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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 25

by Shawn Sodman

  Trisha and Lee are both working this evening. Lee looks at the room full of women and says, “With all these Amazons around, the men will be spending their money buying them drinks instead of tipping us well.”

  Trisha replies, “Hopefully we won't have to worry about as many unwanted advances.”

  “At least I get to serve Mr. Na'Moon,” says Lee with a smile. “He always tips well.”

  “Just remember,” says Trisha, “I get him next time.”

  “I know,” Lee says as she walks away with a large mug in her hand. Lee maneuvers through the crowded room, making her way toward Chance's table. When she arrives, she says, “Good evening, Mr. Na'Moon.”

  Chance looks up from the table and replies, “Good evening, Lee.”

  Lee places the mug in her hand down on the table. “I hope you don't mind, I brought you the usual.”

  “Thank you,” Chance replies with a smile.

  Lee looks at Chance, noticing that he seems to be preoccupied with something. She says, “Begging your pardon, sir, but are you hiding from someone?”

  Chance peeks out from under the hood of the cloak and says, “Not exactly. I just don't wish to be bothered right now.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, sir,” Lee replies. “I'll leave you alone.”

  “Wait,” says Chance as she turns to leave. Lee stops and Chance says, “I wasn’t referring to you. I just know how the Amazons can behave. Especially when there is alcohol involved.”

  “I see,” replies Lee.

  Chance takes out a gold coin. He hands it to her and says, “I also know that you won't likely get any tips tonight.”

  Lee looks at the gold coin and smiles brightly. She asks, “Is this for me?”

  Chance replies, “Yes, just keep my mug full and the rest is yours.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Na'Moon,” Lee says excitedly. She stuffs the gold coin in her pouch and thanks him before hurrying off. When she gets back to Trisha she says quietly, “He gave me a golden crown for a tip.”

  “That's not fair!” Trisha exclaims. “I should get to serve him for the next week.”

  “Don't worry,” says Lee. “I'll share it with you.”

  “Aw, thanks,” Trisha says.

  Lee replies, “That's what friends are for.”

  A few tables away, Lyra takes a drink from a mug. She shudders and says, “That is strong.”

  Gelana laughs and says, “It's not as strong as what we had in Ogre's Mead.”

  Yentroc says, “I don't think anything is that strong.”

  The young ladies laugh as two Amazons from the house of La'harn approach the table. They are both slightly taller than even Rehma and Yentroc. Their long blonde hair is down and they have the traditional markings of the house of La'harn on their right cheeks and covering their right arms. One of them says to Lyra, “Congratulations, Lyra. It looks like you got yourself a fine prize.”

  “Thank you,” Lyra says politely as she grasps the golden bead on her necklace.

  “She wasn't talking about your honor token,” says the other Amazon. She looks at Sven and says, “She was talking about him. He certainly is quite the prize.”

  Gelana and Rehma give each other the same uneasy look as Lyra replies, “He’s not a prize. He’s my friend.”

  “So, you haven't claimed him?” asks the first one. She turns to Sven and says, “In that case, my name is Tara, and this is my friend Jenna.”

  Jenna asks, “What’s your name, handsome?”

  “Sven,” he answers reluctantly.

  The others at the table try to suppress their emotions and quietly listen as Tara says, “Sven, a man like you deserves a real woman... a La'harn woman.”

  Ja'noa can no longer contain herself. She says, “Well, when you find a real La'harn woman, you can let us know.”

  The provocative comment gets a few laughs from those at the table. Jenna turns to Ja'noa and says, “Oh, look, Tara, it’s the Dri'el who thinks she’s a warrior.” Ja'noa stands up as Jenna makes her way over to her. The much taller Jenna looks down at Ja'noa and says, “Without your daggers, you are nothing.”

  Ja'noa replies, “Why don't we put that to the test?”

  Evelena stands up and pulls Ja'noa back. She says, “We’re not going to test anything.” She manages to get Ja'noa behind her as Kel'ana takes Ja'noa's arm and tries to calm her friend.

