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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

Page 5

by Gina Kincade

  Kelsey wore a tight, red bodycon dress that hugged her body in all the right places and matching red lipstick. She placed her hands on her hips. "Good. That's what I'm going for."

  I really didn’t understand why my best friend hadn’t found someone yet. She was beautiful, smart, and kind. Her being single and Dwayne cheating on me just solidified that men were idiots.

  We arrived at the venue about fifteen minutes early. From what Kelsey had told me, the host had rented out the entire restaurant for the event to limit social anxiety and nerves for the potential daters.

  We were greeted almost immediately and led to the bar area, where there were several other women and men. According to the event information, the first thirty minutes would be a mini-mixer to mingle with the other daters. Trays with appetizers were circulating, and so were drinks, so Kelsey and I headed to the bar.

  "See anyone who catches your eye?" I asked, waiting for the bartender to serve us.

  Kelsey's eyes darted around. "Not yet. The actual event doesn't start for another ten minutes, though, so I'm still hopeful."

  I smiled. Kelsey was always an optimist. I considered myself more of a realist, but she would say I was a pessimist if you asked her.

  We ordered our drinks, then I took the opportunity to see who I'd be spending the evening with.

  No one really stood out to me until I made eye contact with a man on the opposite end of the room near the door. He had tousled, wavy hair the color of whiskey and green eyes so vibrant I could see the beautiful color from across the room.

  A smirk curved his lips as he stared at me, and my sex clenched in appreciation.

  Damn, I need to get laid. Just a smirk is turning me on.

  Kelsey had already started chatting with a man in a sleek designer suit as the handsome stranger approached me. My cheeks heated as he neared, and I took a sip of my martini to calm my nerves.

  He leaned on the bar next to me. "Come here often?"

  Playfully rolling my eyes, I chuckled. "Is that really your pickup line?"

  He shrugged as he waved down the bartender. "No. I just never know how to break the ice at one of these things."

  I smiled. "So you've done this before?"

  "A time or two."

  The bartender approached and took the man's order, then proceeded to make it.

  "Well, that's not encouraging," I remarked before taking another sip of my drink.

  He laughed. "I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding a match."

  "I'm actually here just to support a friend."

  He arched a brow at me as the bartender slid over the finished drink. "That's too bad."

  Part of me actually wanted to take the date seriously at that moment. I glanced down at his drink and nodded at it. "What's your drink of choice?"

  He took a swig. "Jack and Coke. You?"

  As I was about to respond, a woman began an announcement, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Night on the Town. The way this event works is each woman will be seated at a table, then the men will rotate between tables every seven minutes. A timer will sound when it's time to rotate, and you will have a total of ten dates before the night is over."

  She smiled widely, her gaze sweeping over the crowd. "Each dater will have a scorecard to rate each of their dates. At the end of the night, everyone will turn in their scorecards, and we will sort them at the end of the night. Matched daters will be notified and given contact information to reach out to each other. Now, if you could, please check in to receive your numbers and scorecards." She gestured to a man next to her, then to herself. "Men with Donovan over here, and women with me."

  Kelsey gave me a hopeful smile as she linked her arm with mine and got in line.

  "Lucky number seven," Kelsey said as she pinned her number to her dress.

  I stepped up to the hostess and gave her my name, then she handed me a number and scorecard. "Good luck," she said with a smile.

  Looking at my number, I stepped out of line, and a husky voice whispered in my ear, "My favorite number."

  I glanced up to see the handsome stranger next to me. He gave me a devilish smile as he walked up to receive his number.

  Before I could see what number he was given, the hostess announced, "Ladies, please follow me."

  The women were led into the main dining area where small two-person tables were set up with numbers on them. "Find your number, and please take your seats."

  I was number three, so I went and sat down at table three. Once all the ladies were seated, the men were brought in, and our hostess started speaking again, "Gentlemen, please start with the table that matches your number. When the timer sounds, you'll rotate to the table to your left. Does anyone have any questions before we start?" She grinned widely and glanced around. When no one spoke, she continued, "Great. Gentlemen, please take your first seat."

  A man with short blond hair and brown eyes sat down across from me. He gave me a nervous smile as a timer sounded. "Hi, I'm Dave."

  "Charlotte." We awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds. I had no idea how to interact naturally at something like a speed date; I'd never done it before.

  "Nice place," Dave commented.

  Oh, boy.

  My next couple of dates went as awkwardly. I reminded myself that I wasn't really looking for a real match anyway and that I was only there for moral support for Kelsey.

  Then my handsome stranger sat down in front of me. And he had been assigned my favorite number. Go figure.

  "I've been waiting for this all night," he said with a sly smile.

  My face heated, and I hoped I wasn't blushing from such a simple comment. "Oh, really?"

  "Yes. Ever since I walked in and saw you staring at me," he teased.

  My brows furrowed. "I was not staring at you."

  "If you say so, sweetheart." He extended his hand to me. "Logan."

  I placed my hand in his, and he gently squeezed it. "Charlotte."

  "That's a beautiful name. Very fitting."

  He was still holding my hand and gazing into my eyes. Up close, I could see flecks of yellow amidst the gorgeous green. "Thank you."

