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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

Page 24

by Gina Kincade

  “I’ll see you then. Text me the time and restaurant of your choice.”


  “This is so stupid. I’m so stupid. Why did I agree to this again?” Tossing another shirt on the pile of clothes she tried on and decided against, Luckee looked to Nicole for affirmation.

  “Because he’s hot, hot, hot,” Nicole sang.

  “And, I’m not, not, not,” mocked Luckee.

  “Knock it off. You know damn well you look great. I sure wish you could just enjoy your success and the attention of Mr. Hotness. I sure would. Your art is being featured in a real gallery. Like how many aspiring artists can say that?”

  True. She loved Nicole’s ability to state the obvious. Jumping on the bed beside her and on top of the heap of clothes, she rolled to her side and gave Nicole her best puppy dog face. “Will you pick out what I should wear? And, nothing to risqué.”

  Clapping her hands, Nicole bounced off the mattress and went directly into the closet. “I thought you’d never ask.” Sifting through hanger after hanger, she pulled out a simple, black dress. Luckee actually forgot she had it. Very basic. Sleeveless, fitted, short. Pair it with her strappy, black, high-heeled sandals and she would feel comfortable and confident. “I take it you aren’t dismissing my choice?” Nicole inquired.

  “Nope. It’s perfect. And you’ll be there, right?”

  “Yep. I’ll meet up with you at the gallery and we will have a celebratory drink afterward,” Nicole promised.


  Dinner went even better than Luckee expected. Even if she found it difficult to eat or drink anything in Preston’s presence, the conversation went smoothly. He had a great sense of humor which calmed her nerves. It bothered her he hadn’t worked a day in his life, but he did have a business degree and admitted his father recently started pressing him to utilize it. He traveled extensively, visiting places she dreamed about seeing one day. He and Jessica were close, but he didn’t consider either of them close to their parents. They did grow up with a household cook they considered family.

  As much as she learned about him, he in turn asked about her. Her story wasn’t nearly as interesting as his. Born and raised in Potter County with a school teacher for a mom, a small business owner for a dad, a ‘becoming-much-less-annoying’ teenage brother, and she never even traveled out of the state. Her high school graduating class consisted of forty students.

  They shared a love for movies though their favorite genres didn’t match up. He enjoyed horror. She preferred drama and an occasional chick flick. They both liked action and adventure.

  She didn’t believe anything could top her night until they walked over to the gallery and her paintings were on display along with art from notable artists. Her cheeks hurt from the constant smile plastered across her face. Luther greeted them congratulating her and informing her he wished to discuss contracting other pieces as all of hers sold. Overwhelmed with surprise, pride, and exhilaration, she accepted the bear hug Preston offered lifting her off her feet. “You look so happy. It makes me happy,” he said.

  “Luckee, this is so incredible. I’m so proud of you.” Luckee heard her mom’s gushing, but still confined in Preston’s embrace, she didn’t see her. Loosening her arms from around his neck, he lowered her back on her heels.

  Wobbling from her lack of experience wearing the added four inches, the unexpected appearance of not just her mom, but dad, and brother, and them finding her in the sexy god’s arms, she expressed, “Mom, I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “As if we would’ve missed it.” Her mom came over and gave her a quick hug. Grinning like a schoolgirl, she eyed Preston. “You must be Preston. It’s nice to meet you.” Great, now both her parents would assume she and Preston were dating. They had one date, but her mom would mention him every time she saw her from there on. The inevitable would occur, countless questions about him, his family, them as a couple.

  Preston shook her mom’s hand, then her dad’s, and spoke to Russell. Leave it to her younger brother to make an awkward situation more so. “Even in heels you still look like an emaciated munchkin,” he goaded. She opened her mouth to jab back, but he interrupted, “You look real pretty, Luckee. And so do your paint by number crafts.”

  “Ha ha.” She bumped shoulders with him, more of a shoulder into his ribcage bounce.

