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The Lycan Chronicles

Page 22

by Schroeder, Brent

  “Are you guys still on good terms?”

  “As far as I know, we still are. I do know, that they’re all armed to the grill and can act quite psychotic at times.”

  “What should we do?” Nate asked, taking a peek out the window blinds. “Wait for them to make their move first?”

  “We call Tony, Brad and Wayne and let them know what’s going on.”

  JD opened his office door and call down the hallway. “Sarah! Leave a message with Mason Rockwell’s people that I need to speak with him as soon as possible! And, make it clear that it’s an urgent matter!”

  “I’ll do it right now! Anything else?” she hollered back. “No!” JD shouted, shutting his office door and turning back to the issue. “Mason Rockwell… he really is a smug bastard. I don’t trust him anymore than the late Jack Donovan.”

  “I hear ya,” replied Nate. “I never liked him, since day one.” The front door opened near where Sarah was sitting at her desk and a weathered-looking man, with salt and pepper hair, entered the small station lobby. The expression on his face could have stopped a clock and he was clearly carrying weapons under his flannel shirt.

  All of the hairs on Nanook’s back were standing on end and he got up and growled at the man.

  The man growled back and then said, “Woof!”

  Nanook immediately took off and ran over to guard Sarah, as the old man took a look around, before his eyes locked with hers.

  Sarah was about to hit the alarm, but froze instead… and all became quiet.

  The man finally spoke with a rumbled cigarette-charred voice, smashing the silence. “Tell JD that Clyde Moore’s here. I’ll just help myself to some coffee over here… and what, no donuts? What kind of cops doesn’t have donuts?”

  “Right away, sir. I’ll let him know,” Sarah answered, jumping up and dashing down the short hallway, frantically tapping on JD’s door with her tiny knuckles.

  “What?” Nate answered.

  “Don’t give me ‘what!’ You want to sleep on the couch?”

  Sarah brushed by and hurried over to JD’s desk, whispering loudly, “Someone named Clyde Moore’s here,” she hurriedly said. “He asked for you by name and I am more than sure he’s armed.”

  “I’ll be right out. And, stay in the back. Nate, come with me and prepare for anything or nothing.”

  JD and Nate left the office to find Clyde standing there; looking much older than the last time they crossed paths. Since an arrangement had been made, well over a hundred years ago, Wolf Creek was off-limits to the Hunters… as long as there were no attacks outside of town. Things had been cool, until Donovan pulled that stunt awhile back.

  “Nice to see you, JD,” Clyde said first. “Funny, but you don’t look a year older than the last time I saw you. As you can see, I’m still carrying your signature around with me on my face.”

  “Same to you, Clyde. What’s it been, thirty years?” JD said, inspecting the gruesome scar on his face. “Well, it’s healed up nicely and it wasn’t like I ruined your modeling career. What brings you and your boys over to my neck of the woods?”

  “It’s been twenty eight years,” Clyde precisely returned. “And, who’s that young man standing next to you? He’s making me nervous.”

  “Clyde, meet my deputy, Nate Williams… he’s one of the Pack. He’s my second-in-charge and when dealing with him, it’s the same as dealing with me.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Clyde,” Nate said, extending to shake hands.

  “So, what brings you here?” JD was dying to know. “And, why, may I ask, is the Anderson bunch with you? They’re out of control and I will even go as far as to say… they’re fucking nuts.”

  “You already seem to know everything. Wonderful,” Clyde said, seeming to be not the least bit impressed. “Then maybe you can make my job that much easier.”

  “What job would that be? And, what are you doing with Brittney Jones?”

  “Hold on, one thing at a time,” Clyde answered back “There’s a place called Willow Creek… it’s about a hundred miles from here. Have you heard of it?”

  “Yes and?”

  “There were two skinned twelve-year-olds… drained of all their blood. Hear about that one yet?”

  “As a matter of fact, I did,” JD answered him. “But, what’s that got to do with us? That’s way out of my area of authority.”

