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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

Page 8

by Gina Kincade

  She let out a series of squealing squeaks, her pussy tightening and rippling, pulling my own orgasm from me. Leaning my forehead into her shoulder, I groaned, my balls emptying themselves into her.

  Twisting, she looked over her shoulder again. “All good?”

  “Better than good. Whoa.” I shook my head, feeling dizzy, probably because the blood that had left my brain hadn’t returned from my penis yet. Grabbing for toilet paper, I cleaned her first and took a second wad to wipe myself before pulling my pants up again. “I think I can keep my hands to myself through dinner now.”

  Di giggled. “I’d hope so.”

  “Well, not completely to myself,” I warned, placing my palms on her upper arms and sliding down to hold her hands.

  “Where would the fun be in that?”

  Considering the time and our reservation, I pushed my urges away. “You’re right about us being late.”

  She turned in my arms and pressed her painted lips lightly to mine. “I’m always right.”

  Laughing, I let her go. She set about filling her shiny gold purse for the night. I patted my pocket, checking for the phone and keys. Left alone in the bathroom, I straightened my tie and smoothed my dark hair. I wasn’t a model specimen either, my thin facial hair making me appear younger than my thirty years. My blue eyes were slightly obscured by my glasses. Although my jacket didn’t simply hang off my shoulders, it did fall straight, not hiding the lack of bulk beneath it. No one would mistake me for a regular gym-goer. Still, I had to admit that the suit made me look professional.

  “You coming?” Di called from the doorway.

  I strode to the door and stepped into my shoes, bending to tie them. Unable to resist, I ran my fingers over Di’s ankle above her red high-heeled shoe.

  She chuckled and pulled her foot back. “Let’s go.”

  Pouting slightly, I rose and tucked her into a hug. She put a finger to my lips, tapping, which made my pout turn up into a smile. I held the door for her, letting her exit ahead of me.

  I held the door at the restaurant as well, following her and walking through the lingering scent of her perfume. Inhaling deeply, I sighed, nose filled with the aroma of roses. The odor was compounded inside, several of the flowers on each table and no few bouquets throughout the room.

  Stepping toward the podium and maître’d, I didn’t take my eyes off my wife. “Table for Parsons.”

  “Yes, Mr. Parson, please follow me.”

  I took advantage of the opportunity to pull out Di’s chair and kissed her temple and ear. “You are drawing eyes.” It wasn’t a lie, although most men tried to keep their gaze on their dates, some men and many women craned to see who had just come in.

  “Nonsense. Sit.”

  I walked around the small table to sit opposite, reaching across to take her hand. My ring sat on the third finger of her left hand. The diamonds there lined the band circling it. Valentine’s Day wasn’t our anniversary, but when it came, it would be our seventh. Seven years, and I could still remember our meeting, our short courtship, and my premature proposal.

  Without fear or regret, I proposed after only a handful of weeks. I couldn’t let Di get away. I wanted to spend my life with her, and a day without her was darker and colder. My parents thought I was crazy, and hers weren’t fond of my haste, but neither could keep us apart. Di took a few nights to consider my proposal but did accept it.

  I was doubly glad for my initiative when she informed me of her decision to wait until the wedding to have sex. As a virgin myself, I didn’t have any problem limiting myself to caresses and kisses. It did leave me intimidated when it came to the wedding night.

  A waiter came to ask after drinks and appetizers, and as he left Di leaned toward me and whispered, “You’re staring at me.”

  I chuckled. “Yes, I am. You’re beautiful.”

  She blushed slightly and sipped at the water poured by the waiter. Wine quickly replaced it when the bottle came. “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Do you?” I asked, stroking the backs of her fingers with my thumb.

  “You’re looking forward to finishing dinner.”

  “That is true, but not what I was thinking about. Remember our wedding night?”

  She choked on her wine. “My God that was awkward.” She pulled her hand free to hold a napkin to her mouth while she laughed. “You had no idea where it went.”

  I coughed, covering my shame. “I had an idea, I just didn’t know how complicated you would be down there.”

