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Sweeter Than Chocolate: Valentine's Day Anthology

Page 27

by Gina Kincade

  Whoa. Strong. She grimaced, swiveled, and ducked her head hoping he didn’t see her.

  He laughed. “Can’t say I didn’t warn you,” he defended.

  And it certainly relaxed her. Introduced to the others surrounding the island, names she would never remember, she forgot about Preston and didn’t watch for him. Finishing the concoction that went down way too easily, she excused herself for a trip to the bathroom.

  Instead of using the main bathroom, she went to the back of the house and into the laundry room, probably because she used it before. Twisting to slide the pocket door closed, Preston stepped in and did it for her. Every part of her heated and her heart pounded. Damn he was beautiful.

  His eyes found hers and they conveyed, or she thought they did, the same reeling emotions she felt. Lust. Craving. Oh how she missed him.

  “Stop looking at me like I’m one of your desserts, Luckee,” he warned.

  Oh, her desserts didn’t compare to him. “Why? Am I making you uncomfortable?” She blamed the drink for making her rather ballsy. She knew exactly where this would lead, and she didn’t care.

  “Someone is buzzed,” he chuckled. “Fuck it,” he groaned. His hands came to her hips and he lifted her off her feet setting her on the dryer. Drawing her flush to him, his mouth claimed hers in a ravenous, rough kiss. He tasted so good, and she came at him hard in return. One hand at his back, she held him firm to her. The other she clutched the hair at the back of his head keeping his mouth on hers.

  And she drank him up as if her life depended on it. Being with him made her want things. Not just from him, and with him, it invigorated dormant parts of her and roused more.

  “Preston, are you in there?” A most unwelcome female voice called from outside the door. The unwanted intruder couldn’t figure out how to open it. The door rattled and shook from her pushing on it. “Are you in there? Let’s go. I haven’t seen her here.”

  Pulling away, his eyes wide, he rushed his words. “Luckee, before you go and—”

  Her hands did little to push him away so she used her feet. “Oh my God. Every time we are together I can’t make sensible decisions.”

  “That’s not true. Here you go again.” He adjusted his jeans, with little to no success in hiding his obvious erection. “Did you not hear what she said? I came here—”

  The door slid open and Lexie’s mouth fell open. “I…uh. Sorry. I’ll shut this back and pretend I never interrupted.”

  “Don’t bother. We’re done,” Luckee snapped.

  Lexie’s shoulders slumped and she scrunched her face in apology, “I’m really sorry. I really am. Let me explain.”

  Luckee actually ‘humphed’ aloud. “Don’t bother. I should be the one apologizing. I saw your pics in Colorado. This was pretty shitty of me.”

  “No. No. You have it all wrong,” insisted Lexie.

  Luckee realized Lexie might be right. She did. But sorting it out amidst hooking up with Preston in a laundry room didn’t measure in as the wisest option. Or, advantageous. Physically it did, of course, but not anything beyond that moment.

  “You aren’t driving, Luckee,” Preston dictated.

  How come protesting came as her initial instinct? How juvenile could she be? Of course she shouldn’t drive. She had her new to her car, a used SUV, less than a week, and the fact she contemplated seeking refuge in it for even the briefest moment pissed her off. When did she become such a hypocrite? Always she practiced what she preached. But, not with Preston. And it infuriated her.

  He and Lexie both stood watching her. Neither made a move, nor spoke. “Why of course I’m not driving anywhere. Gee. See what I mean, you both think so little of me.” Now why she did she go and add the last part?

  “I do believe this is my cue to take leave.” Lexie appeared shaken and at a total loss for words. “Luckee, I hope we have an opportunity to talk soon. Get to know each other.”

  Luckee’s astonishment at Lexie’s appeal obviously translated as she skedaddled away. Preston laughed. “You are a firecracker, Luckee. How about I propose this—” She opened her mouth to oppose, for no other reason than to disagree with anything he said. Why, because she was still mad at him. Or she should be. He kissed her. Quick, rushed, and sweetly. “I came here hoping to see you. Maybe I should have tried to call you or text you, but even before I insulted your integrity, you weren’t very apt to respond. And, I’m pretty damn certain you saw me trying to chase you down the day you sped away from my apartment. So, I ambushed you tonight. Now, I want nothing more than to talk to you about things, but not tonight. You’re having fun, and I want you to. I will be your designated driver tonight.”

