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Hearts of Iron

Page 5

by Day, Laura

  “It’s too good, baby. You’re too fucking good.”

  And she was.

  This was his enemy, his rival, the busybody spinster, getting in the way of things. But right then, she could get in his way as much and in any way she liked. He wanted her again. He wanted much more of this incredible woman.

  She frowned for a moment before smiling, “You want me again, right?” Without waiting for an answer, she straddled him and guided him inside her, sighing at the renewed penetration. “You belong inside me.”

  He liked the sound of that; it suggested they might have more than that afternoon. He couldn’t get enough of her and reveled in the clear signs that she couldn’t get enough of him either.

  His body needed a release and feeling her warm wet pussy suckling on him brought his climax storming back to him, “Fuck yeah...” he growled while gripping her slender hips and grinding her petite form right down onto his large, throbbing member. He had to pull out to climax, which he did with a loud cry while watching Katie ride round two of her own orgasm.

  She had an incredible orgasm face. He would take that image with him and use it to relieve himself for some time to come. If he wasn’t lucky enough to climb inside of her glorious pussy again.

  Katie rested her head on his chest, her cheek against his heart. Lance stroked her silky hair and breathed in her fresh coconut scent while deciding that this had turned out to be the best negotiation he’d ever had, in spite of the fact that he’d gotten nowhere on the issue at hand.

  Both utterly spent, they rested silently, embracing easily, as though they had been embracing each other for years. His silent for hope that this was the beginning rather than the end of something occupied his mind while he twirled her silky hair between his fingers, and she did the same to his.


  “So, did you plan to seduce me when you took me for coffee earlier on? Or was this a happy accident?” asked Lance, lying back on her sofa, hands behind his head.

  Katie wasn’t at all certain how to answer that question, and kept her cheek rested against his chest so he couldn’t see her face. “Of course not. This is not something I… I mean, I’m not a…”

  “Glad to hear it.” Lance eased her awkwardness, stroking her hair, then her back. But now her raging lust had been sated, guilty feelings crept in, making her want him to leave so she cringe to herself about being so irresponsible. They shouldn’t be together. At least until their conflict had been sorted out. She hoped he’d understand her need to bring the law to Miller, and that he’d not be too angry with her about stalling him.

  “I should probably get cleaned up and back to the office, actually, Lance. I really do have a lot to, well… sort out.”

  His body tensed beneath her and she feared the original reason for him coming to see her had returned his mind. She moved away from him, without facing him.

  “Hey,” he said, reaching out to play with her fingers. “You’re not regretting this?”

  She looked down at the hulk of sexuality on her sofa, at the slope of his brow, and sighed, hating the idea that he’d never want her again once the sheriff showed up. “Of course not. This was… fun.”

  Lance inhaled sharply, moved passed her and quickly dressed.

  Emptiness rushed in to replace her joy. She went upstairs to find a robe and hide her shame. “Won’t be a second.”

  “I’d better get going too. Before I do, can I ask you something?”

  She clenched up, turned around on the stairs. “Of course.”

  Anything but that. Anything but that.

  “The law. When they due to arrive? I take it they’re coming soon.”

  No, don’t ask me that!

  She thought for a second of awkward silence, telling herself to stall him further, not to tell him the truth. But she so desperately wanted to be honest. After what they’d shared, lying was inexcusable. “I… well,” she stuttered.

  Saved by the bell, her landline rang and filled her large hallway with its echoing shrill. “I’d better get that.”

  Lance clenched his jaw, “Please. Before I go?”

  Katie raised her hand, “Wait.” She answered the call after running down the stairs. “Hello?” A gruff voice said, “We’ve been trying to call your cell for hours, Miss Brighton.”

  “That’s Doctor Brighton, if you don’t mind. I’m sorry, but I was… otherwise engaged.” She glanced up at Lance who was combing his hair with his fingers, wide legged and every bit desirable. “How may I help you?”

  “It’s Sheriff Clancy.” Katie hoped he hadn’t heard that. “I was told to tell you when we arrived. We’ve arrived.”

  “Oh.” What can I say? “Already? And how did you get my home number?”

  “Well, we’re here early. How ‘bout that? Fancy coming over to give us a tour around your fine town?” He demanded more than asked, much to her annoyance. “Gonna need a few introductions. Oh, and as I’m the law, getting your number was no problem.”

  “Oh. Right.” Katie didn’t like the sound of that. “Where are you?”

  “At the station; where’d you think?”

  He really didn’t sound the friendliest, but she tried to put his frosty mood down to a long drive. “Okay, give me thirty minutes.”

  She peered slyly over at Lance, who immediately redirected his attentions away from her and at his watch.

  The Sheriff said, “Make it fifteen and we have a deal.” The he hung up.

  Katie looked at the receiver and heard the dial tone. “Rude!” she thought out loud.

