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Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “One of those guys?”

  He leaned back again. “One who hopes to get into the college of his dreams or even has a shot at a shitty townie one.”

  “You can be any guy you want to be, Rory.”

  There she went again, being optimistic even though everyone in town knew about his old man and the shit life he led. “You’re right, but the truth is still the truth, and reality doesn’t change. I’m the type of guy who loves his girl more than anything else, and that’s all I need in life.” He winked at her and loved that even three years later, she still blushed. “I’m the kind of guy who does hard, manual labor, providing for his girl because he wants her to have everything.”

  “Rory,” she said softly. She stood, walked over to him, and in front of everyone in the café, she sat right on his lap. But Rory didn’t care if anyone watched, didn’t give a fuck what they saw. He liked that she wanted to give him a little PDA, craved it even. He held her, pushed her hair off her shoulder, and pressed his mouth to her ear.

  “I swear, Lena, I fucking swear everything will work out.” He held her tighter and prayed that it would. He didn’t want to fuck this up because she was the one girl he didn’t want to lose.

  He meant it when he said he was the type of guy who worshipped his girl, that she was all he needed in his life, the only thing he needed to be happy. He didn’t lie when he’d said providing for her was what he wanted, needed to do.


  She’d been dreading this day since the first time Rory spoke about it a little over a month ago. Lena sat on the back of his pickup truck, staring at the lake across from her, the beer in her hand ice-cold. Droplets of condensation slid down the bottle and landed on her bare thighs, and the sound of Rory rustling in the cab of the truck seemed overly loud. She was just in a whole other world right now, everything seeming too sensitive, too painful.

  Tomorrow morning, Rory would leave her, leave this town and his fucked-up father behind, and she hoped create something wonderful for himself. He deserved this more than anyone else, but a part of her, this selfish part she hated but was reality, wished she could just tell him to stay with her.

  Of course she wouldn’t say that to him, wouldn’t tell him to forget about leaving the bad life he’d been dealt to start fresh somewhere else because she was selfish. He’d be back, but a year was such a long time. Of course thoughts of if he’d meet someone else, fall in love with her, and forget about this town and Lena filled her head. It was inevitable, she assumed.

  She was starting school in just a couple of months, finally deciding on just going to a local college so she could save on dorm tuition and commute from her parents’ house. What was the point of leaving and being on her own when she’d wanted to experience that with Rory?

  The music started playing seconds later, and then the sound of the truck door and of Rory’s boots crunching on the foliage, coming closer to her, filled her head. She looked over her shoulder and saw him holding a blanket and a bottle of whiskey.

  Lifting her brow and smirking, she saw the wink he gave her right before he hopped on the tailgate of the truck beside her. They didn’t speak as he cracked open the bottle, the sound of the seal breaking having her watch him take off the lid, lift the bottle, and toss the liquor back, drinking a hefty shot. He breathed out when he was finished, looked over at her, and held the bottle out, offering it to her.

  Lena wasn’t into liquor like that unless they went to the club, which was only once in a while. She preferred beer, but right now, she wanted to forget about the fact the guy she loved more than anything else was leaving. Taking the bottle, not thinking about anything but enjoying this last night she’d have with him in a long time, Lena tipped the bottle back and drank a rather large swallow of the whiskey.

  Setting the bottle back on the tailgate, she gasped as the liquor burned down her throat, having her chest tighten and her mouth go numb, but finally having this pleasurable warmth filling her. Rory chuckled beside her, picked up the bottle, and took a long drink from it again.

  They sat there several more moments, both staring at the lake, neither speaking, and the tension moving between them like thick syrup.

  “I hate that I’m leaving you, Lena, but baby, this is for the best. You’ll see.”

  She nodded but didn’t say anything or look at him. She watched the water lap at the shore against the rocks, making a soft, almost lulling sound. If she really relaxed, just let herself only focus on right now, she could imagine that she’d see Rory tomorrow, and he wouldn’t be leaving. Things would be okay.

  Right now, she felt like she was losing it, like her life was crumbling around her. Maybe it would seem extreme to think and feel that way to anyone that didn’t know their relationship or the love they had for each other.

  “I know it’s for the best, Rory, and I really am glad you’re going because you deserve to get out of here and away from Brian.” She turned and looked at him. “But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I just want to beg you to stay with me, that we can make it work without you leaving.” She wouldn’t cry, not now, not in front of him. She didn’t want Rory to feel any worse than she knew he already did. Tonight was about them being together for the last time in what would feel like forever.

  He set the bottle down again and cupped the side of her face, exhaling as if he were in pain. “Leaving you is the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever had to do, Lena, and that’s saying something given that bastard I live with.” He smoothed his finger over her cheek and leaned in close. “But no way in hell is this goodbye. This is a ‘see you later, baby, because I’m coming back for you.’”

  She smiled, leaned in, and kissed him softly.

  “Just promise you won’t let any motherfuckers bother you, and if they do you’ll kick them in the nuts like I taught you.”

  She started chuckling. “No one would even think about talking to me, not when they know I’m Rory’s girl.”