  “The boys and I figured we just had a rouge Vampire killing young boys, until Brittney told us about the same thing happening here thirteen years ago,” Clyde went on. “I did some research and sure enough, I found something… something in a newspaper article that just didn’t seem right and I know a bullshit story when I read one. Many people died under some very bad circumstances here, but you came out smelling like a rose. Didn’t you?” he presented, before crossing his arms around his large chest. “I’m not even going to ask what really happened.”

  “I killed the Vampire that was behind the skinning of that boy and anyone else associated with him, I assure you. I run a tight ship here and everyone follows the law. So, why are you here?”

  “Well then, you’re going to actually earn your pay, Sheriff, because you’re going to help me find the Vampire, or Vampires, behind these murders. And, we can only guess that the virgin’s been killed by now, so add that to your list.”

  “Oh really?” asked JD, crossing his arms as well. “And, what if I refuse?”

  “JD, we hear things in the Hunters circle and I know about the Book of Blood. I know what Donovan was trying to produce and it looks like someone’s trying to follow in his footsteps. I’m here to stop it,” Clyde boldly stated. “Which leads to my next question-have you recovered the Book of Blood?”

  “No, but I have a feeling it was passed on to the new mayor. But, then again, Jason Cross could’ve it hidden somewhere, or it could’ve been burned up in a fire someone started. Although, I’m pretty sure the book will not burn.”

  “I’ll find it, then. That’s what I do,” Clyde responded. “So, you can either help me, or you can get the hell out of my way, but all trails lead back to Wolf Creek.”

  “What do you mean, all trails lead back to Wolf Creek? Explain.”

  “Both of those victims were lured out of their houses to meet a young girl in the middle of the night. We checked the IP addresses and they lead back to Wolf Creek, but we couldn’t pinpoint exactly where. They’re piggybacking off a wireless connection from a public area.”

  “Are you sure of that?” asked JD. “Then I know who it could be… it definitely fits his M.O.”

  “So, what’s it going to be? Are you going to help, or are you gonna be part of the problem?”

  “Alright, Clyde, we’re fine with that. We’ll help you find out who’s behind the murders. You know I run a peaceful and respectful town and you know that I don’t want any unnecessary problems,” JD said politely, as he uncrossed his arms. “You have my full cooperation, along with my deputies’.”

  “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear! For the first time, an alliance between the Hunters and Lycans,” Clyde proudly announced. “I thought hell would’ve frozen over first! But, just so you know ahead of time, if you turn on me… I won’t hesitate killing you.”

  “That goes both ways, old man. And just remember, this is my town,” JD said, standing his ground. “Don’t you ever forget it? If you or the other Hunters start acting crazy or put any of my citizens in harm’s way, I won’t hesitate in putting any of you down.”

  Clyde laughed and said, “Alright, alright… I understand and agree.”

  “If they’re harvesting human skin and virgin blood, then they’re planning on making the Sunlife. I have no idea where they would be making it though, but I’ll start looking right away,” JD assured him. “It shouldn’t be too hard to sniff out.”

  “Well, when you get more information, you know where to find me. And, don’t make me have to start looking. I’ll tear this town apart, if I have to.”

don’t doubt that one bit, Clyde. You can just relax for now,” JD said and then added, “by the way, you need to keep those psychopaths, the Andersons, under control. I don’t have the time to babysit them and search for a lab.”

  “As long as I feed them and provide beer and cable porn, they’ll sit tight, for as long as I need ‘em.”


  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Hello, this is Sheriff John Davidson of Wolf Creek. I’m calling to see if you were still holding an inmate, by the name of Jason Cross. Can you please check for me?”

  The jailer had a surprisingly nice voice and she put JD on hold for a moment. When she returned, she gave JD his requested information. “The computer says that a male, Jason M. Cross, was released from custody… one year ago this month.”

  “Does it say who picked him up, or is there a current listed address, please?” JD politely asked. “He should still be probation or parole, maybe there’s a listing of who his officer might be?”

  “He’s not on any type of court supervision, as far as I can see. And, there is no current address listed, sir.”

