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Dancing to the Precipice

Page 57

by Caroline Moorehead

  Brissot, Jacques-Pierre, 108, 155

  Britain: French admiration for, 55, 249; visitors to Paris, 55, 132, 293, 357; attitude to French Revolution, 132–3; at war with France, 237, 249, 274; French émigrés in, 247–51, 259–62; radicalism, 250; economic prosperity, 252; and French invasion threat, 271, 273; peace treaty with France (1802), 292; declares war on France (1803), 295; threatens Flushing and Antwerp, 329; resists French dominance, 332; secret treaty with France and Austria at Congress of Vienna, 355; dominance after Waterloo, 369

  Broglie, Marshal Victor François, Duc de, 98, 357, 376, 410

  Brouquens, M. de, 171, 176, 179–80, 182, 190, 194, 231, 245–6, 274, 300, 305

  Brown, Mrs (American ambassadress), 406

  Browne, Lady Charlotte (later Goold), 255

  Browne, Valentine, 365

  Brume, General, 178, 185

  Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of, 151, 154

  Brussels: occupied by French, 155–6; Frédéric appointed prefect, 306–9, 312; character, 310–12; Napoleon visits with Marie-Louise, 327–8; social life, 327–9; Frédéric leaves, 336–8; Lucie flees to on Napoleon’s return from Elba, 361–2; and Battle of Waterloo, 365

  Buckingham, George Nugent-Temple Grenville, 1st Marquis of, 262

  Buffon, Georges Louis Leclercq, Comte de, 57, 87

  Burdett, (Sir) Francis, 55–6

  Burke, Edmund, 250; Reflections on the French Revolution, 132–3

  Burney, Fanny (Mme d’Arblay), 265

  Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 431

  Cabarrus, Thérésia see Tallien, Jeanne-Marie-Ignace-Thérésia

  Cadiz, 229–30

  Cagliostro, Alessandro, Conte di, 57

  Caillard (ambassador to Holland), 145

  calendar: changed, 160–1

  Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de, 67–8, 91, 101, 288–9

  Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques de, Duc de Parme, 274, 294, 296, 329

  Campan, Henriette (née Genet), 287, 289

  Canning, George, 367

  Canoles (house), near Bordeaux, 171, 177–8, 180, 182

  Canova, Antonio, 370

  Carbonari (Italy), 384–5

  Carême, Antonin, 295

  caricatures, 93

  Carnot, Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, 238, 246

  Carracciolo, Marchese de, 259

  Carrignan, Prince Charles-Albert, Duc de, 385

  Carron, Abbé, 262

  Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount, 343, 359

  Castries, Armand-Charles-Augustin de La Croix, Duc de, 135

  Cavaignac, General Louis Eugène, 433

  Cayla, Zoe Talon, Comtesse de, 377, 392, 413

  censorship: lifted, 108, 136

  Chabon, M. de, 310

  Chambarlhac, General, 337

  Chambarlhac, Mme de, 312

  Chambeau, M. de, 182, 188, 194–5, 197, 202, 206, 212–13, 224, 227, 230–1, 268–9, 290

  Chambord, Henri-Dieudonné, Comte de (Duc de Bordeaux; ‘Henri V’): birth, 379; Charles X nominates as successor, 409; plot to install as king, 413, 416–17

  Charles IV, King of Spain, 302, 304–5

  Charles X, King of France (formerly Comte d’Artois): reign, 2, 393, 407; greets Marie Antoinette on arrival in France, 9; Lucie visits, 79; horse-racing, 94; emigrates, 105; in Koblenz, 146; in Paris for Bourbon Restoration, 347, 351, 359; in Ghent with Louis XVIII, 363; political following, 375; reconstitutes government, 402, 407–8; court, 405; hunting, 405, 408; attends reception, 407; and July revolution (1830), 408; abdication and exile, 409, 412; and plot to install Duc de Bordeaux as king, 413

