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The Lycan Chronicles

Page 46

by Schroeder, Brent

  “If they can’t get in, then,” Nate began saying, until he heard something flying in the trees above them. “What the hell was that?”

  JD put a finger to his lips and everyone became quiet, listening closely to an evil voice that was coming from above.

  “I know you can hear me!” the voice was saying. “My name is Maximilian and I am speaking on behalf of Baron Valvasor!” he shouted. “Come out, or let us in… either way, we are not leaving! The Baron said, that he will begin feeding and turning a new bloodline here, if his demands are not met! I know you’re listening, John Davidson!”

  Everyone began to exchange worried looks and then they all turned to JD, who began shouting back. “You can tell the Baron to just hold his horses… we’ll be out in a few!”

  Maximilian heard this and said no more. He spread his wings and flew back to the Baron, repeating what JD had just told him.

  The Baron exploded, “I don’t believe that, for a second! They’re stalling! Max, get up there and torch those trees! We’ll burn our way through! I’m sick of waiting, burn them out, NOW!”

  Max silently obeyed the Baron’s orders and he brought a couple Vampires up to a spot, carrying a few torches and gasoline. After dumping the liquid onto the trees, they lit them up, but after a few minutes of burning, the flames turned blue and did a little dance before going out. The trees instantly began to turn, from charred black, back into lush green vines and leaves.

  The Vampires looked to Max with puzzled looks, before returning to the Baron, to explain the problem.

  “What do you suggest?” Maximilian asked with building frustration. “I’ve never dealt with witches before… her spell seems to be binding and unbreakable.”

  The Baron thought for a moment, before he spoke, “Back the trucks up, to where that path is blocked off and drop the trailers somewhere over there,” he said, pointing his boney fingers. “Then wrap some of those chains around the trees and try to rip them from the ground.”

  The orders were followed and the trucks were idling, as Max supervised the Vampires who were quickly fastening the chains around the trees.

  “Now, back it up and give it a running start,” Max yelled. “Rip those fuckers out of there… now!”

  The two trucks backed up, with fifty feet of loose chain on the ground, before they both floored it. They barreled forward, picking up speed, as the thick chains quickly tightened, until they snapped and recoiled, slicing through two Vampires who were standing too close. The Vampires fell apart and burst into flames, as the frontend of the trucks both lifted into the air, almost flipping over, crashing back down, with the loud crunch of bending steel.

  The trees remained unmoved and everyone inside the compound felt the earth rumble.

  “What the hell was that?” asked Wendy.

  “They’re still trying to get in,” replied Amelia. “They’ll fail. My magic is too powerful.”

  “I guess we can’t get to them, until they come out,” Max said to the Baron. “If we try again, we might wreck the trucks. And then, we’ll be stuck here, only able to move at night.”

  “Enough of this nonsense,” the Baron said in disgust. “Bring me the girl.”

  Max went to one of the trailers and a couple minutes later, he returned with a prisoner.

  The Baron smiled and began to yell into the trees. “John! John! Look who I found hiding in one of my trucks, Johnny boy! It’s someone you might know!” the evil one yelled. “Miss Brittney Jones!”

  JD heard this and he couldn’t believe his ears. “Goddamn it! Brittney, again?”

  The former sheriff of Wolf Creek thought for a second, before he spoke again, “We have to make our move, or they’re going to kill her. I can’t just let her die.”

  “Then, it’s time to let them in,” Amelia announced. “Whisper, follow me into the house… there’s one more spell that you and I must perform.”

  As everyone got into fighting positions, Amelia and Whisper disappeared, deep inside her home. They went back into the séance room, where Amelia pulled a book from a hidden compartment inside the wall and she opened it up to a bookmarked page. She then brought the book into Whisper’s view and placed it on the Ouija table in the center of the room… the Book of Blood.

  “Whisper, come and stand inside the protection circle and give me both your hands,” Amelia instructed her.