  “Unbelievable. What the hell are they doing over there?” JD

  muttered. “They let a dangerous computer hacker out and didn’t

  keep tabs on him? I suppose they gave him a passport also?” “I’m not sure what you mean, Sherriff,” the jailer said. JD could hear a few clicks of a keyboard, before the girl spoke

  again. “But, to be honest with you, I’ve never seen a file like this

  one. It looks inconsistent and there are some mistakes with the

  general format of this file. These are indications that the file might’ve

  been tampered with. I’ll bring it to the attention of my commanding


  “I have a very serious situation on my hands and I truly appreciate

  your help,” JD thanked her. “Jason Cross is a very serious person of

  interest and he needs to be tracked down.”

  Never trust a Vampire, JD thought to himself, as he hung up the

  phone. And, the new mayor of Wolf Creek, Mason Rockwell, was

  the only image that came to mind.

  Dusk and snow were both falling over the already-snow-covered

  town of Wolf Creek and JD and Nate decided to take a drive down

  to Hank’s motel; JD wanted to chat with Clyde and keep him on the

  up and up. Once they arrived, Nate knocked on the motel room

  door and Clyde answered after the second knock.

  “Want to go to dinner and talk?”

  “Are you buying?” Clyde asked, smiling hopefully. “Just a warning

  though, my boys can eat.”

  Between the three Moores, together, they probably weighed wellover a thousand pounds.

  “Yeah, I’m buying,” JD reluctantly gave in. “There’s a place right

  down the road.”

  “Right behind you,” Clyde said. “The Anderson’s are sleeping off a ten day run. We’ll let them sleep.”

  JD shut the door and Nate followed him back to the truck and Clyde quickly closed the drapes, waking up the brothers.

  “Bring only your pistols and use only the silvertips… and make sure you keep ‘em concealed,” Clyde ordered. “And, above all, keep your traps SHUT, unless I speak to either of you. Got it?”

  Both Moore boys said nothing, as they rolled out of bed and began loading their weapons. They snuggly strapped their guns into the swells of their backs and left the motel room, locking the door behind them.

  “What’s good to eat around this shithole town?” Clyde called to JD, from across the lot. “I ain’t eatin’ no road kill! No muskrat pie, or cat on a stick… or any crap like that!”

  “Follow me to Dave’s Grill… he’s got the best ribs in Southern Indiana. Plus, it’s the only place in town,” JD laughed. “So, it’s there or nowhere--this ain’t Vegas.”

  “Well, let’s get going then, I’m withering away!” Clyde bellowed.

  Dave’s Grill was pretty full, like usual around this time, mostly with drunk people who were already blasted out their minds by five o’clock. As the men went inside, Nanook waited in the parking lot, bothered by the drunks. Sometimes, he would even crouch in the bed of JD’s truck, barking at any unsuspecting drunkards that had the displeasure of passing by his sneaky trap.

  Inside the restaurant, the men took their seats at the bar, just as Dave was coming out from the back. “What’s up, JD?” the owner asked, taking a look at the company he’d brought along. “Damn, looks like you brought in a whole crew!”

  “You’re not even kidding. I can’t wait to see the bill,” JD winced. “I’ll be taking the check.”

  “I might have to slaughter another cow, just to feed these guys!” laughed Dave, as he pulled out a pad of paper.

  “Well, boys, JD said anything you want, so eat up,” Clyde said to them. “Don’t be shy, now.”

  “I’ll take four slabs of ribs, with fries and a diet Coke,” Ross said first.

  “A diet Coke?” his brother asked. “You’ve got to be kidding. Are you gettin’ in shape for a big date with Honey Boo Boo’s mother?”

  “Shut up! Just because we’re Facebook friends, you have to keep hasslin’ me….”

  “Shut the hell up and order your food!” their father interjected. “Or, I’ll knock your heads together!”

  “I’ll take the forty two-ounce steak challenge,” David ordered without skipping a beat. “It says if I can eat the whole steak, it’s free?”

