Customer Service
Page 5
With her fingers on her lips indicating to me to be quiet, I held back, falling onto the pillows, with my finger poised on my pulsating nub while she spoke.
‘No, that’s fine, honey,’ she said. ‘Sure, I’ll be there in an hour…what…yeah, I’ll hang on.’
She lay her head between my open thighs pushing the end of the phone inside my pussy, while her tongue licked crazily at my clit. I was so turned on. I arched upwards, moaning, but a quick smack on my thigh reminded me I was supposed to be quiet. Crushing my own breasts I stifled a scream as my first orgasm escaped me.
Rita was pushing the phone in and out of my pussy and I bucked into it, wanting her tongue in my pussy not the phone. I grabbed the pillow and covered my face, trying to muffle my moans, while coming again.
‘Yeah, I’m still here,’ she giggled, removing the phone and rising, looking down at my gaping pussy. ‘Oh, I’d love that…yeah, sure…I’ll have everything ready. I love you,’ she said before disconnecting the call.
‘You fucking horny little bitch,’ she said, as she devoured me. ‘I’ve missed your gorgeous pussy.’
I grabbed the back of her head with both hands pulling her into me as her teeth grazed my clit.
‘Get your G-string off,’ I demanded. ‘Bring your pussy up here so I can give you a good tonguing.’
‘I can’t,’ she mumbled.
‘Just for a few minutes,’ I begged.
She pulled back smiling. ‘I have to go. Change of plans. Marcus is coming home early and he wants me to be ready when he gets home, so come on, cover that hot pussy and let’s get going.’
‘I can’t,’ I said.
‘You sure?’ she asked, her eyes fixed on my open thighs, her tongue licking her finger as she eyed my breasts before rubbing her saliva over the nipple and giving it a squeeze.
I was still in two minds about going. I really wanted to, wanted to go and watch but thinking about fantasies and acting upon them can sometimes be disastrous. I needed more time to make a decision.
I shook my head.
‘You’ll be sorry,’ she said, picking up her bra and robe, before sauntering to the door.
She looked back over her shoulder at me, arching her eyebrow. Her naked back tapering down into her sexy arse tempted me, so I looked away, disappointed at having had our time cut and not wanting to change my mind.
As soon as she left, I lay there hugging myself, wishing I’d said yes. The thought of witnessing some live sex had certainly been something we’d talked about. What was the matter with me? Why had I said no?
Pulling on a robe I made my way into Rita’s bedroom. I stood there in the middle of her room, imagining the two of them buck-naked on her bed. I visualised what they’d look like, how I’d join in, what they’d do to me.
I moved over to her bed, dropping the robe as I did and lay down on my back. Grabbing the duvet I pulled it between my legs, inhaling her scent, the faint lingering of her perfume reminding me of other times I’d spent in here with her.
I rose, carefully opening drawers, snooping around for something but not knowing what it was that I wanted. Underneath her bed I found a photo album. I flipped the pages over, shocked to see page after page of her tied up and being whipped. Red welts covered her body and there were some close-ups of her pussy, all swollen, glistening with her juices.
This side of Rita surprised me. We’d done a bit of experimenting ourselves but never actually spanked each other. We’d tied each other up for fun, had rough sex, but had never actually physically inflicted any pain on each other.
I lay back on her bed, holding the photo album close to my chest, imagining I was with her now, exploring Marcus’s apartment before he came home, just like she’d said we could.
‘Pretty cool, isn’t it?’ Rita would say after giving me a quick tour.
‘Wow, check out the waterbed. It’s huge,’ I’d comment as I entered his bedroom.
‘And so much fun, I can tell you. Listen, he’ll be here soon, so I’ll take you into his hidden room,’ she’d say, pulling open mirrored wardrobe doors.
I’d be eager and happy to hide in there, in a cupboard that had a hidden panel where the clothes slid across to open to a walk-in room. There’d be an armchair in there and on the wall would be racks with dildos, whips, handcuffs and things I’ve never seen before. There’d even be a video camera; a camera where I could record the events as they unfolded and take home with me to watch when I was feeling frustrated.
