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The Club

Page 33

by Mandasue Heller

  Suspicions seriously roused, Fabian stepped back and opened the door to let the man in.

  ‘Sorry for being irritable,’ he said, forcing himself to smile. ‘I’ve been rushed off my feet tonight. But if you’d like to wait here, I’ll have somebody find Mr Allen for you.’

  ‘’Bout time,’ Phil grunted, brushing past him. Inside in the warm, he shook the rain from his hair and flapped his jacket.

  Seeing the gold bulldog clear as day now, Fabian told him he wouldn’t be a minute. Going to Bobby, who was back outside now, he whispered to him to make sure that the man stayed in the foyer and didn’t go wandering. Then he went into the club-room and tried to reach Tony on his mobile. Getting no answer, he snapped his phone shut and gazed around. There was no point trying the adjoining door because they wouldn’t answer it, but there was no way he was walking around to The Diamond in the rain, and the doormen would laugh in his face if he tried sending one of them.

  Austin passed just then. Grabbing him, Fabian said, ‘I need you to go round to the side door and tell Mr Allen that someone called Dix is here to see him.’

  ‘Like this?’ Austin gasped, holding his arms out to indicate that he was wearing shorts and a T-shirt. ‘I’ll get soaked.’

  ‘Just do it,’ Fabian snapped.

  Sighing loudly, Austin said, ‘Right, fine. But don’t blame me if I get pneumonia and can’t work for a month!’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’ll have your cards sent on if we don’t see you,’ Fabian told him, pushing him out through the foyer.

  ‘He won’t be a moment,’ Fabian said, giving Phil a tight smile. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a couple of things to do.’

  Letting himself into the pay-booth then, so that he would be able to hear what was going on when Tony came back with Austin, he told the cashier that she could go. Sitting on her chair, he sank down as low as he could in the hope that Tony wouldn’t notice him, and started bagging up.

  Austin was dripping wet when he came back a couple of minutes later. Shaking himself all over the polished floor, he looked around for Fabian. ‘Where’s he gone?’ he asked Phil in a loud whisper.

  ‘No idea,’ Phil said, lighting another cigarette. ‘Did you find Tony?’

  ‘Oh, are you Dix?’ Austin asked, giving him the once-over. ‘Yeah, he’ll be round in a minute. Couldn’t give us a quick drag on your ciggy, could you?’ he asked then. ‘Only we’re not allowed when we’re working, and I’m fucking gagging.’

  ‘Knock yourself out,’ Phil said, handing him the cigarette.

  Turning away from the clubroom door, Austin took several quick drags and fanned the smoke away with his hand before handing it back to Phil. ‘Ta for that; I owe you one. Best get back,’ he said then. ‘If you see the funny fella, tell him to go fuck himself from me, will you?’ Giggling then, he said, ‘No, don’t! I’ll only get the sack.’

  Smiling slyly, Phil said, ‘Don’t worry about it, mate.’

  In the pay-booth, Fabian pursed his lips furiously. Just wait till he got hold of Austin. The little poof wouldn’t know what had hit him!

  Tony came in just then. Seeing Phil, he jerked his head and took him off into a corner.

  ‘What the fuck are you playing at? I told you not to show your face in here.’

  ‘So try answering your phone,’ Phil retorted gruffly. ‘Look, I ain’t come for an argument,’ he said then. ‘I just want what you owe us, ’cos my lads are bugging me for it.’

  ‘I don’t appreciate being hassled,’ Tony told him darkly. ‘I said you’d get it, and you will.’

  ‘Don’t take the piss,’ Phil hissed. ‘It’s been fucking ages, and you ain’t been in touch once. Anyone’d think you was trying to avoid us, and that ain’t on, ’cos we did our bit.’

  Sighing, Tony ran a hand through his hair. ‘I’ve had a lot on, it slipped my mind. Anyway, here, I guess you earned it.’ Reaching into his pocket, he took out a thick wad of money. Peeling off several notes, he thrust them into Phil’s hand, saying, ‘There’s a bit extra for waiting.’

  Glancing down at the money and seeing how much extra there was, Phil grinned widely. ‘Anyone else you want heavying, you know where I am.’ Holding out his hand then, he said, ‘Nice doing business with you.’