  She laughed harder, touching the corners of her eyes. “Yes. I’m glad I could explain it without a diagram.”

  “Me too! I’m happy to be able to find my way now.”

  Di sobered up a bit. “Definitely. I’d say more than just feeling your way though.”

  Her hand returned to the table and I reached for it again. “I don’t mind feeling my way. It was so much easier when I got down there.”

  Her turn to blush again. “You were…thorough.”

  When I first tucked my head between her legs, I figured the best thing to do was lick and suck everywhere.

  “You tasted divine. Still do.”

  Our words fell off, silence allowing us to hear the couples around us, the whispers and laughter. It felt like we’d locked ourselves in our own little bubble. It popped with the return of the waiter, carrying our food.

  We chatted while we ate, discussing the meal and other fantastic establishments we’d frequented. When we were interrupted next it wasn’t by staff.

  "Diane?" a voice called from across the restaurant.

  My wife turned her head in the direction of the voice. I looked at the mahogany-haired woman as well.

  "Oh my God, Lisa?" Diane cried, rising from her chair and meeting her old friend in the middle. "You haven't changed a bit! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Phoenix."

  "I was. I'm here for a week-long conference. Just a minute." Lisa stepped quickly back to her table and picked up her bag.

  I raised my eyebrows at Di, who bobbed on her toes, grinning madly. She hadn’t been this excited in months. Her brown eyes shone, and her dark hair bounced with her movements. Her cheeks were flushed as well, reminding me of what I knew of her friend.

  Although I had been completely virginal on our wedding night, Diane brought some experience, the last I would have thought she had. It took several months of marriage for her to feel safe telling me about her relationship with Lisa. Given her childhood and living under the watchful eye of her preacher father, I could understand.

  Lisa Clark's name came up many times before that uncomfortable conversation. Diane and Lisa had gotten into and out of all manner of scrapes over their four years as roommates while attending the University of Washington. This would be my chance to meet the infamous Lisa, the friend who had shared more than a room with my wife.

  Di was sure I would hate her and annul the marriage if she told me about their lesbian experimentation. It had taken me days to convince her that nothing that happened with her and her roommate would turn me away. Just because I was inexperienced when we met didn’t mean I expected she would be.

  Learning Lisa was the source of her sexual knowledge came as a serious shock. Diane insisted that she loved me and sex with me. She had never been interested in any woman besides Lisa, and she left that part of her life in Seattle, in their dorm room.

  Seeing her now, glowing at the prospect of spending time with her friend, her former lover, I became jealous, insecure. She was my wife, the love of my life.

  I took a deep breath and let those two sentiments really sink in. She hadn’t been working toward getting time alone with Lisa, although they continued to keep in touch over the years. They only exchanged emails once a month. No, she was definitely still mine.

  Diane hugged her friend, and I eased further when it was the same hug she gave my mother or her cousin.

  "Lisa, this is Ben. Ben, meet Lisa. I'm so glad to finally introduce the two of you."
  I pushed up my glasses before rising to take Lisa's hand. She wore simple slacks and a blouse, but her ample breasts and shapely legs were not hidden by either.

  "Wonderful to meet you, Ben."

  "And you, Lisa." Her hand gave a solid grip although it was slender. "Please join us," I offered, pulling out a third chair for her. Diane still bubbled with happiness, and I would do anything to keep her so.

  "Are you sure? It’s Valentine’s Day. I’m sure you’d rather spend it alone.”

  Diane looked to her feet and I knew it was up to me. “It is, but how long has it been since you’ve seen each other? We’ll have another Valentine’s Day next year. You’re only here now.”

  Lisa cocked her head to the side, her eyes narrowing slightly. I made sure to hold that gaze and keep the smile on my lips. I was sincere, but she needed to judge that for herself. Finally, she relaxed and took the offered chair. “Thanks.”

  Catching the waiter’s eye, I tapped my glass. We needed one for Lisa.

