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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

Page 10

by Gina Kincade

  "No, Di, bad idea," Lisa argued, shaking her head.

  "Why not? We haven't done this since college." She started cutting the lemons into wedges.

  "You have had tequila since college," I argued with a snort. We’d had shots in Mexico just a few months ago.

  "Truth or Dare," Diane told me with a smirk.

  "Yeah, the really sick and twisted version," Lisa continued to protest. "Tequila makes everything sick and twisted. It should be a deadly sin or something."

  "Shut up and shoot, Clark," Diane said, licking Lisa's hand and shaking on salt. I prepped my own as Lisa kept shaking her head. "You're going to go first if you're the last to shoot," she warned, pouring an ounce for each of us.

  Lisa pulled hers close. As soon as we each had one, she shot. I was the last to take the lemon wedge from my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut against the sourness and yanked my glasses off, wiping tears from my face.

  Diane chuckled at me, patting my shoulder. "Sorry, hun, truth or dare?"

  I licked my still salty lips. "Truth," I spluttered.

  "Lisa, why don't you ask?"

  "Um... What was your first thought when Diane told you about her and me?"

  "Whoa, this is the sick and twisted version," I muttered. "That's the first question? Where do they go from here?"

  "Your pants," Diane answered, giggling as the alcohol hit her system.

  "Yeah," I muttered. "First thought." I tried to remember; they had been racing. "Well, at least he wasn't bigger than me."

  Both ladies burst out laughing. Diane pounded her feet on the floor, tipping her head back, letting out high pitched peals. Lisa folded her arms on the table and laughed into them, her low guffaws muted. "No, I'm not bigger than you. Too funny."

  "Next shot!" Diane declared pouring them out.

  "What?" I asked in amazement. "We don't each ask before the next round?"

  "Yeah, Di, don't make us all sick before we get to have fun," Lisa agreed. "You pick, Ben."

  Hmmm, which one? "Diane, Truth or Dare?"

  "Dare!" she shouted, then covered her mouth. "How many beers did I have?"

  "Three," I told her. "You're going under the table first." Lisa laughed with me at that. "This isn't much of a dare, but kiss Lisa. Tongue preferred," I said with a stupid smile.

  Diane stuck hers out at me.

  "Nope, doesn't count," I told her.

  Lisa laughed again, grabbing Diane's chin and turning it to her. I watched the two kiss. Their lips were both gentle. Somehow, I expected it to be more forceful, pushing each other on, but it wasn't. It was sweet. And there was tongue exchanged.

  Diane sighed when the kiss broke. "I forgot how good these are. Of course, I like you better sweet than sour," she teased, squirting lemon on her friend.

  "Heh, find me something sweeter to suck," she retorted.

  "Don't look at me," I joked, and they both laughed.

  "Truth or Dare, Lisa?" I asked.

  "Um..." she paused a while, looking from Diane to me. "Damn tequila T or D. Truth, go." She closed her eyes, obviously scared of what we would ask.

  I looked to Diane and shrugged. She bit her lip thinking. "Go for broke," she muttered quietly before speaking up. "Do you want Ben's dick?"

  I choked on air, very glad I wasn't drinking anything. "What kind of question is that?" I asked my wife.

  "A tequila T or D one," Lisa answered with a groan. "Screw you, Di. Screw you. Yes. I want a dick. Fucking Mark..." She muttered the last bit, pouring another shot for herself.

  "Aww, Lisa, I didn't mean to hit a nerve." Diane rubbed Lisa's shoulder as the shorter woman slammed her shot.

  "He gets me so worked up, and then it's home to the toys. Ugh, never mind. Round two. I already had mine, neener neener."

  "You cheat," Diane complained, but set up to race me. "Ready?"

  "Go," I said, licking, shooting, and sucking. I spat my lemon at her.

  "Ewww! Ben!" she complained while I laughed. "Fine, I take Truth this time."

  I had all sorts of questions to ask, but Lisa beat me to the punch. "Was this threesome thing your idea or Ben's?"

  Wow, tequila T or D was cutthroat.

  "Mine. When Ben said he had been thinking about us, he was thinking of just watching."

  Lisa shivered. "No offense, Ben, but no way. That would be creepy. At least join in the action." She smiled at me now. "I don't want a nose in my crotch unless the tongue is working."

  "Lisa!" Diane shrieked, sounding scandalized.

  "What? Yours will do fine." I noticed a flush in Lisa's cheeks. The alcohol had definitely hit her system as well.

