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Loving Lies

Page 22

by Tina Donahue

  At last, she turned to Enrique. In the day’s softened light, his forelock was more gold than silver, his handsome features even more like Fernando’s, except for his icy stare. Her skin prickled with alarm. “Does the sacerdote know who I am?”

  Enrique’s expression darkened. “He would never have sanctioned the union if he had suspected fraud.”

  She sank to the blanket, cradling Diego in her arms. When Enrique joined her, she kept her voice low. “You did, yet you said nothing at all.”

  “Nor did you. Why have you deceived him? What is your game?”

  “My what?” She bristled. “Know this, señor, this is no more a game to me than it is to you.”

  “I have never deliberately deceived my brother to further my own ends.”

  “Nor have I. When I took Sancha’s place on her journey to the convent, my only intent was to protect her from our uncle’s scheme, not to deceive Fernando. I had no idea he would even show up in Granada or that my abductors would bring me there. After Fernando rescued me, he identified himself as my betrothed. At first, I feared he was my uncle’s agent sent to bring me back so I would confess where Sancha was, after which my uncle would finish me off. When I realized Fernando spoke the truth, or what he believed to be the truth, I also learned he recalled nothing of Sancha, not even her name.”

  “And you saw an opportunity to substitute your own?”

  She spoke through her teeth. “I had no choice in the matter.”

  “Why? When Fernando failed to recall his betrothed’s name it would have been a simple matter for you to have told him the truth.”

  “A simple matter?” She frowned. “Were you there, señor?”

  “If I had been, I would have done what was required.”

  “Easy for you to say. You were at our nuptials and yet you revealed nothing then. Why?”

  He hesitated, picking at a loose thread on the blanket. “I saw my brother’s happiness. I know my brother’s rage if I had challenged the marriage.”

  “And I know my sister’s dread. She would rather die than wed Fernando.”

  He leaned away. “What?”

  “When I feared our uncle would try to murder my sister as he had our parents, I suggested we send for Fernando to gain his protection. Sancha begged me not to. She wants to spend her days in the convent rather than being used to birth heirs. I promised to keep her from a marriage she could never endure and might not survive. My first loyalty went to my sister.”

  “And remains with her now.”

  Isabella breathed hard. “No. As I traveled with your brother, I found myself falling in love with him, and events soon veered out of control. Even so, I never thought he would insist on wedding me at the fortaleza. I knew once we reached my papá’s castle there would be no marriage or hope for us.”

  He arched one eyebrow. “I suppose you tried to deter him from the journey.”

  At his sarcasm, Isabella laughed. It sounded as anguished as her voice. “Sí, I fully admit it. Endlessly, ceaselessly I tried to deter him.” She rubbed her forehead. “Not only because I feared losing his love, but also I dreaded what my uncle might do to Fernando to keep him from siring an heir and claiming the inheritance.”

  Enrique searched her face. Trying to cull the truth from her many lies? At last, he shook his head.

  She frowned. “What I said is the truth.”

  “Tell him, not me.”

  “I want to, yet how do I explain my lies as I also beg for his love?”

  “You still have to tell him, Isabella. With each day, with each new lie, you only serve to further betray his trust.”

  Sighing, she pulled Diego off her shoulder. The pup yelped, wanting to lick her face. “As soon as I confess, Fernando will leave me.”

  “How can he? The two of you are wed.”

  “Under false pretenses. Fernando believes he has control of an inheritance when he actually wed the second daughter of a duke. I have hardly anything to offer him in terms of wealth. A few jewels, nothing more. He can easily have the marriage annulled and claim Sancha.”

  “What of the child you and he may have already created?”

  She straightened and met him eye for eye. “If there is a child, our son or daughter belongs to me. The child will be all I have left of Fernando. Neither he, nor any other man, will take what is mine. If need be, I will flee Spain to ensure it.”

  Enrique didn’t comment.