‘Just make yourself comfortable in the chair and when he comes home you’ll be able to hear and see everything. Just be quiet, OK?’ she’d whisper.
‘Sure,’ I’d say, watching her as she’d quickly open drawers to remove whatever she needed. I’d stay there while she slid the door back, closing me in, giving me no where else to go, ensuring I’d see it all.
I’d watch as she’d touch up her face, perfume her neck, slather her lips with gloss before changing into a skirt and skimpy blouse and then she’d sit demurely on his bed to wait. I’d wonder what he would do if he discovered that I was hiding in his secret room.
I found myself holding my breath, my heart pounding as I continued to play out this fantasy in my mind.
I squirmed on the bed, luxuriating in my nakedness. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it to me. It was thick and soft. I pushed it down between my thighs, squeezing them together, enjoying the sensation of it as I thrust my pelvis into it.
I lay on my side, my hand stealing its way down to cup my pussy, but it wasn’t enough so I stared up at the ceiling, imaging Marcus above me, looking down at me, admiring my body, tweaking a nipple before his mouth covered it and sucked it in between his hot lips.
I flipped through the album but all the photos were of Rita. I wanted a visual of Marcus, something to focus on, so I wiggled over to the side on my belly, my pussy creaming her duvet. I looked down under the bed and found a box. Inside the box were photos of Marcus, nude photos of him lying in every position imaginable, his thick cock lying like a salami on his open thigh. His cock was huge just like she’d told me.
Some of the photos were of Rita sucking his cock, close-ups of her mouth swallowing him, her lips stretched to accommodate its girth. Some photos have only his eyes and nose peeking over her hairy bush as his mouth must have been working its magic on her pussy.
I imagined him nuzzling between my thighs, licking and sucking while his strong hands groped for my breasts and squeezed hard. I held onto a photo in one hand while the other slipped between my folds, enjoying the wetness as I gently rubbed my clit, before dropping the photo to really give it a good working over.
I climaxed, seeing Marcus in my mind, his eyes boring into mine, more handsome than his photos. I’d only seen him once before, when I was running late and they were walking to his car. Rita had introduced us quickly. There was something animalistic about him. I think it was the way he walked. He was confident with himself and his sexuality oozed out of every pore. He was tall with a great body. He’d been wearing a tight shirt, his torso magnificent, rippling with muscles that diminished down to a nice arse and strong legs.
I closed my eyes tight, imagining I was locked in the closet in his room. He’d enter and walk straight over to Rita.
‘Hello Rita,’ he’d say.
She’d say nothing. Just sit there, with her head bowed down as though she didn’t even know that he was there.
‘Rita, I said hello. Didn’t you hear me?’ he’d ask.
She’d looked up coyly, a slight smile on her pretty face.
‘Well?’ he’d ask.
She’d continue to stare at him, challenging him, while I’d be sitting quietly perched on the armchair observing all.
‘It’s rude you know, not to acknowledge someone when they speak to you. Did you know that?’ he’d say.
Still she’d say nothing, eyeing him defiantly, as though daring him to be angry with her. He’d undo his tie and throw it on the dressing table taking a few steps towards her w
hile rolling up his sleeves. With his feet slightly apart, he’d place his hands on his hips and continue to stare at her.
I could see it all vividly in my mind so I kept my eyes shut tighter and breathed in deeply, desperate not to lose the momentum.
‘You’re being a naughty girl,’ he’d say, undoing his buttons to expose a hairy chest.
‘I’m not!’ she’d pout.
‘Oh, so you’ve found your voice. You’re being a very naughty girl, Rita. Come here so I can punish you. Come on,’ he’d demand, sitting on his chair behind his desk.
She’d stay on the bed.
‘Do you like being a bad girl?’
I wanted to be a bad girl.
‘Then why haven’t you come over here like I asked?’
‘Because,’ she’d say, looking up at him through dark lashes.
‘Come now!’ he’d demand, his voice rising with authority.
She’d rise and walk slowly and seductively towards him.
His desk would be close to the mirror. The chair directly in front of where I would be sitting, as I poised on the edge, eager to see what would happen next. He’d push backwards and the chair would roll even further towards me. He’d swivel it out on an angle and pull her closer to him by the hips, between his outspread legs. Then he’d sit there with his arms crossed staring at her for a few moments.