  Jessica and Corey came, as did Nicole, and the small two room gallery became much smaller. Stepping outside in the cool, January temperature, she caught her breath after a whirlwind week. Her mom joined her. “Didn’t you bring a coat, a sweater, or something?”

  “No. I don’t plan on being outside much. Just to and from the car. Which, I should hear from the insurance adjuster in the next few days about if they totaled the Nissan or not.”

  “You know your dad always hears about people selling vehicles. So, if you need to start looking check with him.” Opening her jacket wide, her mom wrapped it and herself around Luckee. “I haven’t seen much of you lately. I know you’re busy, busy, especially with ‘Desserts by Luckee.’ Are you still planning to display some and advertise on Sunday?”

  “That’s the plan. It is if Russell works the shift in the ice cream shop tomorrow.”

  “I’ll make sure he does. If you want to use my oven, come on over. I might sit inside all day and read.” Her mom rocked them a couple of times and kissed Luckee’s head. “Come back inside. It’s too cool tonight. And it looks like you have quite a stunner showing his support.”

  “Mom. Respect my personal space,” cautioned Luckee. She and her mom touched foreheads and smiled at one another. Not every twenty-five year old agreed to live on their parent’s property. Not that they ever were invasively intrusive. It made sense. She paid monthly rent. She renovated the space, painted, and decorated it in her tastes, with her dad’s and Russell’s assistance. Not like a five foot two inch girl had an exorbitant amount of strength or arm stretch.

  Jessica and Nicole were in an excited conversation about where to go from there. Neither of them frequented the city and they were going to make the most of it while there. The downtown area had many restaurants and bars all within walking distance. Luckee’s parents and Russell said their good-byes and she and Jessica gave their farewells to Luther and thanked him.

  Not quite ten o’clock and a little too early to hit a dance club they gathered at an outside bar. It had several fire pits burning, some heater lamps, and live music. She strived not to notice the amount of drinks everyone had. She tried hard. She shouldn’t find harm in people sharing social drinks. And no one threw them back in excess.

  But as attentive and wonderful as Preston appeared so far, she knew how things and people could change, how sometimes it took next to nothing to tip the scales. Finally, they closed out their tabs and headed to dance. A little sweat and exertion did wonders.

  And it did. For about ninety minutes. All five of them stayed on the dance floor. They cut up. They dirty danced. She and Preston did mostly with each other, but they made a valiant effort to include the others when they initiated it. Maybe the two of them were behaving a little too provocatively. Luckee couldn’t remember having so much fun. She loved dancing in all its forms, not just ballet and tap.

  And like the flip of a switch, the night went downhill, fast. Someone shouted Preston’s name from a group at a high top table. She swore she recognized some of the same faces from that college party. He touched her arm before high-tailing over there. Some definitely high-maintenance, extraordinarily beautiful, blonde chick jumped on him, straddling his waist, and kissing him as if they were the last two humans on Earth and the entire race depended on them getting it on.

  “Don’t. Luckee, I’ll leave. I can’t let you sabotage something before you have any reason to,” warned Nicole. “Jessica and Corey have a table over here. Come on. I’ll get you some ice water.”

  Hating to interrupt the two of them, as they were somewhat oblivious to everyone and everything around them at the moment, Luckee took her tim
e trailing Nicole to the other table. Jessica disentangled herself from Corey and grumbled, “I hoped he wouldn’t run into any of them tonight. But I do realize Montgomery isn’t that big of a city and only has so many places worth going.”

  Not sure what to say, Luckee said nothing.

  “I hated the Academy. I mean actual true venomous hate. I did everything I could to keep my distance from those snobby, hollow people. Preston didn’t fare so well, unfortunately. But he’s good people. You and he are good together. Funny how I never thought of it until you two were in my house together.”

  Corey grabbed both cheeks of Jessica’s ass in his hands. “You love this song. Come on.” He took her back on the dance floor.

  Before Luckee had an opportunity to digest and interpret what Jessica said, Preston charged her. “Hey, come on. You need to meet some of my friends from wayyy back.”

  Nicole approached handing her the flimsy, plastic cup of ice water. Taking the glass and guzzling it, Luckee responded to Preston, “You go have fun. We’re good here.”

