After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2)

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After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2) Page 6

by Genevieve Woods

  “You are being such a brave girl. This will all be over soon and we will

  know what causes all the itching and burning. Can you continue being brave a little


  Nikki nodded yes, and squeezed her daddy’s hand and gripped her mom’s tighter. She was so happy God had answered her prayer and let her have a mommy and a daddy.

  Karen smiled with delight as she watched Frankie calm Nikki. This felt right. She would try to be more patient. She couldn’t imagine going through this with just Nikki and herself.

  The doctor and nurse came back into the room. The nurse had liquid medicine she explained was an antihistamine that would stop Nikki’s discomfort.

  Nikki took the medicine and began to drink. All the adults in the room saw her cute face turn into a mean frown. She closed her eyes tight and her lips became a straight line, then she spat the medicine out. It landed on the doctor’s white

  jacket. She threw the cup that contained the rest of the medicine and it hit the wall. She started to cry while she screamed.

  “That medicine is nasty; I hate it here!” She fell to the floor kicking her feet and wailing as she was in pain and now her throat hurt and her stomach burned from the inside out. The medicine tasted like bitter fire.

  It took several minutes for her parents to calm her. The doctor ordered an injection of the medicine, and it took all of the adults to hold Nikki down, as she became the little patient of horror.

  Twenty minutes later, the doctor was able to explain the test results and Karen’s heart dropped to her shoes. She listened as the doctor described her child’s life-threatening allergies. Some were environmental and others were food.

  Nikki was allergic to cedar trees, redwood trees, Bermuda grass, weeds, dust, mold, dogs, cats, shellfish, peanuts, cashews, peaches, and strawberries. She would be on four daily medicines to combat the symptoms, and would have to see the allergist once a quarter.

  Both Frankie and Karen had heavy hearts as they asked question after question. The doctor was patient and answered all their concerns. He assured them that Nikki did not have the worst-case reactions and she could grow out of the symptoms. Her medical condition was termed urticaria and they were given booklets to read and websites to visit to learn more about caring for a child with

  the illness.

  The Jones family left the Medical Specialist building, and headed out to treat Nikki with food she could eat from her favorite restaurant. Afterwards, Frankie would drop Karen off at work and keep Nikki home for the remainder of the day.

  Karen was looking up urticaria on her phone as she rode on the passenger’s side. Nikki had fallen asleep in the back after more tears were shed about it not being fair that she couldn’t eat whatever she wanted, play in grass, and climb trees.

  However, it was the tears she shed about wanting a puppy and a cat for her

  birthday that caused Karen to cry along with her child. Frankie had to pull over at a gas station to console them both. He had been their rock and Karen felt guilty for wishing he had not come with them. She leaned over and gave him a kiss and whispered “I love you.” That momentarily eased all the tension between them and the tumultuous morning they had endured.

  Karen’s attention was on one of the medical websites the doctor had given them; she was planning a course of action on caring for Nikki. Frankie called her name breaking into her thoughts. She looked up from her phone expectantly.

  “Karen, I need to talk to you about some things concerning Sheila. Some bank accounts and credit cards.”

  “I’m aware of them and her medical insurance coverage. I saw them when I

  was filing my and Nikki’s important documents.” “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I didn’t think it was something I should have to approach you for. I was waiting on you to share it with me. Now that you have, please continue.”

  Frankie cleared his throat and began concentrating on merging onto Interstate 240. Karen thought once he was on the interstate he who would continue, but he didn’t. This was a growing irritation for her. Frankie could not just spit anything out; he had all these commercial breaks during conversations.

  “Go on Frankie, finish what you were saying. How much is in these accounts you never closed as your divorce settlement declared you to?”

  Frankie cleared his throat and nervously glanced over at her with an inquisitive look. Karen understood what he was asking how she knew what the divorce settlement decreed.

  “I read your divorce settlement. Don’t look so surprised. It’s clear you are

  not offering up information, so I have to snoop, which I resent, to find out

  what I need to know. So please tell me how much.”

  “Six-hundred thousand dollars.” Karen dropped her phone.

  “What the…” she had not seen documents for accounts that had that much money. “How can a mail carrier have that type of money?”


  Camille was dividing her attention between revisions to a contract from the legal department of a new retail account, and samples of dresses for her bridesmaids sent over by the same retailer. She was signing off on the contract as Debra her clerical manager buzzed in on her phone.

  “Ms. James, there is a Carol Steele on line three for you.”

  Camille picked up the receiver. “Thanks Debra, I will take the call, please come and pick up these signed contracts and have them delivered to the legal team.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Camille couldn’t think of one reason Mrs. Carol should be calling her. However, there was only one way to find out, Camille pressed the blinking button for line three.

  “I.T.S., Camille James speaking.”

  “Hi Camille, this is Carol… Carol Steele”

  “Hi Mrs. Carol, how are you?” She really wanted to say, “Why on earth would you be calling me at my office?” However, she just waited for the purpose of the call in silence.