  “I had one drink. I seriously doubt I’ll be needing a—” He kissed her again. He held his mouth to hers longer that time, not by much, just enough to have her craving more.

  “If you do, or if you don’t. You have one. I won’t crowd you. I’ll just be near. Tonight you can have fun and not have to worry about any negative consequences.” He grimaced while finishing his last thought, and he completed it with another, deeper kiss.

  Had she ever been out and not worried about setting the perfect example? Or getting the ones who didn’t home safely? She had no desire to throw down as some did, but his offer sounded appealing. The longer she stood there searching for arguments against it, she finally located one. “Hmm, what about Lexie? Isn’t she your date? How many chicks you think you can handle, Mr. Bigshot?”

  He laughed so hard he doubled over. “You are so damn cute. I’ve never lied to you, Luckee. Lexie and I are only friends, and I think you know that. But, I do want you to eat something. A few crackers and cheese. At least something.”

  She over-exaggerated a nod. It left her feeling like a bobble-head. “I rather like this idea of yours.” How did the evening begin one way and divert completely? And did it matter? She trusted Preston. And, this meant he would drive her home. He would have to stay, as they would only have one car. It had to be hers. She had to work in the morning. She could walk, but nah. It may only be a little less than a three mile walk, but she got plenty of exercise, more when she had Preston around.

  He kissed her again. His soft tongue barely brushed hers. “Good. Let’s find some food.”

  Until he took her to the food, she couldn’t recall when she ate last. It rather embarrassed her how she inhaled cracker after cracker, and it incorporated standing in the kitchen with Jessica, Corey, Luther and a few of the other individuals she met earlier witnessing it.

  They all decided to go outside and enjoy the stars. The deck at the back of the house with stairs leading down to the lake enchanted her. They had a fire pit encased in the same river rock of the fireplace on the deck, and in the yard, they created pits bordered with tree stumps, and one with cement blocks. She loved it. Modern touches interwoven with the charm of the locale, it captured the best of both worlds, a perfect, stunning combination.

  Preston never let her out of his sight. Before they went outside he took his keys to Lexie and she left. It had her chuckling because he walked sideways over to Lexie so he wouldn’t lose eye contact with her and not fall in the process. He dramatically raised his hands over his head proving he didn’t initiate it and didn’t reciprocate the hug Lexie gave him on her way out.

  Sitting beside Jessica around a fire, Preston went on the other side conversing with Corey and some others. Each and every time she allowed her eyes to wander to him, she received a debonair wink, or an indiscreet, yet seductive sexual innuendo. His effect on her grew stronger each time they were together. Her cheeks warmed, as all of her did. She loved his silliness as much as she loved his sexiness.

  “What do you think of the drink? I found it online somewhere and thought it sounded good. Potent enough to warm your insides, but sweet enough you can enjoy it.” Jessica talked more to herself than anyone in particular. Thank goodness. It alleviated some of Luckee’s remorse for her inattention.

  She actually found herself enjoying everything abo
ut the party. Most of the attendees, minus Preston, had responsibilities and jobs. They were professionals and behaved as such. None of the men became loud and crude. None of them monopolized the conversation by cracking insulting jokes about their significant other.

  “As much as I miss them, it is nice to have Sissy take the kids overnight. I never did it until the night we both had a showing at Luther’s gallery. Man, what a night that was. Corey and I basically relived our first night together and our wedding night.” Jessica picked her foldable chair up and moved it closer to Luckee. They sat out by a fire closest to the lake. It didn’t have any built-in seating, so they brought out stadium chairs and milk crates.

