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Artinia: The Journey of Three Island Princesses

Page 7

by Sheilane Nadia

  “Oh Issy” she said, tears beginning to flow from her eyes. “I thought I’d lost you forever”.

  “I came back mommy” said Issy, falling into her mother’s arms.

  They hugged each other for a long time, and Issy did not want to let go.

  “Mom, what happened to you?” Issy finally said.

  “I’ve been sick worrying about you and your sisters. Where are they?”

  “Who?” asked Issy, confused.

  “Your sisters. They brought you back, didn’t they?”

  “No” said Issy, still confused. “I came back on my own”.

  “Queen Inga leaned back onto her pillow, looking scared. “Oh no” she moaned.

  “Mom, have they gone looking for me?” Issy asked, finally understanding.

  “Yes. The day after you left” cried Queen Inga.  “And they haven’t returned since.”

  “Oh no!” said Issy, beginning to panic.

  Then Queen Inga said “Sir Evans sent some men out after them, but we haven’t heard from them either”.

  “Sir Evans?” said Issy.

  Issy remembered that Sir Evans was behind her kidnapping and the raiding of Iah’s party; so she did not want him anywhere near her family.

  “Mom, where is Sir Evans?” she asked.

  “He should be about somewhere. He’s been such a help since I’ve been sick. He’s practically been ruling the island.”

  “Mom, there’s something I need to tell you” said Issy urgently.

  But before she could say anything else, there was a loud knock at the bedroom door.

  “Come in” said Queen Inga weakly.

  The door then flew open and who should storm into the room but Sir Evans.

  “Oh hello Sir Evans”  said Queen Inga. “Issy was just asking about you.”

  Issy sat frozen on the bed, in a mixture of fear and anger.

  “Oh, so it is true” said Sir Evans, smiling broadly at Issy. “You are back. How wonderful! We’ve all been so worried.”

  Issy glared at Sir Evans angrily, feeling torn; because she wanted to warn her mother about him, but she was afraid of what he might do to them if she did. If only General Atticus was in the room with them. 

  “Isla and Iah are still out there Evans” cried Queen Inga. “What if they’re in trouble?”

  “Don’t worry Your Highness” said Sir Evans calmly and sweetly. “My men will not stop looking until they find them, and I’ll send more if I have to

  Then Sir Evans looked back over at Issy. “In the meantime, may I have a word with little Issy in the hallway?” he said.

  “What for?” asked Queen Inga, squeezing Issy’s hand tightly. “I don’t want her out of my sight right now”.

  “Your Highness it’s important that I find out as much as possible about what happened to her, so that I can better track down the others. I promise it will only take a short while”.

  “You can speak in front of me” said Queen Inga firmly.

  But Issy did not want her mother to get too upset, in case she got sicker.

  “Please, mom” she said. “I don’t think you’re strong enough to hear everything just yet. I’ll just be right outside”.

  Queen Inga looked at Issy worriedly for a moment before letting go of her hand. “Just for a minute” she said.

  “I’ll be right back mom, I promise.”

  Issy then followed Sir Evans into the hallway. As soon as the door was closed behind them, he grabbed her tightly by the collar of her shirt.

  “Listen here you little brat!” he said softly, so that no one would hear. “If you speak a word about anything to your mother, or anyone else, I’ll have her and your sisters killed. And your precious General Atticus won’t be able to save you”.

  “I’m not afraid of you!” said Issy, trying to appear calm; although on the inside, she was extremely scared and thought that she might faint.  

  Sir Evans gave Issy an evil look, and she could no longer hide her fear. She began to tremble beneath him.  

  “Don’t play with me little girl” Sir Evans said coldly. “I’ll get rid of anyone who gets in my way of being King.”

  He then released Issy’s shirt and stormed off down the hallway.




  Chapter 23

  Prince Aguamir’s Escape


  Later that night, Issy snuck out of her mother’s bed and into the guest room where Prince Aguamir was fast asleep.