  “Damn right, you’re my girl.” He kissed her harder, ran his tongue along her lips, and she opened for him, allowing herself to just let go and focus on right here and now. “God, Lena.” There was a hitch in Rory’s deep voice, and he pulled her closer, so close she was now on his lap. His rock-hard cock between her legs pushed against the zipper of his pants and rubbed along her shorts and panty-covered pussy.

  Breaking the kiss, they both breathed heavily, their mouths just an inch apart and their eyes locked on each other’s. Leaning forward, she grabbed his shoulders and smoothed her palms over his rippling muscles. His strength poured from him, and she couldn’t contain her moan.

  She ran her tongue along his bottom lip, and tasted the alcohol and herself on him. He stared at her, and there was this very heated look in his eyes that had a small sound escaping her. He moved his hand behind her back to cup her ass, gave the mounds a squeeze, and she braced her legs farther apart and rubbed her pussy on him. The sound of the bottle falling over on the metal of the tailgate was loud, but not nearly as loud as the groan that came from him.

  “I love you so fucking much, Lena.” He speared his hand in her hair and gripped the strands, pulling her head back slightly to bare her throat. “You’re so fucking beautiful, so fucking mine.” He ran his tongue up the length of her throat, over her chin, and pulled her head forward so he could claim her mouth.

  Since they’d lost their virginity to each other last month, they’d had sex more times than she could count. Sometimes they remembered to use a condom, and sometimes they were too worked up to think smart and be safe. And although she didn’t need a baby right now, wanted to finish college and start her life, she also knew if it happened Rory would be right there with her to give his support.

  But she wasn’t thinking about being smart or safe right now. Lena was only thinking about being with the guy she loved. He speared his tongue into her mouth, stroked every inch of her, moaned and groaned, and tightened his hold on her hair until it bordered on pain and pleasure. She was frozen in place for him,
for this very masculine man who she was incredibly wet for.

  Rory continued to kiss her, licked at the inside of her mouth, at her lips … everywhere until she was rubbing herself back and forth on his erection, wishing they had nothing on, separating them. Lena’s panties were so damn wet they were soaked clean through. But when he went to pull away, to break the kiss, she gripped his broad, massive shoulders even harder, curled her nails into his flesh until he hissed out in pain, and pulled him closer.

  “You’re so fucking hot, baby,” he murmured against her mouth. “Dig your nails into me, Lena.”

  She did it again and moaned.

  Her nipples were hard, stabbing through her bra and shirt, and she felt so damn aroused right now she couldn’t even think straight. Pressing her chest to his, Lena gasped out softly when his hard chest pressed against her nipples, making the already sensitive tissue even more responsive.

  He cupped both sides of her face, tilting her head to the side so he could deepen the kiss, making her want him even more. Their breath was heated, humid, and so frantic she couldn’t decipher where one ended and the other started.

  When Rory broke the kiss, and murmured, “Let me have you, baby. Give me something to keep me warm at night while I’m in Colorado.”

  If she hadn’t been madly in love with him already, those words would have made her fall hard for this boy.


  Lena could have cried at his statement, but instead, she pressed closer to him and kissed him harder. Rory moved away from her mouth and trailed his lips along her cheek, down her jawline, and started running his teeth over her pulse, right below her ear.

  “Take me right here, Rory.”

  He groaned against her neck, and she let her head fall back, relaxed and aroused, as he slid his hands onto her shoulders and yanked her impossibly closer. And then he moved his hands down, between their bodies, and cupped both of her breasts, squeezing the mounds until she cried out in pleasure.

  It felt so good. Rory felt so good.

  “God, I fucking love you, baby.”

  “I love you, too,” she said against his mouth, wanting their clothes torn off already. Endorphins were moving through her bloodstream fast and fierce. Lena felt high from them as if she’d never touch the ground. When she slid her hands over his arms and felt the muscles jump at the same time he squeezed her breasts, everything rushed forward, exploding like fireworks inside her.

  There was so much definition beneath his T-shirt that all she wanted to do was rip it off and memorize every inch of his chest, lick every defined line and hard ridge.

  “I want you,” he said again, more frantic this time, his voice deeper. He bit the side of her throat and a gasp of pain left her, but on the heels of that was this incredible spark of pleasure. Her pussy clenched, becoming even wetter. Her clit throbbed, feeling like her pulse was based right in that tiny bundle of nerves.

  “I am so wet for you, so needy, Rory.”

  That had him stilling and moving his head back to look at her face. “I’m coming back for you, baby. Wait for me.”

  “I’ll always wait for you.” She felt her eyes start to water and leaned in, kissing him as deeply as he had kissed her just moments before, telling him without words she felt the same way. She’d wait for him forever.

  He broke their kiss, gazed down at her for several moments, and then helped her off his lap. But before she could protest, he had the blanket spread out across the bed of the truck, and seconds later, she was on her back with his big body over hers.

  Rory had his gaze riveted to her chest, and she knew he could see how hard her nipples were. Hell, they felt like they’d rip through the material. He rose above her slightly, leaned back on his haunches, and that was when she looked at the crotch of his jeans and saw the huge bulge he sported.

  “Does it feel kind of dirty taking you in the back of my truck?” he asked the question, but there was heat and desire in his voice.