  “I’m doing fine. I just wanted to call and say I—I’m sorry. You know, sorry about all the drama I’ve caused you and Benny. I didn’t mean you any harm. The Lord knows I love Benny like he’s my own. I just miss my baby girl so much.”

  Camille heard Mrs. Carol’s moans and was stunned by the emotional outpour from her. She had no idea how to respond to this apology. Think Camille,


  “Mrs. Carol, please don’t cry. I forgive you, I understand you are hurting and still in the grieving process. I just want you to know, I’m not trying to replace your daughter or erase her memory. I love Benjamin and accept you as a part of his family; I just want you to give me a chance.” Camille waited for a response. She could sense Mrs. Carol was trying to calm her emotions.

  “Thanks for your forgiveness. I just want you to know you won’t be having

  any more problems from me.”

  “Don’t worry about it, I appreciate you calling. Is there anything I can do for


  “No, I just wanted to say, I was sorry about hitting Benny with that skillet,

  and being downright evil to you for no reason.”

  “I accept your apology and hope we can get to know each other.”

  “It’s all in God’s hands now. Thanks for taking my call. I will be getting off


  “All right then, Mrs. Carol. Take care.”

  Camille placed the receiver down on the base. Chills went down her spine.

  Mrs. Carol’s disposition was odd. Before she could ponder more about the call, Debra came in to her office. Debra had been an employee of I.T.S for two years. She began as a clerical staff member. Her attention to detail and magnetic personality earned her the manager role. Debra was a petite, caramel-skinned, middle-aged woman that did not appear a day over thirty-five. Her kind heart and

  gentle spirit was allowing her to age gracefully. When it came to Camille, Karen, and I.T.S though, she was a pit-bull that wanted every I dotted and t crossed. She was
currently enrolled in college pursuing a marketing degree. Camille had convinced her it was never too late to earn a degree, or anything else in life she wanted. That was one of the reasons she loved working for Camille. She pushed her employees to be the best at I.T.S and in life. Debra entered the office with a smile on her face and pep in her step.

  “Hi Debra, you look wonderful this morning. I love that haircut.”

  “Thanks Camille, I was going for something new with this short cut. You know they say that as we get older short hair makes you look more youthful. I’m trying to stay as young as I can. I know husband number two is out there waiting for me, so I got to be ready child.”

  “Debra, are you ready?” They both fell into laughter. Camille picked up the signed contracts and motioned for Debra to take them. “These are the contracts that should be couriered to our legal team. We are ready to go with this retailer.”

  Debra took the envelope with pride. “I’ll be happy to send them. I am so proud of you and this business. This account makes one hundred and fifteen companies we distribute for.”

  Debra did a happy dance that let anyone know she was of the Pentecostal Faith. She threw her hands up and screamed Hallelujah, then followed by speaking in tongues. Another reason Debra loved I.T.S., was because Camille let you praise the Lord in her fancy office while she clapped, creating the shouting music. After their praise break, Debra gathered Camille in her arms and gave her a tight hug. Camille hugged back just as tightly and said, “Thank you, but it’s all you employees that make it possible.”

  “That’s what I love about you. You are always including us in your

  success.” Debra was an emotional woman who could cry on cue, and that is what

  she did. Camille gave her a minute to get it out before ending their praise and worship.

  “No more crying Ms. Debra. We are a team, and I appreciate you for your work ethic and loyalty. Now dry those eyes and let’s get back to business.”

  Debra whimpered and stepped out of the embrace. She got her emotions under control and said, “Yes ma’am, I’m on it.”

  After Debra exited the office, Camille gave a silent prayer of gratitude to the Lord for increasing her territory. She prayed that she would continue her career with humbleness, and vowed always to give Him the glory for it all belonged to Him. When she sat down and she called Benjamin to inform him of her peculiar call with Mrs. Carol, another matter she was optimistic was coming to a close with victory. She dialed his number. He picked up on the second ring.

  “Love, how are you this morning?”

  Blushing, Camille responded. “I’m doing well. Sweetie this morning has gotten off to a great start.”

  “Oh yeah, tell me about it.”

  “I received a call from Mrs. Carol and she apologized, saying she would not

  be giving us any more problems.”

  “That’s great, Cam. Maybe counseling is helping her.” “Has to be, she has never been nice to me.”

  “Well we thank the Lord for her change of attitude. I see why you sound so

  upbeat; I can hear your smile through the phone.”

  “You hear a smile because I’m talking to the man I love, and I just sent another signed contract to legal. An account I earned from the recommendation of my future husband.”

  “Ah, so it’s a done deal, huh?”

  “Yes, thanks to you. I don’t know how I will ever repay you.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you have the rest of your life.” Ben said slyly.

  “Benjamin, be good.” Camille could never get over her schoolgirl blush with this guy.

  “Honey, I am good and I’m proud of you. I only referred the client you closed the deal. It’s my job to keep supplying all things that will keep you happy in every area of your life.”

