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Venom & Vampires: A Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

Page 95

by Casey Lane

  Getting up, she went over to the mirror. Her makeup had held up well, but she wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable outbreak sleeping in it would provoke. Her gaze drifted over the reflective surface. The vampire could wake up any second. Did she really want to cause that to happen any sooner? She hesitated as she stared at her own reflection. Could she really afford not to have a weapon when he did?

  “Okay, then. Here goes nothing.” Her fingers curled into fists. She hesitated before grabbing the towel by the side of the sink and wrapping it around her right hand. Her determination only grew as she got ready to punch as hard as she could, her gaze going straight through her reflection. “Please break into nice sharp shards.”

  Chapter Six

  The nightmare continued as Theo left Leah’s body on the floor. He didn’t want to leave her; he hadn’t wanted her to die, either, but it seemed he wasn’t getting any choices tonight. He had the key to the manacle around his ankle in his pocket, something the thing that had taken control of his body knew. He suspected it was the guy who’d attacked him, rendered him unconscious. It didn’t make a lot of sense at the time, but he’d since learned more than he ever wanted to know about vampires. His maker didn’t get another chance to take him over like that a second time. He promised himself that the second the guy let him have his body back and he’d managed to keep that promise, a hollow victory that meant little once the deed was done but necessary all the same.

  The scent of orchids and vanilla filled Theo’s senses as he left the building. He paused, wondering where the hell it was coming from. It wasn’t something he was used to smelling. It was off, out of place. He was imagining it. You didn’t just add things to a memory like this. He wished he could change things about that night, but it always played out exactly as it had happened when his brain decided to torture him about the past. There was never anything new. He stumbled as he walked, weariness sinking in. He was so damned hungry. This had to be it, this was the end. He fell to his knees as his tired body gave up under him. The night sky was dark above him, the pavement in partial shadow as he crashed to the ground. He could see the illuminated spot of cement under a street light, just out of reach as he stretched his arm out to touch the light. Darkness overcame him as the scent grew stronger around him. His eyelids fluttered closed.

  He didn’t expect to open them again, but apparently he wasn’t quite blood-starved enough to die just yet. He squinted at the pillow and realized he could still smell the sweet and exotic scents of orchids and vanilla. It was something in the room. Someone was in there with him.

  His vision glowed as he sat up slowly, the sound of a heart pounding wildly nearby making his hunger pangs sharpen. He couldn’t control the monster that lived under his skin. Not when he was this starved for the life-fluid he craved like an addict. The girl his sight settled on was standing close to the bed and brandishing something sharp at his neck, her arm shaking as her stare cut through him.

  “Don’t move another inch.” She sounded more confident than she appeared.

  He wondered if she’d be able to do what he hadn’t managed in a week of trying. “If you’re here to kill me, go ahead.”

  She winced as she used her other hand to keep the one holding the sliver of glass steady. “Don’t test me. I’ll cut your throat.”

  He swallowed as he held himself back from attacking her. His control was close to breaking. She was going to die if she didn’t move quickly.

  “Cut me now,” he told her. “Do it now. You only have one chance.”

  She moved, and he grabbed her wrist.

  “Shit!” She held onto the glass as he brought her sweet-smelling skin to his mouth.

  The scent drove him as crazy as the pounding of her heart. He couldn’t resist another second. He could think of nothing more than drinking from her. His fangs pierced her skin and the gasp she issued was soft, surprised. The shard fell to the sheets as he drank from her, his arm pulling her body close to the bed as he tasted her blood.

  “Wow. Is this supposed to feel so good?” she whispered, her legs brushing against his as she moved onto the bed beside him.

  He pulled back as soon as the blood-lust waned, sealing the wounds he’d opened in her arm with his fangs. The thirst wasn’t sated, but it was under control now. His human form came back as he let go of her wrist. For the first time, he got a look at the girl Brody had sent to him. She was attractive and young with golden blonde hair that brushed her shoulders and a slim figure shown off by the tight clothes she was wearing. Her blue eyes were unfocused as her hand stroked over his chest.

