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Hate Me

Page 7

by Leen Elle

  I was surprised to find the front door of the house wide open, and even more surprised to see Raylin's mother draped over the couch with three empty Carlsberg cans on the coffee table and taking big gulps from another can. The last time I had seen her mother was two days after I stayed at Raylin's house and she looked pretty alright, besides the fact that she was scarfing chocolates like anything. Linking what Rayne told me that night when Raylin was drunk, I managed to deduce that their mother was in such a wreck because her boyfriend cheated on her.

  "Hello, Mrs. Lachey." I greeted her, shutting the door carefully behind me. I walked towards the stairs, planning to lock myself in the room with my guitar and stay out of her way.

  "You!" She suddenly called out. I spun around to face her, fighting back a grimace. Her hair was disheveled and her pupils were dilated. "You're Raylin's fucking boyfriend aren't you? I'm telling you, you little screwed-up punk. Look after my baby Raylin well. Don't you dare take advantage of her, you get me? You do anything wrong to her, and I'll make you pay. PAY! Ha! Like that stupid Chris. Chrissy Chrissy Chris. Bloody asshole! I'll kill him! Yes! I will…"

  My mouth opened to shout out a protest at her first sentence but I shut it again when she started flailing her arms and throwing empty beer cans at me. I had never known anyone who got drunk so quickly on just three cans of alcohol but I wasn't about to find out why. Dodging her aims, which were surprising good in her inebriated state, I managed to run into my room. Still, I could tell that she did care a lot about her daughters, the way she threatened to murder me. I shuddered, locking the door.

  Seating myself onto the bed and leaning against the pillows, I reached down to pull my guitar into my lap. I closed my eyes and let my fingers play across the strings. The opening chords of Augustana's Boston filled the room. For almost half an hour, I had a blissful time filling every nook and crevice of my room with music. And then my cellphone just had to spoil the mood by beeping. I took it out in frustration, one hand still resting on the strings.

  Rayne is missing. Did you see her? – Raylin

  Rayne was missing? Since when?

  Wat happened? - Viper

  I texted a reply back to her before returning my guitar back to its proper position. Grabbing my wallet, I left the house again, careful to leave by the back door for fear of banging into her mother again. My cellphone started ringing and there was a call from Raylin. She sounded on the verge of tears and I could hear Leila talking behind her, trying to calm her down. She was babbling something incoherent and all I could get from her garbled dialogue was simply weird.

  "Wait! Let me get this straight!" I exclaimed in a bid to get her to calm down. "You snogged Rayne's boyfriend, she found out, she said you screwed him and then you screamed back at her and she ran away?"

  There was silence on the other end of the line then she erupted into laughter. Well, at least she was laughing. It sounded like Leila managed to wrestle the phone from Raylin's grip with words that went along the lines of how she would get charged for talking on the phone and driving at the same time.

  "This is Viper?" I heard Leila saying. "Look, what happened was that Rayne was snogging her boyfriend in her room alone and Raylin found out and she was pissed and they blew up at each other and Rayne is now running barefoot somewhere along the streets." Before I could get a word in, she hung up on me, leaving me to stare at the phone in my hand. Shrugging, I made my way to the streets.

  Walking past the book house, I looked in. Maria was behind the counter and she gave me a welcoming smile when she spotted me hovering at the door. She held up a piece of tempting triple layered chocolate cake oozing with the heavenly brown liquid. Maybe just one slice… NO! Rayne's missing! Just one slice? I SAID NO. You suck. I shook my head determinedly at her, turning to walk further down the pavement.

  If I were a twelve year old girl running away from my sister, where would I be? I mused, glancing through shop windows, my trademark scowl fixed on my face. I ran my tongue nervously over my lip ring. Honestly, I treated Rayne like my own little sister, and the fact that she was hiding somewhere in these crowded streets all alone worried me immensely. A thought hit me and I called Melvin. He picked up at the second ring, "'Sup, bro?".

  "Do you know where Rayne likes to hang out?" I asked bluntly, going straight to the point.