  Di couldn’t keep quiet any longer. In fact, it looked like she might vibrate right out of the chair. "It’s more than just Valentine’s day. Ben was just promoted. He's heading IT at Looman's now." Diane beamed at me, making me feel warm in return.

  "That's great news, Ben. Congrats." Lisa’s warm smile, brought light to her eyes and emphasized her round face, soft and feminine. I started to see what Diane did.

  "Thank you. Did you get a chance to eat?" The waiter set a glass in front of Lisa and filled it from our bottle.

  "Um, no, Ben, I didn't." She placed an order and I asked for another bottle of wine.

  “Are you here for work?"

  She sipped her wine and nodded. "A writer's conference."

  "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Diane demanded.

  Lisa laughed. "Because I didn't know until last week. I thought Mark and I were going to Montreal, but his plans changed, so I snuck this in."

  "It's so good to see you! How long are you here?” Diane asked as a busboy cleared our plates. I really couldn't recall seeing Diane this excited.

  "The week."

  A little left out, I listened to the ladies reminisce and update each other on acquaintances I didn’t know. I learned that Lisa was seeing Mark. They were still exclusive and she expected this trip to Montreal, and a shared hotel room, might be their first step toward something permanent.

  "I swear, he's more of a prude than you, Diane."

  I felt my skin flush and Diane tittered nervously. Lisa was quick to notice but unsure what to say. "I mean... he'll probably want to wait till we're married, too."

  Diane let out another nervous laugh.

  Lisa's expression fell. "That's assuming he ever wants to marry me."

  "Lisa?" Diane asked, worry creasing her brow. "Did something happen?"

  She brightened, but I sensed it was forced. "No, just an inconvenient coincidence."

  "I'm sure that's what it is," I told her. "He'd be nuts not to snap up someone like you. I'm surprised you aren't married already." I put my hand on hers and she smiled at me. Even so, she sighed, pushing away her empty plate.

  "He's right, Lisa," Diane agreed.

  "That's exactly why I proposed to Di. I wasn't about to risk missing my chance." I took my wife's hand across the table, stroking my thumb over her ring.

  Diane squeezed Lisa's free hand and we all relaxed a little into our chairs.

  “Well, Diane always had better luck than I did.”

  “It’s not luck,” I told her. “It’s knowing when you have something and fighting for it. I knew if I pressed her on my proposal, she’d say no. But if I waited, let her think it over while I showed her what we’d lose if she didn’t accept, I could have a wife that would be the envy of any man.” I squeezed her hand beneath mine. “You are a good woman and a good man will recognize that.” I sat back and finished my wine. “If this Mark can’t figure that out, you’ll find someone that does.”

  “Thanks, Ben. I think he sees it. I know I do. We’d be really good together, but something is holding him off.” She sighed and shook her hair, brown curls swaying. “I should get going and let you get back to your romantic date.”

  “There’s no rush.” I waved away the waiter who was probably about to try bringing the bill.

  “None at all,” Diane insisted. “You are a welcome part of our romance.” Red flooded her cheeks as she realized what she’d just said.

  I laughed and Lisa joined me. “Oh, Di, do you think I could?” she teased. “Just hop right in?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she muttered, not meeting Lisa’s gaze or mine.

  “Well, on that happy thought, I will definitely leave you to your romance. Di? Would you be available for coffee tomorrow? I’m staying at the Hilton and can meet any time.”

  “What about your conference?” Her brow creased in concern.

  Lisa waved a hand, dismissing the thought. “I’ll skip whatever session is on then. I’d much rather chat with you.”

  I shifted as the ladies regarded one another. Something in that gaze hinted at their deeper relationship, a need to be with one another. I knew first-hand the predicament that arose when Di and I wanted to avoid public displays of affection.

  Lisa rose. “I really should get going. There are some morning sessions I’d like to attend.”

  Di jumped up and hugged her friend again. Just like the gaze, I knew this hug held more in it than the first. They weren’t feeling each other up, but I could see how much they enjoyed holding one another.

  The waiter noticed and brought the bill, which I paid while they whispered in their embrace.

