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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

Page 37

by Shawn Sodman

  With a tone that sounds almost like begging, Ariella says, “Chance, I need your help, please.”

  Chance stands up as Ariella reaches him. “What is it?” he asks. “Are you all right?”

  “She took him!” she says unhelpfully.

  Confused, Chance asks, “Who?”

  “Fidelma,” she answers as she pulls out a folded parchment. “Last night, we got into an argument, and this morning I found this on my door.” She hands Chance the paper and as he looks it over Ariella explains the contents of the letter. “She says that unless I give her five hundred gold pieces and turn over Corthag's book, she will turn my brother in at Bastion.”

  Chance looks over the writing carefully. He folds it, hands it back to her, and says, “It says to meet her at East Artos. Why don't you just give her what she's asking for?”

  “It would take too long to get there and I don't have that much gold left,” she explains. “Work has been scarce for months now, and I put everything into finding my father's treasure, only to find out it was already spent. Please, Chance, I’m begging you. I'll give you Corthag's book and what little gold I have left to take to her. I’m almost certain she will accept it, but if she doesn't, I need you to get him back.”

  “I don't have time to fly to Artos,” he replies. “The orcneas are attacking in two days.”

  King Arioch and the goblin, Resheck, enter the dining hall as Ariella says, “You don't have to go to Artos. If you left now, you could reach them before midday. They shouldn't be that hard to find.”

  Resheck interrupts the conversation. “If you are referring to Captain McMurphy, she may be a bit harder to find if her ship is invisible.”

  Chance asks Ariella, “You want me to chase after an invisible ship?”

  “It only works for about an hour,” says Ariella. “Besides, she would only have the spell active if she was expecting trouble. You would be the last person she would expect to come for her.”

  Resheck says, “If you are planning on going after her, Mr. Na'Moon, I should warn you that she is very formidable and dangerous.”

  “I am not planning on anything,” replies Chance.

  “Please,” Ariella begs. “Fernando is the only blood family I have. I wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't so important.”

  “What about the orcnea army?” asks Chance.

  The King interjects. “Belron reports that they have set up camp a half-day’s travel from here. It looks like they are continuing to keep their promise.”

  Chance looks at Resheck. “Tell me everything I need to know about Fidelma McMurphy.”

  Over at the King's Shield Inn, Lyra and Yentroc are standing before one of several doors along the upper floor of the Inn. Yentroc says, “The innkeeper said this was Sven's room.”

  “Thank you for coming with me,” Lyra says to her friend. “But you can go back to camp now. I am sure that Sven and I will be all right.”

  “Sure, I understand,” Yentroc says. “I'll see you soon, then.”

  Yentroc walks down the hallway to leave as Lyra takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. Lyra watches her friend walk down the stairway and out of sight as she waits a bit longer for Sven to answer the door. Just as she is about to knock again, the door opens. Instead of the rugged Goliath, however, Lyra is stunned to find Va'leen on the other side.

  With a devious grin, Va'leen says, “Good morning, Lyra. I’m surprised to see you here.” Lyra is speechless. She looks across the room at the bed and spies Sven just waking up. Va'leen calls to him, “Sven, you have a visitor.”

  Lyra, still stunned, finds herself unable to leave as she watches the half-giant sit up in his bed. His clothes are piled on the floor next to the bed. He yawns and stretches before noticing Lyra still standing in the doorway. “Lyra?” he says. Sven looks at Va'leen and then down at the sheets covering him. Confused, he asks, “What is happening?”

  Va'leen looks at Lyra, who is still unable to react. She says to Sven, “You don't remember last night?”

  “No,” he replies as he stands up and wraps the sheet around his waist.

  Va'leen replies, “That's too bad. I know it’s a night I’ll never forget.”

  Sven looks at Lyra, who is devastated. Forcing herself to speak, Lyra asks, “How could you?” She looks at the pale-skinned Amazon.

  Va'leen leans towards Lyra and whispers, “I told you that I would make you pay.”