  Shaking Phil Dixon’s hand, Tony showed him out. Turning to Bobby with a furious scowl on his face when Phil had gone, he said, ‘Who sent that waiter round to my club?’

  ‘Fabian,’ Bobby told him.

  ‘And did he let that other dickhead in here?’

  ‘Er, yeah.’

  ‘Cunt!’Tony growled. ‘I’ll break his fucking legs when I get my hands on him.’

  Marching inside, he stormed through to the clubroom in search of Fabian. Not finding him on the lower floor, he went up to the VIP lounge and stood at the head of the stairs, peering around narrow-eyed.

  ‘Tony!’ Brenda Thompson cried, coming over to him and pulling him into a hug. ‘You’ve been neglecting us. Come and have a drink and let’s catch up.’ Linking her arm through his, she tried to pull him towards her table.

  ‘Sorry, doll, I’ve got no time,’ Tony said, gently peeling her hand off his arm. ‘I’m looking for someone.’

  ‘Who?’she asked, not giving up so easily. ‘Maybe I’ve seen them.’

  ‘Fabian,’ he said, his teeth gritted.

  ‘The cutie?’ Brenda said, sighing lustfully. ‘He was here a few minutes ago. I can never see enough of those toned buns of his. They’re so delectable, it makes you want to bite them.’

  ‘Huh!’ Tony snorted. ‘Probably ’cos they see so much action.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘He’s an ass raider,’ Tony elaborated scathingly.

  ‘Fabian?’ Brenda gave a deep husky laugh. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, darling. The boy’s as straight as a die.’

  ‘Believe me, he ain’t,’ Tony told her. ‘Melody’s in showbiz back home, and she’s got a nose for that kind of thing. Anyway, you’ve only got to look at him to know he’s got more woman in him than man.’

  ‘My darling, I too am in the business,’ Brenda reminded him. ‘With a good few years on your little chickie, I might add. And I assure you that Fabian is no more gay than you or I. He may take care of his appearance,’ she went on, with a theatrical shrug. ‘But that, my love, is because these young ones have at long last realised that we girlies like a good-looking, sweet-smelling man in our beds, whose hair is clean enough not to stick to our inner thighs like glue and leave us with a nasty mess to clean up afterwards. Anyway,’ she said then, flapping her hand, ‘he’s had several of my girlfriends, so I know he’s straight. And they all gave such glowing recommendations that I’d be tempted to go for him myself if my little gigolo wasn’t already wearing me out. Worth it, though,’ she added with a satisfied sigh. ‘So very liberating to pay for what you want and not to have to bother with the tedious endearments. Don’t you think?’

  Tony wasn’t listening; he was too busy mulling over what Brenda had just said. If she was telling the truth – and there was no reason for her not to be – then Melody had either been mistaken or had lied outright when she’d told him that Fabian was gay. And he suspected the latter, because she’d have known full well that he wouldn’t have let her dance with the cunt if he’d known that Fabian was straight. He didn’t know what kind of idiot they took him for, but they would both be sorry if they’d been fucking around behind his back.

  Filled with white-hot fury now when he spotted Melody flirting with a scruffy pop star whom he vaguely recognised, Tony shook Brenda off and made his way over to her table.

  ‘Yo!’ he barked, snapping his fingers at her. ‘A word.’

  ‘What’s the matter, Tony?’ Melody said, her eyes huge with fear when he dragged her over into a quiet corner. ‘I wasn’t doing nothing. He was just telling me about his tour. They’ve been in LA, and we were—’

  ‘Shut the fuck up,’ Tony yelled, gripping her arm tightly. ‘I’m not interested in him. I w
ant to know about the other fella – your fucking dancing partner.’

  ‘Fabian?’ Melody gasped. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘What’s going on with you and him?’

  ‘Nothing!’ she yelped when he tightened his grip. ‘You’re hurting me, Tony!’

  ‘I’ll do a damn sight more than hurt you if you fuck me about,’ he snarled. ‘You told me he was queer.’

  ‘He is,’ she whimpered, petrified now. ‘Please, Tony, you’re hurting me. And people are looking.’

  ‘I don’t give a fuck,’ he said, bringing his face down close to hers. ‘I’ve just had it on good authority that your friend is no more queer than me. So what’s the game, Mel? You been fucking around with him?’

