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Hearts of Iron

Page 3

by Day, Laura

  Screw her, if she feels that way. Although, looking at that sweet little ass, I’d screw her either way.

  He watched as she navigated the hallways of the hospital, swaying her round hips with each stride. Occasionally she looked at him over her shoulder and gave him an uncertain yet authoritative glance, checking he was still following. He imagined her thinking he might attack her any minute, because that’s what his kind did. It saddened him, but he was used to that shit.

  In contrast, everyone smiled and greeted Katie with genuine admiration and thanks. He watched as she literally shone with goodness and frowned when his jeans tightened at the crotch.

  Behave… I don’t do stuck up girls.

  Just then she stopped, pushed her way through swing doors, and fired instructions at him. “Here we are. Go and take a seat somewhere. I’ll get the coffees. Any preference? Want anything else? A burger, perhaps?”

  He wasn’t letting no lady buy his lunch. “I get my own coffee. How ‘bout you go and take a seat?”

  She held his gaze, unblinking, as if challenging him. “This is the staff canteen, Lance. You don’t own this yet.”

  Oh, your sharp tongue’s gonna get you into trouble. “So?”

  “They won’t serve you here…”

  “Where have I heard that before?”

  “No, they only serve the staff.”

  Catty bitch. “Okay. Fine.” He took some bills from his pocket and held them out to her. “I’ll pay, and I take it long and black.”

  She smiled, “Me too.”

  He lost time in her smile and didn’t notice her refuse his cash.

  “Give me two minutes, then we can talk.” Katie walked off.

  Everyone stared at him standing there with his hand held out. When he realized he was frozen in place he shoved the cash back in his pocket and mumbled, “Well, I’ll get the next ones.”

  Katie one. Lance zero.

  He took a seat and watched Katie chatting to folks in line and to the servers. For Katie, work was her club. Brothers are more than friends; they’re family. They matter just as much to you. Watching her smiling, joking around with her staff so openly, she was like sunlight to them. He wanted to be bathed in her kind of light, too.

  In that moment, the last thing he wanted to do was argue with her. But not only was she opposed to his sort, but she was also one of those good girls who’d expect him to chase her for a month before giving it up. Maybe she had a boyfriend, or a fiancé. Although, no, he’d heard she lived alone in daddy’s mansion. Nice for some.

  Watching her walk toward him, he enjoyed how her hips moved in her pencil skirt, how her tiny waist sat perfectly between it and her cute little tits. The silk blouse she wore appeared dignified on the surface, but he could just make out a black lace bra strap. He fidgeted, opening his legs wider, when his girth began to feel uncomfortably restricted.

  She’d look great bobbing on this, he thought, rubbing his crotch under the table. He winked at an old nurse with grey hair and too much makeup on, who had clearly noticed what he was doing. If she blushed, he couldn’t tell. But he felt his own cheeks burning when Katie sat opposite him.

  Katie sat two steaming cups of black coffee on the table. “There you go.”

  “Thanks.” Lance took a sip and enjoyed how the burn on his tongue hurt enough to reduce the swelling in his crotch. He didn’t want her to see the effect she was having on him. He was supposed to be confronting her about her plans. Plans that could push him and his club back on the road again.

  “It’s not great, sorry,” said Katie. “But… anyway.” Her gaze seemed to move around his face without settling, as though she were taking him in, or working him out. He liked it. “I hate to rush you, Mr. Brewer, but I returned home from a trip this morning and I have a lot of catching up to do.” She waved her hand dismissively. “Paperwork and whatnot, you know how it is.”

  “Do I look like I know how it is?” he said, trying not to smirk or lick his lips. Lance wondered: if he bent her over this table, could he bend her to his will as well? He was good; he knew that. But could he bypass the woman wearing the white blouse to tickle the clit of the woman wearing the black bra? “I just need to know when your lawmen intend to take back this town and turn it into a shit-hole.”

  So please tell me. Then I can work on you.

  She gasped at his bold comment and wiggled uncomfortably in her seat. He wanted to make her gasp for the rest of her life, she sounded so good.

  “Don’t look so surprised Doc,” offered Lance. “I know too well how lawmen have a predictable habit of turning corrupt. Now, this may well be because the government pays them peanuts while crime pays… more.” He grinned. “But the fact remains.”

  Katie raised her hand, “Sorry to interrupt your grandstanding, and sorry to disagree so profoundly with you, but in my mind any law is better than none in a town so far from a city. Besides, good men are not quite as easily corrupted as your dark, pessimistic ideals would have me believe. There are more important things than money, Mr. Brewer, although I doubt you could comprehend such a concept.”

  Lance wanted to shake the naiveté right out of her. He’d been raised to be prepared for the worst and be fooled by no one. She’d been raised in a mansion. “I envy your idealism, Doc. Easy to be idealistic for the rich. But some of us live in the real world, where money has to be earned one way or another.”