  "What?" He sounded surprised. "Why're you asking me that? What happened to Rayne?" I didn't miss the frantic tone in his voice. Briefly, I filled him in on what was happening. I could imagine him fretting on the other end of the line, running his hands through his hair non-stop like he did every time his nerves got the better of him. "I'm not too sure where she likes hanging out usually but she did tell me that she liked being at a place with lots of silence when she's pissed off."

  I racked my brains as to where she could have gone. Someplace quiet? The only location that I could think of was the library and Rayne didn't seem like the book-ish type of girl. Nevertheless, I hurried to the library, pausing outside. The marble building rose three stories high, the automatic glass doors tall and imposing. For three years I hadn't stepped anywhere near this place and just for this kid, I was here.

  The doors drew apart as I took another step towards them. A blast of cold air whacked me in the face and the security guard narrowed his eyes at me menacingly. I glared right back at him, slouching forwards even more. His steely gray gaze traveled over my purple-streaked black hair, pierced eyebrow and lips, eye-linered eyes and baggy clothes. Finally deciding that I was no threat, he stopped his intense scrutinizing, leaving me to roam the library in peace.

  I took the elevator up to the third floor, walking through the whole floor for a glimpse of her fiery red hair. But of course, I couldn't find her. As I was leaving the library, a brilliant idea hit me. I turned and walked back up to the security guard who looked down at me from under his bushy eyebrows.

  "Did you see this girl with red hair and blue eyes running into this library bare-footed?" I stopped before him, suddenly realizing how ridiculous the question sounded. He raised an eyebrow skeptically.

  "You kiddin' me, son?" His voice was a low growl. In fact, it took me quite awhile to figure out his words. What I heard was 'Y'kiddin'ee,son?" I shook my head firmly, before repeating my question. Clearly, he thought it was all a joke and threw his head back to laugh. Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I turned to leave before the receptionist called me back from her desk. I sauntered over to her. She stretched her pearly pink lips into what was supposed to be a smile.

  "Were you looking for a girl who was crying and running up the escalator?" She asked, her nails tapping away at the keyboard. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes again. And how many girls ran up the escalator crying everyday? "Oh, and she had red hair and blue eyes like you described."

  I nodded. Apparently, I hadn't searched the third floor thoroughly enough, for she had run up there. Thanking the receptionist, I went up the escalator again, ignoring the security guard's intense stare. After two rounds around the floor and finding no signs that the red haired beauty had been around, I was beginning to suspect that maybe trusting the receptionist wasn't a very good idea.

  "V… Viper?" There was a tentative whisper from one of the dark aisles between two big shelves of books. Besides, that whisper sounded remotely like Rayne. I delved into one of the aisles, only to come upon a lovey-dovey couple murmuring what sounded like 'I love you' to each other. Oops. I grimaced, backing out quickly when the guy looked up at me, clearly not liking what he saw. Hey, some people just didn't take to Goths. Is it my fault? I went into the next aisle, where I found Rayne curled up against the wall with a book in her lap. A quick glance told me that it was a romance novel. Goodness, how could two sisters who looked so alike be so different?

  "Hey," I said, unsure of what to do. I shoved my hands deeper into my pocket, making the chains rattle. "Raylin's really freaked out y'know?" She turned her blue orbs from the book to my face. Although she tried to keep a blank mask, I could easily tell
that she felt a slight twinge of guilt.

  "Maybe we should go find her, okay?" I suggested, taking a hand out of my pocket to hold it out to her. She hesitated, then stuffed the book back onto a shelf and took my hand. I started to lead her to the escalator but…

  "On second thought, let's take the elevator. There's a big guy down there that I don't quite want to bump into." I grabbed her arm and steered her towards the lift instead, ignoring a passing librarian's suspicious glares.

  "Huh, what?" came her puzzled response.



