into a complete mess. Now you’re standing in the lobby of one of the most expensive hotels in Sydney because you have no money to go anywhere else. This is all before you’ve even slept with the man. God help us all if you actually let him hit… he would destroy you!”

  “Why does everyone in my life think that I’m some basket case who’s incapable of making decisions about her own life? I have a home, a job and I’m weeks away from being a college graduate. I can take care of myself! And you better believe I can, and will, write that article. I’ll write the shit out of that article.”

  “Right,” Celia said, sarcastically.

  “Don’t say ‘right’,” Shaun slurred.

  “Seriously, are you drunk right now? What the hell is going on over there?”

  “I had a few drinks…” Shaun admitted.

  “I’m booking a flight to Sydney right now.”

  “Oh god, don’t.”

  “You've never had a drink in your life and now you’re telling me you’re drunk? Did Adam get you drunk? I’ll kill him.”

  “You sound just like him, Jesus. I can drink if I want to!”

  “So if he didn’t give you the alcohol then who did?”

  “Don’t worry about it. In fact don’t worry about anything. I can write this article without you. I can handle this all without you.”

  “Right. That’s why you’ve had me holding your hand through this whole thing since the beginning.”

  “Maybe I don’t need you to hold my hand anymore. Maybe I should be doing this on my own.”

  “On your own? You won’t last a day.”

  “Watch me,” Shaun mumbled before slamming the phone shut. Her chest heaved as her eyes searched the empty lobby. It was late at night, the guest attendant at the front desk was now watching her suspiciously and she had no money and no place to go. But she didn’t care. Never in her life had anyone made her feel like more of a pathetic charity case then Adam and Celia had that night. She was a grown, capable woman who could absolutely take care of herself, and she would prove it. If not to them, then at least to herself.

  As if the clouds had parted to make way for her own personal God, Yoshi came breezing through the sliding doors of the hotel entrance. He stepped out of the foggy Sydney weather just in time to lock eyes with Shaun.

  “Whoa, Molten.” He smiled easily, having adopted Noodle’s nickname for her somewhere between his fourth and fifth shot that night. “You still up?” he asked, coming to stand in front of her.

  Shaun held her hands out at her sides. “Stranded.”

  “Where’s Adam?”

  Shaun’s eyes narrowed, and she just shrugged.

  Yoshi put the pieces together. “He’s a fuckin’ idiot,” he said, pausing for a moment longer before throwing an arm around her shoulder and leading her to the elevators. “Lucky for you I’ve been known to swipe up the orphans I find lingering in hotel lobbies. Especially the hot ones.”

  “Wait a minute, where’s Noodle?” Shaun suddenly asked.

  “God only knows.”


  Early the next morning Yoshi was startled awake at pounding on his hotel room door. His head shot up from where his cheek had been previously pressed against the desk. A long string of sleepy drool stuck to the desk as he sat up. Wiping his face, he looked towards the door with sleepy eyes. On the way, his gaze landed on Shaun, who was fully clothed and sprawled haphazardly on his bed, covers astray and limbs lying every which way.

  Yoshi had to chuckle. Getting that giggly little thing up to the twentieth floor and into bed had been no easy feat. Shaun was undeniably beautiful, but she was also quite innocent. Much too innocent for his taste. He preferred his women more experienced. He didn’t like to use to word slut, but his track record had proven that they seemed to be his cup of tea.

  “Shaun,” he called, making his way over to the bed and lightly shaking her shoulder.

  A piece of paper tumbled from next to Shaun’s lips and landed on the floor, but she stayed sound asleep. The pen she’d been scribbling with the night before was still clutched tightly between her fingers.

  Chuckling, Yoshi swept up the paper and unfolded it. He began reading the sloppily scribbled words on his way to the door and stopped in his tracks.

  Rule #3: Be a Social Butterfly

  A man who is always the life of the party will be naturally fascinated by a woman who is always the life of the party, so make sure you branch out. Talk to people, get to know them, ask questions. If everyone loves you then he is sure to

  The words came to a scribbled stop, leaving Yoshi confused. Shaun had written this in her drunken haze last night, almost immediately prior to passing out, but what the hell was it about? Rule #3? Rules for what? Watching her sleeping figure, he pulled open the door just as he tucked the note in his pocket.

  Adam was leaning against the door frame in a rumpled t-shirt and skinny jeans looking sleep deprived and agitated. Yoshi opened the door wider for Adam before turning his back on him and making his way towards the bathroom.

  “I assume you’re here to fetch sleeping beauty,” he said. When Adam didn’t respond, Yoshi pushed open the door to the bathroom. “Good luck. I’m taking a shower.”