  She narrowed her pretty eyes, “Yes, I know nothing because I have more money than you. Like I haven’t heard that before. It doesn’t change the fact that without law, there is chaos, Mr. Brewer.” She blew on her coffee. “That’s not idealism; that’s fact.”

  He enjoyed talking to her, listening to her. She was sexier when feisty, if that was possible. She was essentially an intelligent, beautiful woman who simply wanted the best for Miller. He couldn’t hate her for that. Especially when that’s what he wanted, too. He began focusing more on her throat when she swallowed her coffee than on the point he was trying to make until the point he was trying to make didn’t much matter.


  “Mr. Brewer, please.” Katie clicked her fingers, trying to regain Lance’s attention. He had annoyingly started to ignore her. “Please don’t let me keep you from anything important.”

  “Oh no, I’m, err… still waiting for you… to tell me what happened in the meeting.”

  Shit! Leave me alone. I can’t tell you.

  Katie had to avoid giving him details, but how? She had to stall him for 24 hours, and then she could hand over responsibility for the town’s safety to people who could enforce the law. If he kicked off about it then, they could lock him up until he saw reason. Nothing she said seemed to be getting through his thick, (kissable) skull. “Um, look. The lawmen and I are not connected, legally or personally. It’s not like I’m their employer. You see? On that basis, how on earth would I know when they were due to arrive?” She faked a laugh as if the idea were preposterous.

  “That means either they’re never coming, or they’re on their way and you’re stalling. Which is it?”

  A smell of pure man wafted over the table and up her nose. It thankfully masked the aroma of bitter coffee. She breathed in the mix of his spice and engine fumes and held onto it until she gasped when Lance leaned in closer.

  “You okay there, Doc?” His masterful gaze clutched onto hers and there was no way to escape it.

  “I’m…” Katie muttered quietly, “perfectly fine.”

  “Good, then stop stalling Doc. Give it up.”

  Her refined ability to reason wasn’t working, and the more assertive the virile biker got, the hotter and more aroused she became. It didn’t help that it had been years since she’d been with her last lover. Jake, her longtime ex, left soon after her father died. Mostly because he wasn’t strong enough to support her during her bereavement, but also because they were never truly in love. Not how she longed to be, at least. She wanted a man to make her burn with desire, not to arrange a sex schedule
around work or spend their precious time off together devising every detail of their seven-year plan.

  During four years alone in her bed, no one had tempted her enough to risk another relationship. And she’d never been a casual sex kind of girl.

  But here was Lance, strong and powerful—physically at least. She imagined he’d have limitless experience to bring to her bed, too. Katie found his clear masculinity a real turn on. Mentally, she repeated, wow, imagining his full lips on hers, her mouth around his cock, or his cock inside her.

  Bad girl, Katie. Wow!

  She reminded herself that his masculinity could turn scary if she couldn’t keep her mind on task and keep him occupied. Inhaling deeply, her gaze still locked onto his, she decided she was prepared to do anything to maintain peace in her town for just one more day. And, let’s face it—it wouldn’t be a huge sacrifice to spend a little time in private with Lance. “Wait, I see we’ve got off on the wrong foot Mr. B— Actually, may I call you Lance?”

  He frowned and peered down at the tiny hand she had rested on his. “Sure, if I can call you Katie.”

  When she grinned at him, she imagined tasting sin in the air between then. Her loins throbbed when she conjured up images of him with all the biker babes he’d rode along the way. There must have been hundreds. Physically, she wanted him so badly it was hard to pretend otherwise. She wanted him to ride her for hours with senseless abandon. Like she’d never been ridden before.

  But mentally, she raged at her own unbecoming desires: I don’t do bad boys. Besides, he’d probably prefer some tall, inked, leather-clad rock chick to a boring doctor. Plus, I’ve never had a one-night stand; wouldn’t this make me some kind of prostitute?

  Lance disturbed her worries when he placed his very large hand over hers, the heat and size of which melted her resolve.

  Oh, to hell with what it makes me; it’s for a good cause, and I need him… “Right,” she said, retrieving her hand to stand. He looked up at her as if rejected, so she held out the same hand. “Don’t know about you, but this coffee sucks. I have the real stuff back at my place. Fancy it?”

  One small step for humankind, one giant step for Katie Brighton. But, is it in the right direction?


  Lance enjoyed the feel of Katie’s hand in his. Like the rest of her, it felt so fine and delicate within his rough palm, and he missed it as soon as she let go to lead him out of the hospital, toward the parking area, and to their vehicles.

  “Follow me. It’s only a couple of miles away,” she instructed him again before climbing into her immaculate Mercedes.

  Lance enjoyed her confidence, as though who or what he was didn’t intimidate her one bit. “No problem,” he said, then threw a leg over his Hog. He couldn’t help but smile for some reason. Was it expectation? Anticipation?

  Fuck, she smells good.

  She had managed to wriggle out of giving him the ETA on the lawmen. Either she didn’t know, or she was stalling. He didn’t know which, though he suspected the latter.

