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Yolo: The Lovely Little Lunatic

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by Sa'id Salaam

  The town had a booming drug trade and the murder rate that comes with it. As always, the drug trade creates sub-markets. Beer, blunts, and lighters were all good sellers but pussy was a top contender. Intoxicants breed licentious so it was no surprise. Niggas get high and they wanna bust a nut. It’s only right.

  She-Ra Brown ran the town’s brothel. The hard drinking, bare-knuckle fighting lesbian lived with her dim witted, blockhead twin sons Harry and Larry. They were supposed to be security but were more for show since they wouldn’t bust a grape in a winery. Besides, their mother was an extremely dangerous person in her own right.

  The part-time stud had an inch long clit that made it look like her vagina was giving a ‘thumbs up.’ She called it her dick and if you have a dick, you’re gonna want to get it sucked. No way around it. Her sons had dicks and that’s the only thing that made them males. They were too sorry to ever be considered men.

  She-Ra saw all the free fucking in town and harnessed it. The local girls and women fucked for beer and blunts so she provided all the beer and blunts they could consume. In exchange, they fucked and sucked on demand. She sold shots of pussy, head, and homemade liquor. She even had her own version of the glory-hole. It was a hole cut in the side of a closet and for ten bucks; you could insert your erection and get a nut. Now who was in the closet was a different story. More often than not, it was some faggot killing two birds with one stone. Sucking dick and making money at the same time. Win/win for a sissy.

  Harry and Larry was paid pussy for allowance. Once a week their mother forced one of the prostitutes to fuck them. That didn’t keep them from sticking their dicks in the hole every chance they got. She-Ra knew but didn’t say anything. Instead, she held it against them internally.

  When the opportunity to take in a foster child came up, she jumped at the chance. Not only did the kid come with a check and food stamps, she could use a good bartender. Those sons of hers couldn't fix a drink to save their lives.

  They all fell in love with the pretty girl when she arrived. She had a pretty caramel complexion from her late white father. He caught AIDS turning a trick with her mother and took it home to his wife. She died too.

  The twins openly gawked at the child when she arrived. It didn’t take a mind reader to know what was on their little minds.

  “I see you. You better not touch her!” She-Ra told Harry when she caught him glaring at her little backside as she taught her how to mix drinks.

  “You let us fuck the other one,” Harry pouted. It was true that she turned a blind eye when her sons routinely raped the other foster girls they had.

  “That’s because they were older!” she snapped. She left out it was conditioning for her to turn them to turning tricks. Most ran away to worse lives, some died in the house. They too were reported as runaways.

  “This one is a virgin. I’m sell that little cherry for top dollar the second it gets ripe,” she continued as if the child weren’t present. No matter, she didn’t understand any of it yet anyway.

  “We won’t fuck her,” Larry threw in causing his twin to snicker at the word play. She-Ra was as sharp as the knives in her closet and caught it too.

  “Don’t fuck and don’t touch! I’ll bust your fucking head if you do! Don’t end up like your sister,” she warned.

  The reference to their sister sucked the air out of the room. She was technically still in the house albeit buried under a concrete slab in the basement. That was before She-Ra learned a better way to dispose of the bodies. The sassy girl had gotten her throat cut in that same kitchen for back talking.

  “Ok,” they sang together like they had been doing since they were boys. Just like then they were lying and fondled the girl every chance they got. That was how it started. That was also around the time Yolo witnessed her first murder.

  Chapter 3

  Walter Thomas was a regular at She-Ra’s bar and whorehouse. He routinely came to get drunk and get off. His habit of being belligerent forced She-Ra to whoop his ass and toss him out on several occasions. His disrespect of the girls got him banished from the rooms. He was forced to use the glory hole when he wanted relief. And isn’t that what a good nut is, relief?

  “Get it! Get it! Bitch get it!” Ol’ Walt cheered as he humped the hole in the wall. He slammed his scrawny frame against the wall with every stroke. He still swigged his gin bottle.