  I could swear that I was crying. No, I'm not crying! It's raining! Well, smartass, in case you haven't noticed, the sky is a very beautiful cornflower blue. It IS raining! If you say so. Alright, I'm crying. Leila put a comforting arm around my shoulders, trying to soothe my frazzled nerves. Me. Raylin the Ice Queen. Frazzled? Ha! But well, it wasn't everyday that I had a big row with my sister that ends with her running away. It was an easy job for Leila. I didn't like crying out loud, especially not in public. The way I cry goes somewhat like that: I take a deep shuddering breath to calm myself, but the tears spill forth anyway. I never cried with shaking shoulders of big wails. Never. How could I, when it was just so disgraceful?

  My cellphone rang. My fingers tightened their grip around the steering wheel, so hard that my knuckles turned white. Leila reached over and picked the phone out of my pocket, pressing the loud speaker button. Viper's husky voice came over the line, "Raylin? I kinda found Rayne and I'm being held back at the library by some big guy who thinks I'm trying to kidnap her."

  Do my ears deceive me? His first statement shook me so hard that I swerved sharply to the right, much to Leila's horror. She snapped, "Whoa there, Ice Queen. I still have a life to live." Viper's voice came over the phone again, this time sounding more urgent and with a slight panicky tone. Apparently, the 'Big Guy' was threatening to call the cops. Seeing as I was in no position to answer, Leila assured him that we would be there soon before hanging up.

  Somehow, I managed to drive to the library. As we stepped in through the automatic doors, I smacked myself mentally on the head. Of course I should have come to the library! Rayne really liked romance novels (Hell knows why.) unlike me, and enjoyed going to the library to well, putting it crudely, get high on fluffy stories. I spared the receptionist a cursory glance as I swept the place with my eyes. There was no sign of the Goth guy or my sister. Meanwhile, Leila had sauntered over to the receptionist's desk and was conversing with her in low tones.

  "They're in the office. The poor girl, her eyes were so puffy, and she just wouldn't admit that the horrible boy was kidnapping her! And for heaven's sake, how can a boy wear make-up, it's just wrong!" The receptionist chattered as she keyed in a password into the electronic keypad on the wall. Or the supposed wall. It rose up to reveal a corridor which was supposed to…

  "If you go to your right, there's the Head Librarian's office where your friends are. And on your left is actually the office for the staff," she beamed at us, ushering us in before the opening was consumed by the descending wall. We looked at each other before turning to the right. On the frosted glass door was a gleaming bronze plaque reading 'Head Librarian'. I raised my fist to knock and it swung open, revealing a burly man standing with his arms crossed, hovering over a little intimidated Viper and a teary Rayne. When the burly man (whom I suspected was 'Big Guy') shifted slightly, I caught sight of a man in a black suit, paired with an ivory undershirt and a navy tie. His wrist cuffs were silver studs and his silver-streaked black hair was combed back.

  He rose to his feet when he saw us approach the desk. He held out his hand and I shook it, keeping my eyes on Rayne. Her leg muscles were tense, seemingly ready to propel her into leaping towards me, had it not been for that 'Big Guy' staring them down. Viper was meeting his gaze with an equally steely one, but it was obvious that he wasn't happy with his opponent's size. A plaque on the librarian's table stated that his name was 'Gregoire M. Rover'. Noticing it, I spoke to him in the clipped, cold tone I usually reserved for strangers and teachers.

  "Mr. Rover, may I enquire as to why my sister and my friend are under your surveillance?" I ignored Viper's not-very-well concealed surprise at my tone. "I am Raylin Lachey, by the way."

  "Miss Lachey," his voice was just as clipped and cool as mine, maybe even surpassing my standards. "Your friend was seen gripping your sister's arm tightly and steering her towards the lift. Our librarian thought it looked suspiciously, especially since he tried to avoid her gaze, an action that is usually associated with guilty or shy people. Judging by his outward appearance, we doubt that he is the latter. Besides, Mr. John Mower here reckons that your friend is a shady character. He is one of the best security guards and his suspicions are usually proved to be true. It would be much appreciated if you could provide us with a reasonable explanation."

