The Cosmic War: Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics and Ancient Texts
Page 28
The microwaves that scatter from the plasmoid and enter the mixer medium strongly interact with the two pump maser beams to form an electrostatic grating pattern. This holographic pattern stores information about the directions and phases of all the scattered maser beam microwaves that have entered the mixer. The counterpropagating pump beams then reflect from this grating pattern to produce an outgoing microwave beam that precisely traces the paths followed by the incoming scattered waves... the randomizing effects of wave scattering having been automatically compensated for. ...The grating that performs this time-reversed reflection is called a phase conjugate mirror and the mixing arrangement that allows all this to happen is termed a four wave mixer. .....This closed loop path from the maser beam generator, to the plasmoid, to the mixer, to the plasmoid, and back to the maser beam generator, causes the maser system to function as a phase conjugate resonator and to preferentially select and amplify only those microwaves that target the phase conjugating mixer chamber. As a result, most of the microwave power emitted from the maser will end up being confined to a beam that extends between the maser beam generator, the plasmoid target, and the mixer chamber. The energy bottled up in this beam will then progressively build up to a very high value.474
Thus, we may now see what possibly comprises one element of what the Tablets of Destinies were; they were a catalogue of the grating or interference patterns of various celestial bodies for a phase conjugate mirror of great sophistication. They were, to recall Bearden’s remarks from chapter two, the templates of action for those mirrors.
3. The Physics of the “Transmutative Aether ≈ Universal Power ≈ Akashic Field” Association:
Bearden’s “Mark IV” Scalar Version of LaViolette’s Galactic Communicators, and Laszlo’s Akashic Field
As has been seen, La Violette’s speculations involve only standard electromagnetic phase conjugation, even though he himself proposes a microwave, “Mark II” version of normal “Mark I” optical phase conjugation.475 As I then observed in chapter five, this would seem to open up the possibility for a “Mark III” version of electromagnetic phase conjugation based on X-rays and on even deadlier gamma rays. Of course, there are engineering problems galore with such a notion. In my book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell I noted that one problem scientists faced, who were involved in the Pentagon’s so-called - and in the context of this book - aptly named “Star Wars” program, was how to cohere gamma rays like an optical laser beam. How would one construct the “optical” or “lasing cavity” for a gamma ray laser, or graser, since no known means seemed to be available to do it until the stressing-and-cohering properties of the Mossbauer Effect were discovered. This effect essentially means that a radioactive and gamma emitting source such as cobalt, under certain conditions of acoustic resonance and stress, can be induced or stimulated to emit beams of coherent gamma rays.476
A similar problem would be faced in constructing a beam-splitter for a gamma-ray based phase conjugate mirror, since no method is yet known how to split a graser-beam, much less to mix them to construct a “grating” through which the main graser beam would be pumped.
But once one recalls what Bearden’s scalar physics actually is - and as was seen in chapter five LaViolette is specifically aware of Bearden’s work and its potential - then one would have to posit a “Mark IV” version of a phase conjugate mirror, one based on recording the gratings of the interfered longitudinal waves in the medium itself. This version, like all other properly configured “Marks” in our series of phase conjugate mirrors, would be capable of action at a great distance without the constraints of the “relativistic speed limit” of the velocity of light.
In this context, The Tablets with their catalogue of interference patterns of longitudinal waves within the medium would constitute an object conferring a kind of universal power. Such a catalogue, with the medium acting as a kind of “akashic field” that, in the words of philosopher and scientist Ervin Laszlo, carries information “by super-imposed vacuum wave-interference patterns that are equivalent to holograms,”477 would be an object conferring almost godlike powers for communications over vast distances, and almost godlike powers of destruction. And it should be noted that both uses are modes of deployment of the same technology.
Laszlo’s reference to holograms in this context of action at a distance through what is essentially the non-local phenomenon of the medium throws light on the basic technique that would be used in such a Mark IV phase conjugate mirror. It is a technique already well-known and empirically demonstrated in the laboratory:
First two charged atoms (ions), labeled A and B, are “entangled,” creating the instance link....Then a third atom, labeled P, is prepared by encoding in it the coherently superposed quantum state that is to be teleported. Then A, one of the entangled ions, is measured together with the prepared atom P. At that point the internal quantum state of B transforms: it assumes the exact state that was encoded in P! ...When A and P are measured together, the preexisting nonlocal connection between A and B creates a nonlocal transfer of state from P to B.478
Magnified to a universal scale, this means that “the quantum vacuum generates the holographic field that is the memory of the universe.”479
Such nonlocal transference of quantum states, it is now known, can be greatly extended to whole interference patterns of torsion waves:
A particularly promising theory is the work of the Russian physicists G.L. Shipov, A.E. Akimov, and coworkers, further elaborated by scientists in America as well as Europe. Their “torsion-wave” theory shows how the vacuum can link physical events throughout space-time. According to the Russian physicists, torsion waves link the universe at a group speed of the order of 109 c - one billion times the speed of light!