  His thumb softly rubbed against the back of my hand before he finally let go. I immediately missed the warmth as I replaced his hand with my drink and took a sip.

  "Where are you from, Charlotte? I can tell from that adorable accent that you're not from Chicago," he observed.

  My cheeks were beet red if how hot I felt was any indication. "Call me Charlie. I’m only Charlotte at work and to my mother.”

  He chuckled. “Okay, Charlie, where are you from?”

  “A small, country town in Alabama. You?"

  "Chicago born and raised. How long have you lived here?"

  "About five years."

  He took a sip of his drink. "Long enough to know your way around, but you probably don't know all the hidden gems."

  A playful smile curved my lips. "Such as?"

  "I can't tell you. I have to show you myself. Too bad you're not here for a real date."

  I rolled my eyes with a laugh. "Is this what you consider a real date?"

  "Bama, this is just foreplay," he said with a devilish smirk. "If I took you on a date, it would be unforgettable."

  "Bama?" I arched a brow, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach and heat in between my legs.

  "Short for Alabama. My nickname for you," he replied.

  "What makes you think you'll be talking to me long enough to use a nickname for me?"

  The timer went off, and he stood. "Call it a gut feeling." Then he winked and walked to the next table. "See you later, Bama."

  I was speechless as the next man sat down. All I could do was shake my head and laugh.

  I didn't connect with anyone else the way I had with Logan. I couldn't stop thinking about him after he left my table.There was no denying the chemistry between us, and I was a little bit surprised I’d connected with him. I wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad

  When it was time to fill out the scorecards, I debated about being honest with my rating of Logan. I'd told myself I wouldn't rate anyone high because I wasn't interested in dating, but I couldn't deny my interest in the handsome, cocky man.

  Fuck it, what could it hurt? Maybe I'll get some amazing sex out of it.

  I rated Logan honestly, wondering if he would rate me the same. I had some flutters of nerves as I thought about being matched with him and whether he'd reach out to me. I definitely wasn't making the first move if we ended up being matched.

  As we left, Kelsey said, "So I saw you getting cozy with number nine."

  I chuckled. "Shouldn't you have been focused on your dates and not mine?"

  She shrugged, her playful smile falling. "I didn't really click with anyone."

  I frowned, sad for my friend. She really wanted to find a meaningful relationship. "I'm sure you'll find someone soon. You don't want to rush this kind of thing."

  She nodded, standing taller. "You're right. There's someone out there for me. I just have to be patient, and we'll find each other."

  I patted her arm as we walked to her car. "That's the spirit."

  "But I want to get laid."

  A loud laugh escaped me. "Girl, you don't have to find Mr. Perfect for that. We can go to the bar and find you a good lay."

  She sighed. "But I don't want a one-night stand."

  "Well, beggars can't be choosers, Kels."

  My best friend groaned. "I know."

  We went back to her place, and I picked up my car before going home. I had a brunch menu to prepare the next day for a baby shower I was hosting on Sunday, so I had a busy weekend ahead of me.

  As I laid in bed that night, I couldn’t stop replaying the night in my head. A grin curved my lips as I thought about Logan and his cocky confidence.

  The smile was still on my face as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  The Wednesday following the speed date, I received an email from Night on the Town recapping my dates. I only had one match.

  And it was Logan.

  I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. And what surprised me more was my excitement that we'd matched up. His contact information was at the end of the email, taunting me. I could practically see his cocky smirk and hear his sexy voice in my mind. "Told ya, Bama."

  I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of reaching out. If he contacted me, I'd entertain the idea of going out with him again. He did say it would be unforgettable, and I definitely needed a little fun in my life.

  And maybe some dick.

  Five minutes later, I received a text from an unknown number.

  Are you ready for that unforgettable date?

  I couldn't help but smile, and I started typing without thinking.

  Me:Who is this?

  I wanted to make him sweat a little, and I hoped pretending that I'd forgotten his comment from the other night would do the trick. But he knew better.

  Logan: C'mon, Bama, don't play dumb with me. I know you wouldn't forget me that easily

  Me: Well, I hope you can live up to the hype now that you have the chance

  Logan: Sweetheart, I'm going to blow your mind

  I laughed. I normally didn't like cocky men, but I enjoyed the effortless banter between Logan and me. And I liked that he seemed able to handle whatever I threw at him. Another text from him popped up.

  Logan: Friday night at 7

  Frowning, I started typing back. I had a wedding this weekend, including a rehearsal dinner Friday night.

  Me: I can't Friday I have to work

  Logan: You're not going to make this easy on me are you?

  Me: There's nothing easy about me.

  Logan: Then you tell me, Bama. Ball is in your court

  I pursed my lips. In my line of work, I rarely had weekends off. If I did have a day off, it was typically during the week. I glanced quickly at my calendar to see when I had a free night, then texted Logan back.

  Me: I'm free Tuesday

  Logan: Tuesday it is

  I set my phone down and went back to work. I had a few things to finish up in the office before I needed to head down to the kitchen and prepare for an event later that evening.