  “That’s right,” said Dave warily, “no one’s been able to do it yet. You up for the challenge?” he asked, hoping not. “It’s not like you’re paying for it.”

  “Thanks, Dave,” JD remarked. “Nothing like padding the bill, you think?”

  “Does that include fries and a salad?”

  “Yep! And, all the beer or soda you need to wash it down with. Bet you can’t do it… JD, I hope you brought your checkbook.”

  “As long as I get a salad with blue cheese and French fries, I’ll take that steak,” David requested. “Make it rare. I like it drippin’ bloody.”

  “Wonderful,” said JD. “I really should’ve brought my checkbook. How much cash you have, Nate?”

  Nate just laughed and put his hands up, “They’re your friends.”

  Dave was yelling the order back to the cook, who was busy picking his nose, in plain-view of the entire restaurant.

  “What kind of dressing?” the cook yelled back, wiping his fingers on his apron.

  “Fromunda! And, throw on the big forty-two! I also need four ribs cages, two cow-patties, twice and a bucket of fucking fries!” he yelled, taking a look at the row of large men staring back at him. “Better make it two buckets of fucking fries!”

  “What the hell?” the cook shouted. “Did a bus pull in off the highway?”

  “No, it’s just for these guys!” Dave called to the kitchen. “Just get the food going and hush up back there. And, for the love of Christ, get your fingers out of your nose!”

  The cook just flipped Dave the middle one, mumbling something under his breath about slavery.

  JD and Nate had already eaten earlier, so they were just having coffee. After taking a sip, JD asked, “You think those boys will eat all that?”

  “They’ll probably want desert,” Clyde chuckled. “And, once they start eating, best keep your hands clear. You could easily lose a finger.”

  “Wonderful,” JD said, rolling his eyes.

  “I think their mother was part grizzly bear and just as mean as one… bless her soul.”

  Clyde really did miss her; she was the reason he became a Hunter, in the first place.

  It was a unforgettable winter, many years ago, when Clyde was just a simple, workingman, with a beautiful young wife and two small boys. One night, his family was returning from a shopping trip at the mall. Clyde was busy unloading Christm
as presents out of the family minivan, when he heard his wife’s muffled screams, as she was being dragged away into the shadows behind their home. He chased after the sounds, but by the time Clyde found his wife, it was too late. To his horror, a Vampire was crouched over her, with his face buried in her neck, sucking the blood from the gushing wound. Clyde ran and pulled a foreclosure sign from the neighbor’s yard and he plunged it through the back of the feasting Vampire. The Vampire immediately ignited into a bright ball of flames, as Clyde shoved the fanged killer off of his wife.

  “Baby,” Clyde said, trying to hold his emotions back, “I got here as fast as I could… just hang on.”

  His wife spit up the blood that wasn’t gushing out of the holes in her throat. Clyde tried to stop the bleeding with his hands, but it was useless and most of it was soaking up her shirt.

  “I love you and the boys,” her dying human breath spoke. “You know I’ll just turn into one of them, you can’t let that happen,” she choked out. “I’ll end up killing you and the boys. Put me out of my misery… just do it…”

  Clyde stood up, putting his hands over his face and he began pacing back and forth; he knew what needed to be done. He looked down at his dying wife, as her eyes finally fluttered shut. In only a matter of seconds, the wound on her neck was slowly healing up and after a few more moments, it was finished. She remained completely still, as Clyde looked on, hoping that his worst expectations wouldn’t come true but then it happened: his wife’s eyes suddenly opened, hollow of any color. Fangs shot from her mouth and Clyde grabbed up the sign once again, stabbing it directly through her chest and into her heart. She screamed and contorted, crying his name, until she finally went up in a great ball of flames, until nothing remained to be seen, but a pile of gray ashes.

  Clyde never talked about what happened that night. He kept it bottled up throughout the years and the boys only knew that a Vampire had killed their mother. It was their sole purpose in life, for the surviving Moore family to destroy any of the living undead that they came upon. So, for them, it wasn’t just business… it was terminally-personal.


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