  “Wake up” she said, shaking him.

  Prince Agamir jumped up. “Wh-What’s going on?” he said, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

  “My sisters are in trouble” said Issy.

  Prince Aguamir looked at Issy sadly. “Yes, General Atticus told me that they’re out looking for you.”

  “That’s not all, Prince” said Issy. The Royal advisor, Sir Evans, is the one who brought your people here to kill my family so that he could be king. Now he’s sent men after my sisters, and I’m afraid that they’re going to hurt them”.

  “Oh wow” said Price Agamir. “We’ve got to do something.”

  “That’s why I woke you” said Issy. “I need you to take me back to Grem to look for my sisters.”-

                “Sure thing” said Prince Aguamir, hopping out of bed.

                Issy and Prince Aguamir snuck out of the house and were now making their way along the pathway that lead from the royal tree house to the beach. Their plan was to sneak a canoe and row out to Grem. But before they made it to the end of the walkway, a deep voce said:

                “Where do you guys think you are going?”

                Issy and Prince Aguamir jumped with fright and turned to see General Atticus coming from behind some bushes. Issy was relieved that it was not one of Sir Evan’s men, but she was still disappointed; because she knew that General Atticus would not let them go back to Grem.

                Issy was afraid to tell General Atticus the truth, because she remembered what Sir Evans said about killing her family if she said anything.

  “Ahh… we were just going for a swim” she lied.

  Issy expected General Atticus to shout at her and tell her that she was being very silly to go swimming this late at night. But instead, he leaned in closer to Issy and whispered “Issy, I know about Sir Evans”.

  “You do?” said Issy, in surprise. “How?”

  “I found out soon after you were gone. I had suspected that there was a traitor on the island that brought those men here. So I went around asking questions. Then I simply put together all that people told me they had seen over the past couple of months.”

  “Things like what?” asked Issy. She was very curious to know how General Atticus could have figured all of this out, when it has taken her completely by surprise. Sir Evans was the last person anyone on the island would have ever suspected of being bad.

  “Some persons said that they had noticed Sir Evans sending out army men once in a while” said General Atticus. “This was without me knowing, and I believe that they were sent to Grem to make his deals.”

  That’s not all, General” said Issy sadly. “He killed my father.”

  General Atticus looked stunned. “I’m so sorry Issy” he said, kneeling down in front of her.

  “I’m sorry too” said Issy, tears in her eyes. “I always hoped that my father would come home one day.”

  “I know you did” said General Atticus. Then he suddenly looked angry and said “I never trusted that Sir Evans. He always seemed to me like a man that loved power and would do anything to get it. But don’t worry Issy. I won’t let him hurt anyone else in your family.”

  “So you’ll help us get to Isla and Iah?” asked Issy hopefully.

  “I’ve already sent men out to look for them” said General Atticus. “So all we can do is stay here and wait”. />
  “But why can’t you just gather all of your army men and get rid of this Sir Evans?” asked Prince Aguamir.

  “Because Prince, I’m not sure who are my men anymore” said General Atticus. “Some of the army men have secretly joined with Sir Evans; so I don’t know who I can trust”.

  “Oh no!” said Issy. “What if Sir Evans took over the entire island!”

  “That will never happen under my watch” said General Atticus. “But there is nothing you two can do right now. Go back to your mother Issy.”

  “I’m not a baby!” said Issy angrily.

  “I meant to go and take care of her” said Sir Evans. “She needs you right now.  A few trusted men and I are guarding the royal tree house. We won’t let Sir Evans hurt you.”

                “But Mr.General, maybe I should leave Artinia tonight, alone” said Prince Aguamir. “Then I could try to talk to my father and beg for mercy for Issy’s sisters and friend”.

                “That’s a good idea” said Issy. “Your father won’t hurt you, right?”

                “No, he won’t” said Prince Aguamir. “He’s tough, but he loves me. And it’s about time that I stood up to him”.