  "Since you asked, Lisa, Truth or Dare?" I asked her.


  "Suck Ben off," Diane said immediately.

  "Hey, wait a minute," I argued. "Don't I get a say in here?" It should have been my turn to offer the Dare.

  "Fine," Diane flounced. "Just make it good. None of this kissing nonsense."

  I closed my eyes, trying to think of something. "Strip tease," I finally came up with.

  "Oh yeah, good one, Ben." Diane jumped up to the stereo. "Let me get you some music, Lisa."

  "You suck," Lisa told me while Diane was out of earshot. "Did she tell you I can't dance?"

  I laughed. Diane had told me about Lisa's ineptitude on the dance floor. "I'd forgotten, but yes. Shake it, Clark."

  She shook her head and flipped me off. It was only the second time I'd seen Lisa Clark, but from all Diane's stories, and just a few hours in her presence, it seemed like we'd been friends forever. She knew as much about me, I was certain.

  Diane turned from the thumping subwoofer, looking up from the app on her phone. "Stop stalling. Strip."

  Lisa frowned. She crossed her arms and Diane raised her brow. "Are you declining the dare?"

  "Fine." She twirled her hips once, pulling her shirt quickly over her head.

  "Tease, Lisa. Strip tease. You can do better than this," Diane taunted her.

  She sighed and came back to me at the table. I was a little surprised when she bent in front of me, her ass less than an inch from my knees. She slipped her socks off while bent double and straightened, flipping her hair in my face. Although it startled me, Lisa showed no such apprehension. She reached up to unclip her bra and slid it slowly down each arm. Turning, she held the undergarment to her chest, giving me a great view of her cleavage. She nudged my feet apart to stand between my knees as she straightened fully, her breasts just below my eyes as she pulled the lacy fabric away.

  I licked my lips, feeling aroused and awkward. Her breasts were larger than Di's, her nipples pinker and smaller. I raised a hand without thinking, but Lisa turned before I could cop a feel. Her hair brushed my face and I sank back with a sigh. Diane was giggling, obviously enjoying both Lisa's show and my discomfort. Lisa's back was to me again as she unfastened her pants, her ass sticking out between my knees. She wore a thong that left me a full view of her round ass cheeks. Holding her hands to her thighs, she looked over her shoulder. "Like the view?" she asked.

  "Yes," I croaked, and both ladies laughed.

  "Well, no fair if I'm the only one naked. Cue it up again, Di. Let's see what your man can do."

  Diane clapped her hands before passing Lisa her phone. She came and pulled me from my chair even as Lisa sat back in hers.

  "Need another?" Lisa asked me, pouring a shot as Diane sat in my place.

  "Yeah, hit me." I took the glass, but Diane jumped in.

  "Body shot!" She snagged the salt and licked Lisa's neck, making her jump. After the salt, she took the shot from me and squeezed Lisa's breasts together to hold it. Lisa sighed and put the lemon in her mouth.

  I met my wife's eye, but she was serious, and excited. Dragging my tongue up Lisa’s neck, I told myself that Di had just done the same. Looking between those large white globes hugging the shot glass took away any reassurance I had managed before. Could this be more awkward? Lisa watched me, her breath short and shallow when my lips
came toward hers. With the lemon wedge squeezed in my teeth, I turned to spit it in Di’s direction.

  "Ack! Stop that."

  Lisa laughed. "You're getting set up for the next shot, Di. Just so you know." She turned back to me. "Well, let's see it, Ben. Strip tease for us, baby."

  I had never stripped for anyone, even Diane. Usually, I just dumped my clothes on the floor and returned to her; she didn't watch me do it. I swiveled my hips, lifting my shirt to show my belly. The girls stroked my ego, whistling. It made me laugh and relax. I wished I could do the muscle-man thing and tear my shirt, but I loved my geek cred tee and wasn't sure I could if I tried. Instead I opened my pants a little, tracing the line of hair down my abdomen to my shorts.

  I was rewarded again with hoots. I spun away as I pulled my shirt off, and heard whimpers. Confused, I faced them again.

  "Yeah!" Lisa cried. "Take it all off!"

  Diane smacked her arm as they both laughed.

  I pulled down one hip, then the other, alternating, exposing my pale skin.

  "That's my nerd-boy!" Diane cheered.

  I blushed and let go of my pants. They fell to my ankles. She didn't often call me that, and never in front of anyone else.

