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The Knight Behind the Pillar

Page 19

by John Pateman-Gee

  “It’s been a difficult few days and the time ahead is going to be worst I think.” He continued. “My brother needs people he can trust and so he has asked me if I would consider taking you on as my squire.”

  “Oh,” I said, surprised at first at the twist in the tale as it was not just a warning. Yet now I realised what Arthur had been hinting at. Inside my head I said oh a few more times as a thousand doubts surrounded me, back up with an army of misgiving and fears.

  “He has not said anything to you?” Kay enquired noting my expression and raising an eye brow.

  “Err no, nothing.”

  Kay walked on ignoring my worried face saying, “It would not be appropriate for him to take you as his squire being king you understand and that would be a little strange I think.”

  “Yes my lord.” I answered in mindless agreement while still thinking of on what Kay had asked.

  He was right it would be very strange, not least to be the same age as your liege lord. On the other hand to be a friend of the king who was himself of my age was also very strange. Not forgetting Kay himself was only a few years older than me.

  Kay appeared to relax a little more. “To be honest,” He said casually, “Since the country has claimed my first squire and father is threatening me with Dagonet to replace him, if you were to accept it would agree with me well.”

  Suddenly I found myself at a point of making some fundamental decision which Kay awaited by stopping at the river bank. My path to knighthood was presented before me split in two and for once it was my choice, not forced by circumstance or decided by others.

  “What about Sir Aries?” I delayed.

  “What about him. With so many so called squires around this place I am surprised he has time for your training or that he would even miss you. Besides, Art thought you weren’t that attached to the place or Aries unless he’s wrong?”

  Something was holding me back from saying yes, was it the warnings and words of Aries and Bedivere reaching out from the bleak recesses of my head? I was concerned with what people might think of me. That I gave up trying to become a knight here and instead on a favour of a friend I cheated and got there the easy way. On the other hand who cares what others think! More people discovered my name today than had ever known me in my lifetime. Likewise who was to say it was going to be easy, I would be Kay’s only squire and would not share the work with anyone else. Not that work here was always fairly done between the squires and others. I had to admit it was true, with so many squires any noble rank was forgotten and both work and importance was thinned out among them.

  Not forgetting that soon Arthur would be in a civil war and I suspected Kay would be right next to him and where would I be!

  The edges of my mouth lifted a little at the new thought, time ran out as Kay tilted his head to expect an answer now. I knew exactly where I would be and I at this insight of the future I had the answer. I would be fighting for something, something I had started to believe in.

  “The king is not wrong, I accept my liege.” I agreed confidently and dropped my head in respect to my new lord.

  With my agreement I felt like I finally released myself from the trap and entered the unknown. I was going to be part of the new world, I was going to leave Caerleon and the solid doubt I might not be a knight one day vanished. Something from the past and familiar hit me, it was hope returned.

  Chapter 4: 0.59 Square Miles of Water

  It was a creeping disease and infected most metals. Very common and yet no one had found a cure. Generally it was known that water seemed to encourage it or perhaps was the cause, but no matter how it got there fighting rust was a daily battle. Only a few days had past in this battle, but the task of regaining ground was going to be a long drawn out struggle. It was not so much as polishing, but scraping and every ringlet needed attention. I had managed to find enough sand to fill a barrel and rolled the chain mail around so many times my arms were numb. While this had taken some time, not all the rust was gone and still less accessible parts needed attention, then oiling and then I still had more to do. I looked towards the sword, shields and range of boots waiting. The equipment and clothes were all piled up beside me and the short three legged stool I sat on. They were all that Kay owned, except what he was wearing and wherever he was wearing them right now.

  I was within Kay’s chamber that was still being shared with Sir Ector as well. Rooms remained very limited. Of course Arthur still had his own room, the same he had arrived to. I had not seen Arthur or Ector this morning and only saw Kay for the time it took for him to be dressed and instruct me to clean everything. This was the start of my new life, cleaning! It had been agreed I would start being his squire straight away after I accepted yesterday, but I was still not sure if Lord Aries was aware of the change.

