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Page 11

by Jessica Gomez

  After letting Mason eat and warm his bones back up, we meet next to the fire. Others have joined us, hearing our topic of conversation. Before we know it, most of our inner circle is standing around us, coming up with our next plan of attack.

  “I know you want to double check the areas that I’ve already searched, which is fine, but I know she’s not there. I’m searching this outer perimeter here.” He points to his handmade map. “To get to each of these outer search areas, you have to cut through the inner areas I’ve already searched. This will give you the opportunity to use your spidey senses and see if I missed anything. Does that work for you?” He looks up to me as I nod my agreeance, and then continues. “The infected can travel at a fast rate of speed, which most of us here have seen firsthand. With the weather we’ve had, and the amount of people to do the search, we’ve only covered roughly a twenty-mile radius.” He says it as if he’s ashamed. Twenty miles for a handful of people in the mountains, during winter, is a great start, especially as thorough as he’s conducting the search. “I’ve checked every nook and cranny that are within these twenty miles personally, so I want to focus farther out. Jeff knows these mountains like the back of his hand. He hunted these hills for years before he turned infected. Knowing their intelligence is increasing, we can’t underestimate them. The planning it took for him to come into our cave to begin with was unexpected. I don’t want to make that mistake twice. It cost us too much the first time.” He lets that sink in. Not only did Lil get kidnapped, but they killed four others in the process. “Jeff’s smart enough to know they can only travel so far in this amount of snow. My bet is that he’s holed up somewhere close, but with a good amount of distance put between us so we don’t accidently stumble upon them. He needs a place where there’s shelter to take Lil and keep her warm enough through the winter. He’ll also need to eat. I don’t know how they’re getting their food source, since most of the big game animals are either hibernating or moving to where the snow isn’t as deep. My guess is that they’re close to a stream, river, or lake. My next step is to follow the river, see if that turns up any leads.” He meets our eyes, asking if we have anything to add.

  “I’m going out with Mason from now on, each day.” I glance at Michael, knowing he thinks it’s too soon, but I can’t wait any longer. “Michael, do you have enough people to cover us while we’re out?”

  He answers without pause. “Whatever you need, we’ll make it happen.” Even though he doesn’t think I’m ready, he supports my decision, knowing he’d do the same.

  “Thank you,” I say, meaning for more than his answer. He nods, and I continue. “We’re five people down since the raid on the cave, and that requires more help on deck. I’m more than willing to take an extra shift when we get back to make this happen, but I’m counting on you all as a family to help wherever needed. And that goes for everyone, not just the people at this meeting.” Meeting the eyes of each person head-on, I’m asking a personal favor from each of them. We’re going to have to work as a team if we want to bring her home. We’re down five hands, seven if you include Mason and me, taking care of the daily functions of the cave. Our family’s doing double, sometimes triple the work to sacrifice our time to find her.

  “I’m in. Always.” James puts his hand forward.

  I reach out and grab his hand, tightening my grip. “Thank you, brother.”

  “Same here,” Sam and Tony say at the same time, sticking their hands on ours.

  Luke and Mason both add theirs with silent nods, giving their full support.

  Quinn grabs my wrist and squeezes. “Lil helped save my life. I owe her.”

  Jen and Michael add their hands. “Us too.”

  Deagon smirks and laughs softly. “Who am I to say no to the women of my dreams?” He adds his hand, shaking the rest of ours.

  “Thank you, everyone.” The words are thick and hard to release.

  “You don’t have to thank us, Ian. She’s a part of our family too.” Jen smiles up at me. “I’ll work my ass off any way I can to help bring her, and I know the rest of them will too.”

  “Damn right,” Quinn says. His eyes are fierce. He’s still recovering from the bear attack, and knowing he must stay close to home is eating at him. Michael continues to warn him about pushing himself too hard, but I can tell sooner or later, Quinn’s not going to care.

  Chapter 12


  Sitting straight up, I resemble a woman possessed. My breath is sawing in and out of my lungs as my eyes clear from the dream, the stench of body odor permeating my nostrils. Confusion spreads, then joy. My dream was real. Deagon was real.