Torsion-wave linking480 may involve more then the known forms of energy: it may also involve information. It is standard knowledge that particles that have a quantum property known as “spin” also have a magnetic effect: they possess a specific magnetic momentum. The magnetic impulse is registered in the vacuum in the form of minute vortices... As the Hungarian theoretician Laszlo Gazdag has argued, these tiny vortices carry information, much as magnetic impulses do on a computer disk. The information carried by a given vortex corresponds to the magnetic momentum of the particle that created it: it is information on the state of that particle. These minute spinning structures travel through the vacuum, and they interact with each other. When two or more of these torsion waves meet, they form an interference pattern that integrates the strands of information on the particles that created them. This interference pattern carries information on the entire ensembles of the particles....
There is no evident limit to the information that interfering vaucum torsion waves can conserve and convey. ln the final count, they can carry information on the state of the whole universe. Throughout the universe, particles are linked by the vacuum in much the same way as objects are linked in the sea: by making and receiving waves. 481
The medium, therefore, carries universal information, namely, the information of the universe. It is worth citing Laszlo at length once again, for his insights bear directly on the Association of “Transmutative Aether ≈ Universal Power ≈ Akashic Field”:
Although much remains to be discovered about the quantum vacuum, it is already clear that it is a superdense cosmic medium. It carries light, and all the universal forces of nature. Pressure waves may propagate through it.... This is the finding of the German mathematical physicist Hartmut Mueller,482 who claims that the observed dimensions of all entities, from atoms to galaxies, is determined by interaction with density-pressure waves propagating in the vacuum.483
Consequently, “all the information that constitutes the universe is stored on its periphery, which is a two-dimensional surface.”484 Thus, the Tablets of Destinies are a catalogue of a certain limited set of this holographic information. Like all holograms, they are a grating or interference pattern, whose information is only revealed by shining a c
ohered energy beam of the frequency that created them through the grating. And we saw previously that the Tablets were also associated with ME-LAMs, with “light emitting crystals.”
Thus, we may now see what comprises yet another element of what the Tablets of Destinies were; they were not only a catalogue of the grating or interference patterns of various celestial bodies for a phase conjugate mirror of great sophistication, but - since they are based on such interference waves in the medium itself - they are also a catalogue of those types of waves, giving their possessor limited access to the “memory of the universe” (to borrow Laszlo’s phrase), or to the “information content of the field” of the universe, and as such, conveying to their possessors both “universal” powers and the powers of “the universe.” In this sense, the “destinies” component of the term “Tablets of Destinies” is not so far from what actually may have been the case, signifying objects able to manipulate the local space and time, the “destinies”, of objects themselves.
There is one more implication of this component of the Tablets of Destinies that should be noticed, though extensive comment will have to be reserved to a later point in this chapter: Because such an interferometric grating of waves in the medium itself would give the Tablets’ possessor access to the “memory” of at least a large part of the galactic universe, it stands to reason that part of that “memory” comprises the memory, and therefore, the character and intention, of its possessors. Or to put it in a scalar physicist’s terms, the memory, character, and intention of the possessor of the Tablets of Destinies functions like a local structured potential, and impresses these dynamics of their possessor upon the Tablets. These impressed dynamics become part of the catalogue of “gratings” that comprise the Tablets.
3. The Physics of the “Communications Association”: Bearden’s Scalar Physics and Communications via Longitudinal Waves in the Medium, LaViolette’s Grating, and a Fearsome Interface
As scientist Paul LaViolette noted earlier, and as has been noted with the above quotations from Ervin Laszlo, scalar, longitudinal pressure waves - what I have repeatedly called “electro-acoustic” waves - in the medium might be the most effective way of communication over vast interstellar distances, since it would not be limited by the relativistic speed limit of the velocity of light. And as I noted above, there is a definite and important role of the conscious observer both in influencing, and in being influenced by, the “grating” of the interference of such waves.
Many commentators and physicists have observed that the phenomenon of Coordinate Remote Viewing seems to access this “information content of the field” or medium. One may therefore speculate that the Tablets of Destinies are not only catalogues of gratings in the senses of the two previous associations, but possibly also a mechanism or interface that would enhance such phenomena as coordinate remote viewing, or, as will be seen toward the end of this chapter, “channeling”.
Thus, we may now see what comprises yet another element of what the Tablets of Destinies were; they were not only a catalogue of the grating or interference patterns of various celestial bodies for a phase conjugate mirror of great sophistication. They are not only a catalogue of those types of waves, giving their possessor limited access to the “memory of the universe” (to borrow Laszlo’s phrase), or to the “information content of the field” of the universe, and as such, conveying to their possessors “universal” powers and the powers of “the universe.” They are also the “gratings” necessary to send information, to communicate over vast distances free of the constraints of the relativistic speed limit of light. And as also noted, the Tablets of Destinies are also perhaps a technology of interface between consciousness and the gratings themselves.