‘I don’t know what I’m going to do with you,’ he’d say.
She’d suck on a finger before pulling down her bottom lip. She looks sexy doing that and I’d wonder if she was thinking about me, as her eyes would sweep across the mirror.
‘You’ve been a bad girl and now I have to punish you. I want you to bend over my knee,’ he’d say.
Giggling, she’d do as he asked. Pulling up her skirt he’d run his hands over her panties and begin to spank her with light smacks. When she doesn’t respond, he’ll spank her harder.
‘Oww,’ she’ll whimper.
‘That’s what happens when you’re a naughty girl,’ Marcus will chuckle.
‘I’m not naughty,’ she’d pout.
‘You are. Now be quiet,’ he’ll say as he gives her a harder smack.
‘You’re hurting me,’ she’ll whine. ‘Please stop. I promise I’ll be good.’
Marcus will keep on slapping her, ignore her pleas.
‘I said that’s hurting,’ she’ll say more loudly.
‘It’s supposed to hurt, Rita, and don’t raise your voice to me. You’ve been a naughty girl, and now that you have raised your voice I think I’ll need to punish you some more,’ he’ll say.
I’ll have a perfect view of her arse. I can feel my own pussy begin to throb, as I think about him slowly peeling down her panties. Her cheeks will be red and in this position I’ll be able to just see her pussy lips glistening with her juices as she squirms over his lap.
He’ll rub his palm over both cheeks, a finger slipping down her crack and she’ll move her hands back to her panties, trying to pull them up, to cover herself. He’ll smack them away. She’ll try to get up, her legs opening wider as she does, but he’ll hold her down.
‘Oww!’ she’ll cry.
‘You shouldn’t have put your hands there. You know I don’t like it when you disobey me. Now I’ll have to spank you with the ruler.’
I allow my legs to fall open slipping a finger inside. Oh, nice and wet, very wet. I slap at my pussy, enjoying the sharp stings as they hit my pussy lips, my clit and the soft flesh inside my thigh. I push my fingers inside me, squeezing my thighs shut as I try to conjure up more of this fantasy.
With Rita still balanced on his knee he’ll withdraw a ruler from one of the drawers. It will give me the opportunity to admire his handsome face. Chiselled features with a short crew cut. He looks like a model with his tanned skin and brilliant blue eyes. I’ll push my body up close to the glass, pretending it’s not there, that I’m pushing myself into him. He’ll quickly glance over at the mirror and I’ll pull back startled as though he’s stared straight through me.
I’ll wonder if Rita has somehow told him that I’m watching from behind the mirror.
Rita’s arse will become even redder as he hits her with the ruler. He’ll expertly slip her panties down to her ankles, slide them off one leg to leave them dangling on the other. With his free hand he’ll push her legs apart, give himself, and me, a nice view of her pussy, as I’m perched back on the chair close to the mirror.
She’ll try to pull her legs back together but he’ll knock them apart again before running his hand over her.
‘I don’t think you should have taken my panties down,’ she’ll say in a silly girlish voice.
‘Why not? I know you like it when I touch you. You like me touching your pussy like this, don’t you?’ he’ll ask as he gropes between her legs.
‘No, I don’t,’ she’ll giggle.
‘And what about this?’ he’ll ask as a finger slips down over her slit.
‘I don’t like that either,’ she’ll pout.
‘Telling fibs now, are you? I don’t like girls who don’t tell me the truth. Girls who don’t tell the truth deserve to be punished, don’t they?’
‘Yes,’ she’ll whisper, fidgeting on his knee.
‘If you don’t keep still I’ll have to tie you up and spank you, you know that, don’t you?’
‘I’ll keep still,’ she’ll say.
‘Good, now you’re showing me you can be a good girl. I won’t tie you up this time, but I still have to finish with you.’
Marcus will alternate the spanking, give her one stroke with the ruler, then rub his hand over her arse and give her a sharp slap. Occasionally he’ll touch her pussy and I’ll watch as she pushes her arse up seductively, obviously wanting more.
She’s such a slut, probably why I love her so much.