  Tara laughs and says teasingly, “If it isn't the leader of group.”

  Rehma and Gelana get up and stand behind Evelena as Jenna says, “You may have had a brilliant idea while you were in the north, but the only reason you’re their leader is because you can speak so many languages.”

  Tara adds, “Let's be honest, Evelena, you’re nothing more than a glorified translator.”

  Evelena says, “Then let me translate this for you!” She only takes one step towards Tara before Gelana and Rehma each grab and arm and hold her back. Evelena yells, “Let go! I’m not afraid of them.”

  Gelana, pulling her away, says, “Calm down.”

  “They can translate my fist hitting their faces!” Evelena yells.

  Sven stands up and says to the two La'harn women, “Thank you for your interest in Sven. It is cute, but Sven is not interested.”

  Tara and Jenna are both speechless. Lyra snickers as she holds back her laughter. Sven says to Lyra, “Sven is going to go talk with friend now.” And with that, Sven leaves to go talk with Chance.

  Rehma and Gelana continue to stand in Evelena’s way, though she has now calmed herself. Tara nudges Jenna and says, “Come on, let's go.”

  As the two Amazons leave, Gelana asks Evelena, “Are you all right? I’ve never seen you like this before.”

  Evelena, embarrassed by her outburst, sighs, “I’m fine.”

  Kel'ana asks, “How much have you had to drink?”

  “I haven't had anything to drink,” replies Evelena.

  Rehma says, “I never thought I would be the one pulling you away from a fight.” The others laugh as Rehma says, “Evelena, I’m sorry for my behavior in the north, and thank you for telling A'ranah…” She pauses as she thinks of the right words, then finishes, “…the good parts.”

  “Any time,” Evelena says as she takes her seat at the table again. “And thank you for holding me back. A brawl in a tavern isn't really becoming of us.”

  Yentroc, changing the subject, asks Lyra, “Are you nervous about what Sven and Chance are talking about?”

  “No, why?” asks Lyra.

  “Because,” Yentroc says, “I think Sven is asking Chance for permission to see you.”

  “Chance is not my father,” replies Lyra as she looks over at the table where Sven and Chance are sitting. “Sven doesn't need permission from him.”

  “All right,” says Yentroc. “Maybe 'permission' isn't the right word, but I would be willing to bet all my honor that you are what they’re talking about.”

  At the far side of the Inn, Sven has just finished telling Chance about his time with the Amazon sisters. Sven says, “And then we all came through the gate.”

  Chance says, “It sounds like you had a very interesting time. Thank you for looking after them, especially my children.”

  “Of course,” replies Sven. He takes a drink from his mug and says, “And Sven kept his word. Nothing happened between Sven and your sisters.”

  “I knew I could trust you,” Chance replies.

  A silence follows as Sven works up the courage tell Chance what is on his mind. He finally says, “Sven will admit, that it was not easy.”

  Chance nods and grins. “I am sure it wasn't. The two dark haired ones are very forward. I am sure it must have been difficult to turn down their advances.”

  Sven, looking at his mug, says, “It was not Yentroc or Gelana that Sven was tempted by.”

  Chance thinks for a moment before asking, “Was it Kristieana?”

  “No,” laughs Sven. “Though you did not mention her, so Sven did make pass at Kristieana, but she told Sven that she
had someone in her life already.”

  “She meant Isen?” guesses Chance.

  “No,” answers Sven. “This was before Isen joined group. It must have been someone else.”

  Chance sighs, trying not to become distracted with the subject of Kristieana. He pulls back the hood of his cloak and looks at the table where the girls are still sitting. Yentroc and Lyra, who are both watching Sven and Chance, quickly turn back to their own table. Chance asks, “Who is it, then?”

  Sven momentarily glances at the other table before saying, “Sven has feelings for Lyra.”

  Chance, puzzled, asks, “How old is she?”

  Sven answers, “She is as old as others, but she is Dri'el and looks younger than she is.”

  Chance nods and asks, “Is this what you wanted to talk about?”

  “Yes,” Sven answers. “Sven was hoping for your approval.”