  There were only a few differences between being a squire and servant. A servant had a master and was trapped. They could not leave unless they had permission. A squire had a lord that was the same as saying master, but could choose another or to go home if they dared and could travel free with some limitations without permission sometimes. Such freedom was really a false belief as you were trapped by the fact you were worth capture beyond the kingdom you served, could be ransomed for a limited amount of coin and so never likely to venture out that far. You also need time for such adventure and that was normally in short supply. I was not sure what the real difference between a servant and slave was.

  At this moment in time I could not see any difference between being a prince and any other status I might continue to confuse myself with. I carried on oiling the mail. I had missed Arthur in the remains of yesterday, but had trained instead with Kay for the rest of the afternoon. It had, I had to admit despite myself, been fun and I actually came away think I had learnt a few new things. Afterwards I returned to the hay loft having managed to avoid Clegis. I knew I would need to tell him soon that I was now Kay’s squire. Time would likely be short to the point I would be leaving and my coin would be going with me.

  It was a few hours later I decided to take a break outside, something perhaps servants would never consider without being instructed. I needed to find some food, but a taste of air was welcome. I only had a few boots left to clean and these could wait a bit.

  Oil from cleaning between my fingers irritated me and I was not concentrating on a direction particularly as I was attempting to drain my own hands. I stopped abruptly when I heard a familiar voice call across the courtyard, except it was too far to make out the words or be it was in competition with the sounds of the marketplace and people gathered in the courtyard before me. A second voice replied and realised I knew them both; it was Merlin with Arthur answering. Through other people I searched for them some more until I spotted them not too far from my position, but more good folk moved in the way contrary to my wishes and kept interrupting my view.

  The best I could understand from a collection of fleeting glimpses was Merlin was looking very ecstatic about something and was attempting to lead Arthur away. At one point he waved towards the archway, the exit out of the courtyard. Arthur looked unsure, but then that particular look of his was not uncommon I mused. Surprisingly he was walking around on his own, no lords trailing him or Kay or even a guard. However, there was Merlin, and perhaps the lack of an escort was explained in that fact alone. Merlin was an easy man to pull away from rather than want to get close to as his reputation was an impressive shield. Although, Arthur appeared to be immune from it I noted.

  The mass of people shuffled to allow another brief view and now I saw them walking side by side locked in deep conversation, the voices fading as they moved away. Should I follow? Nothing inside my head returned an answer. Instead my legs made the decision and I pushed through the crowd. At the arched gateway of one courtyard to enter another I paused to allow them time to get through without fear of them looking back to see me following.

  In the next courtyard they continued their debate. I could catch no words to provide me a
clue as to the subject, but I could have walked one step in front of them and not be noticed given how vital a discussion they appeared to be having. Bravely failed me on this thought, but this would only be possible if I could get close. More people mainly tradesmen and guards seemed to wander aimlessly and insisted in getting the way. Then there were stacks of goods and supplies to get around and avoid tripping over. I worked my way around it all with little style or grace, buffering from one thing to the next. Merlin and Arthur seemed to glide through without effort, their path ahead always empty and it was now clear they headed to the stables. Now my levels of curiosity rose, I was intrigued and yet worried and also extremely aware I was now truly spying if I continued to follow further. I should just go and say hello, but bravely failed me again on this idea.

  I lingered for a moment, shifting my weight from foot to foot. On one foot, was it concern for Arthur or just my excuse of concern to follow for my own foolish curiosity? Was this a simple matter, no doubt nothing except a new king talking to his advisor? Obviously he was the king and I had learnt that Merlin had advised the last king and why not this one! This was just one of those times? Only on the other foot I had to remember that was this same man who had taken Arthur from his real parents, put him with Sir Ector with little information, organised a sword in some rock and is reputed to have achieved great deeds even some say by sorcery. He was no ordinary advisor I had to admit that at least, besides he had too many books to be trusted.