  Again, silence pressed in on them, broken by Tomás and Pedro’s sudden return to camp. Each of them held two rabbits. The other caballeros followed a short time later, one at a time or in small groups. Some had kills or catches to boast of…others did not. In the end, Fernando and the sacerdote proved to be the most skilled hunters, as they had each slain four rabbits.

  Fernando tossed his to the men preparing tonight’s feast and turned to Isabella. His broad smile faded. He frowned at Enrique. “What have you said to her this time?”

  “Fernando, wait.” She put out her hand. “Your brother said nothing untoward.”

  “Why do you look so sad?”

  The pup whined for her attention. Seizing upon it, she lied. “I was telling Enrique about our first Diego.”

  “The galgo slain by the fingerless man?” Pedro asked.

  She stared. “How did you know?”

  “Fernando told us.” Tomás sighed. “Of course, he was weeping so hard we—”

  Fernando shoved him aside. Tomás’s arms flailed.

  Pedro glanced from his youngest brother to her. “Fernando also said you saved his life.”

  Enrique looked up. “What?”

  She waved her hand, dismissing his question. “It was nothing.”

  “Only my life,” Fernando said.

  Her face flooded with heat.

  He smiled. “Go on. Tell them what you did to save me.” He turned to Enrique. “She was magnificent.”

  “I was enraged.” She frowned. “How dare the puto—”

  “Isabella.” Fernando shook his head.

  “Forgive me.” She faced Enrique. “I merely dealt a mortal blow to the man who was going to murder him.”

  Enrique seemed genuinely shocked. “Fernando, how did it happen?”

  Isabella answered before he could. “I insulted the man, calling him puto.”


  She sighed. “I can hardly apologize for what he was, a coward who would harm a defenseless creature.”

  The sacerdote stopped on his trek to the forest. “She calls the man she wed a creature?”

  “Fernando was defenseless?” Enrique asked.

  Isabella shrugged. “Only after I took his sword.”

  Enrique looked utterly confused. “Why would you do so? How were you able to do so?”

  As Pedro and Tomás lowered their faces to hide their smiles, Fernando shoved his fingers through his hair. “Perhaps the tale is best left for another day.”

  * * * *

  After everyone ate their fill of the meat and fish, Fernando and his younger brothers regaled Isabella with tales from their childhoods that she met with a forced smile. Enrique remained silent, his manner reminding her of what she wanted to forget.

  She had no idea how to broach the subject of her lies. What words could she possibly use to lessen the blow? After her confession, how could Fernando face his brothers, especially Pedro and Tomás?

  Fernando rested his hand on her forearm. She flinched and turned to him. “What is it?”

  “I might ask you the same.” He studied her closely. “What troubles you?”

  Enrique cleared his throat. To the casual observer he might have seemed tired, or perhaps bored. Isabella sensed his tension. He wanted her to end the deception now.

  “Much has happened these past days,” she said to Fernando. “I am not yet at peace.”

  “Matters will soon be settled in our favor.”

  Everything would soon turn to dust. “A m
atter concerns me that I need to discuss with—”

  “No. Everything is settled. We will continue to your papá’s castle.”

  “I need to speak with you about something else.”

  “Tomás, Pedro.” Enrique pushed to his feet. “The meal is finished. Prepare your beds. Do it now.”

  The brothers exchanged a glance. Enrique ordered the rest of the men to finish up, prepare their beds, or go to their stations to guard the camp.

  “Enrique.” Tomás glared. “The men are mine, not yours.”

  “Then take command of your men. The end of the day has come.”

  “The night is still young.” Pedro beamed. “All of us are still young except you.”

  Fernando laughed.

  Enrique turned on him. “Take your wife to your tent.”

  Fernando’s laughter wound down. He remained where he was, draping his arm across Isabella’s shoulders as he ignored Enrique in favor of his other brothers. “He gets this way at times. It would be best to dismiss whatever he says.”