  Yolo occasionally looked over at him but was much more interested in the violent movie on the TV. Her foster brothers fed her a steady diet of sex and violence. Not just on the screen, the idiots pulled out their penises in front of her on a daily basis. It was nothing for them to masturbate while watching a movie. So she knew what was about to happen, when Walt threw his skinny hips into overdrive.

  “Yeah bitch!” Walt yelled and went stiff as he reached a drunken orgasm. It was a good one but he still wasn’t satisfied. He pulled his drunken erection out of the hole and looked around. “I’m ready to fuck something! I want some pussy!”

  He stared at the twins in his drunken double vision but they didn’t have vaginas. He shook his head ‘no’ at Yolo because she was a child. Walt was some bullshit but he was no pedophile.

  “Who in here?” Walt demanded pounding on the closet door. “I’m tryna fuck!”

  “Wait for it,” Larry laughed as he tried to open the door. There was a brief tug of war between Walt and the occupant of the closet.

  “Ah!” Pretty Ricky screamed when he lost the battle of the doorknob. The naked sissy covered his chest as if he actually had breasts. He made good money in that closet anonymously sucking dicks.

  “Huh?” Walt asked wondering if it was some kind of magic trick that turned the girl into a guy. He frowned and looked through the hole his dick was just in and still saw the guy. “I ain’t no faggot!”

  “Yeah you are,” Harry laughed cracking his brother up as well. “You just got head from a dude!”

  “Who else in there?” he asked snatching the sissy aside. When he found no one else, he turned on his heels and marched down the hall towards She-Ra’s room. Harry was about to try and stop him but his brother stopped him.

  “Let him go, this gon’ be funny!” Larry giggled like a child.

  She-Ra had her head between a girl named Tisha’s big yellow thighs. She had been trying to bed her for months and finally got the pussy, her tongue twirled like a tornado as she worked her magic. The girl whimpered softly as she bust a nut right before the door was kicked in.

  "I want some pussy! I ain’t no faggot, and I want some pussy!” Walt demanded in a wobbly drunken stance. He set his eyes on She-Ra’s ass and made up his mind. “I’m fucking you!”

  "Walt,” She-Ra began in a slow and deadly cadence. Her chin was dripping from the girl’s vagina juice and she was still thrusting her pelvis up at her to make her continue. “Get out.”

  “I will not! I wanna fuck and you gonna fuck me,” he insisted looking at her unused box. The long time lesbian hadn’t had sex since she got pregnant with the twins in another life.

  The twins, followed by Yolo had all come down the hall to watch the show. They all had gotten in trouble for interrupting She-Ra during one of her carpet munching adventures. Let’s face it, it’s just plain rude to interrupt someone while eating vagina.

  “I won’t tell you again,” She-Ra warned. The malice in her voice was missed by Walter and Tisha.

  “No! I wanna get fucked!” he insisted. Even stomped his feet as an exclamation point.

  “Ok you wanna get fucked?” She-Ra growled as she stood from between the thick thighs. All eyes shot to the wet box so no one saw She-Ra pull the tiny .22 from the nightstand. She spun and put a bullet right between Walt’s eyes. He did not look happy as death rudely interrupted his life. He wanted to say something but a bullet to the brain has a way of stealing one’s train of thought. “Now you’re fucked!”

  As soon as he dropped dead She-Ra turned and shot the girl. The vagina tasted wonderful but could she keep quiet about th
e murder? Guess she will now huh?

  “Harry put Walt in the tub. Yolo, grab my brown satchel out of the closet,” she ordered.

  As soon as Larry was left alone with the dead, he began to play in the still wet box. If he had the time, he would have climbed inside of her. The nasty bastard.

  “What we gonna do with him? Yolo asked curiously at the corpse. With that question went the last of her innocence. Walt stared up with dead eyes as if he were wondering the same thing.

  “We…” She-Ra said taking the heavy bag from her and opening it. "Are going to cut him up. Time you learn how to dispose of a body properly.”

  She-Ra selected a large knife with a wooden handle. Its super sharp blade glistened in the florescent light as she held it up for inspection. It got her approval in the form of a head nod.