  “I forgot about all the things I wanted to talk to you about. One of them is Lexie.” Jessica took a big sigh, another sip of her drink, and bumped her mouth into Luckee’s ear. “Sorry,” she whispered. Finding a location she deemed comfortable, about two feet away from Luckee, she continued in a hushed voice, “Preston told me…don’t tell me I told you. Or him I told you. The day he spent with you in the kitchen, and you had him watching chick flicks—” She laughed hard and loud before reverting into her covert personality. “Anyhow, we won’t tell ‘Mad Max’ how his Uncle Preston watched the girly shows. He asked me what I thought about him taking you to Colorado and meeting our parents.” Carried away in her amusement she first went toward the fire in a fit of laughter before teetering and saving herself from falling backward. “I still, to this day, haven’t had Corey spend longer than a few hours with them. I mean, I guess it’s sweet, but if you have any doubts about him and Lexie…don’t. Her parents and our parents have been besties forever. If either of Lexie or Preston shows up without someone, the fab four immediately go into ‘let’s introduce them to suitable partners’ mode. So, they usually go together. I wouldn’t wish my mom on anyone.”

  He wanted to take her to Colorado? To meet his parents? Why didn’t he ever mention it? Because when he realized she was the pathetic girl from the party, she embarrassed him.

  She felt herself descending into the negative space in her head again. She reminded herself the two had a misunderstanding. Of course, he wouldn’t contact her and ask her to go out of town. It astounded her it ever crossed his mind. He proved that evening he still wanted her. And she never wanted anything more than she wanted him.

  “He finally agreed not to expose you to such extreme torture so soon. I told him going with Lexie to Colorado was a bonehead move. But between mom hounding him about going and Lexie running into him at the club and begging him afterward to not have her go alone, he went. If I were you, I would’ve been pissed too, but trust me, better her deal with them than you. And, it seems as if you two have kissed and made up? I hope so,” Jessica jabbered.

  Jessica thought they were on the outs because of Lexie. As in her usual fashion, her mind wondered if he didn’t tell Jessica the whole story because it degraded him being with her. But she stopped herself from harking on it. He came there hoping to see her. “I hope we have,” Luckee replied.

  “He really admires you, Luckee. He brags on you all the time. His says there’s nothing you won’t pursue that you’re passionate about. You’re a good influence on him,” Jessica admitted.

  True. She may not have huge aspirations, but she had them. And she had ambition and set attainable goals and met them. And currently in her life, they included him. So, she had never been a quitter and she wouldn’t start now. “Thank you, Jessica. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”

  “We both adore you.” Lifting her cup in the air, Jessica cooed, “Corey, baby, will you go up and fix the girls another one.”

  Jessica’s attractive husband eyed her from across the crackling, glowing, cozy fire. “Last one. We don’t have the kids and I’m not having you laid up in bed with a hangover tomorrow. Laid up is one thing,” he responded.

  Chapter Six

  Luckee didn’t get lucky after they left the party and got to her place. And not from lack of trying. She wouldn’t keep her hands off of Preston during the drive from Jessica’s. She managed to unbutton Preston’s jeans and fondle him a little, but he playfully advised her he would pull over and stop the car if she didn’t stop. He reminded her over and over she had work in the morning and he needed to get her home and in bed—to sleep.

  He must have been right because she fell asleep before they reached her apartment. Watching and confirming she drank a tall glass of water first, in addition to the bottled one he had her finish on the drive, he took her to the bedroom and dodged her roaming hands as he undressed her. She giggled like a fool observing his obvious determination and discomfort at avoiding her advances.

  “If I couldn’t observe, and touch—” She reached to undo his jeans. He sidestepped her. But not before her fingers brushed the bulge in the front. “Your obvious interest, I’d be hurt.” She planted a frown on her face.

  “Well, you know, without a doubt, I’m most interested. Do you realize it’s after one in the morning? And, I don’t want any more misconceptions or uncertainties, on either of our parts. So, we will wait on any weighty topics of discussion until we both are capable of comprehending and retaining them, and also on any sex. I want us both to enjoy the complete experience again.” Walking to the other side of the bed, he pulled back the covers. “Now in bed, Li’l Lady.”