  I had a choice. Follow and find nothing, not be needed and find my concern is not met. Or stay and risk my suspicions being true. I knew the answer or again at least my feet did and I stepped forward to continue my pursuit.

  The stables were never my favourite place. Given that on one of the last times I was here I lost a whole horse shortly afterwards, my enjoyment of being in the home of the four legged beasts had not improved! No one was pointing any accusing fingers at me and everyone continued the daily tasks and drudgery. Ahead Merlin was ordering some stable hands around. It dawned on me, this was not a case of offering Arthur sound advice on some matter, but they meant to leave and their intentions appeared to need a horse.

  A horse! I cursed under my breath at the realisation. Not again! I needed a horse if I was to follow. I could not think why a horse was needed to have a discussion, but in minutes two horses were being presented to the king and final preparations were taking place.

  I was running out of time. It seemed to be a familiar problem.

  “Tor!” A rough voice yelled, it caught me off guard and I jumped.

  I feared I was wrong and someone did recognise me from taking the horse before, but then how would they know my name. I look across to my side and found Harvis staring at me. Harvis was an older squire, they all were, and like I did until just yesterday he answered directly to Aries and this made him one of the last people I wanted to see.

  “Thanks Harvis, I nearly died.” I snapped.

  The answer pleased him, “Why, you up to no good?” He instantly implied with smirk and not that he knew it, I guess he was right.

  “No,” I denied at once, but as usual there was a need to fill the following void with an explanation. “I have been asked to take Sir Kay’s horse out for a run.”

  I congratulated myself on smoothly finding a good excuse to be at the stables with so little thought and on the spot. Maybe this would get me a horse to ride and follow Arthur as well! Looking past Harvis I could see the old man and young king had not yet left. A returning hunting party and their horses now got in the way of my spying, but it seemed Arthur was still debating if to go or not.

  Suspicion flowed across Harvis’s face, “He took his horse this morning.” He answered.

  My own face froze and strained to avoid letting out a curse or two. “Oh.” I stalled, I needed another saving excuse fast! “Err, he must of meant his father’s horse, Sir Ector’s.”

  I tried to sound relaxed as if it were a simple misunderstanding, but I feared it sounded like I was hoping that his horse was not gone as well. My attempt at fooling Harvis was likely to be over and I did wonder about just telling him the truth. After all I just wanted a horse to follow the new king of Briton and Merlin to find out what they were up to. When I had thought about it, I realised it would not only be the worst thing to do, but I might end my new life very quickly.

  Harvis was not a friend, not that I did not like him nor had any opinion on him, only I did not know him. Certainly I did not know him enough to trust him, but then this was true of most of the squires. We just went about our tasks and when not busy a bed was calling loudly before you considered time for socialising.

  “His is over there.” Harvis finally answered and pointed to one of the end stables, luckily still some distance from Arthur to avoid being seen.

  “Thanks.” I said, also nodding my thanks and went to see what beast awaited me.

  Forcing myself to be calm, I walked at a normal pace to ensure I did not raise further doubt from Harvis or any mistrust from the stable hands. Unfortunately he decided to follow and on joining me at my side wanted to talk some more.

  “The rumour around the kitchens is you’re now Kay’s squire that you have told Aries you have had enough.” Harvis stated accusingly and sounding slightly aggressive.

  Rumours did get around quick. I had only mentioned no longer being Aries’ squire to one person in the kitchen and that was to avoid taking food up to Aries when asked this morning. I did not need this attention and hoped Arthur and Merlin would not look my way. Disappointingly when I glanced again toward them I could see them now mounting their horses and were almost ready to go.

  “No, I mean yes I’m Kay’s squire now,” I answered switching back to the annoying squire, “but I never told Aries I had enough of anything. I haven’t spoken with him.” I explained and it was too much I knew.