  ‘Don’t be stupid!’ Melody protested, wincing when he raised his fist. ‘Sorry! I didn’t mean that. I just meant don’t say stupid things. Of course I’m not messing around. Would I risk doing something like that when I know what I’ll get? I swear on my mother’s life I thought he was gay. If he’s not, I didn’t know, hon, I honestly didn’t. I’ll never speak to him again.’

  Sidling past them, Austin ran down the stairs. He didn’t think he should interfere, but Kalli was concerned that Mr Allen might start beating his girlfriend up and so she’d sent him to get one of the security guards just in case. Legging it down to the foyer now, he pulled the door open and told Bobby what was happening.

  Back upstairs, Tony had decided to give Melody the benefit of the doubt – for now. Shoving her away roughly, he said, ‘All right, I’ll take your word. But if I find out you’re lying, you know what’s gonna happen.’ Giving her a last warning glare, he turned on his heel and marched back down the stairs.

  Shoving past Austin who was on his way back in with Bobby, Tony made his way out and walked quickly back round to The Diamond, deep in thought.

  Still hiding in the pay-booth, Fabian was shaking. He shouldn’t have sent Austin round there, and now that Tony was gunning for him he’d have to stay out of his way until he forgot about it. Which would be kind of difficult, seeing as they both worked here, but would still be better than having his legs broken.

  ‘You been in there the whole time?’ Bobby asked when Fabian came out with the money bag in his hands.

  ‘No, I’ve been out back,’ Fabian lied. ‘Why?’

  ‘Good job,’ Bobby chuckled. ‘Mr Allen’s in a right strop with you. Apparently he’s just had a go at his bird, ’cos she told him you was gay and he’s just found out you ain’t. Accused her of fucking around with you.’ Laughing now, he shook his head. ‘You’re a right one, you.’

  ‘Aren’t you supposed to be outside?’ Fabian snapped, fronting it out even though his knees had turned to water.

  Waiting until Bobby had gone out, Fabian walked through the club and out through the kitchen door. He didn’t know what had just happened with Tony and Melody but he wasn’t sticking around to find out. Jenna could lock up. And she could open up tomorrow as well, because there was no way he was coming back until he knew it was safe. Melody wouldn’t dare admit it, so hopefully she would convince Tony that it was all in his head. But until Fabian knew for sure that he was out of the firing line, he was on indefinite sick leave.

  And there was no way he was risking telling Jenna about the man with the boxing-glove earring. Not yet, anyway. Much as she probably needed to know, that would be all the excuse that Tony would need to kill him.

  Austin was already changed and on his way out of the door when Kalli caught up with him at the end of the night. Pulling him to one side, she said, ‘Wait for me.’

  ‘I can’t,’ he told her, leaning down to kiss her cheek. ‘I’m meeting someone, and we’re going to a club.’

  ‘We need to talk,’ she persisted, trying to hold him there. ‘I’m worried about you.’

  ‘Well, don’t be,’ Austin said irritably. ‘It’s getting on my nerves. I don’t tell you who to go out with, so stop trying to tell me.’

  ‘I don’t want you to get hurt,’ Kalli said, looking him straight in the eyes as she added, ‘or anyone else.’

  ‘No one’s going to get hurt,’ he assured her. ‘It’s nobody’s business but mine and his.’

  ‘And what about his wife?’ Kalli asked quietly. Shaking her head when she saw the flicker of surprise in his eyes, she said, ‘So I’m right. It is Mr Drake.’

  ‘Sshhh!’ Austin hissed, glancing quickly around.

  ‘Why?’ Kalli asked, pain and anger in her eyes. ‘If it’s all as nice as you were trying to make out earlier, why wouldn’t you want the world to know?’

  ‘Don’t be stupid,’ Austin snapped. ‘It is nice, and I really like him. But you know exactly why I can’t tell anyone, so keep your nose out.’

  ‘You’re making a mistake,’ Kalli said softly. ‘And I’m your friend, so I’m not going to ignore it.’

  ‘Well, you’ll have to, if you want to carry on being my friend,’ Austin told her bluntly. ‘Don’t try and make me choose, ’cos you won’t like the outcome.’

  ‘You’d really do that?’ Kalli gazed defiantly up into his eyes. ‘For money?’