  A grunt and nudge catch my attention. Turning to my right, I find Jeff sitting next to the fire, watching me. Glancing around the room, I notice everyone except Jeff, Asher, and myself are gone. The fire is large and warm, yellowish orange fingers licking across the cave walls.

  “Where’s everyone?” I ask quietly. I move to sit, and feel the heavy weight on my ankle. Sadness engulfs me again when the noise of metal follows my every move. I look to Jeff since no one answered my question, and find him staring at my ankle as well, guilt covering his features. Interesting. “Jeff?” I say his name for the first time.

  His eyes snap to mine immediately, a mixture of emotion battling behind his eyes. I watch intently, curious. After a moment he blinks, and it’s as if a curtain wipes away his turmoil, leaving behind emptiness. “Food.” When confusion is clear on my face, Jeff looks to Asher and grunts, tilting his head in my direction. Explain.

  “They went out for dinner. You’ve slept all day. I’m pretty sure he wants you to eat.” Asher’s lip is fat and bruised from his encounter with Big Bully.

  The reminder angers me again and I growl. Frustration is taking over, and anxiety is crawling across my skin like ants. I scratch my legs, trying to alleviate the itch, and that damn chain clangs again. The noise breaks me. I’ve hit the end of my sanity. I pull on the chain with all my might, using one foot to push the cuff down, while holding the chain out to the side. There’s no way it’s getting past the heal of my foot, but that doesn’t stop me from tearing the skin in my attempt. My breathing is rapid and panic is setting in. My skin is alive, itching, and rippling with an uncontrollable need to get away. Away from this cave, away from this chain, away from Jeff and the rest of the infected.

  Only seconds pass and I’m subdued. Jeff has both my arms pinned above my head, laying me flat on my back. He’s quicker than lightning with his response time. “No.” He shakes his head to make sure I understand.

  My heart rate is through the roof and my breathing has yet to calm. “I don’t want it,” I blubber, the tears finally breaking free and running down my face. “Please, take it off.” Trying to tug my arm free, I’m held tight. He knows I’m only going to try to get the chain off again. I turn my face into my arm, wiping away some of my weakness.

  Jeff scans my face, taking in each feature. I see the same expression of uncertainty cross his face. He’s having an internal fight of his own. His eyes take on more of his natural brown color when this confusion takes over. “No,” he repeats, but this time, I can tell he doesn’t like his own answer.

  “Please,” I beg.

  His grip loosens on my wrists. Again, he shakes his head, moving one of his hands from my wrist to my face, touching my cheek like a lover. “No. Safe.” He stares at me a moment longer, before lifting himself off me slightly, and moving the hand on my cheek to my belly. He lifts my shirt so my belly is open to the air. He tenderly moves his palm across my smooth stomach, causing me to gasp. Leaning down closer, he purrs and inhales deeply, scenting my skin. “Safe.” He looks up my chest and meets my eyes.

  The startling brown that meets mine are more human than ever. They’re still bloodshot and yellow, but his irises are no longer black, but deep brown. My breath catches in my throat at the sight. Is his humanity surfacing?

  “You want to keep us safe?” I ask to clarify.

doesn’t answer me, but he does release my wrist from his grip, trailing it down my side. He now has both hands on either side of my stomach, his purring increasing as he nuzzles my stomach. “Safe,” he whispers against my skin.

  Staring up at the ceiling, I’m choking on emotion. His humanity is having residual effects. “Okay,” I breathe out. “I’ll leave it alone.” This new side of Jeff is interesting, and I’m betting I can use it to my advantage if I play my cards right. He wants to protect me and the baby. He said it himself.

  A noise at the front of the cave triggers his infected instincts again. He freezes above me like the predator he is, his eyes turning back to an empty black. He turns toward the sound with a growl. The noise is low and threatening, but it’s also too quiet for anyone else to hear.

  He’s annoyed, I realize.

  He lifts himself from me slowly, rotating back to the fire as if nothing happened. Turning my head, but remaining on my back, I watch him add more wood as the unintelligent infected file into the caves. He glares at them through the fire, as if they’ve disrupted a private moment. It’s not until Mr. Mom helps a sniffling and limping Wendy into the room do I notice there’s blood covering some of them.