  Enrique stared at Isabella, his expression clearly telling her to confess now or he’d tell Fernando everything.

  She touched Fernando’s hand. “We should go to our tent.”

  “In time.”

  She begged. “Please, we should go to our tent.”

  “Do as your wife requests,” Enrique said.

  Fernando stood and offered Isabella his hand. The moment she was on her feet, he squeezed her fingers. “Stay here.” He joined his younger brothers and leaned down, speaking to them quietly.

  Tomás nodded to whatever Fernando was saying. Pedro kept glancing at her.

  When Diego yelped, Tomás pushed to his knees and lifted the pup in one hand before it could escape the blanket. “The galgo can stay with us until dawn.” He promptly handed the pup to Pedro. “Watch him” On his feet, Tomás called his men to another spot and spoke to them in lowered tones.

  Fernando returned to Isabella and took her hand. “Come.”

  He led her away from the camp and into a stand of olive trees.

  She looked over her shoulder. “Where are we going?”

  “Here.” They were deep within the stand richly scented with earth and vegetation.

  From this distance, the fire was a faint gold-and-reddish glow while the warm breeze brought occasional snatches of the men’s conversations.

  “Why are we here?” she asked.

  “You needed to tell me something.”

  She regarded the moonlit surroundings before finding the courage to meet Fernando’s gaze. His beautiful eyes burned with passion as he trailed his forefinger over the swell of her breast. She weakened with desire at his welcomed touch but forced herself to speak. “There is something you must know.”

  “What would it be?” With his lips to her throat, he backed her against the trunk of an olive tree.

  The bark was rough against her palms, Fernando’s lips heated and soft as he suckled her flesh. She could scarcely breathe but had to confess the truth. “Please, I have something to—”

  His mouth and tongue cut off her words. His kiss demanded, taking what he wanted. He allowed Isabella no sound or movement as he imprisoned her. Only when she matched his passion was he finally satisfied, enjoying her for a long time before ending the kiss. She was still moaning softly when he turned her to face the trunk. She looked over. “What are you doing?”

  “Quiet.” He pressed his cheek to hers. “Do you want the men and the sacerdote to hear?”

  He loosened her laces and pushed the garments past her arms and hands to her waist. Her breath caught. The scant breeze grazed her naked breasts, tightening her nipples.

  Fernando turned her until she was again facing him. “Take care not to lean against the trunk. I want no further injuries to your flesh.” He ran his fingers over her arm, gently touching the healing wound on her elbow. “Does it still pain you?” He brushed his lips over the spot. “Do your knees?” He lifted her skirt and swept down to kiss each of those healing wounds.

  When he raised his face to see her expression, she regarded him with all the love she had. “Gracias, Fernando.”

  He gave her a pleased smile and straightened. “Lift your arms and wrap your hands around the branch.”

  She looked to where he did.

  He kissed her throat and pushed her clothing over the flare of her hips. As the garments floated to her feet, fully exposing her nudity, the breeze delivered loud laughter and snatches of the men’s rowdy converse back at camp.

  “Ho-ho!” one of the voices shouted. “Your tale is surely—”

  “A lie,” another voice cut in, “Eduard knows nothing of the—”

  “Allow him to speak for himself,” yet another voice said.

  Fernando touched her. “Lift your arms.”

  “The men.”

  “Pedro and Tomás know to keep them away. I intend to have you several times. My pace will be unhurried, my actions thorough.”

  More loud laughter burst from the camp.

  Heat flooded her face and throat, though shame wasn’t what she felt. She was aroused at the prospect of Fernando taking her with so many others nearby, forcing her to keep quiet, which would intensify her release.

  Desire coursed through her as a thought nagged. The coming minutes would only delay her confession. Nothing would stop the truth. She should tell him now. “Fernando, I must—”

  “All is well.”

  Behind them, sharp cheers erupted from the men along with loud laughter.