  Closing the bathroom door behind him, Yoshi retrieved the paper from his pocket once more and re-read it with dismay.


  An hour later, Shaun and Adam were running top-speed down a tree lined walkway in one of Sydney’s most famous spots, Hyde Park. Beneath the massive, leafy trees and green surroundings the enormous white hangar they were running towards seemed to glow under the sunlight. The fabric hangar was where the Dolce and Gabbana Fashion Show was set to be held, and also where Shaun was scheduled to audi
tion. She was running late. After Adam had shaken her awake in Yoshi’s hotel room that morning she hadn’t even had time to shower and change clothes. They’d immediately hopped into a cab and jetted down to the park.

  Yoshi, curious about what all the fuss was, had decided to pass on his shower, as well. He was now jogging closely behind them.

  “I can’t believe I’m late!” Shaun followed Adam into the large hangar and gasping at the beautiful set up. “Wow, this is freaking gorgeous,” she said. The white cloth that was draped across the massive hangar blew gently against the breeze and offset the hundreds of white chairs that lined a long, jet black runway. Lilac lilies and accent pieces dotted the area all around and the faint smell of lavender filled the air. It was full of people milling around all over the place, all looking as frantic and disoriented as Shaun felt. In their race to get there on time Shaun had completely forgotten how terrified she was of the embarrassing events that were sure to await her on that runway. “Holy shit, I don’t think I can do this.”

  “Shaun, there’s no time for this.” Adam pulled her towards the backstage area. “You’re doing this. You’re going to fucking rock it, okay?”

  Shaun took in the look on his face and shook her head. “I’m sorry I was such an asshole to you yesterday—“

  Adam shook his own head, “No time.”

  “Okay, but I need you to forgive me.”

  “Shaun.” Adam cupped her shoulders. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Now get backstage… find Tony Milano, he’s the man who got us this audition and he’s going to tell you everything you need to know.”

  Us. Shaun liked the way that sounded. It made her think of Celia, who she also owed a huge apology. Her friend was right. She was getting in too deep. As if to verify her thoughts, Shaun asked, “You’re not staying?” She looked back and forth from Adam to Yoshi, who had just made his way up to the two of them.

  Yoshi seemed concerned, and Adam was shaking his head no. “We can’t stay, babe.”

  “Why?” she demanded. She was on the verge of panic. She needed Adam. Never in her life did she feel like she’d ever need anyone more. “Is this because of what I said last night? I was drunk. I didn’t mean it—please don’t leave me here.”

  “You were right last night, Shaun. Stop worrying about that. You’re strong. You’re a fucking badass.” Adam shook her shoulders, leaning down so they were eye to eye. Behind him, Yoshi was nodding his encouragement. “I just have some business to take care of and I’m coming right back. Yoshi too.”

  Shaun’s wide eyes flew to Yoshi and grew even wider in question.

  Yoshi, having never set foot in a fashion show in his life, hesitated, then quickly nodded when Adam looked back at him. “Fuck yeah. Wouldn’t miss it for the world, dude.”

  Shaun, sensing that this was the last place Yoshi ever wanted to be, couldn’t stop from smiling at him in appreciation. “Okay,” she whispered, looking back to Adam. “You’re sweet to do this for me.”

  “Okay, no time,” Adam said, again, softly pushing at her shoulder until she slowly began making her way backstage. “Tony Milano,” He reminded her with worried eyes.

  Shaun turned back to him and nodded her understanding. She raised her hand and gave and uncertain wave.

  Yoshi and Adam waved back, watching her disappear behind the backstage curtain.

  “Holy shit, they’re gonna eat her alive.”

  Adam wanted to stand up for her, but he wasn’t so sure that Yoshi was wrong.

  “Come on we gotta go.” Yoshi gave Adam’s arm a gentle push. “We got that morning show in an hour. She’ll be fine,” he added, completely contradicting what he’d just said moments earlier.

  Reluctantly, Adam followed Yoshi out of the hangar and back to their awaiting cab.


  It was a long taxi ride to the studio where Adam and Yoshi were meeting the rest of the guys for their morning show interview. The two band mates had been stewing in a strange silence since they’d dropped Shaun off at the park and neither seemed in a big hurry to break it.

  Hating the feeling of whatever was hanging between them, Yoshi finally spoke up. “I hope we get the same chick who interviewed us the last time we were here. The blonde with no bra—“

  “Why was Shaun in your room?”

  Yoshi wasn’t surprised by the question, but he was surprised at the way Adam had just blurted it right out. “She was in the lobby when I got back. Said she had no place to go.”

  “She had someplace to go. She’s staying with me.”

  “Didn’t look that way to me. Looked like she was standing alone in the lobby.”