  Lyra rushes off as Sven calls out her name. He looks down at his naked body that is only covered by the sheet. He sits on the bed and begins to get dressed as Va'leen says to him, “I am so sorry, I had no idea.”

  “There is nothing for you to be sorry about,” Sven replies. “It is Sven's fault.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Sven must speak with her.”

  “I think you may want to give her some time. She has probably joined her friends, and they will not be happy with either of us right now.”

  Sven pulls up his trousers and stands. He says, “If her friends are angry with Sven, it is for good reason. Sven will face their wrath.”

  Va'leen, still standing at the door, replies, “I wish you luck, then. Goodbye.”

  “Goodbye,” Sven says without looking at her. Va'leen closes the door behind her as she leaves while Sven continues to put on his clothes.

  Back at the Amazon encampment in the courtyard of the castle, Yentroc and her seven companion Amazons are sitting at a table outside the large tent that they have been sharing. They are eating an assortment of fruits for breakfast.

  Lyra rushes past them and into the tent. Yentroc excuses herself from the table and joins her. Inside the tent, Lyra is lying on her furs, sobbing. Yentroc kneels beside her as the others peer in through the tent's opening.

  “I can't believe he would do this,” Lyra cries.

  Yentroc places her hand on Lyra's shoulder. “What did he do?”

  Lyra takes several deep breaths to calm herself. She sits up and explains, “When Sven's door finally opened, I found that he wasn't alone.”

  The seven women are disappointed with the news. Evelena says, “I am so sorry, Lyra.”

  “Me, too,” Rehma says. “Do you want us to hurt him?”

  Lyra smiles through the tears and says, “No, but thank you.”

  Kristieana steps forth and says, “I’m sorry that I vouched for him. Clearly he had me fooled.”

  Lyra nods and replies, “You were right, men like him only want one thing.”

  Shaking her head, Yentroc says, “I’m sorry, too. I practically pushed the two of you together.”

  “It's not your fault,” Lyra says. “He made the choice on his own.”

  Kel'ana says angrily, “I can't believe that he would just give up on you after one argument and have an affair with some bar whore.”

  Lyra looks down and says, “She was no bar whore.”

  “Who was it?” Kristieana asks.

  “I-It's not important,” Lyra stutters.

  Kristieana kneels next to Lyra and sternly asks, “Lyra, who was it?”

  Lyra looks around. Everyone is clearly curious as to the woman's identity. She says, “Do you remember the other day when I reminded you to invoke neita to keep Va'leen away from Chance?”

  While Kristieana ponders the question, Yentroc says, “It was Va'leen, wasn't it.”

  Lyra explains, “She told me that she was going to make me pay for interfering.”

  “That wench!” Kel'ana exclaims.

  Kristieana stands and clenches her fists. As she heads for the door of the tent, Lyra calls out, “Kristieana, don't!”

  Gelana asks, “Where are you going?”

  “I am going to settle things with Va'leen once and for all,” Kristieana says as she storms out of the tent.

  Lyra jumps up and chases after her. Once outside, she stands in front of Kristieana and says, “Just let it go.”

  “I can't,” Kristieana replies. “You helped me, and now Va'leen is makin
g you suffer.”

  Lyra says, “It doesn't matter anymore. She got her revenge and because of it, I know what kind of man Sven really is.”

  “I don't know how you can stay so calm about this,” Kristieana says.

  “Believe me, I’m screaming on the inside,” says Lyra. “I just want it all to stop.”

  Kristieana looks past Lyra and says, “What are you doing here?”

  Lyra turns to see Sven standing in the middle of the Amazon encampment. “Lyra,” he says. “Please, Sven needs to talk with you.”

  “No,” replies Lyra as she nervously backs toward the tent.

  “Please,” Sven begs. As he tries to approach Lyra, all seven of her friends stand in the way.

  “I think you should go now,” Rehma warns. “Before something bad happens to you.”

  “Sven needs to speak with Lyra,” he replies.