  Preston woke her up before her alarm, a glass of water in one hand and two ibuprofen in the other. “Slide back against the headboard and take these. I have a cup of coffee on the nightstand.”

  She did as he instructed, though her head protested. It pounded and swam. He went around and climbed in bed beside her on his side facing her. Wearing nothing but his briefs, she laid her head back, closed her eyes, and cursed herself for feeling so shitty and not taking advantage of having him in her bed again.

  “Sometimes I think I can read your mind. Maybe it’s wishful thinking. But I seriously can’t wait to get you under me and demonstrate how much I adore your little body and missed it. You look a little green today, so I’ll prolong the hellish wait. We will have plenty of opportunities,” Preston assured.

  “You aren’t mad at me anymore? I know I should have said something, but I couldn’t bring myself—”

  He splayed fingers and stretched them across her bare stomach. “Stop. I think I understand better than you think I do. What matters is what we do from here. And for today that consists of me getting some toast in your belly and you off to the shop. I didn’t see any dessert boxes you need loaded. I’ve been keeping up with your progress online, so I know you’re showcasing them today and taking orders.”

  The pains in her head intensified when she smiled, but she couldn’t help herself. She couldn’t be happier. “They are at my parent’s house.”

  Kissing her stomach, he rolled out of the bed. “I’ll drop some bread in the toaster. You get in the shower. I’ll knock first next door, and I’ll start loading the car if you tell me where the desserts are. Will your dad or mom be up?”

  Her dad hired a guy who opened the store most mornings, except on the weekends, her dad did it. “Mom will be up. She’ll be waiting to help load.”

  It sucked her body felt so shitty, because her heart and mind didn’t. She sure did have fun though and having Preston cater to her added an enormous bonus. The time came for her to leave and she worried over when she would see him again. But she didn’t say anything. He offered to ride with her, help get everything in and set up, and walk back, but she told him her dad would help. He planned to call Corey and Jessica around lunch time and have them pick him up and take him into to the city when they went to get their kids from Sissy.

  “I know you aren’t feeling a hundred percent, so how about I plan on coming back tomorrow night if you’d like,” he suggested. Did he want to come back that night? Would he?

  She really did feel like hell, so she accepted his suggestion. “That sounds great. I’ll cook some dinner.”

  Backing ou
t of the driveway, she couldn’t help but stare at him as he watched her leave. The desire to put the car in drive, gun it, and pull back in came strong, but she didn’t. They lingered outside of her car longer than she needed to, and she would be late to work. It took a sheer force of willpower she had no knowledge she possessed to abandon the comfort and pleasure she found being in his arms again. He held her to him, kissed the top of her head, and apologized for his hurtful comments the day in his apartment.

  She would take advantage of the next two days, plan a scrumptious meal, and devote herself and her body to him the way she yearned to when he came back the next night. The skies opened up before she arrived at the shop. It poured. Her dad met her in the back with an umbrella, but because of the deck, she couldn’t get her car close enough to avoid soaking herself and her dessert boxes.

  On the plus side, the store stayed empty of customers. They couldn’t expect any fisherman out on the lake in the nasty weather, and most others remained inside their warm, dry homes. Lightning and thunder occurred around eleven in the morning and not only lingered, it intensified. As did the wind. “Luckee, go get in the supply closet,” her dad commanded.

  Across the store at the ice cream counter, she did as he said. Without closing the door, she called to him. “Dad, are you coming?” She hated the severity of the weather in the area, and the high occurrence of it.

  The rain pelted the glass of the windows and doors and the wind howled outside. Her dad waved his phone in the air and started in her direction. What came first she couldn’t say, a snap of lightning sounded, thunder boomed, and a crack and crash reverberated throughout her.

  Whether an involuntary response or a result of the proximity of the energy expelled, her knees buckled and she fell to the floor. Scanning the area in front of her for her dad, she located him on all fours. He shouted, “Are you okay?”

  Her ears rang and her body shivered uncontrollably. She tried to speak, but nothing came. Shaking her head, he stood and came to her. Kneeling beside her, he assisted in getting her into a sitting position, her back against the storage room door. “Whattt…happened?” she stuttered.


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