  “Ben, that means so much to me. I love you, but I won’t keep you on the phone. I know you are busy and I’m expecting Karen at any moment.”

  “I love you too. Call me if you need me after you talk to her. I’m here for


  “I know you are, talk to you later.”

  Camille ended the call and smiled. She could not believe this was her life.

  Not even a year ago, her life was work and more work. She didn’t have a social life outside of corporate events. She spent most evenings alone and reading fictional romance stories. Then Benjamin came into her life making her fantasies, reality. She stopped and thought about how differently things could have turned out.

  It was their first date and as she attempted to cross the street to the theater, she was hit by a SUV. She spent the first couple of months of their relationship recovering, however Ben didn’t stop his pursuit of courting her. He was there at the hospital when she came out of brain surgery and had been by her side almost every day since. Fortunately, the hit and run driver did not get away with almost killing her. She had Frankie to thank for that. He had been instrumental in helping Kevin gain the evidence that put the drunk driver behind bars for a several years. Prayerfully, Brian Andrews was getting the help he needed so when his time was served he would come out a better individual. Her thoughts went back to her man.

  Oh how she loved him! She never knew she could love so strongly, but she did and was better for it.

  She picked up her wedding magazines and samples, smiling while giving them her undivided attention. She chose Paige’s and Karen’s dress and emailed them the link to view it online. Her attention was turned to a knock on her door. Camille swallowed. She knew it was Karen on the other side. It was time to



  Kevin had showered and gotten dressed by the time Paige came in with breakfast. She had gone to one of their favorite cafes, Momma Gladys’s Home Cooking. The owner Gladys was a great cook with an even better sense of humor. She could have been on tour as stand-up comedian. Kevin thought Paige looked adorable in her pink fleece warm-up and snickers. Her hair was in a high, bouncy ponytail. Paige was busy setting their plates and was oblivious to Kevin’s assessment of her. He hoped like crazy they could work out the kinks in their relationship; living without her was not an option for him. His firecracker was busy making sure the food was warm and arranged just so. She had that OCD quality

  that meant she needed things like her plate, silverware, and glass to be in a particular arrangement. It was humorous how she would change the setting everywhere they dined to meet her standards. She couldn’t focus until it was her way. Kevin just stood there and watched her. She was beautiful. He couldn’t believe he almost gave her up for his mother’s prejudices. It was still a mystery why Paige set off his mother’s hatred bells. However, he had solved the case that Paige was the thief of his heart, thoughts, and desires.

  Paige finally had the breakfast in order and felt his penetrating stare. She smiled with her eyes and winked. He had been caught feasting on her as she prepared their meal.

  “Come on honey let’s eat.” Kevin took the seat across from Paige and they held hands to say prayer.

  Kevin loved Momma Gladys’s Ham, Eggs, white rice, and biscuits. It was the best southern breakfast in the Mid-South. Paige had oatmeal, turkey bacon, a blueberry muffin, and a yogurt parfait. They ate in silence for a while until Paige finally spoke.

  “So will you be sharing with me what happened in Atlanta? What happened down there to have you bum-rushing in here like you did last night?” Paige put her fork in her plate and looked up at Kevin for an answer.

  Kevin sighed and rubbed his hand through his hair. He picked up his glass of orange juice and swallowed a big gulp. He looked up into those mystical, brown eyes of Paige’s and saw she was patiently waiting for a reply.

  “Paige, sweetheart… I don’t know where to start.” Kevin sat back in his chair, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. He wanted to be honest without hurting her. That always led to Raige.

  Paige was growing impatient waiting. Obviously, he could not answer her inquiry without assistance. “When you we
nt to your parents’ were they both home?”


  “What happened when you were there, did you talk to them about us?” “Not at first. Mother insisted we have dinner.”

  Typical, Paige thought. Julia was always trying to simulate being the embodiment of southern charm and hospitality. She cleared those thoughts from her mind. She was hoping her questions would lead Kevin into divulging the rest on his own. So far, no such luck. She was going to have to pull every detail out of


  “Did you talk during dinner, about us being together?”


  Ok, finally we are getting somewhere. “How did they take it?”

  “Mother did not take it well at all. She went ballistic and threatened to file charges against you, as usual dad said nothing.”

  “Oh my God, can she do that…do I need to get an attorney?” Paige was now coming undone; her heart was beating so rapidly against her chest she grabbed at it with her open palm. It felt like it would beat out of her body. She could barely hear Kevin. He was still speaking, she knew because she saw his mouth moving, but none of his words were audible. Had she finally gone too far when she attacked Julia? She had it coming for speaking so vile about her mom, and then spitting in her face—Paige only remembered blacking out now. Oh God, please don’t let me go to jail, I am working on myself, and I’m getting better. Paige silently prayed in her head. Her thoughts were racing from one conclusion to the next without any pause in between. Did Kevin come over to give her pity sex and then break the news that he was going to prosecute her? Abruptly, his voice became audible again and her heart shattered into pieces as the words vomited out of his mouth.


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