  Lance stepped closer. “Hey, whose being rude to my favorite doctor?” She froze, her mind unable to think of a lie quick enough.

  His jovial expression darkened as he stalked across the floor toward her. Sexy as hell. “Seriously, you okay?”

  What can I say? What can I say? “Oh, some pharmaceutical salesman. They’re the bane of my work day… sorry to love and leave you, but I have fifteen minutes to clean up and arrive. Could you let yourself out?” She moved away from him back toward the grand staircase. Katie realized she could tell him about them now, because they were there to deal with the fallout from the bikers. But now, she couldn’t bear to see his disappointment in her when he found out.

  Lance’s jaw dropped. “Oh sure. But…”

  She imagined he was usually the one to love them and leave them, not the other way around. If she had a choice, things would be so different. After leaving him in her hallway to run upstairs to her bathroom, she locked the door behind her and switched on her shower. She looked at herself in the mirror over the basin and cringed at her behavior, at her panda eyes. “Damn you, you lying slut! Damn you, Katie Brighton. And damn this useless mascara.”

  The reassuring sound of her front door slamming meant she was free from having to lie—at least for now. She tied her hair up and slipped beneath the cleansing flow of the shower to smooth creamy coconut and vanilla shower wash over her body, imagining Lance’s tongue doing something similar. She enjoyed how her lower regions tingled, sore and swollen from her carnal lunchtime activities. “God, please don’t let this all backfire on me.”

  She dried off, dressed in her best ‘Don’t mess with me’ beige business suit, and tried to ignore how she still felt moved on a deep emotional level. Touching her lips, she closed her eyes and remembered his kiss, tingling with need all over again. After applying a little makeup and rolling her hair into a rough French pleat, she grabbed her bag and ran to her car, not looking forward to her evening with the frosty new Sheriff one bit. Mostly, though, she dreaded the look on her lover’s face next time she saw him. When he found out she’d been avoiding his questions all day so that the new sheriff could move in and lay down the rule of law in Miller.

  How could she convince him that what had happened between them meant far more to her than stalling, far more than she could ever imagine? He would never believe her now.


  Lance rode his Hog fast, enjoying the wash of fres
h air around his face and through his hair. He couldn’t think what to say to his club. He was supposed to have confronted the doctor and gotten some answers. All he got was laid. An awesome lay, but still. His brothers would see it as weak on his part. As though she’d wrapped him around her fingers and stalled him.

  ‘Coz that’s what she did, dickwad.

  He was shocked at how she just got up and asked him to leave afterwards. Sure, she had someone to meet, but he’d waited for hours to discuss stuff with her and—well, she made sure he never got his answers. As soon as that guy called her, whoever he was, her business with him was more important than her business with Lance. He was told to “see himself out.” That was his line. Who did she need to run off to get ready for? A date? Some upper-class cash cow, Lance reckoned.

  Somehow he would find his answers elsewhere. She wasn’t the only one who’d know. All he knew was that she had the sweetest tail he’d ever had and whatever happened, he knew he had to tap that again, and soon. Fuck whoever called her, making his demands.

  He pulled up at the camp and was first met by an eager-looking Josh. “Hey Lance. So? What’s going on?”

  “Let me get inside first, get the road outta my mouth.” He pushed past him, stalked over to the communal icebox, and claimed a beer. He ripped off its lid with his teeth and took a long, cold, delicious gulp. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw her pussy, gleaming pink and wet.

  All brothers present, they moved in expectantly. Each one was asking him the same question: “When’s the law gettin here?”

  He turned to them and wished he’d left this conversation until at least the image of her had left his head. “Okay, sorry to disappoint you all, but there’s not much to tell right now.” He was going to have to lie to his men, which he never did. It was dangerous to piss them off, even as their captain. But what could he say? ”Her sweet tail got in the way?” He had no answers. He said all he could say: “She was too busy with other… stuff. Said I’d go ‘round her place later. See her face-to-face, away from work, no distractions. That sort of thing.” It wasn’t strictly a lie, but wasn’t strictly the truth. And he knew there would be incredible distractions whenever he went around to see her, but it was the best he could come up with on the spot.

  And he would definitely go see her later, but this time he’d make sure he got all his answers before they got down to more… interesting business.

  “You’ve been gone hours, and I was told you both left the hospital at the same time.” said Craig, the oldest member and, at one time, second hand to Lance’s father. He’d always wanted to run things, but the rules are rules. Sometimes he wished he could hand over the reins to Craig—he was smart enough. But he’d have to leave his club first, and for all their faults, they were his only family.

  Lance felt caught out in his deception and became defensive. “You calling me a liar, Craig? Got something you wanna say? Been following me?”

  Josh rushed in to calm the situation. “No, hey Cap. Just I went back to see what was going on, that’s all. Charlie, you know, the security guard, he said you left together over an hour ago, so I figured she was falling for that Lance charm you got.” He grinned nervously at everyone, then back at Lance. “You know, assumed she was giving you the lowdown on the lawmen, and all.”