  Hanging onto my belly, I sit up and turn in their direction, the metal clinking reminding me that I can’t go to their aid. Asher stares wide-eyed as Mr. Mom drops Wendy down on their pallet. She’s holding onto her side, blood dripping from a cut over her eyebrow. Big Bully drags Abbey in by one arm and tosses her on the bed, as if she weighs nothing. My legs work on their own accord as I stand. Wanting to help, I take a step forward, knowing my chain will stop me. But that’s not what draws me to a complete standstill. It’s the sight of Farmer Joe pulling Greg into the cave by one leg, his limp body bleeding on the cave floor behind him. Without a thought, he tosses him to the unintelligent in the back of the cave. There are less of them now, their numbers cut by half, but that does nothing to stop the frenzy. They dive on him. Sounds of breaking bone and ripping flesh fill the small space.

  “No,” I murmur in a trance, my chain pulling impossibly tight against my ankle as I try to get to him. “You can’t let them have him!” My voice is full of panic as I plead for Jeff to stop them.

  He turns to me, regarding my words, but doesn’t move or speak. His darkness is back, and he doesn’t care about Greg. He’s not his responsibility. He goes back to watching the carnage through the flames and doesn’t speak a word.

  Another sob escapes my throat, closing it tight. Glancing at Wendy, she has her head tucked down to her knees, crying with her back to the noise, trying to block it out. She’s beat up, but she’ll live. I search out Abbey next, remembering the state she’s in. She’s alone on her pallet. At first, she looks dead, but then her arm raises and brushes the matted hair out of her face. Her hair leaves behind blood on her arm, showing that she’s badly injured.

  In all the commotion, I neglect to pay attention to the intelligent infected. Big Bully, Farmer Joe, and Mr. Mom are all lined up on the other side of the cave, staring intently at Jeff through the fire. Each of them has blood smeared on their clothing. It’s obvious they’re communicating with each other. I wish I could read their minds. Their facial features and grunting sounds are all we can use to decipher the situation.

  They’re quiet for so long, all I hear is the tearing of flesh in the front of the cave, triggering my gag reflex. Holding back is not an option, as I hurl into the side of the fire, trying to aim away from my pallet. There’s nothing in my stomach but acid, burning its way to the surface, causing me to retch even harder from the taste and smell. Jeff glances my way for a moment, drawing the eyes of the others as well. They leer at me as if I’ve interrupted them, then move farther away. Fuck you! I scream in my head. Jeff’s eyes flicker behind me, notifying me that Asher’s there. Seconds later, he hands me my container of water. I take it and wash my mouth out. They continue with their silent conversation, ignoring my vomit burning in the flames. The situation is getting creepier by the minute.

  I can’t wait any longer, I must know what happen. My lips poise to speak, when a hand lands lightly on my shoulder, and another on my belly. Without looking, I know it’s Asher, telling me to remain silent. Think about the baby, his gesture says, causing me to stop in an instant. Instead, I place both of my hands over his on my stomach and pull him tightly against my back. He wraps his other arm around my middle, hugging me back, taking comfort from one another. Greg didn’t talk much, we didn’t know one another well, but no one deserves this in death. My Sweet Pea decides in that moment to begin doing somersaults for the first time, which freezes Asher in place. He recovers in seconds, rubbing the area softly with his palm. The baby likes the movement and pressure, responding several times.

  Our world crashes back into us when Big Bully and Farmer Joe leave the cave, dragging Greg’s body with them. Most of the unintelligent follow, not finished with their meal. Mr. Mom heads for Wendy, nudging her around until she’s facing him. Blood is soaking the side of her face. The noises he makes are protective and caring as he has her lay on their pallet. She holds her side and stretches back, lying flat. He begins nuzzling her neck, and then licking the side of her face, taking the blood away with each stroke.

  My lip curls in disgust watching him groom her. She doesn’t move an inch, staring up at the ceiling with no emotion. My heart clenches, knowing whatever she saw is going to scar her for the rest of her life.