  Whisper did as she was told and Amelia cut open both of their wrists, once more, dripping the blend of fresh blood onto the open pages. Holding hands, they began walking in a circle around the table and as Amelia read the spell out loud, the pages in the book seemed to suck up every drop of blood, as if they were drinking it up.

  Both of their eyes rolled back into their heads, as objects in the room began floating in the air, until Amelia stopped speaking.

  “What just happened?” Whisper asked.

  “We just finished the spell. And, now… we must let the Vampires in.”

  Chapter Seventy-One

  “This is your last warning, JD!” the Baron screamed out in blinding anger. “Open up, or I’ll rip Brittney apart, as slowly as possible, so you can hear her screams! Open up, now!”

  Not a moment longer than the Baron had said the last word, did the Ash Trees of Life that blocked the path, begin to part, uncovering the way into Amelia’s property. But, this did not make the Baron happy, because he knew that his Vampires would not be able to freely fly through the narrow tunnel that was allowed open.

  “We should send some of them in,” the Baron suggested. “But, only a few. I don’t have a very good feeling about this… I smell a trap.”

  “Yeah, me either,” Maximilian agreed, as he scouted for which Vampires should be sent in first. “That JD is a sneaky bastard.”

  The Baron selected a few dozen Vampires from his group and he directed them towards the path. “Go and kill anything that moves,” he demanded. “And, keep your eyes open… we aren’t dealing with amateurs. You’re up against immortals, as well.”

  “What should I do with Brittney?” Max asked the Baron.

  “Kill her,” the Baron coldly said.

  “Yes, my lord.”

  “No!” Brittney cried out, bursting into a stream of tears. “Please, don’t kill me!”

  Her necked was snapped in an instant, before she could even finish her sentence. Maximilian dragged her limp body through the mud and tossed it out into the swamps, with a shallow ‘splash.’ Alligators quickly lunged for her body and pulled it under the blackened waters, never to be seen again.

  The Baron paid no mind to Max, as he ordered the front line of Vampires towards the entrance of the swamps, each carrying an AK47 loaded with silver bullets. They kept their wings folded in, as they cautiously stepped into the tunnel, staying as low to the ground as they could. They crept further, step-by-step, until they finally reached a bend in the tunnel, seeing Amelia’s house at the end of the path. And, to their surprise, Amelia was standing on the porch, as if the Vampires were no threat to her… she didn’t seem to have a worry in the world and she appeared far from afraid.

  “Welcome,” Amelia beckoned them. “Come forward and collect what it is you came for,” she said, taunting the swamp’s intruders. “Surely, you can’t be afraid of a woman standing by herself with her two pet dogs?”

  The Vampires marched forward like storm troopers and the front row of attackers fell directly into the traps that had been set for them. The combined weight of the Vampires was eventually too much for the branches that camouflaged the pits and they began to snap apart, giving way to the wooden stakes below. The Baron’s warriors had no time to react and the stakes stabbed through with ease. The blood began to flow, spraying in every direction, as the Vampires flapped their wings trying to escape, but it only made things worse for them.

  The next Vampires in line saw what was happening and they did what they could to make it around the pits, failing to notice the hidden bear traps that were set all around them. They pushed forward
towards Amelia, stepping into clutches of the iron snares, that cut down another wave of Vampires in their tracks, as they screamed in pain.

  Amelia stood at her front porch, with a broad smile on her face, witnessing the unfolding events. “You will die a slow death, for that!” said one of the surviving Vampires, as he crawled towards her, one of his legs completely severed by one of the bear traps.

  “You are a foolish one,” Amelia answered the Vampire. “I’ve already been dying a slow death for many, many years.”

  As Amelia spoke, JD, Nate and the rest of their group began appearing from every corner of the property, firing with their MP15 assault rifles, mercilessly shooting the wooden bullets at their assailants. JD’s crew emptied their magazines, as the Vampires tried to retreat, but Amelia closed the path by summoning the trees, leaving the undead with nowhere to run, as the bullets ripped through their bodies. When the smoke finally cleared, the Baron’s first wave of attackers had disintegrated into a fine dust, leaving behind nothing, but smoking ash and thick puddles of blood.