  Lisa hooted again and I came to myself. I stood in nothing but my boxers, sporting a tent.

  "Take it off!"

  "Says she who is full-clothed." Lisa nudged Diane. "Get up there and do your worst."

  Diane could dance. She had long straight limbs that held line and point as she straightened and flourished. Her grace was emphasized as more and more skin revealed her musculature, her poise. She twirled, sliding articles down arms, and kicked, pulling pants down legs. Lisa and I didn't chant or taunt, we just watched, entranced.

  "You know how lucky you are?" Lisa asked.

  I nodded, unable to speak. Diane spun one last time, coming to rest in front of me. Of all of us, she was the only one completely nude.

  "Shall I offer you another drink?" she asked.

  Lisa swept the spilled salt from the table and grabbed Diane's arm. "Lay back, Di."

  Once she was on the table I licked her navel, shaking salt around it. The shooter balanced on her pubic bone with the lemon pinned between her thighs.

  "Drink up, Lisa."

  Lisa looked at me, unsure. "I had the last one," I reminded her.

  She grinned and licked Diane's belly, circling her navel twice. Tequila slopped over the shot glass as Di twitched. Lisa tipped the shot down her throat and I took the glass from her lips. She bit into the lemon and pressed the cool rind into Diane, shaking her head from side to side.

  Diane laughed. "Tickles... Stop... Eeek!" she shrieked.

  I leaned over and licked one of her nipples.

  "Oh, game over?" I heard Lisa ask, just before Diane moaned. I lifted my head to see Lisa crouched between my wife's legs, her tongue flicking.

  "Looks like. The bed might be more comfortable though," I offered.

  "Yes, please." Diane slid off the tabletop.

  Lisa laughed and slipped off her thong. "Sounds good. Ben?" she asked before snapping her underwear at me. Diane squeaked with laughter. I grimaced and yanked down my shorts, kicking them up into Lisa's face.

  "Wow, nerd-boy," Lisa murmured.

  I flushed again at the nickname. It wasn't embarrassing or even suggestive, just something between Di and I. I looked down, unsure what she was referring to. I wasn't overly large, not compared to the guys in high school anyway. Too much time in a desk left me pale and skinny. A smattering of hair darkened my belly, but my chest was bare. Was I dripping or something? No.

  "Go ahead," Diane said, pushing Lisa forward.

  She stood in front of me, looking as nervous as I felt. My dick dipped, losing rigidity and slid over Lisa's stomach. Her eyes closed for a moment. She hooked my elbow in hers and guided me to the bedroom. Diane ran ahead of us, flopping on the bed.

  "So, who gets her first?" I asked Lisa.

  "You, obviously. I get her while you recharge."

  That was obvious. Diane's eyes widened at both of us, suddenly realizing that she would be the center of attention.

  How to start? "Di?" I called to her, standing at the edge of the bed. She shuffled over, sitting at the foot. I didn't have to ask; she somehow knew what I wanted. She wrapped one hand around me and stroked gently, making me fully hard again. Then she took my tip in her mouth and began licking and sucking. I held her head, not pushing or pulling, just stroking her ear, her cheek, pushing her hair out of her way.

  I gasped when I felt another tongue, this on my nipple. I opened my eyes to see Lisa standing beside me. She had her mouth on my chest and her hand on Diane's, fondling and twisting one of her nipples. Lisa set her hand on the small of my back, probably for balance. I lifted my arm out of the curve of hers and wrapped it around her shoulders. She moved her mouth over my ribs, down my hip. Then she turned, slipping between Diane's thighs.

  Diane cried around me as Lisa licked her. When Di's eyes rolled back, I lost it. I groaned as I my seed shot in her mouth. She swallowed as she moaned again.

  "God, that was good," Diane murmured.

  "Good." Lisa lifted her head. "Now where are your toys?"

  "What?" Indignation raised Diane’s tone.

  "Dildo. Where?"

  "I don't have..."

  "Bottom drawer." I pointed to the night stand.

  Diane's wide eyes met mine. She'd never admitted to her stash.

  I shrugged. "I found it by accident. I was looking for my passport."

  Hearing a buzzing, I discovered Lisa held the silver bullet. "Yes, this'll work."

  "Why didn't you say anything?" Diane asked me.

  "Why didn't you?" I replied with a grin.

  She looked away, cheeks flushed, possibly with shame.

  "Hey, don't feel bad." I pulled her face back to mine. "I'm not always here the second you need me."