  Chance, even more perplexed, asks, “My approval? Why?”

  “She is your sister,” replies Sven.

  “Well, yes,” Chance says, “she is Dri'el, but I don't believe we are that closely related, and even if we were, I don't really have a say on what she can do with her life.”

  “Sven understands this,” he replies. “But Sven would feel better if he knew how you honestly felt about it.”

  Chance ponders his friend's request. He clears his throat and says, “You are my friend and you will have my support, but if you want my honest opinion, I don't think it is a good idea. She is very young, and she is experiencing the outside world for the first time. In a year, she is going to have to make a difficult decision. What if your involvement in her life affects that decision and she decides to leave the sisterhood? Are you prepared for that? Do you think you can keep her safe from harm, the way that I thought I could protect Sha'al? I often wonder if she would still be alive today had she stayed in the sisterhood. Then again, perhaps you can keep her safe, and then what? Over the years she will have to watch you age as she stays forever young. Of, course, it is quite possible that none of that will matter. After this year, she may decide to go back. Then you have to ask yourself, are you prepared to lose her?” Chance pauses to give Sven a moment to think about what he had just said. “I don't have the answers,” Chance continues. “It is up to you and her how you live your lives. I am only pointing out that I cannot see how it could ever end well.”

  After a few moments, Sven says, “Thank you for being honest, my friend. You have given Sven much to think about.” Sven stands up and walks back over to where the others are still sitting.

  Lyra, noticing the distant look on Sven's face, asks, “Is everything all right?”

  Sven forces a smile and replies, “Yes, everything is good, but Sven is going to go back to his room now.”

  “Why?” asks Lyra. “It's still early.”

  “Sven has much thinking to do,” he replies. “Goodnight, everyone.” Before anyone can respond, Sven walks away, exiting the inn.

  Yentroc says, “I guess Chance said no.”

  Lyra glares at Chance, who is looking down at his drink. She says angrily, “I’m going over there to find out exactly what he said to Sven.” She stands up and takes three steps before becoming paralyzed with anxiety. She turns around and says, “Right after I finish this ale.”

  Evelena asks, “Are you sure they were talking about you?”

  Kel'ana says, “When Sven and I were on watch together in the north, he certainly made it sound like he wanted Chance's approval before he pursued anything with Lyra.”

  Lyra, frustrated, snaps, “Why does everyone care about what Sven and I are doing? Why can't everyone just mind their own affairs?”

  Yentroc puts her arm around her friend's shoulders. “We aren't trying to cause trouble. We’re just trying to help.”

  “I know,” Lyra replies. She says to Kel'ana, “I’m sorry. I didn't mean that to be directed at you. I’m just angry with Chance right now.”

  Evelena says, “Well, you may have to talk with him later about that.”

  Everyone looks over at the now empty table where Chance was sitting just minutes ago. Lyra says, “Where did he go?”

  Gelana says, “I didn't see him leave. He was just there a moment ago.”

  Lyra sighs and says, “I guess I’m going to bed, too.”

  Yentroc says, “Well, this wasn't much of a celebration, was it?”

  Evelena says, “I’m sure tomorrow will be better.”

  Day 18

  Chapter 35

  First Dawn

  Ariella is sitting at the table in the captain's lounge writing in her journal when there is a knock at the door. She closes the leather-bound book and says, “Enter.”

  Torgus enters the room. “Captain, I’m sorry to bother you, but this young man has informed me that all ships are to depart immediately while the ceasefire is still holding.”

  Ariella can see a man standing behind Torgus. She calls to him, “You there!”

  The man, in his early twenties, nervously takes off his hat before entering the lounge. “Yes, ma'am?”

  “Under whose orders are we to leave?” she asks.

  He clears his throat and says, “Chance Na'Moon told me that the orders are from the King himself, but charged me with the task of informing the captains.”

  “Of course he did,” Ariella grumbles. “He is too much of a coward to tell me himself.”

  The young man, confused, asks, “Ma'am?”

  “Never mind,” replies Ariella. “You tell Chance Na'Moon...” She suddenly stops mid-sentence and ponders.

