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Blackmailed For The Billionaires Pleasure

Page 6

by Marie Kelly

  While sitting there, Maria had appeared with a variety of breakfast items on a tray, much to Kiras surprise and delight, which she had eaten gratefully, not really aware of just how hungry she was. She had given the housekeeper such a warm smile that the woman had promised to return later with more refreshments. After a relaxing swim Kira had sat on one of the many comfortable loungers scattered around the area determined to do something useful, mainly to take her mind off her situation. Not one to laze around she took the time to catch up on some reading and work on her presentations on the lab top which she had brought with her. However, her mind kept returning to their love making her body still tingling at the memory.

  Craig had angrily left her lying in the bed they had shared that night. Moving into another room, which was the one he usually used when staying at the villa he had quickly showered. Pulling on kaki chinos and a black t-shirt which accentuated his long lean back and wide shoulders, he had then retreated into his study. Here he had spent several hours taking phone calls answering emails and reading draft documents, all of which he had planned to leave until returning from his break. He couldn’t understand the anger which sat so deep in his stomach. What did he care if she had a dozen boyfriends, in fact he thought he wouldn’t be surprised if she had. He had brought her here to close a chapter in his life and to make her pay for what she had done. Damn Kira Black he thought.

  Sighing he moved over to the window to look out at the lush landscape around him. He had been surprised to see her and his lips twitched to see that she was working on her lap top. He remembered how she could never sit idly, but always had to be doing something. His thoughts went back to how they had first met.

  He had been walking through the foyer of one of his hotels when he had spotted her, sitting on one of the comfortable chairs which littered the elegant hotel. He had noticed her because of the large notepad on her knee on which she scribbled while lying back against the seat looking up to the ceiling. He had appreciated her lovely young body and the long golden hair which fell around her and had watched her for several seconds. As he had moved towards her, not really sure what to say to her, she had become aware of him, and she had looked at him with the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Craig Kent, who had been linked to many super models and actresses in his time, had been stunned.

  She had smiled at him sweetly and said hello bringing him around. He had smiled back moving closer to see what she was doing, making some corny joke, which he couldn’t remember now, which she had laughed at, her laugh causing shivers to run up and down him. They had spoken for ages before he had finally asked her for dinner and so had begun their relationship.

  He knew that she was young, but she had a maturity about her that exceeded her years. She was also smart and funny with a truly caring side to her nature which saw him needing to see her every day. Many women on finding out how wealthy he was treated him like some kind of meal ticket, but not Kira, if anything his money seemed to worry her.

  He had known that she was a virgin from the moment they had met and he had not pushed her even though his desire for her grew with each passing day. They had dated for a month, in fact the day he had bought her the locket she still wore around her neck, before the night she had looked at him with such hunger in her eyes that he had been unable to hold back any longer.

  His face grew darker as he began to remember how she had used him and how he had fallen apart when they split. He had started to date many women he would not have previously given the time of day to, not really interested in these women, but using them only for sport sex to purge her from his mind. It had been a downward spiral, in which he only cared for his work, spending more and more time ruthlessly dealing with all those who crossed him.

  Watching her now he became angry at the way his body still yearned for her. He had brought her here, somewhere he had never brought another woman, to rid himself of the memory of her - to punish her for what she had done to him. Why then was he not enjoying her right now, because she had some other lover? He had blackmailed her to be here, so why did he care if she had some boyfriend, once he had finished with her after that week he would return her to him, and she would have to lie to yet another man. So why then should the thought of a boyfriend stop him from enjoying her now? Standing up with determination, he left the study moving out to the pool.

  Kira had not noticed him until he had appeared beside her. Her lap top lay open on the table beside her as she had looked through a book for some information. He had noticed the picture of Bill Thomson on the screen saver with a woman he presumed to be his wife and a beautiful little girl her face scrunched up in laughter, her eyes closed, as Bill lifted her in the air, who he took to be his grand-daughter. This man was old enough to be her father he thought with a flash of anger.

  “Nice picture” he drawled. Hearing his voice she had jumped, quickly reaching out to flick a key to make the image disappear from the screen, a guilty action he thought frowning.

  “What do you want” she asked her voice cold.

  He raised an eye brow

  “Whenever and wherever sweetheart” he said softly.

  Kira looked up at him from behind dark glasses which hid her expressive eyes. Her mouth clenched tight.

  “I know the deal” she bit out her body stiffening.

  “You want to just do it right out here at the pool, Craig. Any particular stroke that goes with that” she said her voice dripping with sarcasm “Doggy paddle maybe”

  She was surprised when Craig laughed loudly a warm sound which made her lips twitch before joining him suddenly breaking the tension between them.

  “I had forgotten about your sense of humour” he said with a smile sitting down on one of the loungers close to her. Peering over at her while distractedly running one finger along a shapely leg unaware of the effect his touch was having on her as she fought to keep her leg still, he could feel the anger in him quickly draining away.