  “How could you?” Yentroc says angrily as she steps in front of the Goliath. “After everything the two of you went through, how could you throw it away?” Yentroc throws a punch at Sven's head. The fist strikes him, but does little to half-giant.

  Kristieana says, “Not bad, Yentroc. No it’s my turn.” She turns and lands a solid hit that brings Sven to his knees. “I vouched for you!” Kristieana yells in his face.

  Sven, rubbing his jaw, nods and says, “Sven is sorry that he disappointed you all.”

  “Sorry isn't good enough,” Kristieana snaps.

  “You are right,” Sven replies. “Sven does not know what else to say. It was mistake to have drink with that woman.”

  Yentroc, puzzled, asks, “That woman?”

  “Yes,” Sven replies. “Dark-haired woman from last night.”

  Kristieana asks, “Do you even know who she was?”

  Sven thinks for a moment and says, “Sven does not believe she ever said her name.”

  Lyra, distraught once again, cries out, “You didn't even know her name?”

  Kristieana says, “Why does that story sound so familiar? Oh, I know, because that’s exactly what you did the night before your wedding day.”

  Embarrassed and disheartened, Sven stands there with his head held low. Yentroc says, “In all those years since you were engaged to be married, you haven’t learned a thing.”

  Kel'ana says to him, “The woman you were with last night was Va'leen.”

  Sven asks, “The same Va'leen that you told Sven about when we were on watch together in north?”

  “Yes,” she answers.

  Kristieana turns to Kel'ana and asks, “Why were you talking with Sven about Va'leen?”

  Kel'ana explains, “He was asking about our customs and challenges. Then he wanted to know if we Amazons ever had any serious arguments. I told him about your history with Va'leen.”

  Remembering the conversation from the other day, Sven says, “Va'leen was angry with Lyra.”

  “Yes,” Yentroc says. “She even told Lyra that she was going to make her pay for helping Kristieana.”

  Sven, looking down, says, “Va'leen used Sven to hurt Lyra.”

  Yentroc replies, “Yes, she did.”

  “This makes Sven feel even worse than he did already,” he says.

  “Good, it should,” replies Yentroc coldly.

  Sven says, “Now Sven knows why you are so upset. If only he had asked her name...”

  Kristieana says, “I think you misunderstand us. We are angry with you because you took another woman to bed hours after spending the entire day with Lyra. The fact that it was Va'leen only makes matters worse.”

  Sven looks up at Lyra, who refuses to look in his direction. She looks up at the sky while wiping her tears away. Sven says, “Please, Lyra, say something to Sven. Yell at him, hit him, anything.”

  Lyra reluctantly looks Sven in the eyes before saying, “Please just go away.” She enters the tent while her sisters continue to form a wall between them.

  “Go now,” Kristieana says angrily. “While you can still do so under your own power.”

  Sven glances around and realizes that not only are the seven younger women ready to fight him, many other Amazons of the Silver Moon are looking on, as well. Their glares make their hostile intentions clear. He nods and makes his way out of the camp.

  Chapter 50


  Later in the afternoon in the brig of the Sea Griffin, Fernando is sitting in his cell. Faye enters with a platter of food. There are few grapes, as well as an apple and mug full of water. She sets the tray on the floor before sliding it over to the cell with a broom handle.

  Fernando asks, “Are you afraid to come near me?”

  “No,” she replies. “I am just being extra cautious.”

  “You are a smart woman,” he says. “It is Faye, am I right?”

  “Very good,” Faye replies. “Most people cannot tell my sister and me apart.”

  Fernando laughs, “If there is one thing I know, it is how to tell women apart, even twins. Besides, it is easy with you two. You have the prettier smile.”

  “All right, now I think you’re just flattering me,” Faye laughs.

  Fernando says, “I also notice that you blush more when you are complimented.”

  Faye sits at the table. “Just eat your lunch. The captain warned that you would try to charm me.”

  “What else did she tell you about me?” he asks.

  “Just that you may try to escape,” she replies.

  “Does she think that I could convince you to let me out?”