  “You’re so cold…”

  He frowned as he fought the instinct to pull her in close. She shouldn’t be there. He shouldn’t have fed from her. He reached for the phone by the side of the bed, the one he’d disconnected at the start of the week. He cursed, remembering this.

  “You need to leave,” he told her, getting up and wishing for a second that he wasn’t naked. He brushed the thought off as he reconnected the phone cable to the data point.

  “Do I?” She sounded dreamy. It was the effect of his bite. She’d been ready to kill him and now she’d do whatever he asked of her. The thought pissed him off. As it would her, as soon as she came to her senses.

  He picked the receiver back up and dialled reception. Whatever Brody thought he was doing with this stunt, he wasn’t happy about it.

  “Hi, Theo,” Stacy’s voice greeted him. “What’s up?”

  “I need to speak to Brody, and I need to speak to him right now.”

  “He’s out. And I thought you were on holiday?”

  “Someone needs to come and remove…” he started, looking at the now docile girl, giving him the eye from the bed. She was unzipping her vest top. He looked away, rubbing at his temples. “Never mind. Send up food. He sent me a visitor and she’s going to need human food.” He paused, before adding, “Send a couple of pints of blood, too.”

  He hung up and turned back to the girl. She was in her underwear now, and his willpower was barely strong enough to stop her from going any further. The sight of her in the lacy turquoise underwear was enough to send a shockwave of desire through his system. Being naked right now was a horrible idea.

  “Put your clothes back on,” he compelled her, his thoughts twisting crazily inside his head. Lust and hunger and irritation all fought for space. He couldn’t think straight. Why hadn’t he just asked Stacy to bring someone to set the girl free?

  That would solve his problem entirely. Feeding her and drinking more blood wouldn’t. He groaned as he walked to the closet and hauled on a pair of trousers. The girl made disapproving noises as he covered himself up.

  “Aw, not fair,” she said. “I thought vampires were supposed to be sexy? You shouldn’t be covering up.”

  He half wished he’d turn and see her with the shard of glass in her hand, that she’d kill him before anything else got the chance to happen. Anything else, Theo? What exactly are you thinking of? She might be attractive but she’s not here by choice. You can’t have her. I don’t want her. Okay then. Stop looking at her like you do.

  He watched her push the weapon she’d pointed at him to the floor. She was stretched out on his bed, dressed again, not that the skimpy clothes did much to hide her body. Her skirt was barely long enough to cover her underwear. He could imagine tapping a vein in her thigh. He knew how good she tasted now. He wanted more, and badly, but he’d already taken enough. She wouldn’t survive much more, and he didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had. Shaking his head, he looked away. This had Brody’s heavy handprints all over it. If the guy was anyone else, he’d kill him for this.

  Chapter Seven

  Skye’s euphoria only grew once the smell of bacon and eggs wafted into the room. The big guy with the tray set it down on a table and she jumped up from the bed to go over. She breathed in deeply and sighed as she sat down and picked up a fork.

  “I think I must have died because this is heaven.” She
proceeded to stuff her face with bacon, mushrooms, scrambled egg, and tomatoes.

  The glass of red liquid didn’t even register to her until her vampire companion picked it up and sank it in one long swallow. She couldn’t tear her eyes off him as he drank. His muscular body was like something from a movie. She’d never seen a guy this ripped in real life. Putting down her fork, she forgot all about the bacon.

  “Did you always look this good?” She realized the guy who’d brought breakfast in had left, and along with him any chance she might have had to escape. The thought seemed strange, alien. She didn’t care about leaving. Why would she? She’d just experienced the greatest high she’d ever felt with a creature she’d only just found out existed and who just happened to be hotter than the fires of hell.

  He put the glass down. “Finish your breakfast. It’ll go cold.”