  Everyone began to cheer at the sight, but Amelia soon put a stop to that. “Why are you celebrating?” she asked in disbelief. “The Baron is still out there… waiting with more of his Vampires. That was just to test our defenses.”

  JD realized that she was absolutely correct and he called upon the group. “Alright, everyone! Reload and get ready for more!”

  JD, Nate, Sebastian and Chumlee took off their shirts off, to ready themselves for the transformation, knowing that the Baron would soon be upon them.

  The Baron had heard the last of the gunshots and he was beginning to grow impatient, noticing that none of his soldiers were returning from the fight. Finally accepting the fact that something had gone terribly wrong, the Baron prepared the rest of his Vampires for assault. “Everyone, get ready!” he ordered, smacking his closed fist in his palm, as he spoke. “We’re going in!”

  Maximilian was becoming concerned and he attempted to warn him of the dangers that might be waiting ahead of them. “We could be walking right into a trap,” he let him know. “Something happened to them! We need to be more careful!”

  The Baron became furious. “What can a few Lycans and a fucking witch do, Maximilian?” I am the Baron…. the ruler of this planet! And, I will back down from NOTHING!”

  Maximilian remained silent, following close to the Baron’s side, as the army of Vampires started up the path to Amelia’s house, seeing nothing left of their previous allies in the traps that were set up.

  “Have any trouble finding the place?” Amelia shouted from her porch, as she saw them approaching closer.

  “You fucking whore!” the Baron snapped, stopping his army of Vampires in the middle of the path. “I’m about to wipe that smile from your face, for all of eternity! And soon… you will bow at my feet!”

  “Oh, Baron Valvasor, I seriously doubt that,” Amelia remarked, leaning against the rickety, wooden porch balcony. “I have been waiting a long time for you… and so has someone else,” she said, as her smile broadened even wider. “You’ve just walked into your final resting place… you will never leave these swamps.”

  “You are boring me to death with your witchcraft, woman,” the Baron shot back. “Just give me JD and the Book of Blood and maybe I will let you live… as a slave for me, of course.”

  The Baron turned to Max and his legion of Vampires who were ready for battle, yelling to them, “Enough! Kill her and find JD and bring him to me! And, I want that book back, NOW!”

  Just as the Baron’s Vampires began to storm the compound, JD, Nate, Sebastian and Chumlee transformed into their Lycan form, rushing towards the army of the undead that was rushing back at them.

  The wives of Pack held steady behind their barricades, firing as many bullets as their guns would unload, as quickly as they could, but the bullets were deflected off of invisible shields the Vampires were using to protect themselves. The women took cover, as JD and his Lycans blocked the attacking Vampires from getting to the most vulnerable targets who were now cowering away, frantically trying to reload their weapons.

  The Lycans fought hard to protect their people, taking out the Vampires, left and right, but there were just too many of them. As soon as JD or Nate would rip one apart, another one would be right there to replace him; they were becoming tired and the effects of the yohimbe were beginning to wear off.

  Amelia finally decided that the Baron had come close enough and she closed her eyes and waved her hands in a circular motion, repeating a few words to the sky above. She stopped speaking and opened her eyes again, looking directly at the Baron, who suddenly stopped in his tracks and the ground beneath them began to rumble and shake, as the dirt became soft under their feet. The earth began to shift and quake as hundreds of rotted corpses and skeletons of the dead began to rise from their graves. The worms and maggots squirmed from the decomposing bodies that were crawling out of the ground, latching on to the legs of any Vampire within their reach.

  The swamps quickly filled up with the summoned zombies that emerged from the shallow waters, dripping of moss and seaweed, under Amelia’s complete will and command. The Baron and his soldiers had no idea what was happening, as they fired round after round of bullets that seemed to do nothing to the rotting corpses that were closing in on them.

  “What are these creatures?” Maximilian asked, becoming quite scared. “I have never seen them before… they won’t die! What the hell are they? My lord, there’s just too many of them! How is she controlling them?”