  On his way to her place, following her silver Mercedes, he noticed her checking him out in her rear view mirror, and when she licked her lips seductively, he almost fell off his bike picturing that cute little mouth suckling on his big, hard cock.

  Why would she take the risk of inviting me back to her place, alone? he wondered. She thinks all bikers are lawless. Doesn’t make any sense. Unless, of course, she’s stupid—which she clearly isn’t.

  Lance considered the distinct possibility that she had made a plan to have the lawmen arrest him for breaking and entering after she’d let him in. Wouldn’t be the first time he’d been set up. Or maybe she just had sex on her mind, like he did. Didn’t he?

  I do; that’s all I want. Fuck, what’s she doing to me?

  He wanted to jump the little fox as soon as he got the chance. But that wasn’t his style. Well, not without permission.

  In fact, now that he’d met her, he told himself the only trouble between them was that she didn’t trust his club to take care of Miller. Mostly because she was ignorant to the cold harsh realities of life. And he didn’t trust her lawmen to be uncorrupted because he wasn’t blind to the cold, harsh realities of life. Take that discrepancy away, though, and she was just a smart, scorching hot little lady.

  What’s this honey up, to and is there any way I might persuade her to let me fuck her?


  Katie watched him through the rearview mirror. The way he commanded his huge Harley between thick thighs gave her the sweats. Imagining how strong they were, how perfectly his jeans hugged his ass and crotch as he drove, made her vagina throb and her panties damp.

  Wonder if he feels this horny? It’s the only way of stalling him, and who’s kidding, I want it so bad.

  Checking her makeup in the mirror on the back of the sun visor, she hoped he wouldn’t notice when his bike edged ever closer to her rear end. One-handed, she adjusted her breasts in her brassiere so that they appeared bigger, and then she unbuttoned her blouse enough to show a little cleavage.

  She told herself she did such things because it was hot, and because men were more pliable to an attractive woman. But really, she knew the truth and that didn’t sit well with her head. Even if her body felt it was more that the right thing to do.

  In just one day, she had made her father proud and then made him turn in his grave. She bit her lips to make them swell and redden, and then licked then to make them shine. She pinched her cheeks to add a little color, although imagining Lance entering her was enough to take care of rouge. She pulled onto her long driveway, rode all the way to house, and parked. She turned off her cell phone, grabbed her handbag, and climbed out the car, ready to greet him, all the time ignoring her obvious intentions.

  Excitement caressed her when Lance pulled up a second later, his hair an erotic mess of waves. His white teeth glared out from behind full lips, sun-kissed complexion, and blonde beard. More incredible than any of that, though, were his palest crystalline blue eyes and the long, luscious lashes framing them. Could anyone resist those eyes?

  “Ahem.” Katie stepped toward her home, house keys in hand. “Follow me.” She walked ahead of him, fully aware of how her hips swung provocatively. She looked over her shoulder and enjoyed how he leered at her, biting his lower lip. Oh yes; he’d noticed her cleavage, the sway of her hips. An undeniable lusty electricity existed between them.

  We are animals in the wild and are about to do the most natural thing in the world.

  His heavy footsteps approached her as she turned the key in the lock, and with every step, she ached to be touched. Katie had always been so capable; the natural leader of any group, always in control. But right then she yearned to surrender to another human being, particularly to this powerful hulk of man; a man strong enough to be convincing.

  Katie opened the door to her home. Lance’s breath warmed the back of her neck, and that did it. Her panties, now wet and constricting, needed to come off. Lance needed to slide inside and fill her up. Closing her eyes, weakening with arousal, she stepped inside and knew what she needed regardless of propriety. She parted her lips slightly, preparing for their first kiss as she turned to face him. Lance followed her inside, his pupils dilated, his breaths deep, and she knew he needed the same.


  Katie turned around and the look on her face, the flush to her cheeks, the way she looked at him with a wild hunger, stirred him like the moon stirs the ocean. If he needed any more encouragement, he heard her permission in her panting breaths drawn in through slightly parted, moist lips.

  Lance moved one hand through her silky brown hair, stroking it to its ends before moving his thumb to tease her bottom lip, desperately wanting to kiss it.

  She peered at his crotch, sighing when she saw that she had made him swell to bursting. He felt how her breathing hitched at the view and he didn’t stop to question what was happening between them. It had gone too far already. Lance wanted her more than anythin
g else in that moment, and when he slammed her front door shut behind him and pushed her against the wall, her pretty pink mouth wrapped around his with such a hunger it proved she felt the same.

  Groaning and with raspy breaths, they shed garments as quickly as possible and ignored how they flew like confetti around the room. The air between them became charged with anticipation and blind need. When his jeans dropped to the floor, her eyes rested on his dick; it was erect and thick, and ready to get down to business. He’d seen many women back off at the size of it, imagining his member might course them pain. If not handled properly, that could easily be the case, but he learned to be slow and prepare women beforehand. Katie’s expression told him she was eager to take on the challenge.


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