  She picked her fork back up. “Have you always been a vampire?”

  He shook his head and moved away, lying down on the bed. “I’m going to sleep now. As soon as you’re feeling yourself, you can leave.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “Really don’t like talking about yourself, huh?”

  He ignored the comment, closing his eyes.

  Something was up with him. He wanted her gone. Nothing like those morning after regrets, eh? She rolled her eyes. Most guys gave the cold shoulder after sex. They hadn’t even gotten that far. She supposed drinking blood was probably a similar thing for vamps. He’d gotten what he wanted from her so now she was meant to leave.

  “By leave…” She thought about what the girl in the cell next to hers had said. A chill rushed over her. So far this wasn’t going so badly, but she did not want to have to go back to her cell. Nor did she want to end up dead at the hands of a vampire who was more vicious than this one. Her self-preservation instincts kicked back in. “What if I don’t want to?”

  “You will,” he muttered, not bothering to open his eyes.

  She ate. She was going to need her strength to work out the best way to survive this weird situation. The thrill of letting him bite her had gone to her head, but she wasn’t going to let it ruin her chances of making it out of this damned place alive. She tried to snap out of it, but she was still feeling the warm fuzzy afterglow of the bite after she was done eating. It made her decision to shower and brush her teeth feel less insane. She wanted to feel human and cleaning up would help. The vampire didn’t move from the bed, where he was apparently sleeping, as she announced her plans anyway and left the bathroom door open in case he decided to join her.

  Chapter Eight

  The sound of water running in the other room was oddly relaxing. Theo lay there, his eyes closed, stretching his enhanced senses out. Orchids and vanilla on the air, a perfume he’d thought the shower would wash away. Worse was the steady beat of her heart he zeroed in on past the cascade of water. His blood lust stirred at the delicate sound, but he was sated enough to ignore the temptation. For now.

  He supposed he should call reception again and get Stacy to unlock the door. The girl showering in his bathroom wouldn’t be quite so enamoured of him and his desires once the effects of the bite wore off. He reached for the phone and his hand rested on the receiver for a few seconds. He couldn’t quite force himself to do it. His thoughts darkened, twisting him away from doing what was right. Maybe if she stayed until she got back to normal she’d do him the honour of cutting what was left of his heart out and putting that sliver of glass through it.

  Had to be better than trying to starve himself to death. Quicker too.

  He opened his eyes when the water cut off. Footsteps and the creak of the door opening turned his attention towards her. The girl’s hair was wet but she was wearing her clothes when she came back into the room. Something else was different and it took him a few seconds to work out that her make-up was gone. Thick eyeliner was no longer framing her pretty blue eyes. In fact, her eyes seemed sleepier, he guessed because her eyelashes were as light as the golden-blonde hair on her head.

  “Does it always feel like this?” Her voice was soft, full of wonder.

  His hopes that the effect would have worn off by now were dashed, and his thirst sparked again. He swallowed and told himself he wasn’t hungry, even if his lips tingled at the mere thought of touching her skin again. “Like what?”

  “Like the whole world is just amazing, like everything is perfect.” She smiled dreamily and started towel drying her hair as she moved to the side of the bed.

  “That’ll pass,” he told her, feeling his lips twitch at the bright smile she gave him. “You should sleep until it does.”

  She perched down beside him as he moved to make room for her on that side. She continued to dry her hair as he tried not to let his gaze drift to her legs. Her skirt was too short and sitting down only made it shorter. Stirring things in him that had been denied for too long, she was incredibly alluring and coming very close to triggering his basic impulses. The one thing that held him back was knowing she was still under the influence. If only he could have restrained his hunger in the same way. Biting her had been a mistake, but it wasn’t one he could take back.

  He should have seen it coming, but how was he supposed to know he’d survive this long without blood? He hadn’t expected to, and more than that, he hadn’t known Brody would do this to him. And he knew that was why the girl was there, it was why his old friend had made himself scarce. He’d given this woman to Theo like she was some kind of present.