  ‘It’s not just the money.’ Austin sighed heavily. ‘I really like him, Kal. But if you can’t understand that, there’s nothing I can say.’

  ‘You don’t even know him.’

  ‘Yes, I do. Don’t think last night was the first time we’ve ever talked. You lot have been treating him like shit since he first started coming here, but I’ve always talked to him, and he’s a really nice man.’

  ‘He’s an old married man,’ Kalli reminded him. ‘And he’s not your type at all. You like dark and handsome. He’s blond and fat.’

  ‘You don’t have to tell me what he looks like,’ Austin retorted. ‘I’ve seen more of him than you have.’

  ‘Don’t be disgusting.’

  ‘If you don’t like it, mind your own business.’ Shrugging, Austin gave her a take-it-or-leave-it look. ‘I like him, and I’m not going to stop seeing him. Not for you, or anyone.’

  ‘Well, I hope it’s worth it,’ Kalli said sadly. ‘When his wife finds out, and you’re left with nothing but your fancy trainers to remind you of the job you used to have and the friends you lost for him.’

  ‘Whatever,’ Austin said glibly. ‘See you later.’

  Using all her self-control to keep herself from crying, Kalli got changed and made her lonely way home, knowing that things would never be the same between her and Austin again. She’d tried her best, but there was nothing more she could do. When this fell apart, as it undoubtedly would, she just hoped that Austin would learn something from it.

  ‘Anybody seen Fabian?’ Jenna asked the security guys as they made their way out.

  ‘Yeah, about an hour ago,’ Bobby said, sharing a conspiratorial smirk with Flex. ‘He wasn’t looking too well. Maybe he’s in the loos?’

  ‘His car’s not out back,’ one of the other doormen said, coming through from the kitchen just then. ‘I’ve just been out there checking that the gate got shut behind the staff, and it’s deffo gone.’

  Tutting softly, Jenna went back up to her office to get her keys. She’d be having words with Fabian in the morning. He might have let her know if he was leaving early. She could have been waiting all night to lock up.


  Vibes couldn’t settle. Sitting in the bar around the corner from the courthouse, he repeatedly checked his mobile to make sure that he hadn’t missed the call telling him that the jury were in.

  Sipping his beer, he stared at the screen of the TV above the spirit bottles on the other side of the bar. It was on a news channel, but the volume was down. Vibes was trying to lip-read the female newsreader but was finding it impossible because, like most of the women he’d come across since he got home, she talked way too fast. He’d forgotten that about American women. They got so animated about the stupidest things. Aliya had been no better. Much as he’d loved her, the girl could run her mouth off with the best of them when she got to b

  Smiling at the memory, Vibes took a sip of his beer – and almost choked when a still photograph came up on the screen. It looked to have been taken in some kind of nightclub, and showed several men sitting around a table, all grinning at something that was resting on the table between them. The image had been blurred, but it didn’t take a lot of imagination to guess what it was, nonetheless.

  ‘Yo! Turn the volume up,’ Vibes yelled at the bartender. ‘The volume, man! Come on!’

  ‘. . . Trial of Mafia boss Stelios Zagorakis a.k.a. “Zorba”,’ the newsreader was saying, ‘who is charged with a variety of offences from kidnap to extortion to murder.

  ‘This photograph is one of a set recovered by police from a safe found buried beneath Zagorakis’s home on the exclusive Palmira Estate complex, and is believed to show the severed head of a rival Mafia boss, Paolo Vitto.

  ‘Police are now trying to locate the other men pictured with Mr Zagorakis, and have today named them as Raoul Perusa, Anthony Cerrullo, Peter Gossam and Edward Derby. They are wanted in connection with what police are estimating could amount to dozens of murders, dating back as far as 1960 when Mr Zagorakis first arrived in the United States. They are also suspected of involvement in the murders of brothers Martin and Deke Johnson, who were in the custody of the US Army at the time of their deaths, being transported to high-security witness-protection units.

  ‘Anybody who knows the men’s whereabouts is asked to contact their local police force immediately, but under no circumstances should the men be approached directly, as they may be armed.

  ‘Well, those are today’s headlines,’ the woman said now, smiling widely. ‘We’ll keep you updated on these, and all the other stories as they come in throughout the day. But now we go to Frank Highfield for the weather . . .’


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