  Adam’s eyes were riveted to the back of the cabbie’s head, his heart racing. “Did you fuck her?”

  “Wow.” Yoshi scoffed. “Not even answering that.”

  “You know she’s a virgin,” Adam said, under his breath.

  “Nah, I didn’t know that, but I’m sure she’d really appreciate you putting her business on the street.”

  “Just…” Adam felt like he was slowly losing control and he hated that feeling. “Just don’t…”

  Yoshi studied Adam. They had been friends for a long time and knew each other too well. Yoshi could have split Adam open at that moment and read him like a book. “She barely made it past the door before she passed the fuck out. Barely made it to the bed. I stayed up all night working on the new tracks.” He hesitated. “I didn’t touch her, man.”

  Adam continued to stare ahead with focused eyes, mind racing.

  Yoshi had never known Adam to be the jealous type, at least not to this extent. Suddenly, he remembered the strange note of Shaun’s that he’d found earlier. “Who the hell is this girl, Adam?”

  Adam thought that was an excellent question.

  He just wished he had an answer.


  It didn’t take Shaun long to find Tony in the backstage area. In all actuality, he found her.

  “You’re short,” was the first thing the equally short Italian man said as he sized Shaun up.

  Feeling defensive, Shaun had to bite her tongue to keep from pointing out that the top of Tony’s head barely made it to the bottom of her chin. She figured it would be better not to burn the bridge that Adam had so kindly built for her, thinking he was doing her some kind of favor.

  “5’7”.” She said with a sharp nod.

  “Oy,” Tony groaned, turning his back on her. “Follow me.”

  He zig-zagged quickly through the hundreds of people that were running around all over the place, never looking over his shoulder to make sure Shaun was behind him. She struggled to get through the thick crowd, feeling rude when she was forced to shoulder her way past people in fear of losing tiny Tony in the swarm of people.

  As they broke free of the crowd Shaun caught sight of a line of very brightly lit hair and make-up stations, at least twenty all the way down. Tony turned to her and motioned to the only empty seat in the middle.

  “Sit here,” he demanded.

  Shaun sat obediently and looked to her left and right as Tony draped a heavy cape across her chest and shoulders. To her horror she recognized both the model to her left, and the one to her right. Though she didn’t know either of their names, she knew their faces since they were both splashed across many of the ads in the fashion magazines Shaun was forced to read for work. Her heart began to race. These were legitimate models she was sitting next to. What the hell was she doing here? To her horror her eyes also caught Veronica sitting at the farthest make-up seat. Judging by the way the blonde was leaning over to see her, Shaun could tell that Veronica had already spotted her. She waved at Veronica, but quickly pulled her hand away when the blonde frowned in response.

  Tony began running his fingers through her curls. “I don’t love your height, but I love your hair. We will have to hem whatever you wear but it shouldn’t be a huge problem.”

  A tall Russian woman with hair that literally looked like it had been set on fire came up be
hind Tony with a curling iron and a monstrously large make-up case in her hand.

  “This is Zedra,” Tony said. “She’ll be taking care of you.”

  And, just like that, Tony was gone.

  “Hi Zedra, I’m Shaun.”

  “Jes, Jes….” Zedra eyed her in much the same way Tony had. “How tall are you, dear?” Her accent was strong.

  Shaun fought not to roll her eyes. Apparently that was a question she would have to get used to. “I’m 5’7”.”

  “Oh my.” Zedra’s already alarmingly big eyes grew even wider.

  “Yeah…” Shaun trailed off.

  “So who’s your juice?”

  “My… my juice?” Shaun asked, holding her breath as the woman began rubbing a warm towel with a foreign, chemical smell across Shaun’s face.

  “Jes,” Zedra drawled, tossing the wipe in the trash before slamming her make-up case down on the counter and catching Shaun’s eye in the mirror. “Who do you know?”

  “Um…” Before Shaun could answer, her phone rang. It was Jackson, her editor at Cosmopolitan. “I’m sorry I have to take this.” She motioned to her phone.

  Zedra gave an unintelligible grunt and a wave. Shaun took this as her permission to pick up the phone.

  “Jackson, I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch but I really can’t talk right now.” Shaun squinted in pain as the woman who she was now sure would be torturing her for the better part of the day burned her with a curling iron. With everything that had been going on Shaun had completely forgotten that she had an editor-in-chief that she was supposed to report to. She had promptly sent Jackson everything she’d been working on when he left a not-so-nice message on her voicemail that morning.

  When an impatient looking stranger appeared in front of her with a make-up brush, Shaun jammed her eyes shut, hoping it was the right thing to do. The moment she shut her eyes she felt the brush sweeping across her lid. She could only pray she didn’t look completely crazy once this was all over.


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