  Gripping her hips, he guided her to the lions’ den. “Everyone, meet Luckee. And, I’ve recently learned her real name is Lucille.”

  Even her name didn’t meet their standards. The blonde bombshell voiced what Luckee prayed would go undetected. “I know you. Or, I’ve seen you.” A round of shots appeared at the table and their group downed them. At least the look-alike Elsa, Ice Queen, offered her one before finding her way back to her original observation. “I do remember you. That mass of red hair, and tiny, rockin’ bod.”

  “I don’t think we’ve met before.” Though flattered by the description it didn’t ease her anxiety. She realized they were all older and more mature, and their previous encounter, along with the cruel remark happened years prior, but somehow she still felt inferior and out of place. She didn’t want Preston to associate her with that night. Stretching up on her toes, she went to talk in Preston’s ear. The thumping, blaring music made it virtually impossible to hear anyone, and he stood right next to her. Of course, she caught a whiff of Preston’s cologne while doing so. Her pillowcase still smelled like him. “I’m going back to Nicole. I shouldn’t just leave her alone.”

  His arm came around her back holding her close to him. He finished speaking to one of his friends before giving her his full attention. He looked at her with warmth that intensified into raging heat in a split second. Her knees went weak, and her core pulsated with the bass of the music. “We may have to get out of here soon,” he said. He nuzzled her neck, sucking on it. “You keep looking like that and we might not make it out of here.”

  “More shots! Come on. Take one and let’s hit the floor,” Blondie announced.

  Preston took one from the center of the table. He held it to Luckee’s lips, she shook her head declining. He drank it. “Let’s go get Nicole and join them.”

  Weaving in and out of tables, and people they didn’t find Nicole where they left her. Preston pointed to the hopping cluster of dancers. She didn’t hear what he said, but assumed he said something about her being in the mix. Taking her hand, he pulled her back into the crowd. Positioning his hands around and on her lower back, he drew her into his chest and took her mouth in a slow, deep kiss. Circling her arms around his neck, they sucked and licked each other’s mouths. Their bodies swayed as if they danced, but she didn’t care if they danced or not. Nothing existed but him and her. He tasted of alcohol and pure bliss. Their lips and tongues moved in controlled, patient, and savoring motions. Splaying her fingers in his hair, she caressed his scalp holding him to her.

  He slid his thigh in between her legs and they glided and lowered in harmony. Pressing his forehead to hers, their lips inches apart and their breaths combining, he confessed, “Luckee, I swear you drive me crazy. I honestly don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  Smiling at him because she couldn’t either, she licked at his top lip and he groaned. Running his hand up her back and gripping her hair, he tilted her head back lavishing her throat and collarbone with gentle sucking, and deep, lingering kisses.

  “Alright you two, save it for later.” Blondie bounced up a shot in each hand. Passing one off to Preston, they finished them. Gyrating around Preston, she raised her hands in the air and slithered about him. One of the guys from the table danced up to Luckee. It seemed harmless at first. But the longer she watched Blondie wiggle her much too exposed breasts and ass around and on Preston, the more possessive Luckee became. He came there with her. And, catching Blondie side-eyeing her and smirking made it worse.

  Deciding she had enough, she gestured to the guy slinking in front of her that she needed something to drink. He caught her before she got away, yanking her by the waist pelvis to pelvis. Grinding against her, his hands went below her ass rubbing and lifting her dress. Flattening her palms on his chest, it took several attempts before she broke free of him and his handsy self.

  Preston followed her meeting her at their original table. “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  She wanted to leave. This wasn’t her scene. “I’m ready to go. You stay.” Spying Nicole coming their way, a concerned expression on her face, Luckee avoided further conversation with Preston.

  Sweaty and out of breath, Nicole questioned, “Are you leaving?” She mouthed, “Is everything okay?”

  “It’s been a busy day. Are you staying at your sister’s tonight?” Luckee knew the answer. Nicole never drank and drove. Her sister, Leigh, lived in the city. And Nicole used the Uber app on her phone the occasions she consumed any questionable amount of alcohol.