  At his 'judging by his outward appearance' and 'shady character' remarks, I stifled my laughter, hearing a mumbled 'what the fuck?' being emitted from the purple and black haired teenager. I sneaked a glance at them; Viper was slouched in his chair, still glaring at 'Big Guy' through strands of hair; Rayne was studying her nails intently. I smiled slightly at the man, responding, "Thank you for the rundown of what happened, Mr. Rover. What really happened is that my sister ran away after we… had a quarrel back at home. Being her sister, I was naturally worried and implored my friend to help me. I can fully assure you that he was not up to any tricks. I do not doubt Mr. Mower but this time, it seems like he's wrong. It would be appropriate if you could release them now."

  After making me sign a rather official looking document, he allowed them to leave, John Mower's threatening gaze tracing a disconcerted Viper out of the room.


  I never thought that the Ice Queen was professional enough to handle the situation so well, but who am I kidding? This was Raylin Lachey, teacher's pet and an all-rounder that we were talking about. We were finally allowed to leave, and I could still feel John Mower's penetrating eyes boring into my back. Staring him down was like trying to stare down a furious boar. The fact that he didn't take to my piercings one bit didn't help much either.

  Raylin walked on ahead, her back held straight and head tilted high. I wanted to laugh at her, but I thought she deserved some credit for her iciness and calm demeanor back there. Her eyes were red-rimmed from crying, and she was definitely upset, although she concealed it well. When we finally stepped out of that silent place (I resisted the urge to fall to the ground and kiss it), she spun around, holding her arms out to her sister. The two sisters stood there staring at each other before Rayne rushed into her arms. Raylin held her so tightly, I was actually a little worried that her ribs would be crushed. Leila and I stood at the side, watching on awkwardly.

  I lifted a hand to fiddle with my eyebrow ring, directing my gaze to some faraway spot instead. When I finally turned back, the sisters were done sobbing over (in Rayne's case) and cuddling each other. Instead, Leila was chiding Rayne. "Don't you ever go running away again, little Missy. It's hard work trying to make your sister stop crying."

  "You cried?" Rayne turned to Raylin with a bemused look on her face. "I've never really seen you cry. But I'm sorry for doing that anyway. You're the best damned sister I have ever had and will ever have and… I really shouldn't have said all those things just now."

  "And I'm sorry for blowing up at you too, Rayne," Raylin smiled down at the red-head, ruffling her hair playfully. "Besides, Leila, I didn't cry. It rained." She looked at her friend defiantly, placing one arm around her sister.

  "Well I'm sure the sky was not blue at all, Raylin," I cut in sarcastically. "Yes, it was storming so hard that I had some trouble getting to the library." She blinked and stared at me, as though just realizing that I was there.

  "I never said thanks, did I? We're still not even, you shady character. I owe you one," I winced at the 'shady character' jibe. It stung. "What d'you want me to do?"

sp; "How about telling your mother that I'm not your boyfriend?"

  "What?!" Her eyes were as wide as saucers at my reply.

  "See, just now before you called me and sounded like you were on the verge of tears and Hell knows I can't stand women crying, she…" I trailed off when an indignant voice burst out from beside Raylin.

  "Excuse me?! Couldn't you guys discuss this later on? My bare feet are killing me!" Rayne exploded, her face contorted in pain. We looked down, realizing that she was, indeed, not wearing any shoes. What did you expect? We laughed.

  Chapter 7


  "Love cuts the skin and breaks the bones, yet people still fall for its cruel, cruel trick." – Unknown.


  It was just two more days to the Valentine's Day Dance. Us girls were running about with our minds in a frenzy, trying to get everything organized and properly set up by then. Madam Pince had already banned the gym from use, so as to allow us to decorate it. Everything was going on pretty smoothly, that is, until the buffet caterer backed out of everything at the last minute. Right now, our belle was screaming down the phone at him and I could already imagine him cowering at the other end of the line.

  "You cannot just back out of it like that! Couldn't you give us at least a few days' notice?" Belinda was screeching down the miniscule cellphone in her hand. "No! Two days is NOT enough. We're already in such a frenzy and you just created more problems for us! How are we going to carry on with plans? What is a dance with no food, you tell me?"


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