                “You know, you two are right,” said General Atticus.

                “We are?” asked Issy. She was surprised that General Atticus actually agreed with them.

  “The sooner the Prince leaves Artinia, the better” said General Atticus. “I didn’t like the way that Sir Evans looked at him this afternoon when he came up to the royal tree house. He might try to keep the Prince here so that he can have control over his father.”

                “So you’ll help him escape?” asked Issy.

                “Yes” said General Atticus. “Follow me quickly”.

  General Atticus then called to some army men that were hidden behind bushes.               They all followed him all the way down to the rocky section of the beach, where many of the army canoes were kept.

  “Go to all of the guard points and ward them off” General Atticus instructed the men.

  Then he led Issy and Prince Aguamir to the bottom of one of the rocks. 

                “Wait here” General Atticus whispered to them.

                He then climbed the rocks silently and quickly. The next thing Issy knew, there were loud shouts and sounds of struggle above them. She and Prince Aguamir moved a little away from the rocks so that they could have a better view of the top. They saw General Atticu fighting three army men with his bare hands. Soon, the men lay at his feet, knocked out cold.

  General Atticus climbed back down the rocks, took one of the canoes, and ran towards the shore. Issy and Prince Aguamir ran behind of him. General Atticus placed the canoe in the water and Prince Aguamir hurried in.

  “Bye Issy” Prince Aguamir said sadly. “It was very nice knowing you. You’ve taught me how to be brave.”

  “You had it in you all along” said Issy. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

                Suddenly, there were loud shouts behind them. A group of army men were running across the sand towards them, with their weapons raised. Others were running along beside them, trying to fight them off.

                “Row Prince Aguamir! Get out of here!” shouted General Atticus. He then turned to Issy “run home, now!”

                Prince Aguamir rowed away quickly, while General Atticus ran to join the fight. Issy dashed behind the rocks to hide.


  Chapter 24

  Captives in Grem


  Back in Grem, the men took Yanu, Isla and Iah, along with Boon and his crew, to the King- a very large and fierce-looking man, with an incredibly deep voice. He ordered that Isla, Iah and Yanu be thrown into the dark cave that Issy had been in, until he decided what to do with them.

  As for Boon and his gang, Isla, Iah and Yanu had no idea where they were taken, but Iah hoped that they were being fed to some wild animals. She had never felt so betrayed in all her life; especially by her own people, and a man that she called Uncle.

  Iah was also very worried about Issy. If she was not here in Grem, then where was she? Iah still could not help but feel guilty about losing her little sister. But now, mixed with the guilt, was great fear. Was the king of Grem going to kill them?

  “Are you alright Iah?” Isla asked.

  “They’re going to kill us aren’t they?” said Iah.

  “Of course not. We’ll find some way out of this, like we always do”.

  But Iah did not really believe Isla; because how could they possibly get out of this cave, with all of those large, scary-looking guards around? And the King seemed very angry with them.

  “Now I’ll never marry a handsome Prince from a foreign land.” Iah said sadly.

  “That’s what you’re thinking about at a time like this?” said Isla.

  “So what?” said Iah. “There’s nothing else to do but think. And everyone has their own hopes and dreams. And that’s always been one of mines. It’s just sad to know that it may never happen, that’s all.”

  Isla reached over and held Iah’s hand. “I’m so sorry Iah. Ever since Dad left, all I’ve ever wanted to do was protect you and Issy and mom. Now, I feel like I’ve failed you guys”. 

  “No Isla” said Iah quickly. “You’ve been the best big sister anyone could ask for. It’s not your job to save us. You’re only one person.”

  The two sisters leaned over and hugged each other lovingly.

  After a while, Yanu said “Do you know what my dream is?”

  “What?” asked Isla.  

  “To marry you” he said; and he reached over and held Isla’s hand.