  “We always start with the penis,” she began and took a grip of the still semi-erect dick at the base, under the balls. She didn’t explain why to start with the dick so I won’t speculate. I’m just an author after all, what would I know about cutting up bodies?

  The trio came off easily with one pass of the blade. They had been hanging together their whole lives so it was only right that they were tossed in the bucket together.

  “I’ll let you do the next penis,” She-Ra offered in consolation.

  “Ok!” Yolo cheered and clapped at the prospect. “Yay!”

  “It’s just like chicken,” she explained as she put the blade under Walters’s armpit and sawed off his wing. It was indeed just like she taught the girl to cut up chicken. She still had plenty more to teach the child. She planned to groom her to please both men and women. She-Ra started the cut under the next arm and let Yolo take over.

  “Like that?” Yolo asked eagerly when the limb fell off. “It is just like chicken!”

  She-Ra took back over and took Walter apart. His head was last and he still didn’t look happy. She thought it would be cute to stuff his dick into the mouth and put it back in the bag. Yolo sure got a kick out of it and snickered.

  “Harry! Larry!” She-Ra yelled interrupting her sons from molesting the dead girl. Harry was playing in her vagina with one hand and himself with the other while Larry got some dead head. “Come get this one and bring the next one.”

  Yolo took the lead in taking Tisha apart. She didn’t look happy either when her head went into the bag. That was the first time she witnessed murder but it would not be the last.

  Chapter 4

  Age seven is generally the age of discernment for most children. A new age of enlightenment, a new age of toys and games. Yolo was no exception, except her new game was murder. As any killer will tell you, that first one is the most memorable. Most killers actually forget a victim here or there but they always remember that first one. Everyone remembers losing their cherry.

  Speaking of cherries, She-Ra was still protecting Yolo’s with threats of extreme violence. The girl grew prettier by the day and the idiot twins lusted after her peeking in on her at bath time or while she slept. They pulled their dicks out on her so much she was growing a hatred for that particular appendage.

  Yolo also had a new friend in the new girl who just moved on the block. Jane was the same age, in her same class, and attached herself.

  She was fussy little girly girl who loved to dictate everything they did. Yolo tolerated her so she could have company her own age. The local prostitutes liked to play in her sandy hair and teach her sexual stuff that amused but didn’t interest her.

  Harry had been put on prostitute probation for one infraction or another. He stood behind Yolo and Jane looking up their little dresses while masturbating. High off liquor and loud he could no longer contain himself. When Yolo went to use the bathroom, he rushed in behind her.

  Yolo tried to scream when he attacked but that only opened the way for what he was trying to do. She fought the oral rape valiantly but the grown man was just too strong for her. She was disgusted from the start but it got worse at the end. It felt like he was peeing in her mouth but she knew enough to know better.

  “And you better not tell She-Ra either. You do and I’ll kill yo’ little ass,” he warned knowing death was the fate that awaited him if she did tell.

  “I’m not telling nobody nothing. I’m going to kill you and cut you up,” she vowed. Yolo was too angry for tears. She didn’t want comfort; she wanted revenge. A red rage consumed her soul like a wild fire. The whispers of Satan and evil Jinn reverberated in her young mind. They called for blood and blood they would get.

  “Oh what you got going on?” Larry asked jealously when he saw his brother coming out of the bathroom. He saw him putting his dick away while Yolo stood behind him.

  “Little bitch got some good head!” Harry bragged. His twin was as sick as he was and got excited.

  “My turn!” he cheered as if this was the ‘pedophile-go-round’ at a child molester convention. He shoved his brother aside and rushed in to rape her too.

  “Harry! Larry! Y’all bring your sorry asses out here. I told you we’re going shopping,” She-Ra yelled thus prolonging at least one of her sons’ lives. One was dying that day.

  “Shit!” Larry spat, stomping his foot. “I’ll see you when we get back.”

  “What took you so long? What’s wrong with you? Why is your hair messed up? Why is your lip bleeding? You look funny. Why you…" Jane rambled when Yolo returned. It was her normal everyday babble but that wasn’t the day.