  "You aren't—"

  "No," I interrupted her. "I'm not. Now that we've aired the fact, I plan on using it myself at times like these." I flopped my member on her thigh. It started to stiffen again, barely.

  She chuckled quietly. "You don't have to."

  "Ugh, you are such a martyr, Diane. Let him fuck you." Lisa pushed Diane down by the shoulders.

  "Lisa!" Diane hated the word fuck. And given that Lisa hadn't really used it much before now, I figured she was doing what I did, trying to get Di's back up. I fought a laugh.

  "And you're hardly one to talk,” Di shot back. “What have you forgone for your precious Mark?"

  Lisa's eyes narrowed. Diane had struck that nerve again.

  "Easy," I whispered to Lisa, rubbing her back. "He's not here."

  She smiled at me. "Thanks," she whispered before crawling over my wife. "Here it comes, Miss Prim-and-Proper," Lisa warned just before pressing the dildo to Di.

  "It's... I'm not..." Diane squirmed, the toy not finding purchase.

  "Not this one?" Lisa reached into my lap where I sat beside her. She squeezed and stroked me, accelerating the process. She rubbed the fake dick on my wife's clit, making her twist.

  "No," Diane complained.

  Lisa let me go with a smirk. I couldn’t believe how quickly I was ready again. She shifted out of the way as she said, "Try this then."

  I found Diane's entrance and pushed into her, my still-slick dick sliding in easily where the dry toy had not.

  "Oh!" She arched. "Ben?" She was surprised, too.

  I rolled, pulling her up atop me. "You like?" I asked.

  "Mmmm," she moaned, settling on me.

  My hands were on her hips but she pulled one behind her. I brushed Lisa's hip where she must have been sitting.

  It took a lot of stretching to reach Lisa behind her. I grabbed Diane's hips and slid us so I could rest my back on the headboard. Now I could reach around her easily, and I did, my fingers tracing the crack of her ass and making her shiver on me.

  "Yes," she whispered. Then she leaned back an
d grabbed the dildo, putting it in my hand. "Hop on, Lisa." Diane smiled at her friend over her shoulder.

  Lisa scrambled over, pulling the lube from the drawer, and I felt part of the glob hit my hand. Then she was astride me as well, behind my wife. Her hands reached around Diane, cupping her breasts. Diane's hands roamed my chest and stomach and she leaned over to kiss me. The two bobbed in sync, and the whole bed shifted with us. Lisa's hand drifted down to tease Diane's clit. Our kiss broke as she leaned back into Lisa.

  Lisa was able to concentrate far too well on my wife. I started moving the toy inside her, twisting and pumping as she rode. She groaned and her head fell to Di's shoulder.

  "Oh, that's it. Come on, Di. Go." Lisa grabbed Diane's hips and started forcing them forward and back. "Keep going," she told me, finding my eye around Diane's arm. "Drop it and do her."

  I only half-obeyed. I thrust up into Diane, but kept my hand on the toy in Lisa. It moved with me.

  "Yes," Diane hissed. She started squeaking and I chuckled, focusing on the toy as my wife's orgasm was underway.

  "Ugh," Lisa grunted, and I felt her thighs tighten on my hand. She might not have as full a peak as my wife, but she wouldn't go unrewarded.

  Diane continued to squeak and I felt liquid on my hips. My eyes widened in shock. Had she just peed on me? It didn't smell like it.

  Di collapsed onto my shoulder, panting. Lisa pulled me the rest of the way from her and sucked my still-hard dick.

  "Oh," I cried in shock.

  Lisa didn't stop though, fondling my balls as she cleaned me.

  "I didn't know you could do that, Lisa," Diane teased when she had breath.

  Lisa stroked me, removing her mouth just long enough to say, "It's not my specialty, I admit."

  "Are you okay?" I asked Diane. "Did you...pee?" I was still confused. My balls tightened as Lisa sucked especially hard. I relaxed a little after I came in her mouth.

  "Diane!" Lisa scolded. "You've never squirted on him?"

  She hung her head. "No."

  Lisa shook her head. "Well turn around and let me show him how."

  Diane's eyes went wide and she shook her head.

  Lisa slapped her ass. "Go on. How else is he going to find out?"

  Diane swallowed and pushed off from me, turning to face the foot of the bed. Lisa lay outside Di's legs and motioned for me to get between them. She took the toy that had fallen from her and pressed it into Diane. She squeaked a little, bending her knees and propping up her ass.


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