  “She has to have the Book of Blood!” the Baron shouted back at him. “It’s here and I want it! They must be creatures of black magic… something she’s controlling! Kill her, now! And, cut the heads off of those damn things… it’s the only way to kill them!”

  As the zombies move closer, the Vampires dropped their weapons, that were seemingly powerless and they moved on to handto-hand combat, using their razor-sharp nails to slice off the rotting skulls. A few of the Vampires didn’t listen and tried biting into the zombies, but they instantly went up in flames, as dead man’s blood is poison to any Vampire. Their change of tactic was working, but it was too little, too late, as most of the Baron’s army had already been trapped by the horde of flesh-devouring zombies, that were now chewing their way through most of the Baron’s soldiers.

  The Baron and Max kept moving forward, snapping zombies apart and ripping their heads off, as nothing was stopping him from retrieving the Book of Blood… while JD and his crew waited for the right time to strike, watching, as the living corpses continued their feast of destruction, upon the English army of Baron Valvasor’s Vampires.


  Chapter Seventy-Two

  The Baron and Maximilian pushed through the infantry of zombies and legion of Vampires who were hacking and slaughtering each other to hell, fighting their way up to the old house, where Amelia stood firm.

  “It’s over for you, Valvasor,” Amelia boldly stated. “This night was predicted a thousand years ago and your fate is considered sealed,” she said, with hatred growing in her voice. “Little did you know, that the Lycan’s sole purpose in this world… was to stop you, on this very day of December the twenty first, 2012,” she told the Baron, who couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “The planets are aligned and there is a great power that will soon be here to consume you and your soul. You about to receive your true death and destruction.”

  “You’re a petty fucking witch,” the Baron answered, unafraid. “You hardly have the power to stop me,” he growled. “You’ve had nothing, but luck, on your side, with all of your stupid little tricks. You’re nothing!”

  “That may be true, Baron,” Amelia replied. “But, I think we should just cut to the chase. I’m about to let you in on something, that I think will surprise even you,” she said, with a crack of a smile. “Someone’s here for you and they’ve been waiting for you… for a very, very long time.”
r />   “I think you’re bat-shit crazy, woman,” the Baron said, moving for her. “You give me that book, NOW!”

  The Baron barely made two steps, before JD sprang into action, taking him down, as Sebastian came running on all fours to assist him, barreling down on Maximilian. Everyone stood back to let the battle rage on, as the group of supernatural beings wrestled each other to the ground, clawing and biting.

  JD got up to his feet and howled, charging at the Baron, with every bit of his strength… but the Baron was ready for him; he reached out, snatching JD by his neck, using his momentum to throw him into a white oak tree. The Vampire quickly rushed over to where JD was laid out, at the base of the tree and before he could recover, the Baron bit down, sinking his fangs into JD’s neck.

  “Dad!” Sebastian yelled.

  Maximilian took advantage of the distraction, backhanding Sebastian in the face, as hard as he could. The blow sent the young Lycan flying through the air, blasting through the side of the storage unit, with a splintering crash. Max hurried to the doors, but Sebastian was already smashing his way through them, hitting Max full-force, the impact sending him skidding across the dirt pathway on this back.

  Maximilian wore the look of pure evil on his pale face, as he picked himself up off the ground to face Sebastian. “You’re going to have to do better than that, boy!”

  Sebastian responded by charging and leaping through the air to attack, but Max caught him in midflight, tossing him across Amelia’s compound, like a rag doll.

  “I said, better!” Max screamed.

  JD was using all of his might, trying to pry the Baron away from his neck, but the Baron held fast, sucking the blood from JD’s body. Thinking quickly, JD reached around with his claws, digging deep into the Vampire’s back and ripping it up into a bloody mess. The Baron released his hold on JD and he started to back away, hissing and baring his bloody fangs.

  The zombies were bringing down the rest of the Baron’s army of Vampires and some of the soldiers were trying to flee, looking for any way out of the swamps, but Amelia had closed the path, leaving the Vampires trapped, as the zombies limped close behind them.


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