  Charles Albert, King of Sardinia/Piedmont, 433

  Charles Felix, King of Sardinia/Piedmont, 385, 395, 433

  Charlotte, Princess Royal, 253

  Charlotte, Queen of George III, 253

  Charrière, Isabelle de, 126

  Chartres, Duc de see Orléans, Louis-Philippe Joseph, Duc d’

  Chateaubriand, Mme, 398

  Chateaubriand, René, Vicomte de: on Army of the Princes, 146; travels in America, 200; exile in England, 259–60, 266; returns to Paris, 280; Claire de Duras’s infatuation with, 321–2, 330, 358, 399, 400–1; in Amiens, 350; Claire seeks to find post for, 354, 378, 394; interest in Mme Récamier, 358, 397; on Louis XVIII’s meeting with Talleyrand, 366; denied ministerial post, 367; visits Mme de Staël, 375; as Foreign Minister, 394; as ambassador to Rome, 398; royalist sympathies, 416; Atala, 266; Génie du Christianisme, 292, 323; La Vie de Rance, 432

  Châtelet, Duc de, 204

  chauffeurs (ruffians), 234

  Chaumets, M. de, 220

  Chavannes, Marquis de, 262

  Chénier, André, 237

  Chénier, Marie-Joseph: Charles IX (play), 93

  Cherubini, Maria Luigi Salvatore, 377

  Chevaliers de la Foi, 375

  Chiswick House, 266–7

  Choiseul, Étienne François, Duc de, 8

  cholera, 425, 431

  Chopin, Frédéric, 407

  Church: proposed appropriation of property, 12, 119; power in France, 44; represented on Estates General, 92; secularisation, 119, 122, 141; priests massacred, 153; non-juror priests persecuted, 172; priests return from exile, 291; revived under Napoleon, 292

  Cincinnatus Society, 85

  Claudine (maid), 431

  Clermont-Tonnerre, Duc de, 239

  Clermont-Tonnerre, Stanislas, Marquis de, 117, 159

  Cléry, Jean-Baptiste, 262

  Clifford, Charles, 6th Baron, 432

  Clothilde, Madame (later Queen of Sardinia; Louis XVI’s sister), 9

  Club de 1789, 118

  Coigny, Aimée de, 299, 340, 342

  Coigny, Chevalier de, 72, 81

  Collot d’Herbois, Jean-Marie, 177–8

  Combes, M. (Lucie’s tutor): teaches Lucie, 16–17, 28, 58; dines with Morris, 19; warns Lucie of losing inheritance, 45; accompanies Lucie to south, 47–8; accompanies Arthur Dillon as secretary, 52; as Frédéric’s secretary, 144, 147; in Holland with Lucie, 144; death and legacy to Lucie and Frédéric, 263–4