  “I’m not tired,” the girl said, dropping the towel and laying down facing him. “So what does that leave?”

  Her tenacity was mildly amusing. “You will sleep.” His gaze on hers, he watched her get comfortable, rubbing her head against his pillow.

  “I’m not…” She yawned loudly. “Tired.”

  “Say that again, with feeling this time,” he told her, earning himself a loosely thrown slap across the chest. She was fiery, that much was for sure. Had to be, to try to attack him when he first woke up. “What’s your name?” Did he really want to know?

  She smiled. “Skye Larson. What’s yours?”

  “Theo.” He didn’t bother with the surname. It belonged to his past. She’d closed her eyes already besides.

  “Theo,” she murmured. “I like it.”

  Another yawn and she was silent. He listened to her breathing, her heart thumping in her chest. He tried not to stare as her breast rose and fell. She’d zipped the vest top back up, but the neckline still plunged to her cleavage. The clothes she wore made it obvious where she’d been when Brody picked her up. The blue vest and black mini-skirt were in slinky materials he’d only ever seen women wear in clubs or on beaches. Skye. The name suited her. She was a breath of fresh air.

  He got up and wrapped the covers around her sleeping frame. She looked peaceful now, but he’d likely see the opposite when she awoke from her nap. The bite would be starting to wear off already. If he hadn’t sealed the wound her euphoria might have lasted even longer. Though some part of him was ravenous at the very thought of binding her to him like that, he knew it was too much to handle. She wasn’t his. He couldn’t try to claim her. He moved away, turning his back to the bed and the temptation lurking under his covers. The quicker she came to her senses, the better.

  Chapter Nine

  Skye’s recollection of the night before was hazy, muddled by the drinking and whatever the arsehole who’d picked her up had done to her. She’d been in the party mood. A shitty week at work was always best erased by a weekend blow-out. Every week at work was the same. It was a grind, something to be suffered through for the pay check. She supposed she should have thought more about what she was going to end up doing after she finished school, but if she was being honest, she still wasn’t sure what she really wanted to do with her life. Thinking about it was boring. So she just kept going along, getting through the working week and living for the weekends.

  Never knowing that one of those weekends would change everything for her, Skye
adjusted to this and it just became her life, something she didn’t even think about.

  “Oh, come on; it’s just a nightclub,” Anna said, pulling on her arm as she started down the alley.

  Skye frowned. “It doesn’t look like a nightclub.”

  It looked like a good place to be stabbed, mugged or assaulted, though. She had a bad feeling even as they got to the back of the building and saw the queue of clubbers waiting to get in.

  “What is this place?” Skye asked, folding her arms against the breeze. Summers were unpredictable in White Oaks. It wasn’t enough to make her wear a jacket. Her outfit was perfect as it was. A jacket would only ruin the look.

  “A friend told me about it. It’s the place to be. Trust me.”

  “Okay then.” She rolled her eyes. Anna had a serious weakness for jumping on the latest trends, regardless of any sense of taste. If it was cool it had to be good. Skye didn’t prescribe to that way of thinking. She didn’t need to see something or go somewhere just because everyone was going nuts raving about how amazing it was. If she liked something, she didn’t care how trendy it was. Her wedges were out of style by at least a year, but they were the comfiest dancing shoes she owned so there was no way she was giving them up.

  Anna grabbed her arm as they got closer to the door. “It has to be good. Even the bouncers are hot,” she whispered in Skye’s ear.

  Skye looked the guy over. They were too far away to really see his face clearly but he was built, that was for sure. “Maybe,” she conceded. She’d reserve her judgment for when they got inside. The queue seemed to be mostly women, so she wasn’t convinced it was a club they’d be able to meet guys in. Not that pulling was the only reason to go out, but it had been a while and she was in the mood for some fun.


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