Laszlo’s remarks concerning the “holographic” nature of these phenomena, plus the implication that consciousness can impress its emotional, character, and intentional dynamics on these gratings and in turn be impressed by them, leads us finally to...
4.... The Physics of the “Subtle Influence Association ”: Bearden on the Local Structured Potential and Psychoenergetics
One aspect of scalar or quantum potential physics that Lt. Col. Tom Bearden spends a great deal of time on is the ability of his “templates” or “causal system robots” - which we have been calling “gratings” - to effect the induction of disease or, conversely, healing at a distance, by inducing the structured potential or “grating” or electromagnetic signature of particular diseases at a distance.485
But beyond the ability to effect states of disease or health in biological organisms, there is also a component, an implication, of this science of impressed dynamics and templates that is nothing less than chilling. It is best to cite Bearden’s own trenchant and succinct warning in this regard:
• When God created life and living systems He also created the process for making life and a living biological system.
• The process is still there and it exists as a process in and of this 4-spatial world.
• Once the process is discovered and modeled, technology can be developed to apply the process at will.
• So scientists can scientifically study the process and develop the technology to use it.
• (Scientists can thus) make a living mind and living biological system, and tailor it to form and whatever behavior is desired.
• That superweapon science is called psychoenergetics486
Note then, that one implication of the “grating” or template is the ability to influence emotions, character, and behavior at a distance by constructing a “grating” or template, through which a beam is sent.
a. Impressed Emotional Dynamics: The Tablets of Destinies and the Spread of the “Virus” of Evil
As these thoughts aver, it is possible to impress certain character, emotional, and intentional dynamics on these gratings, and vice versa, it is possible, as the quotation from Bearden avers, for these gratings to induce, via “electro-acoustic” means, states of character, emotion, and behavior.
At this juncture it is crucial for the reader to recall what happened to the possessors of the Tablets of Destinies after their initial theft by Tiamat. From Tiamat, to Marduk, who recovered them from her, to Enlil, to Anzu, to Ninurta...each of their possessors engaged in horrific acts of warfare and wholesale destruction and slaughter. It is as if the evil acts and/or intentions of their initial possessor impressed itself on the Tablets, and in the case of their later possessors, that this latent impressed dynamic in turn may have influenced them.
So in addition to all the foregoing, the Tablets of Destinies may also be a catalogue of the templates of the impressed dynamics of consciousness of certain individuals. They are, so to speak, not a “virus” of evil, but what produces that virus.
b. A Return to the Edfu Texts
With these thoughts in mind, let us return to the Edfu texts and note some peculiar features. E.A.E. Reymond says that shortly after the creation of the Primeval mound was “connected also with uttering of names.” But these names are “names either of one or of several sacred places which were created” on the Primeval Mound.487
We saw in chapter seven how the process of creation in the Edfu texts is also connected with the recitation of “spells” over objects that represented the special places to be created. The presence of such objects in connection with sound and the process of creation, and now the evident use of “names” to denote specific locations, strongly suggests the type of scalar physics I believe to be operative in the Tablets of Destinies is also operative here in the Edfu texts. The parallels are quite remarkable. Indeed, Reymond states that the Edfu texts mention a “Sacred Book of the Temples. ”It is certain that this book did not contain regulations of the temple ritual services or descriptions of the structural development of the Edfu Temple. The part of this document preserved at Edfu reveals that it included lists of names of mythical shrines and sacred places; each name listed is accompanied with a brief explanation of the mythological significance implicit in t
hat particular name.“488 In other words, the “Sound Eye” to which the Edfu texts refer may be one and the same as the technologies the Edfu texts recount elsewhere in relation to the creation of the primeval mound itself. The technology described corresponds with the basic components of scalar technology and weapons to a remarkable, and in my opinion, non-coincidental degree. In this case, the “naming” of places would correspond to the specific “gratings” for each location.
This conclusion is supported by an extensive comment Reymond makes elsewhere, and which we previously cited in chapter seven:
We attempted to explain in one of our previous studies the significance of the action described as ... to endure with power the substances of the Earth. It appeared as though this... action had the aspect of a symbolic and magical rite of creation. The main part of that rite consisted of uttering sacred spells by the creators over certain (objects) which, we may say, might have been believed to symbolize the Earth to be created. We suspect that by virtue of this rite it was believed that the symbols of the Earth were filled with special power. This power then caused the Earth to emerge in the form of specific plots of earth along and around the edges of the island. This process of creation of the Earth by the word of the creators has no equivalent. Such a manner of creation can be compared with the Hermopolitan conception of the creation of the world; according to the latter, the Earth was believed to have been created by drying up the primaeval waters that surrounded the island. Both of these ways of creating, the magical process as well as the procedure by the solar radiance, had the same result, they seem to have made manifest what was created previously by the nameless powers, but was hidden beneath the primaeval waters.489