  “Argh!” Yolo grunted as she struck. She snatched the sash from Jane’s dress and wrapped it around her neck. The silly child was still trying to ask questions as she was choked to death.

  “What’s wrong with you? Why your hair messed up? Blah, blah, blah,” Yolo teased the corpse. She calmly sat down and resumed playing with the dolls now that the girl had finally shut up.

  Yolo was in a slight panic when she heard the car pull up hours later. She had been having so much fun without Jane’s silly rules and banter that she forgot about her. She-Ra scolded her enough about leaving toys laying around. So she knew she would freak out about dead friends laying out. Yolo jumped up and drug the body out of sight.

  “Jane gone?” She-Ra asked when she found Yolo playing alone in the den.

  “She’s gone alright,” she replied stifling a giggle. Already she found murder amusing. Her smile dissipated quickly when she saw Larry glaring at her lustfully.

  “Come on and help with dinner,” She-Ra ordered and Yolo quickly complied. The twins went to smoke themselves silly while dinner was being prepared.

  She-Ra was delighted to have another girl to train and teach. She taught her all the tricks and trades of being a criminal as well as cooking and cleaning. Things she taught her own daughter before she killed her. Those skills were buried along with her in the basement. Every time Yolo cut up a chicken, she remembered old Walt.

  “This looks like a baby,” Yolo giggled at the sight of a plump hen laying naked on the counter. She slipped the sharp knife between the limbs and easily removed them.

  She washed, seasoned, and then dropped the pieces in the pan of sizzling oil. A stern knock on the door put a frown on her face as she glanced up at the wall clock. It was too early for the whores and customers to arrive. She listened as one of her dumb sons lumbered towards the door.

  “It’s the police!” Larry shouted in a whisper with his eyes wide as dinner plates. He knew the beat cops often stopped through for shots of liquor or a dip in the glory hole but it was too early still.

  “Calm down Scarface,” She-Ra laughed wiping the flour on her apron. It wasn’t like they had anything to worry about since they were too dumb to hustle. “I may need you to jump in the closet for a few minutes though,” She-Ra laughed as she went to the front door.

  “Jump in the closet!” Harry laughed and pointed at his brother. It would be his last good laugh for some time to come.

  “How can I help you boys?” She-Ra asked like the sweet little lady she wasn’t. Her pasted on phony smiled evapor
ated in an instant when she saw all the police activity on the block. It was flooded with cops; k-9 and a news van had just pulled to a stop. “What’s going on?”

  “Missing kid. Jane Patterson didn’t come home,” the first cop said looking past her into the house. Only he was looking for girls, not the girl. Being a regular, he hoped to get off real quick while everyone else searched.

  “That’s my daughter friend. She was here earlier. Yolo!” She-Ra turned and yelled. “What time did your friend go home?”

  Yolo just shrugged her shoulders in reply causing the second cop to step and speak up. “We better come have a look.”

  “Missing children are a big deal and the media is here. We gotta check every house on the block,” the first cop explained apologetically.

  “As long as you’re just looking for the girl,” She-Ra chuckled nervously. She didn’t know the new guy and didn’t want him stumbling upon her illegal activities.

  “Just a quick peek,” he replied with a reassuring wink. His partner saw it and was put on alert.

  “Well come on in,” She-Ra smiled and stepped aside so they could enter. To her relief the regular cop offered to take the front of the house and sent his partner to the rear.

  The front room contained black jack tables, a roulette wheel, and cash bar. All illegal to operate on Long Island. The bedrooms were basically clean since they were mainly used to turn tricks. There was a nice supply of assorted pills in She-Ra’s room along with a couple of guns. She might have to put one of her sons in the closet after all.

  Larry’s room was the first down the hall so it was the first one searched. A look under the bed and in the closet showed he had a taste for porn but no child. The next two rooms were used to turn tricks but no child. When he got to Harry’s room he repeated the process but got different results. When he reached the closet, he got the shock of his life.

  “What the…?” he asked. Jane stared up at him with lifeless eyes. She of course couldn’t answer so he scrambled to pull both his gun and his radio. He was so shook up by his discovery that he yelled into his service weapon instead of the radio.


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