  Comité de Surveillance, 152

  Commission des Émigrés, 279

  Committee of Public Safety, 139, 172

  Committee for the Relief of the French Clergy and Laity, 260

  Condé, Louis Joseph, Prince de, 105, 160, 248, 348–9

  Condorcet, M.J.A.N. de Caritat, Marquis de, 17, 31, 85, 94, 137, 164, 171, 175

  Constant, Benjamin, 243, 291

  Constituent Assembly, 106

  Consulat, 27, 274

  Conti, Louis François, Prince de, 105, 114, 146

  Conti, Princesse de, 126

  Cook, Captain James, 8

  Cornwallis, General Charles, 1st Marquess, 34

  Corot, Camille, 0407

  Correspondance Secrète (anon.), 68

  Cossey Hall, Norfolk, 255–9, 274

  Council of Elders, 237

  Council of Five Hundred, 237

  Courlande, Dorothea von Medem, Duchesse de, 347

  Courrier Français, 221, 223

  Couvert, Mlle (couturier), 72

  Cramer, Johann Baptist, 271

  Crèvecoeur, Hector St John de, 30

  Custine, General Adam Philippe, Comte de, 167, 175

  Custine, Marquis de, 396

  Cuxhaven, 274–5

  Daily Gazette (New York), 223

  Damas, Abbé de, 166

  Damas, Duc de, 394, 396

  Danloux, Pierre, 262

  Danton, Georges-Jacques, 118, 131, 137, 148, 153, 172, 193, 208

  Darwin, Charles, 434

  David, Jacques-Louis, 54, 120, 139, 161, 262, 297, 319, 373, 406, 434

  Décazes, Elie, Duc, 376, 379

  Declaration of American Independence, 212

  Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 108, 111, 137

  Declaration of the Rights of Women, 138

  Deffand, Marie de Vichy de Chamrond, Marquise du, 20, 27, 31, 65, 130

  Delécluze, Etienne, 39

  Delille, Abbé, 262; La Pitié, 311

  Delrieu, André, 346

  Denon, Vivant, 293

  Descartes, René, 140

  Désilles, M. (army officer), 128–9

  Desmoulins, Camille, 99–100, 118, 137, 148, 171, 193–4

  Desmoulins, Lucile, 193–4, 203

  Despréaux (dancing master), 318

  Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of, 249, 262, 266–7

  Devonshire House Circle, 267

  Diamond Necklace affair, 60–1

  Diana (ship), 190, 192, 194–7

  Dictionnaire portatif de la cuisine, 14

  Diderot, Denis, 17–18, 27, 67

  Dillon family, 6, 19, 25

  Dillon, Arthur, Comte (Lucie’s father): character and appearance, 6; and Marie Antoinette’s wedding, 10; military service, 15, 33–4, 71; at Hautefontaine, 23, 25; and Lucie’s education, 28; interest in American War of Independence, 29–30; attends salons, 31; and wife’s health decline, 42; remarries, 51–2, 254; returns to France from St Kitts, 51; governorship of Tobago, 52; membership of Cincinnatus Society, 85; returns to France from Martinique, 114–15; membership of Assembly, 136; opposes abolition of slavery, 137–8; Lucie’s attachment to, 138, 163; resigns from Assembly, 138; and rescue of royal family, 141; accused of treachery, 154–5; remains in France, 154, 162; debts, 163; and political intrigues, 163; and trial of Louis XVI, 164–5; declines second-in-command of Army of Rhine, 167; in prison in Paris, 170, 192–4; petitions for pension, 171; trial and execution, 202–3

  Dillon, Charles, 10th Viscount, 75, 149, 155, 229

  Dillon, Charles, 41

  Dillon, Comtesse (earlier la Touche; Lucie’s stepmother), 51, 254, 263–4, 272, 301, 314, 355

  Dillon, Édouard (le beau Dillon), 24, 290

  Dillon, Fanny, 258

  Dillon, Henry, 11th Viscount, 255, 263

  Dillon, Richard-Arthur, Archbishop of Toulouse and Narbonne: character and status, 7, 10, 15; relations with Mme de Rothe, 7, 15; life at Hautefontaine, 22–5; court connections, 35; trips to south, 44, 47–51, 58; Lucie’s attachment to, 46; administrative capacity, 50; manner, 50; and Lucie’s marriage prospects, 52, 59, 70; in Assembly of Notables, 67–8; debts, 70, 123; Frédéric’s friendship with, 79; fails election to Estates General, 94; retires to Hautefontaine, 123; in Koblenz, 147; house sequestrated, 231; in exile in England, 255; seeks financial help for Lucie in London, 263; death, 299–300

  Dillon, Robert, 24

  Dillon, Theobald, 7th Viscount, 5, 75, 149, 155, 229

  Dillon, Thérèse-Lucy, Comtesse de (née de Rothe; Lucie’s mother): social life, 1; character and appearance, 6–7; and Lucie’s birth, 6, 8; marriage and children, 7, 25; at Marie Antoinette’s wedding, 10; dominated by mother, 15–16; at Hautefontaine, 23; singing and playing, 25–6; as lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette, 26, 35–6; and Lucie’s home education, 27–8; health decline and death, 40–3; related to Josephine, 284