  “Aww” said Iah. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Oh Yanu.” said Isla in surprise. “I never knew”.

  “Well now you do” said Yanu. “Oh, and I want to be Army General one day too” he added.

  Isla and Iah giggled.

  “Those things can still come true for us” continued Yanu. “Don’t give up just yet”.


  The next day, no one came to see them at all, except to bring food and water. Isla, iah and Yanu passed the time in silence, just thinking. Yanu sometimes tried to make a joke to lift their moods, but it did not work so well, for Isla and Iah were too sad to laugh.

  Then at nightfall, the four entrance guards suddenly entered the cave, picked up the three of them and carried them out.

  Isla’s heart was beating very fast as they drew nearer to the king’s hut, and saw him standing outside the entrance with a large spare in his hand. She braced herself- ready to put up a fight before she let him hurt either Iah or Yanu.

  The guards put them to stand right in front of the King; and he stared angrily at the three of them, until Iah began to cry. 

  Finally he said “I’ve decided what to do with you”.

  Isla gulped. Was he going to cook and eat them? She had heard all about cannibals on the other islands.

  The king continued speaking. “My son is in your country. That little girl that was here tricked him into taking her home.”

  “That little girl is my sister!” shouted Isla. She was no longer afraid, but angry. “And you kidnapped her, you monster!”

  Yanu quickly stepped in front of Isla, afraid that the King might hurt her for  speaking to him like that.

  The king leaned in closer to the two of them, baring his sharp teeth and looking even fiercer than before.

  “That little girl lured my son away!” he growled. “And I want him back.”

  The king then ran his hand slowly along the sharp blade of the spare. Isla held her breath.

  Then the king said “I’ll chop off the head of one of you and send it back to Artinia as a warning. And if they still do not release
my son, I’ll keep chopping off heads.”

  Iah wailed loudly. “Nooo...Please.”

  Isla and Yanu remained silent. Isla was trying to think of a way out of this, but her head seemed blank.

  “I think I’ll begin with you” said the King, pointing at Yanu. “You’re not as important. These two are Princesses.”

  Chapter 25

  Prince Aguamir’s Bravery


  Isla stepped in front of Yanu. “No. Don’t chop off his head!  Take me instead” she said. Isla could not let Yanu die. This journey was her idea after all.  Plus, she realized that she loved him too much.

  “I’ve made my choice.” said the King firmly. “My word I final.”

  Some of the guards came forward and grabbed the three of them before Isla could do anything else.

  “No! Don’t hurt him” Isla continued to scream, as she struggled wildly against the guards.

  The guards dragged Yanu over to a large rock beside the hut. There, they laid him down on his back, and placed is head over the rock. All the while, Yanu remained silent and calm.  It was as if he was willing to give up his life to save Isla and Iah.

  Isla felt as if her heart was breaking. She closed her eyes as the king raised the spare above Yanu’s head. She did not want to see what she knew would happen next. Iah, on other hand, was still screaming and crying. 

  Then suddenly, there came loud shouts from the distance. A boy’s voice.

  “Dad! Stop! No!” he said.

  Isla opened her eyes and saw that a boy was indeed running quickly towards them.

  “Dad, Stop!” the boy shouted again.

  The king stood frozen with his spear still above Yanu’s head. “Aguamir?” he said in shock.

  The boy was now close enough for Isla to see him clearly. The king dropped his spear and ran to him.

  “My son” said the King, hugging him tightly.

  “Dad, don’t hurt them” the Prince pleaded.

  The King released his son. “Son, that wretched little girl deceived you”.

  “No she didn’t!” said the Prince angrily. “She’s my friend.”

  “Do not raise your voice at me Aguamir!” said the King sternly.

  Prince Aguamir now started to tremble. “S-sorry Dad.” He said. All I’m saying is that little Issy is a good person and I just wanted to help her.”

  “Son, you’re young and naïve” said the king. “You can’t tell the difference between your friend and your enemy.”


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