  The first words of her confession died in her throat at Fernando’s hands resting on the flare of her hips. He drew her nipple inside his mouth and suckled hard, flicking his tongue over the tightened tip. Pleasure rushed past her breasts to her belly, settling between her legs. She ached for more. He soon gave his attention to her other nipple, driving Isabella so wild with need, she could barely stifle her moans.

  He straightened. “Lift your arms.”

  She grasped the branch above her. The breeze licked her damp folds and the faint traces of moisture he’d left on her nipples.

  Fernando dropped to one knee, helping her out of her clothes. After tossing them aside, he ran his roughened palms down the insides of her legs, spreading them even more. With her sex exposed to him, he cupped her buttocks in one hand and thumbed her erect nub.

  A heavenly ache settled between her legs. She whimpered.

  He squeezed her buttocks. “Quiet.”

  She tightened her fingers around the branch. Fernando not only worked her nub but also licked her damp folds. When it proved too much, she pressed her mouth to the inside of her arm, silencing her newest whimpers and moans.

  In the camp, the men grew even louder. Here, the wind suddenly tore through the leaves. She trembled at Fernando’s tongue and touch, surrendering finally to delight that aroused and weakened, sending waves of warmth through her. She reached her peak quickly and drifted back down, her channel pulsating with the climax. Sated and spent, she rested her head against her arm and breathed hard.

  On his feet, he wrapped her hair about his hand, pulled back her head, and slanted his mouth over hers, plunging his tongue inside. His kiss was savage and unrestrained as he worked his garments until he’d released his rigid shaft. It was silky and hot against the inside of her thigh, creating such an intensity of emotion she could scarcely breathe. Fernando deepened their kiss, demanding even more. He cupped her buttocks and lifted her. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his narrow hips.

  Taking what he wanted…what was his…he drove his thickened member within her sheath, filling, stretching, plunging, thrusting. A wild act thrilling her beyond anything she’d known. Never had she felt as filled or as deliciously used. Nothing held him back. Not the men’s voices, taking her standing up, or their mingled gasps. He continued through it all, his strength and passion mounting with each thrust until he had to press his mouth to her shoulder and mu
ffle his growls of delight.

  With the act finished, he shuddered, imprisoning her in his strong embrace, suckling her throat until she moaned.

  “No. Quiet.” He panted. “Unless you want this to end.”

  Only a madwoman would crave such a thing. She made no other noise, clinging to him as he rested then took her again and yet again, fulfilling his promise to have her several times, and to make his actions thorough.

  Now came the last of his pledge, his unhurried pace. His kisses were prolonged and so tender she mewled, slipping her arms around his shoulders, unwilling to let him go.

  At last he tore his mouth away. “All is well?”

  She embraced him in answer.

  He ran his hand down the length of her hair then eased himself from her, his actions guiding Isabella to unwrap her legs.

  Once she was back on her feet, he slipped his fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face to the moonlight drizzling through the leaves. His smile was content, his voice weary. “Have you had enough of me?”


  He touched his lips to hers and eased back. “We shall have to make good use of the tent before the sun rises.” Smiling, he fastened his garments.

  After he helped her dress and tied her laces, he rested his chin on her shoulder. “I nearly forgot.”

  She turned her face to his and smiled at his contentment, the same as hers.

  He tapped the tip of her nose. “Go on.”

  “Go on?”

  “Sí. Before we left camp, you said you wanted to discuss something with me that I must know.”

  Her smile froze.

  He straightened and turned her to face him. “What did you want to tell me?”

  She considered the moments they’d just shared, the trust and love they’d given each other. She thought of Enrique, Sancha, her uncle, the hopeless future that kept pressing in.

  Unable to face the consequences of her actions, she sighed. “Only how much I love you and must have you again and again tonight.”

  Chapter 16

  Fernando brought her straight to their tent, unmindful of anyone else.

  Isabella felt Enrique watching.


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