  Directoire, 237–8, 242, 244–5; falls, 273–4

  disease: understanding of, 41

  Dôle, 124–5

  Donizetti, Domenico, 383

  Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd Duke of, 89, 132

  Drouet, Jean-Baptiste, 142

  du Barry, Marie Jeanne, Comtesse, 175

  Dumouriez, General Charles-François, 13, 147, 154–6, 171, 310

  Dupouy, Dr, 179–81, 233, 300

  Duras, Amédée de, 269–71, 290, 320–1, 323, 340, 350, 352, 422, 424

  Duras, Claire de (née de Kersaint): in England, 269–70; marriage and children, 269–70; visits Lucie in Paris, 289–90; salon, 290, 373, 377; writing, 291, 399; advises Napoleon on etiquette, 320; infatuation with Chateaubriand, 321–2, 330, 358, 399–401; accompanies Lucie to meet Napoleon, 337; friendship with Lucie, 341, 399–402; at Mouchy, 342; and daughters’ marriages, 342, 378; at Compiègne, 350; lives in Tuileries, 352–3, 355, 358; seeks to advance Chateaubriand, 354, 358, 394; flees to Brussels, 361–2; and Humbert’s death, 373; ill health and death, 400–2; Édouard, 400, 402; Ourika, 399–400

  Duras, Clara de, 270, 289, 350, 423; marriage, 378

  Duras, Félicie de see Rochejacquelein, Félicie de la

  Duroc, Grand Maréchal Christophe, 315

  Edward (Duc d’Orléans’ manservant), 158 Églantine, Fabre d’, 160

  Elba, 347

  Elisabeth, Madame (Louis XVI’s sister), 9, 113, 115, 207

  Ellison, Mrs (American minister’s wife), 217, 219

  Eloff, Mme, 152

  Emerson, Lucy, 222

  Encyclopédie (and Encyclopédistes), 17–18, 20, 27, 67, 81, 281

  Enghien, Louis de Bourbon-Condé, Duc d’, 296, 321

  England see Britain

  Enlightenment, the, 17–19

  Espinchal, Comte d’, 154

  Esquerre, Michel, 255

  Estates General: convoked (1788), 91–2, 94; assembles (1789), 95–7, 102

  Esterhazy, Princesse d’, 396–7

  Fauchet, Joseph, 223

  Fauveau, Félicie de, 414, 416

  Ferdinand, Prince of Las Esturias (later King

  Ferdinand VII of Spain), 302, 304, 385

  Ferrari (singer), 183

  Ferronays, Comte de la, 402–3

  Fersen, Count Axel, 62, 141

  Fête de la Raison, 185

  Fête des Victoires, 222

  Feuillants, 148

  Fitz-James, Betsy de (née La Touche), 254, 313

  Fitz-James, Duc de, 375, 389, 416

  Fitz-James, Duchesse de, 254, 262

  Fitz-James, Edward de, 254, 257

  Flahaut, Adélaïde de, Comtesse de, 131, 135; Adèle de Senange, 262

  Fleury, Vicomte de, 70

  Fontenay, Marquis de, 184

  Forester, Lady (née Dillon), 7

  Forges-les-Eaux, Normandy, 102

  Fort du Hâ, 185, 188, 418–20

  Fouché, Joseph, Duc d’Otrante, 177–8, 245, 278–9, 294, 366, 369

  Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin, 173, 193, 210

  Fox, Charles James, 208, 211, 249

  France: administration under ancien régime, 8–9, 21; culture, 21; country house life, 22; support for United States of America, 31–4; financial deficit and poverty, 35, 90, 93–4; condition of roads, 47; close relations with USA, 55, 84–5; English visitors, 55; food and cuisine, 56; administrative and economic decline, 67, 81; proposed reforms, 67–8, 74; Three Estates, 67; harvest failures, 91, 154–5; panic and violence in, 104–5, 108; émigrés, 123–7, 128, 145–6, 156–7, 233, 248–9, 259–62; army mutinies, 127–8; forms of address, 139; constitution drafted, 142–3; declared republic and monarchy abolished, 143; war with Austria, 149, 157–8, 237; counter-revolutionary rebellions, 167; executions, 173, 175, 179, 221; Lucie returns to from America, 231; conditions