  A hot guy across the bar held up two beers and Nicole waved at him. “That’s Nate. I’m going to stay and hang out with him a little longer. Do you want to go to Leigh’s too? We can leave together.”

  “I’m good. Go have fun. And be careful.” They hugged and Nicole left her to confront an impatient and puzzled Preston.

  “Are you not going to answer me? Is something wrong?” he repeated.

  She didn’t see any point in getting into it. She knew before they even started it wouldn’t work out between them. They were too different. “I’m just ready to go. Thank you for dinner and attending the showing with me.”

  “I thought you would go back to my place with me. We can go back to yours but mine is a lot closer.” Planting his elbows on the table, he leaned across it, his handsome face tempting her.

  Blondie strutted up with more shots. Shoulder to shoulder with Preston, she urged, “Come back out and dance, it’s been too long since we all saw each other.”

  “Yes, go. Don’t let me hold you up.” Luckee glared at Blondie before turning her back to them and walking toward the exit. Any other time she wouldn’t have given Blondie any sense of satisfaction, but in that situation, with excessive alcohol involved, best for her to leave and not engage.

  “Hey, wait up. I told you we can go back to my place. I didn’t bring you out to just have you leave by yourself.” Preston followed her outside.

  “You didn’t bring me out, Preston. I drove myself. And I told you the other morning we should leave things as they were. I’m sorry you expected to get laid again. Maybe Blondie can help with that,” she hissed. And sorry she did so. She sounded like a jealous, immature bitch.

  “Blondie? Do you mean Lexie? She’s a friend. Is that what this is about? She and I never hooked up. I took her to prom one year in high school, but we never dated.” The tension in his face lessened and he grinned at her. “Someone is jealous—” he teased.

  Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut? “No, I’m not. I don’t particularly enjoy watching some chick dry hump my date and be on the receiving end of the same action by his friend.”

  “Whoa. Sorry we all offended you. We were just having some fun,” he stated. The joking, happy guy transformed into a discouraged, insulted one. “I didn’t realize you were uncomfortable. You could have said something. I feel like a total jackass now.”

  So did she. “Just go back in. Have some more
alcohol. I’m sure that will make it all better. And, I hope you aren’t planning on getting behind a wheel tonight.” And there she went again. She figured her plan must be to belittle and condemn him to ensure he lost any and all interest in her.

  “Good-night, Luckee.” He left her in the cold, night air. But not before she witnessed the hurt in his dulled, blue eyes.

  Chapter Three

  After arriving home the previous night, Luckee couldn’t sleep. Nicole texted confirming she made it home. She contemplated sharing with Nicole what happened between her and Preston, but decided against it. For all she knew Nicole could still be with the guy she met.

  No, she deserved to suffer alone for her unnecessary rudeness. Did she sabotage what could have been a great relationship? She doubted it. She continued reaching the same conclusion. They didn’t have much in common. He would grow bored with her simple life. And she loved her life. So, they had the best sex ever and a dinner date. So why did the thought of not seeing him again bother her so much?

  After ten in the morning, she forced herself to get out of bed. She had plenty to do to occupy her time. Setting up the coffee maker and starting it she thought of her mom and her invitation to bake in her kitchen. Part of her knew she could use some company, the other part of her desired isolation from comments and questions about the night before and Preston. She wished she could forget about her hasty remarks and behavior, so recounting them didn’t enter her spectrum of appealing activities for her weekly day off. Instead, she turned on the theme song from Frozen and sang along with it. What good would texting or calling him do? How could she believe he would respond or answer?

  Completing four dozen macarons, each dozen a different color and flavor, she mixed up the batter for cupcakes. If she planned to make a go of selling baked goods through the ice cream shop what better time to introduce it and possibly acquire some orders for Valentine’s Day. She hoped it flowed over and into the peak season at the lake. Summer tourists could purchase them for family reunions, holidays, birthdays. It excited her thinking of all the possibilities.


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