  “Yeah, it does, but I kind of like that.” Lena was so turned on, and they hadn’t had sex out in the middle of nowhere, with the trees surrounding them and the stars above them. It seemed like the perfect night, the perfect place to do this since he was leaving tomorrow.

  “I want to do so many dirty things to you, Lena.”

  They’d done just about everything, even before they’d had sex. “You can do whatever you want to me, Rory. I want it all, as long as you’re the one giving it to me.”

  He looked back at her face, and a low, almost animalistic sound left him. Lena gazed down at his chest, and his abdomen, and lower still. Rory was built like a tank. To say he was masculine was an understatement.

  “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, Rory. Right here, right now.”

  The sound that came from him this time was so raw, so low, that she felt the vibrations through her entire body.

  “Baby, you can’t say things like that to me.”

  “I’m so ready for you.”

  Rory pushed her thighs open even wider with his knee. The way he breathed, and the force in which he was touching her, told her he was at his breaking point. But Lena would be lying if she didn’t admit this didn’t get her so worked up she felt like passing out.

  He positioned himself between her spread thighs, but her jeans and panties were still on. If they were really going to do this, all of the clothing was going to have to be taken off—or torn off as she’d prefer right now. She shifted under him as he stared at her chest and lower still until he was looking at her pussy, although all he was seeing was her shorts-covered slit. The seam of the jeans was right in the middle, right where her cleft and clit were. When she moved under him that seam rubbed along her erogenous zones and made her so damn anxious for this she was about to beg him to take her.

  Moving his lower half closer to hers, Rory pressed his erection right on her pussy and started grinding himself against her. A gasp of pleasure left her, and she reached up and grabbed hold of his forearms braced on either side of her.

  Rory thrust against her over and over again, pumped his hips forward and then retreated like he was really fucking her, really shoving all those hard, thick inches into her. She could have gotten off on this alone.

  Biting her lip as he continued to rub her clit, she felt the skin split as she bit down a little too hard. But that pain helped her pleasure mount even higher.

  Lena was ready to have an orgasm from dry humping alone. He closed his eyes and hung his head as he continued to dry fuck her, both of them making these noises of ecstasy, but neither making a move to stop to get their clothing off. The music still played low in the background, making this situation feel a little less real, if that even made sense.

  “Fuck me.” Lena knew what to say to make him lose his self-control, and she was hoping that was the case right now. She rose up and braced her upper body on her elbows to slant her mouth on his, swallowing his groans and making a moan of her own. Bracing herself on only one elbow now, she reached up and cupped the back of his head, spearing her hands in the short strands of his hair. Lena adjusted her body so she could move her other hand between them, undo his button, and push his zipper down.

  “God, Lena. Baby …” He broke away and moved back so he was now on his knees. Pushing her hand away, he pushed down his jeans and grabbed his cock from the confines of his boxer briefs. She stared at the flesh revealed—the lower half of his abdomen, the six-pack on display, and the tattoo of the detailed gun inked on his side.

  She started undoing her own shorts as she watched him stroke his erection, her mouth drying at the size of him. No matter how many times they’d done it, every time she saw Rory’s cock, she got this thrill that he was huge down there.

  When the button and zipper were undone, she lifted her ass and pushed her shorts and panties down. Rory grabbed them midway down her thighs and pulled them the rest of the way off.

  “We should use a condom this time, baby. We’ve been playing dangerously.”

  She knew that
, and they should use one, but she’d just ended her period, so she was pretty sure they were safe in that regard, and just wanted Rory. “Just be with me without anything between us, Rory.”

  He made a deep sound in his throat again.

  She stared at his dick as he jerked off, and the fact he was doing this, getting off while staring at her, made this entire situation more heated. He was thick and long, with the crown round and wider than his shaft, and a drop of pre-cum dotting the tip. She stared in wonder as that droplet of his arousal, of his need for her, slowly slid down the underside of his cock before dropping between her thighs.

  “God, Rory.” She breathed out a gust of air, not realizing she’d spoken out loud.

  “Spread your legs wider. Let me see your pink, wet pussy, baby.”

  He used his other hand to grip his balls while he continued to stroke his cock, staring at her between her thighs. Lena spread her legs for him and felt her pussy lips part as she widened herself for him. Her gaze was glued to his cock and balls, and God, did he have big balls.

  “I am so turned on right now.” She hadn’t thought she could ever be more turned on than she normally was with Rory, but right now, right here, Lena felt like she could get off just from watching him masturbate. Maybe it was the fact he was leaving tomorrow, and she wouldn’t be able to do this with Rory for a year? Whatever it was, she didn’t want it to end.

  “You keep looking at me like that and saying dirty things to me, baby, and I might come right on your pussy without even fucking you.” He placed his hand between her thighs, and a moan left her at the feel of the heat that came from his fingers, and the slight calluses from him doing manual labor. He was such a hard worker, and it showed in his body. “You’re so wet for me, Lena, so ready for my cock.” He started moving his finger up and down, right through her slick folds, rubbing her clit on every upstroke and gently pressing into her pussy hole on the downstrokes.


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