  Low, predatory growling comes from my left, pulling my attention away from Wendy to focus on Jeff. He crouches slightly as he steps toward us, eyes completely black. He tilts his head as he locks on Asher, pointedly staring at his hands on my belly, and then back at him. Another low rumble leaves his throat in a warning. He takes another step in our direction. “Mine.” The word is menacing and hard to decipher through his growling.

  Asher steps away from me immediately, his hands rising in the air, as if surrendering. By the time Jeff reaches me, Asher is back on his pallet, submitting by sitting down and looking away.

  Jeff doesn’t bother with him, but comes to stand in front of me instead. His frame towers several inches over mine. With infected features and dark eyes, he does an excellent job of intimidating me. My Pea’s bump has gotten bigger in the last couple months, resembling a large beer gut, almost touching Jeff’s tone body as he stands in front of me. He reaches forward and touches my cheek, freezing me in place. He has a look of rapture that amazes me. Infected are mindless, stripped of humanity, like those who live in the back of our cave. Yet, Jeff’s touching me with such care, treating me delicately. He surprises me further when he kneels in front of my belly, touching each side with his palms. He leans in and traces his nose back and forth across my stomach, a deep purring emanating from his throat, vibrating against my skin. My breath catches in my throat with surprise when my Sweet Pea enjoys it and begins to move rapidly, tickling my insides. Jeff remains silent as he presses against my rolling belly, glancing up at me. I watch as his eyes shift from deadly to the softer brown I witnessed earlier. My heart beat increases. Is he still human in there somewhere?

  The thought has me in a panic and I push away, accidentally swatting him in the face. An angered growl leaves his lips as he stands tall again, wiping at the lip I hit. I have no idea where I’m going since I’m wrapped in a chain, but I turn to run anyway. I only make it a foot before I’m tripping and the floor is rushing toward me, my hands out to catch my fall. A small scream leaves my lips as large arms wrap around me, halting my decent.

  Jeff crosses my arms in front of me as he pulls me roughly against him, growling dangerously in my ear. He lashes out suddenly and sinks his teeth into my shoulder, right where the tendon meets the neck.

  I scream, shocked by the sharp pain. I buck in his hold, attempting to release his grip, but cautious at the same time not to hurt the baby.

  He latches down harder, grunting, telling me to stop moving. I’m crying silently, cool tears dripping down my face.

bsp; “Get your hands off her!” Asher yells, standing and stretching his chain to the max, but we’re just out of reach.

  Jeff doesn’t flinch. He knows there’s nothing Asher can do. There’s nothing I can do. I finally give up and relax in his grip. It’s only then that he releases me from his teeth, but keeps me tied up in his arms, giving me time to regain my bearings. He pulls my hair to the side, getting a good look at the bite he’s left on me. His mark.

  He grunts and purrs appreciatively as he begins to lick the wound, much like Mr. Mom and Wendy. “Mine,” he breathes softly against my neck.

  The declaration causes me to shiver. It’s only then that I notice Asher is still yelling. I’m all but limp in Jeff’s hold, a part of me overtaken with the bite, changing as he cleans my wound. I whimper with the realization, knowing nothing will be the same again.

  Jeff sits me down slowly on our pallet, watching me for any reaction before leaving. The flames are flickering their warm fingers through the air, transfixing me in the orange light, as I sit in a lethargic state. Mr. Mom is still lapping at Wendy, his tongue making a louder slurping sound with each lick.

  “Lil!” Asher yells, snapping my attention toward him.

  “Hmm,” I murmur, looking toward him.

  His face is full of panic as he looks between me and the wound on my shoulder. “Are you all right? He bit you,” he states, like I don’t have the mark to prove it.

  “Fine,” I say robotically.

  He tilts his head, questions in his eyes. “Lil?” he says again.

  I only mumble.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He’s stretching his chain as far as he can. “If you can get up, come here,” he instructs, beckoning me with his hand.

  Shaking the confusion from my head, my thoughts clear slightly. I run a hand down my face, the skin feeling numb, as if I were drunk. “I don’t feel so good, Asher.” I try to stand up and move to him, but my body weighs too much. I only slide down the ledge of my pallet to the floor.


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