  “No, otherwise I wouldn't be the one bringing you your lunch.”

  “Even if you wanted to let me out, you wouldn't be able to, would you?”

  “Sure I could, but I won’t.”

  Fernando looks at her belt and notices a ring with three keys. He turns his attention to his fruit and begins to eat. “So, have you been enjoying yourself on the ship? I understand you and your sister are only serving Captain McMurphy for the summer.”

  “Yes,” Faye replies. “We’re having a good time so far. You’re the only bounty that we caught, though, since we started. The Captain said that she usually catches one or two bounties every month, but hasn't had much luck lately.”

  “How much do you get paid?”

  “We only get one percent of the earnings, but that is still a lot for us. Plus, we get food and board, and we get to travel to new places.”

  “It sounds like the two of you are having a very good summer. I wish I could say the same.”

  Feeling guilty, Faye replies, “I’m sorry you have to be a prisoner. I’m sure everything will work out fine.”

  “I am sure it will too,” he replies.

  The door to the brig opens, and Janette enters. She says to her twin sister, “I’m done washing my half of the dishes. I'll watch Fernando while you wash yours.”

  “All right,” Faye sighs. She stands up to leave as Janette sits down.

  After Faye closes the door behind her, Fernando says, “You know, out of the two of you, you have the prettier smile.”

  “Why, thank you,” Janette says as she tries to hold back her smile.

  Fernando looks at her side and sees the same exact set of keys that her sister had on her belt. “You know, I really could use more water. I would get it myself, but, as you can see...”

  Janette laughs. “Of course, I'll get you more water.” She walks over to the cell and takes the mug from Fernando.

  He takes her hand and says, “Thank you, you really are a sweet girl.”

  Janette smiles before leaving the brig to fetch more water. In the galley, Faye is washing dishes in a bucket. Janette arrives and begins to fill the mug with water from a barrel.

  Faye asks her, “What are you doing?”

  Janette replies, “I’m getting him more water.”

  “I gave him plenty,” says Faye. She looks at her sister’s belt. “Where are your keys?”

  Janette feels around her waist and says, “Oh no, he must have taken them.”

  The two s
tart to make their way back when they see Fernando exiting the brig and climbing the steep stairs to the upper deck. Faye calls out for help. “Captain! Samantha! Fernando has escaped!”

  Fernando makes his way to the upper deck, where Vindalia is at the helm. He rushes over to the edge of the ship, where the rope is lowered to bring people aboard while the ship is flying. When he sees how high the ship is in the air, and how far below the ground is, he says to the elven woman, “You there, take the ship lower.”

  Vindalia shakes her head. “I will do no such thing.”

  Fernando draws his sword. “You will if you want to live.”

  Fidelma is the first to emerge from below. Fernando rushes Vindalia and takes her hostage, standing behind her with his left arm around her neck. He holds his sword at her throat and says, “Do not make me do this, Captain. I would prefer not to spill any blood.”

  Fidelma studies him for a moment. Fay and Janette come up from below, as well. Fidelma says, “You are not going to kill her, Fernando. So put the sword away before someone gets hurt.”

  “You do not know that, Captain,” replies Fernando. “A man will do desperate things when his life is threatened.”

  Fidelma laughs. “You and I both know that your life is not in danger. I was joking about turning you over to Bastion if Ariella doesn't cooperate.”

  “All right then,” Fernando says. “You are right, I will not kill her. However, I will no longer be your prisoner, and I can see that I am outnumbered at the moment. So, in order to make things more even...” Fernando takes the hilt of the sword and strikes Vindalia on the back of the head.

  She falls to her knees and hollers in pain, “You hit me!”

  Surprised that she is still conscious, Fernando says to her, “I am sorry, I thought that it would knock you out.”

  Through gritted teeth she replies, “Well, it didn't.”

  She grabs his ankles and holds on tightly as Faye and Janette rush him and take him down. Fidelma orders, “Hold him still so I can tie him up with some rope.”

  Janette says, “We’re trying, Captain, but he’s too strong.”


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