  Harvis looked shocked, “What not at all, not got permission even? You’ll be best to avoid him then as he won’t be best pleased. Mind you he’ll be happy to see you go, he was all upset about you the other day and we all got it in the neck.”

  “I know, but I hadn’t done anything.” I replied a little defensive while having a little understanding for anyone having to deal with Lord Aries and his high and mightiness.

  “Oh, but that’s just the point in it.” Harvis answered meaningfully.

  I paused at the stable door once I reached it and turned to face him. “What does that mean?” I questioned sharply, plainly he was not going to go away quickly and wanted to say something.

  “Rumour is you’re been with the new king and doing nothing else for days, decided to drop your duties and the like. Now you say you’re serving the king’s brother.” Sneered Harvis with clear contempt, his nose in the air and I eyed it for a good punch.

  “Your point is?” I challenged and held his stare.

  There was no benefit to explaining myself, to tell him that I was following Aries orders would take time and who cared what he thought.

  Harvis paused and weighed up his thoughts before answering. “Just saying.” He concluded in disgust at me, but deciding against doing or saying whatever he might have been thinking. “You be leaving with them, when everyone goes then?”

  Satisfied he was backing down; I turned back to the door and opened it to enter the stable. A horse was moving in the darkness and had suddenly realised my presence.

  I ensured that the lower part of the door closed immediately behind me and kept Harvis out. “Well I can’t be Kay’s squire and stay here if he leaves can I!” I eventually answered sarcastically.

  He pulled a face and it was not of amusement, but he continued to backed off. “They’re right, you do think too much of yourself! Hope you don’t fall off that horse.” He retorted.

  These were his last words as he decided finally to turn tail and leave me alone. The words were an aimless shot before running away and a coward’s tactic. Yet I was not sure if he knew of my issues with horses or if he was he was just wi
shing ill of me.

  “Someone has to.” I muttered softly after him as I considered what he said.

  I gave him a second to be certain he had gone before quickly peaking out of the door to check on Arthur’s progress. Arthur and Merlin were gone! I spun around and faced Ector’s horse who had decided now to greet her new stable companion. She didn’t appear to be that big. A palfrey perhaps and in the available light looked to be a dark brown colour throughout. A saddle was hanging close by and I rushed to prepare the horse, which remained reassuringly calm.

  As far as Harvis was concerned, now I knew him little better, I had concluded that he was no potential friend. As far as the rumours and them, whoever they were, I did not care. Only maybe I did a little as I was now more certain than ever of my decision to leave and serve Kay and Arthur.

  Minutes later I had the horse ready, having checked the saddle was on tight several times despite my haste. Lesson learnt as I knew there was no point going and being thrown off again. Feeling this could all be a waste of time given the head start they had, I still kept going. Soon I pushed open the stable door fully once more. Then I ran back and swung up onto the horse, had a quick pray to anyone who would listen and pulled the reins. In less than a second my head was propelled forward towards the low support beam above the doorway. I had no time to think or duck forward. I leaned backwards as far as my back would allow and got a close up view of a number of ants and rusted nails sticking out of the beam as I rode underneath before being blinded by sunlight. Snapping forward I regained the reins then breathed an enormous sigh of relief as I directed the horse towards the main gate.

  Not a charge as such, but a reasonable pace was set and to my delight she responded to all my efforts to steer. Once pass the gates I had my first decision to make. Well it was one decision, but consisted of three directions to choose. I pulled the horse to a stop and studied my options. Within the town roads had hardened and were compacted with stone and dirt that lead north, east around the fort or west out to the wetlands and nearest forest. The forest being the same one where the last horse I rode might still be wandering. Many people had already left the town and the roads were not nearly as busy as they had been the last few days. There were no signs of Merlin or Arthur on any of them and I had one chance in three of being right. The longer I hesitated, the more likely I would lose them to further choices of directions ahead if I had not already lost them. Stopping also allowed the fear of what I was doing was completely stupid catch me up, but the excitement of risk was gripping and my heart was beating hard for it.


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