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Blackmailed For The Billionaires Pleasure

Page 12

by Marie Kelly


  Craig was already waiting there looking breath takingly handsome in a black tuxedo, and on seeing him she felt the fluttering in her stomach and the quickening of her bodies responses. He watched her coming down the stairs openly admiring how she looked, smiling knowing that he had chosen the dress well. It truly did mirror her eyes and the result was stunning. Kira was truly the most beautiful woman he had ever met.

  “You look wonderful” he muttered kissing her hand before leading her across to the helipad. There a helicopter waited for them with its rotors already spinning, causing them to bend down to enter the cockpit. Craig had helped her to buckle up smiling assuringly at her sensing her concern at having never been in a helicopter before. After a word with the pilot they took off. They were only in the air for the 10 mins it took to fly to the neighbouring island in which they could hear loud music coming from the large building which seemed to occupy the central part of it. He held her hand which gripped his for the whole journey squeezing it every now and then to assure her.

  Their host, an older man who greeted Craig with genuine warmth, had welcomed them both looking appreciatively at Kira. Craig holding her arm had led her inside, introducing her to many of the guests they encountered and she had been comfortable chatting with other party goers and quickly making friends wherever she went. Craig had watched how easily people seemed to take to her and how well she was able to read people and listen attentively enough for them to appreciate her.

  She had been delighted to see Ben and Heather who had asked how she felt

  “I hear you couldn’t stay in bed” Heather had laughed “You are nearly as pig headed as he is “she had added grinning, as Kira had laughed back with them.

  Almost naturally they had moved apart from each other to converse with people before coming together again at regular intervals. Then he would smile warmly at her whispering into her ear making her laugh as she did to him.

  At one point Tom had sidled up to her while Craig was talking with another man, and grabbing her hand had whisked her off to the dance floor, winking at Craig who smiled back at him while throwing him a don’t you dare look.

  “How are you coping in your stint as a sex toy” he had asked with a smile in his voice

  Kira had laughed

  “It has its ups and downs” she responded only picking up on the double entandre herself when he started to giggle.

  “That’s the spirit” he smiled his eyes laughing down on her.

  Kira had liked Tom the moment she met him, instinctively knowing that he was somebody who others relied on.

  With a more serious look in his eye he had looked down on her

  “In all seriousness I heard about your accident….you had one hell of an escape” he said

  Kira had nodded “I know ….. I don’t know who was looking after me that day Tom, but I know”

  With an attempt to change the subject she had asked “Aren’t you here with somebody”

  He shook his head. “Nope like you I am foot loose and fancy free”.

  Kira looked at him through questioning eyes

  “Now I find it hard to believe that there aren’t women beating a path to your door”

  “You have an island” she added with a grin

  Tom’s eyes flickered quickly to an area of the party in which a small lovely woman stood talking to an older distinguished man. Kelly watched, understanding coming over her

  “Who is she” she asked gently

  Tom looked at her for a moment; she could tell that he was struggling with himself as to whether or not to confide in her, before telling her the story

  “Her name is Marina Buchanan” he said a tortured look in his eye “and she is the most wonderful woman in the world”

  Kira laughed

  “This isn’t doing your chances of a lunch date any good for the future you know”

  He smiled warmly into her eyes

  “We dated for a while, but then she just stopped seeing me. I don’t know why”

  Kira nodded in understanding.

  “She’s here now, why don’t you go talk with her”

  “Because the minute I go within 10 feet of her she bolts” he replied in anguish

  “You know Tom, sometimes you need to just deal with these things…otherwise they have a habit of getting out of control” she said with a small grin on her face and as the music stopped Kira, despite protestations from Tom moved purposefully over to where Marina stood.

  Marina Buchanan was indeed a beautiful woman. Slightly smaller than Kira, she had long dark hair which was held from her face by two diamond pins allowing the hair to fall down her back. She had a perfect figure, which was shown off well in a black off the shoulder dress which floated around her feet.

  The young woman was friendly when Kira had introduced herself. Her large dark eyes were beautiful within her small doll like face, and Kira could understand why Tom had fallen for the woman before her. She wasn’t only stunning, but her personality was quietly gentle and full of humour. Kira liked her instantly.

  “You’re with Craig” she had said as Kira had introduced herself

  “Yes, we’re old friends” she had smiled back

  Marina smiled in return “Craig’s nice” she added

  For several minutes they stood making small talk before Kira finally managed to casually point out Tom, who stood nervously walking backwards and forwards throwing them anxious looks every so often.