  Most of my days went by in a blur because of my business. We had events almost every night of the week, so I had more than enough on my plate to keep myself busy.

  By the time Sunday rolled around, I was nervous about my upcoming date with Logan. I was second-guessing my decision because I didn't have time for a social life. That was probably how Dwayne was able to cheat on me without me being the wiser.

  "Stop over thinking things," Kelsey stated at our weekly lunch. "It's just one date."

  "I told you I wasn't ready to date. I don't have time for a social life right now."

  She arched a brow at me. "Then why did you agree to it?"

  I rolled my eyes with a huff. "I don't know. Blind lust."

  Kelsey laughed. "Then get laid. Number Nine was hot."

  I picked at my Monte Cristo and sighed. "Yeah. Dammit." Maybe a one night stand was just what I needed. I could have fun with Logan for one night, then end it there before things got too complicated or involved. I definitely wasn't ready for a serious relationship. And a little sex never hurt anyone.

  I left work early on Tuesday to get ready for my date. I wanted to look sexy yet classy, especially since I had no idea where Logan was taking me. I put on a tight, black dress that I always got laid in, some black pumps, and deep red lipstick, then loosely curled my hair. My look screamed sex, and I smiled at myself in the mirror. Perfect.

  Logan was five minutes early, which was a big plus for me. My life was all about timing and punctuality, especially given my business, so I needed a man who respected my time.

  He was waiting for me outside my building with a bouquet of red roses in hand. His eyes ran over me, and a sexy smile spread over his lips. "You look gorgeous, Bama. I was planning on being the perfect gentleman tonight, but I'm not sure I can with you looking like that."

  My cheeks heated as he handed me the flowers. "Thank you."

  He was dressed in a sleek gray suit with no tie and the top button of his shirt undone. He looked sexy as hell, and I kinda wanted to skip the date and take him up to my place.

  As he pressed a kiss to my cheek, the enticing scent of sandalwood and musk washed over me. Damn, even his smell was turning me on.

  Get it together, Charlie.

  After helping me into his Audi, he closed my door and went around to the driver's side. The interior was spotless and sleek; for me, you could tell a lot about a person by their car, and I liked everything Logan's car was telling me. He was clean, had style, and took pride in his possessions and appearance. It seemed like everything about my date was a turn-on for me.

  He got in the car and grinned at me. His enthusiasm was apparent, and I couldn't help but smile. I hadn't been that excited about a date in a long time, and I couldn't wait to see where he was taking me.

  Before long, we pulled into a parking garage in the River North district. Logan opened my car door for me and helped me out, then placed his hand on my lower back to lead me toward the elevator.

  "Where are we going?" I asked.

  A smirk curved his lips. "You'll see."

  I hated to admit that his mysterious act was turning me on a little. Once we exited the garage, we entered an unmarked black door right next to it.

  The door led down some stairs to a dimly lit restaurant with speakeasy vibes. Logan gave his name to a hostess, who promptly seated us.

  I glanced around in wonder. There was a dance floor on the opposite end of the room and several bars in various spots around the venue. People were dressed in vintage cocktail attire and flapper outfits, drinking and laughing as old-school jazz played in the background. "What is this place?"

  "A supper club modeled after a speakeasy. Some of the best food and drinks in the city."

  I lo
oked over the menu as Logan continued, "On Tuesdays, they have a special menu and half-price bottles of wine."

  Logan ordered a bottle of their best red wine and some oysters for our first course.

  I arched a brow. "They say oysters are an aphrodisiac."

  He gave me a mischievous smirk. "Is that so? I had no idea."

  Playfully rolling my eyes, I chuckled. "This place is amazing. I can't believe I've never heard of it before." I loved everything about the venue—the ambiance, the decor, the menu. Logan had made the perfect choice for our date.

  '"I'm glad you approve. I wanted tonight to be memorable."

  My stomach fluttered. Before I could ask why, the waitress returned with our wine and poured us each a glass. When she left, Logan raised his glass. "To the beginning of a beautiful night."

  I clinked his glass, then took a sip of the luscious wine. A few minutes later, our first course came out. "So tell me about yourself," Logan asked as he picked up an oyster.

  I arched a brow. “That’s a loaded question.”

  He responded with that smug smirk of his. “We have all night, baby.”

  I sighed, trying to figure out the best way to describe myself without sounding like an autobiography. "Let’s see; I’m thirty-two years old. I work way too much, but I love what I do. I love true crime documentaries and long walks on the beach.”

  He chuckled. “And what is it that you do?”

  “I own Decadence, a catering and event company."

  He raised his brows, seemingly impressed. "I've heard of it. Crème de la crème."

  I smiled proudly. "I worked hard to get where I am."

  Nodding his approval, he said, "Remind me to get your card for my next company event."

  As he ate his oyster, I asked, "What about you?"

  He took a sip of wine after swallowing his oyster. "Well, I’m not nearly as exciting as you. I’m thirty-four years old. I'm an investment banker who also works too much. I’m a horror movie fanatic, and when I’m not working, you can usually find me on a kayak."

  Good job and good looks. I felt like I'd hit the date jackpot and wondered what the catch was. "So you're good-looking and have a great job—why are you still single?"


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