  “Tell him what, ma'am?” he asks.

  “Forget it,” she says as she puts on her coat. “I'll tell him myself.” Torgus and the man stand aside as Ariella storms past them and out the door.

  Just two docks down, the Sea Griffin is also moored. Fidelma emerges from below deck and is greeted by Fernando. “Buenos dias, Fidelma,” he says warmly.

  Fidelma, puzzled to see him on the deck of her ship, replies, “First, what are you doing here? And second, don't call me Fidelma.”

  Fernando smiles and answers, “First of all, I am here to see if you want breakfast, and secondly, why do you not want me to call you by your name? It is a beautiful name that even means beauty in Irish.”

  Fidelma sighs, “First, no, I do not want to have breakfast with you, second, I know what my name means, but how did you know?”

  “First of all...” Fernando loses his train of thought. After a moment he says, “I am done with the firsts and seconds.” He grins seductively and continues, “If there is one thing I know, it is beauty, and you, my darling, are its definition.” Fidelma begins to laugh. Fernando asks, “What do you find so funny?”

  “You,” she replies as she regains her composure. “What are doing?” she asks.

  Fernando walks to the side of the ship and leans on the railing. He says, “I told you, I am here to see if you would like to get something to eat.”

  “I know that,” Fidelma replies. “But I am talking about the compliments and the flirtation.”

  Fernando replies, “Are you telling me that it is not working?”

  “Of course not,” Fidelma scoffs. “Don't misunderstand me, I find it cute the way you think this kind of talk will work on me. I’m sure it works on plenty of women, but I can see past your lies. I have seen a lot of men like you, and I have been inside their heads. You’re all the same.”

  “Ah, I see,” he says as he stands up and approaches her. “There may be men like me, but there is only one me. I am like no other man you have ever met.”

  “I'll take your word for it,” she replies.

  Samantha comes up from below deck and eyes Fernando, “What are you doing here?” she asks.

  Fernando looks at Fidelma and whispers, “You had your chance.” He then walks past her to the tall blonde and says, “Samantha, I was wondering if you might like to get something to eat with me this morning.”

  Fidelma laughs to herself as she watches F
ernando now trying to invite her first mate to breakfast. Samantha hesitates before answering, “I’m sorry, but no, thank you.”

  Fernando sighs, “You two are no fun.”

  As he starts to make his way over to the plank leading to the dock below, Fidelma replies, “Trust me, we are fun, but we’re just not interested in your type.”

  Fernando stops and asks, “And what type is that?”

  Fidelma answers, “The type who pursue anyone who is willing, and the type who is interested in only one thing.”

  Fernando steps over the railing and onto the plank. He says, “Fidelma, my darling, I am interested in a great many things. When it comes to pursuing, I only chase after those who are worth catching, and believe me, I am far from giving up on you.”

  Fidelma and Samantha watch Fernando walk down the plank and onto the dock. Fidelma says, “I don't think we’ve seen the last of him.”

  Samantha shakes her head, “No, I don't suppose we have. I’m sure the last thing you want to do is get involved with Ariella’s half-brother.”

  “You’re right, it would probably drive Ariella mad,” replies Fidelma. She smiles and adds, “Maybe I should go after him.”

  The women both laugh and Samantha says, “I thought you and Ariella were getting along well again.”

  “We are,” replies Fidelma. “Still, I wouldn't mind making her suffer just a little bit.”

  In the throne room of the castle, Chance is talking with King Arioch and A'ranah. Serena La'harn and Leanara Dri'el are also there. They hear the voices of a heated argument through the door of the main entrance. The voices are muffled, and although they cannot hear what they are saying, it is clear that someone is quite upset.

  The door opens slightly as a guard enters hurriedly before closing it once more. Arioch asks the guard, “What is all the commotion about?”

  The guard bows his head and says, “I beg your pardon, Your Highness, but there is woman outside insisting on having an audience with Mr. Na'Moon, sir.”

  Chance asks the guard, “Do you know who this woman is?”


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