I will want to go in there and give her a spanking myself. With him holding her like that over his lap, her gorgeous arse beckoning for me to join the party. I’ll wait though, not go in, as he doesn’t know I’m there and that would spoil our plan.
‘Ow,’ she’ll squeal in pain. ‘Stop it. You’re hurting. That’s too hard.’
‘Shut up!’ he’ll command, hitting her hard on the pussy. ‘Quiet, or I’ll do it again.’
Rita now stops complaining and starts moaning, making whimpering noises. The smack on her pussy has made her open her legs wider for him. I open mine too, allowing my hand to roam over my pussy noting how wet I am. This is definitely turning me on.
Marcus’s hand cups her pussy. She wiggles on his knee, opening her legs wider. I watch as he slips a finger into her hot pussy and then smears her juices over her hole. He opens up her cheeks, teasing her as he probes her hole, just inching in slightly.
My cheeks clench together as I imagine his finger probing mine.
‘I think you like this, Rita,’ Marcus says chuckling. ‘Do you think I need to punish you some more?’
‘Yes,’ she says.
‘Come, stand up for me,’ he’ll say smoothing her skirt over her naked arse. ‘That’s a good girl. Turn around and face me. That’s good. Now take off your skirt.’
Rita has a sly smile on her face as she takes off her skirt. It drops to the floor and she kicks up her other leg, discarding her panties and stands in front of him. Pulling her by the hips he turns her around. He caresses her, lowering his head to kiss her red-hot cheeks. Then he turns her body back around so she is facing him and I note her flushed cheeks. She stares through the glass and smiles, her eyes shining with happiness and excitement.
I’ve never seen her look so radiant and alive.
‘Hmm, very nice,’ he’ll say, rubbing her stomach, his thumbs pressing into her groin, massaging deep, nearly touching her lips. ‘Take off your shirt.’
She undoes each button, teasing him, pouting her lips and looking at him through her dark lashes. Her blouse drops to the floor and she stands there in o
nly a white bra. His hands reach out behind her back, unclasp her bra and discard it on the floor.
Flicking her hair back off her face, she runs her hands over her breasts, down her stomach until she’s touching her pussy. She separates the lips and slips her fingers inside. She leans back against the desk, opening her legs.
He kneels down running his tongue over her pussy, giving her a long lick.
‘Oh, you’re a good girl now, aren’t you?’ Marcus will say. He’ll stand, fondle her breasts and suckle at her nipples. ‘You like being a good girl. Don’t you?’
She is now only wearing her high-heeled shoes as she wiggles back further on the desk. She lifts a leg and places it over his shoulder. Her heel digging into his back, pulling him in closer.
‘Yes,’ she’ll purr. ‘I’m very good when I want to be.’
‘Hmm, I know,’ he’ll say, his fingers seeking out her nipples. ‘But there’s just one more thing I have to do.’
‘What’s that?’ she’ll murmur.
‘Lean over the desk’
She doesn’t hesitate. She practically pushes him into the glass, turns around and leans into the desk with her arse twitching in the air. Her feet are slightly apart and she lowers herself to lie flat, her breasts squashed against his papers.
Marcus runs his hands over her back, down over her gorgeous plump cheeks, onto her hips which he gives a quick slap, then out of his drawer he’ll produce a switch. Gently, he’ll begin to whip her, as Rita moans sexily with every lash he administers.
I’ll pull my panties to one side, fingering myself on the armchair; my legs wide open, hanging off the arms. I’ll smear my clit with my juices, enjoy my fingers as they roam amongst my folds and then back to my clit where I rub gently, just as I’m doing now.
‘That’s one hot pussy,’ he’ll say to Rita as he slips in his finger. ‘Oh, yeah, really juicy. You are enjoying it.’
‘Oh yeah, baby, I am,’ she’ll say.
I’ll watch as he falls to his knees, lowering his head to lick the welts. He’ll run his tongue over them, then her hole, stopping just before he reaches her pussy. She’ll rise up on her elbows, pull at her breasts, and tease the nipples to make them erect. She’ll push her arse into Marcus’s face, lifting it higher, trying to get him to put his tongue inside her.