  “Would you settle for a drive around the island instead of the doggy paddle” he asked eventually.

  Surprised Kira had nodded with a smile

  “Let me put something on” she said with a grin before grabbing her stuff and moving back to their room. She reappeared 10 minutes later wearing a baby blue floaty armless shirt and white cotton gypsy skirt which clung to her legs as the wind gently blew the material against her. It had always amazed him how she could make herself look so good in such a short time, she was not one of those women who would waste half a day deciding on the right outfit.

  They had called into the kitchen where his housekeeper had quickly put together a picnic basket for them, Maria smiling kindly at Kira as she shushed away her offers of help, and soon they were seated in his large powerful sports car. With the hood down she had giggled as the wind had caught her hair blowing it high in the air before she was able to trap it with a scarf which she had magically found in her oversized bag full of sun cream, repellent and an assortment of other handy items. He had laughed asking if she kept a sink in there too, to which she had pulled out a bottle of water with a wicked smile “will that do”

  She had enjoyed the trip around the island. He had stopped often to point out different areas or coves and she had found herself listening in fascination as he told her the stories of the islands past. Although not big it was a wonderful place and she had found it one of the most beautiful spots she had ever seen.

  Driving up to the side of a cliff, he had unpacked the picnic basket and lain it close to the edge, so that they could look out over the sea

  Kira had blinked in awe. “What a wonderful view” she had breathed

  Craig watched her for a second a strange sad look in his eyes, before saying softly

  “It was my mother’s favourite place; she used to come up here all the time to think”

  She looked over at him in surprise. He had mentioned his mother often when they had first been together. She had been very important to him Kira remembered. When they had first met it h
ad not been long after she had died in a plane crash and Craig had always talked about her with such sadness. She knew that his father had died when he was a young child, and it had been left to Craig to provide for the two of them. They had been very close – just as she and her mother had been she thought to herself.

  He looked back at her holding her gaze for several seconds before leaning forward and opening the basket.

  “Looks like Maria has done us proud” he said removing a chicken leg which he bit into with relish.

  Kira joined him suddenly finding herself very hungry, and they ate happily together while Craig pointed to the different islands dotted around the smooth green of the sea, seeming to know everybody on them as far as she could tell.

  “See that one over there” he pointed to one of the closer outcrops

  “That’s Toms”

  Kira had grinned “God my friends think their outdoing each other if they have a new spoiler on their car”

  He chuckled. “Well mine does have a bit which looks kinda like a spoiler” he grinned, as she laughed softly.

  After clearing up the picnic things they both lay back enjoying the sun beating down on them while the wind blew softly. They took it in turns to make up stories about the clouds which blew past, many of which were so outlandish that they were constantly laughing. Briefly Kira thought how familiar this seemed, reminding herself of what had brought her to the island, reminding herself that this was a very different Craig, as a passing twig blew past and caught in her hair. Propping himself up on one elbow Craig reached over to remove it, grinning down at her.

  Looking into her eyes his smile had frozen seeing the expression on her lovely face. Her eyes were half closed but he could see the hunger in them as she watched his mouth and with a soft groan he leant over her as she found that her whole body had suddenly become alive with a need for him. Gently he bent down to kiss her, a soft sigh escaping her lips as their mouths touched.

  Her arms moved around his neck pulling him down further until his weight was on her, as his fingers had slowly unfastened the buttons on her blouse to find that she still wore the bikini top, which fastened under her firm breasts. Undoing the clasp he pushed the material to the side so that he could look down on her wonderfully aroused nipples before running his fingers over one stiff peak making her squirm under him gasping with pleasure .He began to kiss her lips moving down to her shoulder his tongue blazing a trail down to her breasts where he pulled one into his mouth sucking gently on its hardness.

  With his other hand he slid the skirt up her leg moving his hands inside the bikini bottoms which he undid at the sides to pull from her so that he was now able to feel the moistness between her legs. She writhed in pleasure and gasped with need, as his finger teased her, her own moving to his trousers to the hardness of his arousal.

  With a small noise she cried out in protestation as he pulled himself from her before watching hungrily as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and undid his trousers to release himself with the overpowering urge to possess her, before returning to arch himself over her. As he started to enter her she suddenly gasped her eyes opening in shock.

  “No” she cried “stop… please …. Stop”

  Craig pulled back from her his face full of concern and surprise

  “What…did I hurt you” he asked his voice so soft and gentle that she groaned with desire.

  “Did you bring protection” she cried her enflamed eyes looking hopefully into his

  With a soft moan he laid on top of her his head sinking into her breasts. She could feel his head shaking before he moved away from her pulling down her skirt and fixing himself. After a few seconds he rolled back over to look down into her face his smiling full of laughter

  “Are you seriously telling me that in that bag you don’t have anything” She put her hand over her mouth to stifle the giggle which found its way out anyway shaking her head

  “I’ve not had the need recently” she giggled

  He pulled her into his arm with a soft moan kissing her gently.