  “He seems nice” she said do you know if he’s seeing anybody

  She watched the light go out in the other woman’s eyes

  “Do yourself a favour” she replied

  “Stay away from him”

  Kira lifted an eye brow in surprise at the bitter comment from the other woman

  “Why” she asked in surprise

  “Because he is nothing but a two timing …..” the young woman bit her lip dropping those expressive eyes

  “No” Kira answered “He doesn’t look the type”

  Marina shrugged her lovely shoulders.

  “Well if you can’t take a warning”

  Kira looked at her thoughtfully

  “Did you find him with somebody else?”

  “Not me…my friend.” She gave a bitter laugh

  “He had the cheek to proposition my best friend”

  “I thought he was different” she mumbled.

  Kira excused herself before moving back over to Tom and telling him the story.

  He looked at her in disbelief

  “That little bitch” he stormed “She came onto me. I told her I wasn’t interested”

  “Well it seems to me dear Tom that you need to set her straight because unless I am very much mistaken young Marina still has some pretty strong feelings for you”

  Tom looked down on Kira thoughtfully. The more he knew this woman the less he could see her as the women Craig had described. He bent down and kissed her cheek gently

  “Thanks” he said “I imagined so many other things”

  “Good luck” she wished him as he left her moving determinedly over to Marina. Fleetingly she understood what he meant thinking back to Craig; the worst thing had been that she had never known either.

  She watched the young woman spotting Tom heading her way and trying to escape him. She watched as he had caught up with her and held her arm talking animatedly to her. With a smile she saw him pull the women into his arms and kiss her seeing how she had kissed him back. She sighed happily feeling warm inside at the outcome.

  Smiling she turning to see Craig standing behind her watching her with sensual eyes.

  “Dance” he asked pointing to the dance floor

  She nodded smiling back at him and followed him onto the floor. Placing his arms around her waist he pulled her in against him causing sensations to travel through her. Leaning in against him her head rested comfortably against his cheek her eyes closed as she enjoyed the feel of him and the aroma of him against her
. His breath gently fanned her hair and she held back a soft moan at the way her whole body just wanted to fall against him to tell him how much she loved him, but keeping her lips still she moved with him.

  From a distance Tom watched as they moved together. He could see the way they held each other and he frowned softly. He had never seen two people so in synch with each other, their bodies swaying perfectly together, with each face full of such an obvious need for the other. He wondered again at what had happened all those years ago.

  “Are you having a good time” Craig whispered against her hair

  Kira looked into his face smiling

  “Yes” she replied huskily.

  “That was a good thing you did for Tom” he said.

  She looked at him in surprise

  “You knew”

  He looked down at her smiling

  “Tom and I tell each other everything; I wasn’t really sure how to help him”

  “Everything” she asked raising an eyebrow

  “Even about this week”

  Pulling her back in closer against him he added

  “Almost everything”

  They carried on dancing for the rest of the song with no more words spoken between them, just content to be in each others arms. Afterwards still holding onto her he guided her with a soft hand on her back to meet more friends of his.

  As one of his friends led her onto the dance floor Kira watched a beautiful woman moving over to join Craig. She was tall with a stunning figure which caused men around her to look twice as she walked past. She wore a dress which left little to the imagination as the cleavage plunged down to her navel, and Kira felt uncomfortable about her, especially when she wrapped her arm around his neck and leant in against his cheek kissing him softly for a nano second longer than was necessary. Frowning slightly she saw his hands resting on her hips holding her before he laughed at some joke she made. Kira felt a sudden stab of jealousy coursing through her veins and tried hard to ignore the feeling which pushed at her.

  After the dance she was led back to Craig who was now standing alone. Smiling at him she could smell the strong scent of the other woman on him.

  “You look beautiful” he whispered in her ear, his tongue gently licking the lob before standing up right. She giggled looking deeply into his blue eyes.

  “Thank you” she said, taking a sip from the drink which he passed to her.

  “I’ll be back in a moment” he said “Need to talk a little business” before moving over to a man who was beckoning him.

  As she stood there she became aware of the woman who had kissed Craig stopping beside her. Fixing a smile on her face, despite her body sending warning signals she turned to face the beautiful woman.

  “Hi, I’m Kira” she said brightly

  The other woman however, scanned her from head to foot a contemptuous look on her face before answering

  “Alison Reynolds…. So you’re the one they told me about”

  Kira looked at her in puzzlement

  “I’m sorry I don’t….” she began before being interrupted

  “I was told that Craig would try to make me jealous” she laughed gently, an unpleasant sound to Kiras ears

  “I thought he might have tried a little harder” the woman’s eyes flashed nastily as her beautiful mouth sneered at Kira

  Kira’s expression hardened at the rudeness of the other woman

  “I don’t know what you are talking about” she said coldly, her eyes holding Alison’s. Hers cool showing no emotion

  “Oh relax...Don’t get upset about it. Craig is using you to get to me” the woman had said in an almost matter of fact manner which make Kira bristle with a controlled anger.