  Lance felt his face burn, part nerves, part anger. “We left at the same time, not together, so get your facts straight,” he spat. “Not exactly any point in me being there after she left.”

  Josh paled. “No, course not Cap.”

  Lance felt bad. He had no right being pissed at Josh or Craig, “Look, all she did say was she wasn’t attached to the lawmen, and she wasn’t in control of their actions. She she didn’t know why we figured they’d tell her anything.”

  Their faces told him they didn’t like that answer, but too bad.

  “Look, I told you, I’ll get more later.” He took another long slug of beer, dumped the bottle in the trash and left them all to figure it out on their own. He climbed on his bike and left camp for his trailer. He stunk of sex and her perfume. Not bad, actually, but he wanted to clean up before his guys smelled her on him and wondered what he’d really been up to with Doc Brighton—if they hadn’t already. “Call you later, after I’ve been by her place.”

  “You followed her home, then?” Craig looked hopeful. “Got her address?”

  “Oh yeah.” Shit. “Forgot about that.”

  “How about a few of us head on up there and have a word ourselves?” challenged Craig again.

  “How about I do it, like I said I would?”

  Craig shook his head and walked off. The older club members followed him.

  Lance called Josh. “Get over here.”

  Josh rushed up to him. “Yeah?”

  “While I go wait for Katie to turn up…” He searched his inner vest pocket.

  “Katie, huh?” jibed Josh.

  “Her name, ain’t it?” Lanced snapped, shoving a piece of paper into his chest. “Call this guy. He said he’d keep his ears to the ground and eyes open about any new Sheriff appointments. If one’s already been appointed for Miller, he might know or might be able to find out about it. If not…”

  “Why didn’t we call him before?” Josh ased with a frown, looking at the number scrawled on the paper.

  “‘Coz if he’s not been appointed yet, we’ve wasted his time. He owes me a favor I don’t want to waste.” He could tell that waiting to find out how their lives would pan out had seriously gotten to them all. He didn’t want any trouble to break out purely from frustration, especially if he could defuse it. “Now quit second-guessing me and make the call. I’ll be waiting.”

  Josh pulled out his cell. “I’m on it!”

  “Later!” Lance yelled before riding into a dust cloud.


  “Hello,” Katie said as she walked through the door to the Sheriff’s office. “Sorry you arrived without a welcoming committee. We’ve been trying to keep the news of your arrival on the down-low so as not to stir up trouble from the bikers I told the panel about at the meeting.” Katie felt wrong painting Lance and his men out to be thugs, even though she had not seen any reason to believe they were anything else. It just felt so hypocritical after what she had been up to with their leader. But she had to be honest, and they were the reason why she hadn’t spread the good news to the citizens of Miller as soon as she returned from the meeting only hours before. “Anyway, I came as quickly as I could.” She extended her hand to shake theirs in greeting.

  The short, round Sheriff stood to shake her hand. “Ma’am.”

  “Call me Katie, please.”

  “I will! Katie, this here is Martin, Pete, and Stew.”

  She shook each hand individually, wondering why they all had something going on behind their eyes.

  The sheriff grabbed her hand again and said, “And you can call me… anytime.” Then he laughed, a sleazy wink in place. His deputies all found his comment amusing, but Katie did not. Still, she put it down to a tired, old, chauvinistic sense of humor and left it that.

  Lips tight, she looked at her watch and tried not to think too much about Lance, still feeling his presence linger over her. “Err, shall we get going? It’s not a big town, but I figure you’ll want to see folks in their place of business before they finish up for the day. Wouldn’t be right to go to their homes unannounced. Besides, church would be the best place to meet everyone outside of work. You could get your arrival properly announced this Sunday, after Mass?”

  The Sheriff and his deputies rolled their eyes, “He’ll make sure everyone knows we’ve arrived, don’t you worry about that,” said Pete with a grin, referring to the sheriff.

  “Guess you could use the bar across the road, if that best fits your needs.” Katie figured that would be more their scene.

  “Yeah, we saw the bar. It’s so perfectly appointed opposite our offices, right boys?”

  They all jeered. “Sure is!”

trouble any town gets is usually caused by alcohol consumption, so you’re right there. Means you have only to walk across the road to deal with it,” said Katie, doubting that’s what they meant.

  Sheriff put his hat on and grabbed his keys. “Okay, enough chit-chat. Where to first?” He looked at Katie.

  Panicking inside, knowing she had to somehow leave out two prominent businesses from their tour, she froze for a second. “Umm…” How could she introduce the bikers to their new sheriff? What if Lance was at the burger bar or the auto-repair shop? “The bar.”

  Oh, for the love of… What have I gotten myself into?

  The sheriff looked out of the window over her shoulder. “We’ll go there later. But first, take us to the biggest businesses around here. We’ll work our way back here.”


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