  As he helped her to her feet he wondered what she had meant. If she hadn’t had the need lately who was it she phoned. He found himself once again thinking about the so secret phone calls to someone she claimed to love.

  They arrived back at the villa just in time to see the helicopter swoop over them making for the pad on which Tom had landed the previous day. Craig had recognised it instantly as it flew over them and laughing turned to her

  “OK, its Heather and Bill, expect the third degree.” flashing her a smile along with a small wink which made her heart jump in her chest. They had walked out hand in hand to meet the visitors, both of whom where walking towards them laughing happily at each other

  Heather and Bill were in their fifties. She was a good looking woman and he was a handsome and distinguished man. Both were casually dressed in shorts and shirts and they had noisily made their way towards Kira and Craig.

  Heather had animatedly explained that on finding out that he was back, they had jumped into their helicopter and headed over to see him, as Kira had looked at Craig, her eyes full of humour

  “How the other half live” she had whispered making him chuckle with her.

  The couple were both surprised to see Kira, and Ben had eyed her appreciatively much to his wife’s amusement. She had punched him gently on the shoulder

  “Ho, lover boy eyes forward” before shaking Kira’s hand warmly

  “You’ll have to forgive him” she said with a laugh “His eyes are bigger than his belly” she giggled

  “Not surprising with her cooking” he had replied with good nature

  Kira laughed back with the couple, who gave each other looks full of fun.

  “Craig, it’s been ages” Heather said in a pained voice “and do we get so much as a phone call that you are back…. No, we have to hear it from Tom”

  Craig had stood with his hands up in mock apologies

  “Don’t shoot” he laughed

  “You’ll both stay for dinner”

  Heather looked at the two of them,

  “Wouldn’t think of it” she said “wouldn’t want to play gooseberry to you two love birds”

  The other woman was surprised to see a fleeting pained look cross Kira’s face before she had dropped her eyes.

  “Oh please Heather” Ben chimed in

  “You know fine well that you won’t give me a moment’s peace until you find out everything about this lovely young lady” he had said his tone full of humour

  Shrugging her shoulders his wife had smiled

  “What can I say …? The man knows me”

  And laughing the four of them had moved into the house.

  They had enjoyed a wonderful meal cooked by Maria, this time in the dining room. Kira had found the older couple great fun. She could tell that they were totally devoted to each other and Heather had made it her evenings work to find out as much about Kira as possible.

  Craig noticed that whenever she was asked about her family she would change the subject or give vague answers. She would do it so skilfully that neither of the other two had even noticed, but he understood why, the reason angering him.

  “So how long have you two been seeing each other” Heather had asked

  Kira had not known how to answer this looking to Craig for guidance, as he had laughed

  “For goodness sake Heather let the girl breathe” her husband had broken in allowing them to avoid the question.

  After the meal Craig and Ben had disappeared into the garage to look at some new toy that Craig had recently had delivered

  “Men and their toys” Heather had sighed, before fixing Kira with a more solemn look

  “You and Craig must be really serious” she said looking at the young woman before her

  Kira gave a nervous laugh

  “Why do you say that” she asked her voice a little shaky

  “Because he brought you here” she said softly

ra looked at her in surprise

  “Craig has never brought a woman to this island” Heather continued “Always said that it was his mother’s island. I think it would have to be a very special woman who he brought here”

  She looked at her with eyes so full of meaning, as Kira felt her heart beating fast, wondering what the older woman would say if she knew the truth. Knew that he was forcing her to stay with him and that in a few days time he would casually throw her to the side yet again. What would she think if she knew that he saw her only as light relief to celebrate his success, something casual that he could pick up and drop with no consideration to her feelings? However, she kept her mouth closed and watched as the older women’s eyes had grown soft.

  “She was a wonderful woman Kira you would have liked her… and she would have liked you”

  Kira smiled softly back

  “Thank you Heather” she said meaning it.

  At this point the men had reappeared, Craig looking questioningly at her, as she looked thoughtfully over at him.

  “Whatever she said “he chuckled “It’s a lie”

  Heather had looked pained “I don’t lie” she said with a hurt note in her voice

  Craig had bowed towards her

  “My apologies lovely lady” he had said a wicked twinkle in his eye, as Heather had punched him playfully in the arm

  “Pig” she said laughing

  “How did you two meet” Heather asked suddenly

  Before she could speak Craig answered his voice soft

  “I saw her lying flat on her back in the middle of one of my hotels drawing a rose from a ceiling” he said his eyes holding hers with a look which made her heart beat wildly

  “He told me a rose by any other name” she continued “with a corny line like that I took pity on him” she said her eyes laughing back at his

  The other two had smiled knowingly at each other watching the pair

  “Different” Ben had muttered smiling at his wife


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