  “I’ve been playing hard to get so he felt the need to “push” things along” she gave a small laugh looking at Craig who was still in deep talks with the man he had moved over to speak with

  “But I think that perhaps now is maybe the time to give in to our little Craig” she smiled coldly at Kira

  “Sorry darling, I’m afraid that this might put an end to your little relationship but…maybe its better you know now” she sighed arrogantly her eyes not even caring or registering the sudden angry flash which entered Kiras eyes.

  Kira stood as tall as she could her expression one of indifference her tone as casual as she could make it, while she wanted to just smack the smirk of the other woman’s face

  “I’ll tell you what Alison, when Craig and I have finished making love tonight, I’ll tell him your offer”

  Alison Reynolds looked icily at her

  “If you give me your number, I’ll see if he can fit you in his little book…..can’t make any promises” Kira continued sounding as bored as she could

  The other woman smiled unpleasantly back at her, a small triumphant look hovering around her eyes

  “He already has it” she said

  Putting on a mock hurt look Kira continued

  “Well then I’m so sorry Alison, there’s nothing I can do. If he hasn’t already phoned then you just don’t make the mark”

  Alison Reynolds glared at Kira who stood defiantly facing her before slamming down her drink and turning on her heels to move angrily away. Kira lifted her drink to her mouth with fingers which trembled slightly, suddenly feeling sick to her stomach. Craig had wanted her to come to the island because she was disposable, someone who could be thrown to the side and used. He had been very open about that. Now she knew why, he had not wanted somebody he cared for to be with him. He had planned all along to use her to make some other woman jealous enough to want him. God she thought how stupid she was, he had even picked the props to make sure the scene was perfect. She felt dirty and suddenly felt the need to get out of there. Looking over at Craig who had just lifted his head to look back at her she saw his smile fading on his lips as he saw the expression on her face, before she turned and walked away.

  She strode purposefully out of the building into the cooler night air, just wanting to get as far away from there as she could. Not knowing where she was going she stumbled forward towards what looked like a beach.

  She had only gone a few yards when a hand had gently grabbed her turning her around. Craig stood looking at her concern on his face

  “Kira are you alright” he asked looking down on her seeing how pale she was

  He wasn’t prepared for the way she turned on him, stepping back shaking his arm from her

  “Don’t touch me” she spat at him, her voice shaking with anger

  “And leave me alone” she turned and began walking away once more. However, she didn’t get far before the hand on her arm stopped her again, this time less gentle and more insistent

  “What the hell is going on Kira” he demanded his face serious

  “Damn you Craig…..let me go” she cried trying to break free from his hold. His fingers however, holding her fast.

  “What has got into you” he said looking in bewilderment at her face

  “Alison Reynolds” she threw back at him finally breaking free as he looked at her in shock

  “What about her” he asked, his face still full of surprise

  “Give it up Craig” she yelled “She told me everything”

  “What did she tell you” he asked his voice quiet and hard

  “That you were using me to get to her”

  “And you believed that” he asked his tone incredulous

  “It fits” she cried “you blackmail me to spend time here with you…someone casual you said…someone you didn’t have to have anything to do with afterwards. Isn’t that right Craig. God no wonder you were scared I would leave the other day… how else would your little plan work”

  He looked at her quietly still stunned at her outburst

  “Well how dare you treat me like I have no feelings” she cried, not caring that he could hear her voice crack

  “Because I do Craig… I do……and I don’t deserve to be treated like this” suddenly the fight seeme
d to go out of her as she sounded so incredibly sad. She tried to turn away from him again so that he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes.

  Groaning softly he pulled her into his arms. She didn’t fight him but stayed still within his embrace.

  “God Kira, I’m sorry” he said softly against her hair before pulling back to look into her sorrowful face

  “I brought you here for reasons” he said seriously “But I swear to God Kira that none of them had anything to do with Alison Reynolds…. Or any other woman for that matter” he added

  She looked into his eyes seeing nothing but honesty in them.

  “She is very beautiful” she whispered.

  He looked down upon her “She is not even in your class Kira”

  Smiling for the first time since leaving the building she asked

  “Then why would she say that”

  Craig sighed

  “Alison and her daddy are out to catch themselves a rich husband.” He grinned

  “They did have one lined up, but that got called off when the poor man found her in bed with the pool boy”

  Kira gasped

  “So now she seems to think that I will be the next husband material………but not even if she was the last woman on earth” he said, adding with a little giggle

  “Well maybe then”


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