  "I'll call you," Lisa told Diane, pulling out of their hug. Then, to my surprise, she hugged me. "Thanks for being so good to her," she whispered in my ear.

  “Can we give you a ride to the hotel?” Di asked, her hand on Lisa’s back.

  “No, I see my group there settling up as well. I’ll hitch a ride back with them.” She slung her bag on her shoulder and strode back to her fellow writers.

  “Shall we?” Di asked, hooking her arm through mine and leading me to the door.

  “Of course. So, Lisa.”

  “Yes! I can’t believe the luck to happen to be in the same restaurant.” She grinned and I had to resist the urge to kiss her, waiting until we were in our car. Then I did lean over and press my lips to hers.

  “Do you know how bright you looked tonight? How wonderful? I can see how much you missed her, how happy she made you. My heart ached to look at you. If just seeing Lisa can do that, I wish she lived closer."

  She kissed me back. “I have missed her. I can’t wait to see her tomorrow.”

  “Can’t you? Do you think…you’ll do something special?”

  She frowned and sat back while I put the car in reverse. “What do you mean?”

  I navigated the garage and got us on the road before answering. “I mean, like old times.” Was my jealousy showing? I thought I had it in check, but did my voice seem strained?

  “No, I don’t think so. I mean, she has someone and I have you.”

  “Do you ever think about it?” I was glad it was dark and she couldn’t see how flushed I’d become, jealousy written all over my face.

  She didn’t answer right away, which I took as a good sign. It meant when she did speak, it would be honest. “Sometimes. Not very often. Never when we’re… I mean, I think tonight’s the first time I’ve thought of it in over a year.”

  I didn’t bring it up again until we shared the bathroom, her removing makeup, me brushing my teeth.

  “What did you think about tonight?”

  “Hm? What?” She picked up her own brush.

  “You and Lisa, what did you think about?”

  She scrubbed a few seconds before answering. “I thought it was great to see her again. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

  I moved to stand behind her, just as I had when we were preparing for dinner. “What are you looking forward t
o?” I slid my hands over her hips, joining them on her pelvis, atop the satiny nightie she wore. Curiosity warred with jealousy. I had to know what she thought about, fantasized. “Tell me?” I whispered, my lips brushing her ear. Using my tongue, I picked up her lobe and nibbled on it.

  She groaned and dropped her toothbrush. Shifting her weight, she rubbed her hips against my growing erection. “I’m not expecting anything like that.” She turned within the circle of my arms. I cupped her ass and pulled her closer. “I mean, even if you didn’t mind, I don’t know that she’d want to do anything.”

  “What if she did?” I thrust my hips, making my intention obvious.

  “Come.” She pushed me away so she could get onto the bed. Pulling the nightie over her head, she sat on the edge of the mattress, naked and enticing. “Look at that tent.” Her fingers stretched out to touch me where I’d nearly burst through my shorts.

  Hissing, I backed up enough to pull them down. Her knees splayed and I stepped forward between them, my erection just above the short bush of hair covering her pussy.

  “You really want to hear this?” Her brow bore lines of concern and I had to admit I wasn’t sure.

  Reaching down, I grabbed her legs and lifted. She braced on her arms rather than fall back to the mattress. “Tell me anyway.”

  “I imagined her mouth.” In a small thrust, my cock slid over her hot, pink skin. “She’s almost as good at it as you are.”

  “Almost?” I said with a grin.

  “No one can do it like you.” She twisted in my hold, moving herself over me again. “I love her breasts. They’re round and full. Didn’t you think they were beautiful? Much more than I have.” She shimmied her shoulders, making her own sway.

  Should I take the bait? Well, I’d asked her to be honest. “Yeah. They look like they would swing while you…” I stopped not sure what she’d do. She couldn’t really fuck her friend.

  Diane threw her head back. “She’s not here, Ben. Just you and me.”

  Pulling her hips higher, she finally fell back and I thrust until my hips touched hers. “Yes, yes, yes.” She tossed her head from side to side, her hands palming her breasts. Her pussy writhed around me.


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