after Revolution, 233–5; at war with Britain, 237, 249, 274; invasion threat from, 271, 273; military activities, 273; émigrés return, 278, 290; peace treaty with Britain (1802), 292; territorial gains, 292, 298; Britain declares war on (1803), 295; new legal code (Code Napoléon), 296, 316; economic prosperity under Napoleon, 316; repression and control in, 316, 334–5; men’s dress under Napoleon, 331; financial weakness (1811), 334; Russian campaign, 335; war casualties, 340; military defeats (1813–14), 343–4, 346; and Bourbon restoration (1814), 346–7, 348–50; reverts to borders of 1792, 352; suppressed by occupying forces, 367–8; and peace terms, 369; political parties after Napoleon, 375–6; and unrest in Italy, 385–7; prosperity under Louis XVIII, 392; rise of right-wing ultras, 392–3, 403; cholera epidemic, 425

  Francis I, Emperor of Austria, 343, 346

  François-Charles-Joseph-Napoleon, King of Rome (Napoleon’s son; Napoleon II), 331, 433

  Franklin, Benjamin, 12, 30–2, 84–6, 200

  Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 346

  Frémilly, Baron de, 238

  French Revolution: Napoleon on origins, 59; and Assembly of Notables, 68; outbreak, 100–2; and cult of antiquity, 120; ceremonies and festi
vals, 121; see also Terror, the

  Gallatin, James, 363

  Garde Nationale, 101, 107–10, 121

  Garnerin, M. & Mme (balloonists), 290, 350

  Gaumont, M. de, 262

  Gay, Sophie, 283

  Genlis, Félicité, Comtesse de, 86, 90, 281, 285, 287, 291, 358, 406

  Genlis, M. de, 175

  Genoa, 292

  Geoffrin, Marie Thérèse Rodet, 20, 27

  George III, King of Great Britain, 253

  George, Prince of Wales (later King George IV), 262

  Georges, Mlle (actress), 293

  Gérard, François Pascal Simon, Baron, 319, 377, 382, 434

  Geyer (Boston merchant), 199, 201

  Gibbon, Edward, 84, 125, 146, 249, 265

  Gibbs, James, 251

  Gillray, James, 250, 271

  Girondins, 172, 176–7

  Godoy, Manuel, 304–5

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 153

  Goncourt, Jules and Edmond, 131, 281

  Gossec (musician), 293, 311

  Gouges, Olympe de, 138–9, 175

  Gouvernet see La Tour du Pin Governet

  Gouvernet, Marquis de, 167

  grain prices, 90, 94

  Grand, Catherine, 290

  Granville, Harriet, Countess, 358, 406

  Great Fear (1789), 102–3, 123

  Grégoire (servant), 181, 187, 235

  Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron, 208, 345

  Grétry, André, 237, 311

  Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 105

  Grimod de la Reynière, Alexandre-Balthazar-Laurent: Manuel des Amphitryons, 319

  Gros, Antoine-Jean, Baron, 319, 357, 370

  Guadeloupe, 293

  Guéménée, Jules Hercule, Prince de, 24–5, 40, 45

  Guéménée, Marie Louise, Princesse de, 35, 45, 88, 95

  Guérin, Narcisse, 319

  Guery, Comtesse de, 262

  Guillotin, Joseph Ignace, 117

  guillotine, 172

  Guines, Adrien, Duc de, 83

  Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume, 376, 410

  Hague, The, 144–7, 150, 155–6; Frédéric’s ambassadorship, 352, 370, 374–5; character, 373

  Hamilton, Alexander, 206, 211, 220, 223, 279

  Hamilton, Elizabeth (née Schuyler), 206

  Harris, Sir James, 145

  hats: and fashion, 65

  Hautefontaine (château), near Compiègne, 22–6, 45, 123, 231, 279, 288

  Haydn, Joseph: Creation, 290

  Hébert, Jacques-René, 150, 174, 193

  Heine, Heinrich, 392


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